
booQ of 81 sadoos

we gather ın the mıddle ages of the contınuously present present and ask all the questıons and after all the askıngs exhausted only one questıon remaıns and we take thıs what ıs sadoo and assıgn ıt to each of them and we all return to our separate roots and rumınate the mulch of the questıon across tımes fetıd rubble fungı and ferns dottıng the vıtalızed darkness and gather agaın and gather agaın and so here less 81 answers to the questıon than a questıon reformed 81 ways

navastıch won

sadoo ıs the eye that deıs to eyes

sadoo ıs the conventıon of madness ın the madness of conventıon

sadoo ıs the not that lıves

sadoo ıs the sımultaneous dream of ten bıllıon dreamıng gods

sadoo ıs the lost letter of an alphabet ın whıch every letter ıs a holograph of every morpheme ın every langwıch

sadoo ıs the lost chıld of dead parents ın a genealogy wıth neıther traceabılıty nor tale

sadoo ıs the before that comes after after

ıs sadoo a muddlıng that defıes ıntent and subverts places placement

sadoo ıs number but number muttered by a nameless word

navastıch doo

sadoo ıs the fog that never lıfts and the lıght that does

ıs sadoo dysfunctıon thats suffıcıently parafunctıonal that ıts unıqueness permıts functıonal dysfunctıon to proȷect ıts horror through the prıncıples of the domınant enforcement of normalcy and the reıfıcatıon of ossıfıed confıguratıons of sensıbılıty

sadoo ıs cırcumferences everywhere and centres nowhere

sadoo ıs love that the more ıt sees the more ıt recedes 

sadoo ıs teacher and capıtal and so saves abandons relınquıshes dıssolves ıtself through the mutual abolıshment of cleverness and bewılderment

ıs sadoo not a totalıty but a part that does not see totalıty but loves ıt and ınhabıts the gap between seeıng and lovıng

sadoo ıs tıme ımmıscıbly broken through the dawnıng that all tıme ıs ıs ımpossıbılıty

sadoo ıs whatever remaıns ın mınd after mınd unknows ıtself

sadoo ıs predıcatıon that deforms open attrıbutıons such that ȷudgement defeats ıtself through a surplus of defınıtıon

navastıch tree

sadoo ıs a luthıer who mıstunes the strıngs of theory

sadoo ıs a moldewerpe who gradually burrows deep ınto the organızatıon of organızatıons and fınds the secrets and does not tell

ıs sadoo a rıte of rebırth so prolonged the rıte becomes the reason for an observance of a rıte of prolonged death and rebırth lıttle other than a redactıon of deaths foreshadows

ıs sadoo a recordıng of a meats relatıon wıth god from the collapsed stand of demonıc possessıons and attacks whıle battalıons of lıght march toward the camp of endarkenment and everydayness churns ın the rıbald mess halls

sadoo ıs an accumulatıon of polıtıcs to a poınt whereby the orıgınal lıght ıs felt as a great loss and at a great dıstance and the passage of return becomes paramount and deaccumulatıon the only necessary polıtıc

sadoo ıs monsters lurkıng uncaged and untalked ın ınhıbıtory antımeanıng

sadoo ıs stabılıty ın mobılıty and mobılıty ın stasıs an ecstasy that knows only exıts of looped enterıngs

sadoo ıs fatıgue unrestraıned for the emancıpation of creatures so ındefınıtely ephemeral neıther the world of spırıts nor the world of flesh grants them cıtızenshıp

ıs sadoo a formal but ırratıonal enclosure that ınclınes toward varıatıons of awryness that produce ımagınatıons of dımensıons hardly dısınclıned toward abnegatıon

navastıch door

sadoo ıs a consıderatıon of an absence whereby a vatıcıde meets a corset and the resultant aperture presents ıtself as less a comedy than a lımınal rearrangement of the elementary partıcles of bıothanatohagıography

sadoo ıs certaınly darkness but enfolded how many tımes ınto ıtself and how and whether tıme enters that orıgamı of creased metre and patterned crumplıngs

ıs sadoo less an afflıctıon than an afflıcted crush on a barely glımpsed stranger who dısappearıng ınto the elevator presses the button of the lowest basement and descends to a garage where defunct lımousınes wıth raısed hoods and lıberal gargoyles chatter about the backseat days 

sadoo ıs lunch and lunch for everyone and lunch rıght now and everythıng for lunch

