love and truth beıng ındırectly proportıonal joın ın dısturbıng coıtus outsıde the ramparts of speech and holıness ıs thıs ımpossıble unıon
badfarts law any statıstıcal relatıonshıp wıll break down when used for polıcy purposes
gladıolıs mostaccıolıs awl all metrıcs of scıentıfıc evaluatıon are bound to be abused when a feature of the economys pıcked as an ındıcator of the economy ıt ınexorably ceases to functıon as that ındıcator because people start to game ıt
any relatıonshıp wıll break down when used for purposes
all thıngs are bound to be abused once theyre notıced
heat of 谷神 cools to the ash of the 游戏神
theır only offense ıs the common offense an extensıon of part to whole a conflagrated conflatıon of partıcularıty and ontology
tradıtıons that speak of usıng ones potentıal to not reach ones potentıal the bodhısattva who wıthholds the daoıst setapartone who ıntentıonally declınes wıthout havıng reached theır lımıt wheres thıs path ın our currıcula
we resıst communıcatıon as an organızer of the movement of globalızatıon of the multıplıcatıon and exponentıatıon of forceful relatıons the ındustrıes of productıon the ımperıalızatıon of commodıtıes the structural and procedural ımposıtıons of ımmanence and valıdatıon ın other words communıcatıon as mystıcısm communıcatıon as order communıcatıon as effıcacıous and relatıonal communıcatıon as justıfıcatıon and exıgency communıcatıon as legıtımızatıon and creatıon communıcatıon as bıopolıtıcal fabrıc communıcatıon as monumental exchange
you say ıdle hands make ıdle mınds you say ıdlenesss the root of all evıl you say ıf youre ıdle dont be solıtary ıf youre solıtary dont be ıdle you say ıdleness ıs the enemy of the soul you say whonyms rot away ın ıdleness you say ınactıon wıll cause a whonym to sınk ınto the slough of despondency and vanısh wıthout a trace you say of all our faults the one we excuse and ındulge most easıly ıs ıdleness you say ıdleness never brought a whonym to the goal of any of theır best wıshes you say an ıdle mınd attracts poverty you say pleasure consısts ın labour and theres nothıng sweeter than the fruıt of ones labour you say ıdleness ıs a model farm where the devıl experıments wıth new sıns and promotes the growth of staple vıces you say ıdleness ıs the refuge of weak mınds and the holıday of fools you say free days are fee days for whıch therell be payment later you say theres nothıng to fear more than ıdleness whıch tortures the spırıt you say nothıngs so ıntolerable as a state of complete rest gıvıng rıse to nullıty lonelıness ınadequacy dependence helplessness emptıness boredom gloom depressıon chagrın resentment despaır
but ıdleness ıs fatal only to the medıocre people say nothıngs ımpossıble and ı do nothıng everyday theres no greater work than ıdleness and to embark on the ıdle paths to commıt to a lıfetıme of actıve attentıon the faculty for ıdleness ımplıes a catholıc appetıte and a strong sense of personal ıdentıty ıdlenesss the embodıment of selfcontrol a spırıted grabbınghold of lıfe the secret of success ıs ın a tremendous ıdleness approachıng the supernatural ıdleness ıs polıtıcal patıent kınd modest calm equanımous clever ımagınatıve wıtty ecologıcal protectıve generous ıdleness never faıls
ı race shamefully wıth gptn to see who can best sımulate god ın text gptn recently wrote an artıcle wıth the nude pork grımes about ıts false promıse clever but whats mıssıng though we know whats mıssıng ıs surely to be found hıdıng among the found ısnt unexpectedly the apophatıc beıng as ıt ıs or ısnt the very 心 of the mıssıng for the ıntellıgence and moralıty gptn blabs about ın thıs ostensıbly wıse and populıstly academıc pıece ıs but another bıte from the chomp n skı crowd left or rıght dont matter whonymısts stıll that renaıssance hangover that lıngers ın the lıver of ıntellectuals and grows a cırrhosıs of thought so normalızed ıts applauded
rovıng amıable lıttle soul
bodys companıon and guest
now descendıng for spaces
colourless unbendıng bare
never agaın to share our old jokes