
sadoo a museum

we remind unreaders that sadoo its affiliates subsidiaries parents is an experimental novel and as novelist bilila futaki publishes blood to go with three primary characters nineteen secondary characters and fourhundredsixtysix tertiary characters all futaki and all distanced set primarily in singapore and london so sadoo speaks its voices but near rather
than far from inside rather than outside in sadoo primarily and as our novels experimental it also hasnt begun yet and all this blab & madnesss just one prologue after another trying to figure out what kind of novels going to be written and because we want to beat macedonio in certain sorts of lunacies

a plot in fact many plots exist but theyre hidden so sadoos a mystery find the plots

named characters exist but many are unnamed and named and unnamed morph into each other like the living and dead all are to various extents protagonists and macguffins alike and equally

while sadoo takes place in recognizable external places india amerika japan mexico europe nepal canada turkey cuba for example and tangentially in for instance brazil argentina chile indonesia myanmar china morocco it also moves and perhaps more significantly in unrecognizable places whether external or internal who knows both named and unnamed and some of the named places are aodh sinth city patanus babylon absinthia motel and so on as a hint the mapping between the two is linked to plot but its not much of a hint

sadoo includes as many themes and povs as possible without suiciding

we would rather call sadoo a romance museum travelogue no pilgimagogue memoir disaster instead of a novel but novels convenient

a long time ago we called sadoo t3 t5 and t9 and described it as the worlds first literary sacred text ie the first sacred text written ironically and through the collective pilgrimages of a singular peoples but we dont do this anymore

sadoos realistic unrealistic fantastical absurd commonplace unpopular lurking novel philosophic erotic ancient sentimental gothic funny surrealistic satirical 長篇小說 poetic ruthless trivial heroic graphic academic honest dirty subversive transgressive nautical gay prosaic very sane intimate numerological mythic polygenred sexy mundane despairing constrained patapocalyptic logorrheic psychological historic boring dishonest nuts nymhematological hopeful and all other adjectives in all languages invented deinvented uninvented too

in sadoo are many advocacies which are very serious advocacies for diversity contextuality art solitude spirit energy nature less so for money technology fame society force

unreliable narrator? its all unreliable and this unreliabilitys so consistent you can count on it

grammars vocabularies devices punctuations etc shift of course and their shiftings themselves their timings placements natures are a hint at plot but again not much

antinovel? well its also pro and pata and our museum likes all affixes so there

sadoos a failure that we dont call a failure and the reason for this is a third poor hint in some ways more than anything its a seeking a seeking for what? oh einsof nothing peace god truth darkness knowledge love everything nirvana something sunyata light wholeness seeking the big futile words that are the quarks of soul

weve whoever they are sacrificed a great deal for sadoo and neither sadoo or others care that much and this is funny in its way and so sadoos also a dark comedy about sacrifice loss incomprehension and the humours in the currencies of dust

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