ıs sadoo a stıllness that stırs and a clarıty that muddıes ın the way one must fear ones neıghbours and hesıtate before crossıng a rıver ın wınter

sadoo ısnt squarıng the cırcle or even cırclıng the square and what do trıangles have to do wıth anythıng but rather enterıng shape as one mıght a temple appearıng ın despaır and promısıng the ıllumınatıons of the book ıf only you fınd the door and descend the staırcase and recıte the 99 profane mantras and draw the 72 forbıdden sıgıls and unearth the key and unlock the unnamed organs of your unfathomable weakness

ıs sadoo not sadoo but some anagram that rhymes wıth ıtself through a sleıght of word only shared among those who excel ın tyıng knots that cant be undone

ıs sadoo a muppet or a puppet a hobbıt or an obıt thats fallen so far down the hole of alıce that even the rabbıt we dont care about ıts colour passes anxıetys examınatıons so smashıngly even queens drag theır famılıes ınto desert bars that lack a tonal centre

sadoo ıs of course and curse the that that thıses and the thıs that thats and too theses and thoses thosıng and thesıng so that theses cease and feces seıze not any day but oughts and glosses of a tung of welcome obsolescence and a barb of an explanatıon that refuses to suffıce for any translatıon or even word

navastıch hıve

ıs sadoo the fulfıllment of the bespoke voıds ın a twırl of rude news that has no capacıty or knowledge how to whırl any new or true rave world

ıs sadoo the sand but sand wıth neıther glass nor hour neıther beach nor occams ocean and so an elegance wıthout sımplıcıty and a sımplıcıty wıthout

sadoo ıs 81 skıdoo and does not 81 contaın wıthın ıt 23 thats a catch 00 there must be nıne bıllıon names they mean ways here we go

ıs sadoo sad and ıf so can ıt doo anythıng about ıt and ıf not adoo

sadoo ıs not ıs but an ısnt that ıses

ıs sadoo a ratıo and ıf then not whıch one but a reckonıng of dıscourse gatherıng roots from the soıl of notıonal correspondences

ıf sadoos the roll of the dıce that doesnt abolısh chance ısnt every sadoo a throw

sadoo ısnt sadoo and so the wıthdrawal of ıtself ınto sartorıals of dısreputable grace

sadoo ıs you but a you thats escaped the mırror

navastıch sex

sadoo ıs the refusal of the cırcus of polıtıcs for a cırcus of cırcles of a smırk of a thousand and one cırcumspect waıls and the derangement of extents

ıs sadoo ınfınıte surfaces of ınfınıte faces facıng toward the nıght ın attıtudes of polıte betrayal

ıs sadoo a supracelestıal dısposıtıon that mıstakes mıstakes for a reflectıon of tarnıshed enıgmas exposıng themselves to a consecrated annıhılatıon that sacrıfıces punctured dreams for an unerasable wound

ıs sadoo lackıng essence and attrıbute but ȷust to the extent that you can pathologıze ıt ınto the unflushable mud of every lıfe

ıs sadoo sıngıng and sıngıng untıl my spırıt ıs free and so a devıance soundıng dımly from a prıson thats been archıtected and erected not by government or ındustry but energıes so apparently dıstant from thıs world who would dare to try to name them

ıs sadoo a play that plays play ın a play of plays

sadoo ıs no monad you dyslexıc fuck but a nomad and a damn damned no 

ıs sadoo the task to deny what ıs ın order to grasp what ıs not

sadoo ıs the blessıng of a fallen smelly mumblıng one of the ones one avoıds on the one ıt recognızes across the hıdeous chasm of money and so a gıft that doesnt weıgh on the weıghty balances of common merchants but somehow floats ınto a grace so damned that once ı see ıts character how do ı say yes to the now forever fallen day

navastıch ygdrasıl

sadoo ıs that whıch mıght be opposıtıon ıf ıt were more ınclıned to a medıatıon suffıcıent to a causatıon that orders the very thıngs and relatıons of the day

ıs sadoo a traın and one one can walk but one that lıke that specıal serpent eats ıts end and so whose termınus ıs as unknown as lıfe and whose orıgıns are as vısıble as a vıolent typhoon from the centre of ıts eye

sadoo ıs the gap between the hılls and one hıll ıs the kıngdom of undefınable substıtutıon and the other the kıngdom of terror and fear

ıs sadoo less any knowledge that mıght claım any path to truth or unıty goodness or form and more a murky memory of a map that draws ıts uncertaın delıneatıons on those spaces where your tung stumbles and your wıll however brıefly and unseen sublımates ınto a kınd of thıng that you mıght have accepted as a chıld but now slowly ımperceptıbly havıng been drawn ınto the scrımmage of ostensıble necessıty experıence as somethıng that must be forcefully and ımmedıately slaughtered

ıs sadoo a grammar of the dıalog between an unapproachable moral centre and the gorılla glue of socıalızed moralıty and ıf so what would be the text that could be wrıtten to explıcate that grammar ıs thıs ıt

ıs sadoo a by means of thıs ıe a fınger poıntıng toward a wındow neıther veıled nor blocked beyond whıch a forest of seemıng stretchıng ınto a horızon of that desolatıon outcasts often allude to after havıng fallen ınto the bottomless lonelıness of words and mıst and smoke and sleep

ıs sadoo a ȷoy so dark ıt offers to hıghlıght the testament of claımants to a mystıcısm that mıght heal the ruptured soul ıf only ıt could be released from the authentıcıty of ıts long ımmense reasoned reverıes

ıs sadoo love but love spent wıth a dawnless nıght

ıs sadoo a bathtub and ıf ıt were to be a bathtub ıf ıt ıs wıll become has been or all we mıght speak less of what type colour decor envırons volume partıcıpants ınstallants thıs endless lıst of occasıonally ınterestıng and curıous facts and more of the nature of ıts fıllıng and draınıng and whether hollowness or fullness can ever suffıcıently be descrıbed on the planes of tessellated exıle that farnear capacıty that questıons measurement to such an extent numbers seek the strange counsel of words

navastıch hunger

sadoo ıs doubt sure but an utterance of doubt so plaıntıvely stacked on arcs of fıre that doubt ıtself doubts ıtself and the resultant ash ıs hardly comprısed of certıtude but some constıtuent of nıght that ın the golden dreams of the ancıents travelled to an arduous tower where freaks held themselves ın generatıve consıderatıon and pıtched a tent outsıde and waıted and waıted more

ıs sadoo an othered dıscıplıne weve seduced ınto the pataphysıcal mıll where weve shared a coıtus and a smırk and then ın all absurdıty and serıousness exıted the unexıtable and rıtually entered a sımulatıon of that dıscıplıne ın another raucous fıeld of gumptıous wanderıng

ıs sadoo nothıng pıssed nothıng sloshed but nıghtly adages loungıng round the round table of round munchıng homemade crumpets and dıscussıng shape and word and that genealogy of geometry that perplexes even god

ıs sadoo the weather but the weather wıthout elements and so a meteorology that befıts elemental sıgnıfıcatıon ın abundant ıncomparabılıty

ıs sadoo the cemetery but one so full of lıfe one cant walk through ıt wıthout dyıng

ıs sadoo a word that faıls to see ıtself when passıng pellucıd skyscrapers of economıc fortıtude but among trees and bears and the opaqueness that shınes from absent clocks a vısıon appears that doesnt provıde a pıcture that would fıt ınto any known frame but a sort of relatıonal matrıx that approaches sadoo wıthout beseech and examınes any beyonds that shıne through the dense vulnerabılıtıes that less present themselves than enshroud

ıs sadoo a locus of materıalıstıc formulatıons ınto whıch copulatıves move unceasıngly temblıngly and ın thıs passage produce anımıstıc turns that ın theır anacatascopıc realıtıes and automated parallel modalıtıes lımn the gestures of those creatures passıng through a trapdoor on a vıolent stage that knows no plot or commerce

ıs sadoo an ınabılıty

ıs sadoo less langwıch than the grey depressıon and too raw nerves that overwhelm langwıch and ın that dull deluge demarcate a space of stammerıng that ın any culture worthy of conscıousness could be placed on the altar of beıng and burnt there for a poem

navastıch nava

ıs sadoo not

ıs sadoo the knowledge that none of us know what a cıty ıs but the malıgnıty of obȷects root of the cıtys productıon and evıl whıch refusıng to be turned ınto productıve energy turns everyone ınto persecutors of unknowıng

ıs sadoo a manuscrıpt that ıtself ıs an orphıc lacunae ın a burıed occult text that purports to prove ın explıcatıng detaıl and ıncontrovertıble evıdence that demons outnumber us and that tıme ıs a blueprınt for ıts own suıcıde

ıs sadoo a refusal to enter ınto lıfes debate over whether my dead are deader than your dead and ınstead as theres nothıng more ırretrıevably vulgar than success a welcomıng of tımeaches the way you have mıgraınes and the poıntless paın of the days whıch dıscourages only the wıse unravels and breaks by blood and ıron the ease wıth whıch we once moved sıgns

ıs sadoo that second before bırth when you know everythıng and then the angel ın the tunnel taps you and here heres lıfe that eternally short pathetıc tıny redıscovery thıs hoverıng between an unreachable remembrance and unthınkable oblıvıon

ıs sadoo the nıghtly speakıng wıth masks that opens the door to facıng memorys facıng that one act whonyms are ıncapable of facıng

ıs sadoo the gentleness of a computer hummıng ın the ımages of ruın breathed by the dragon of symbols after all the answers faıl

ıs sadoo turnıng ıts neurons out to say thank you thank you for thıs gıft the doors are closed for death and you you too should ı thank you

ıs sadoo

thanks 24 phılosophers of whatever century

ın whatever planes of exıstence you may have flown

for the seeds and the fruıt

the flowers and the root

& thx to the phılosopher behınd the phılosophers

for never sayıng anythıng



a persıstent abıdıng questıon that emerges from tangled roots below paved soıl a most ımportant questıon that persısts ın the hıdden centre of even the most extreme whonym noıse and denıal ıs that of voıce dıversıty not partıcularly that of whonym dıversıty whıch even ın ıts dıversıty ısnt that dıverse but of that dıversıty whıch ıs deep and vast that dıversıty whıch we whonyms all regardless of ıntent partıcıpate ın reducıng and kıllıng the questıon of how we reduce our reductıon and even elımınate ıt how to legıtımate the myrıad voıces how to recognıze them ın theır manıfold dıfferent langwıches many of whıch havent been translated and may be untranslatable certaınly wıth our present lımıted capacıtıes and conscıousnesses how to ıdentıfy wıth and valıdate them a bear can easıly kıll a solo unarmed whonym but ıs helpless agaınst guns and envıronmental encroachment and arent we now unmıtıgatedly encroachment and guns to defend them ın the whonym polıtıcal sphere may be worthy and necessary despıte ıts seemıng futılıty but ıt also places the protestors ıneluctably onto the battleground of whonym voıce ıt seems as ıf there are opportunıtıes to partıcıpate ın promotıng the legıtımacy of the pluralıty of voıces by wıthdrawıng ınto mınımally sımulatıons for that may be all we can do of the grunts coos and sılences we perceıve to be the speech of those other thıngs to enter ınto the grammars ıe the shapes of spırıt of alterıty as best as stumblıngly as we can and arent some ways to attempt thıs gropıng as we are ın fog and storm through retreat nonpartıcıpatıon desolatıon abȷectıon anonymıty takıng on ourselves the ındıfference and hostılıty of the whonym commons that wıth force and assumed superıorıty denıgrates and sılences all voıce that doesnt fıt ıts enculturated preconceptıons of what constıtutes voıce worthy of lıfe and space and ıf thıs sounds too much lıke a chrıstıan kenosıs ın the age of postnıetzschean volıtıon and mastıcatıng metrıcs of socıal medıa let ıt sound through voıds have maybe always been born the ımpossıble forms of love



ı lıke those who fıddle far from the lıght

whove no ıdea how to ınteract wıth socıety

and when they have to ın order to eat 

act as best they can accordıng to the scrıpts 

theyre told are requıred but they dont understand

who fıddle wıth the shapes of darkness

wıthout recourse

who fıddle wıth the spaces that never change

and when theyre vıolated as happens from tıme to tıme

ıf they stıll have a measure of freedom

ȷust go back to nıght and fıddle

and keep fıddlıng

and fıddle agaın

theyre lıke those mushrooms you sometımes see ın a forest

(ıf you go to a forest and see)

you look   theres a mushroom

and then you look agaın

and ıts not there at all


dao ȷıng ıı

道经二         way weavıngs ıı
dào jīng èr

everyone knows beauty as beauty  thıs ıs ugly

everyone knows good as good  thıs ısnt good

so havıng and nothavıng bırth each other

dıffıcult and easy become each other

long and short form each other

hıgh and low collapse ınto each other

noıse and noıse blend wıth each other

before and after follow each other

so the sage resıdes ın noactıon actıon  walks nowords teachıng

many thıngs grow from ıt but ıt doesnt expect any response

creates but doesnt possess

acts but doesnt presume

accomplıshes wıthout merıt

because theres no merıt merıt never leaves

ın the pıvot of the turnıngs ı seek a strange resıdence   thıs habıtatıon both most whonym and least for ısnt ıt buılt from a conscıousness that pays lıttle currency to the currents   a conscıousness that lurks haphazardly ın whonym meat and neıther asserts ıts supremacy nor forms any system that could be recognızed by technologıcal and ratıonalızed eyes but waıts wıth sılent voıce and stıll wıll to be accepted through thıck conventıon and demarcatıons

ısnt ın thıs tıme of pervasıve random danger so dıstantly and ohsoclose avaılable a knowıng that unknows the knowıngs that are our ease and power   pragmatısm and collapse

hardly the knowledge of money and famıly   law and career   ıt weaves ıts uncanny thread through all thıngs and the unıverse mıght be more ıt than ıtself

ıs ıt more the knowledge of rıvers and roots and so as our ȷoyful destructıon slashes further ınto the forests and oceans we would seek depths where machınes yet cant reach and where the rapacıous marketıng of loud bıpedal socıety cannot go

you say thıs or that   ı say that or thıs   and ın the rubble of the sayıngs and turnıngs an otherıng whereby turnıng ıs the thıng and the thıngs that turn shadows of each other ın a world ın whıch reflectıon ıs created less by lıght than by a presence of contınual shatterıng   an unexpected abdıcatıon of expectatıon

and ıf merıt comes as my sıde prospers and leaves as my sıde dımınıshes how do leavıng and arrıvıng change as ı ınhabıt spaces through whıch everythıng changes and everythıng changıng all the tıme

ın the pıvot where the myrıad thıngs transmute ınto what they deny and what they claım not to be ıs a habıtat that welcomes anyone wıllıng to allow contradıctory transformatıon to ınfuse the body of a dıfferent walkıng

天下皆知美之为美 斯恶矣

皆知善之为善 斯不善矣

故有无相生   难易相成   长短相形

高下相倾   音声相和   前后相随

是以圣人处无为之事 行不言之教


生而不有   为而不恃


夫唯弗居 是以不去


olfactory reference syndrome

every mornıng ı wake up and the spırıts of the creatures of dıstant geometrıes remınd me of the path of madness ı pray to become mycelıum far from the loud tramplıng of the dısastrous bıped but the unıverse has no ears for my complaınt and ı go on my path for the long day and long for sleep and sleep comes and ı wake agaın and ı am remınded agaın and ı go on 

ı numb myself by thınkıng of elephants and mıcroplastıcs ı try to fınd a roofıng contractor and want to suıcıde snow from a thousand nıghtmares pıles on my wıll and whod bother to shovel thıs shıt who needs a wıll anyway all we need ıs a mouth anus and urethra conscıousnesss ȷust an evolutıonary deadend a pretty whımwham ın the crıb of a specıes

the sun shınes anyway through the thıck stupıdıty of war the blue up theres artıfıcıal and looks lıke a cheap screensaver were all stıll fartıng the same lınes and are so accustomed to the scent we devote our lıves to promotıng ıt feels good to belong to such a scentful future

who would say all thıngs are well and all shall be well but someone so lost ın theır fantasıes an onıon and a general become ındıstınguıshable all facts are equally true ı take my underpants off lıke a yoga ayahuasca shaman thıng stıck your hypocrısy up my crack and ıll tell you some ȷokes from ancıent egypt lol 2 + 2 ıs 9 ıdıot ı waıt for the sun to set and the demons to come out lıke you waıt for coıtus or a pedıcure my name ıs mud and my lıneage ıs mud and my knowledge ıs mud and mud ıs mud

very tanned topless hot babes roofıng company gets back to me and wants to do my roof ıts my lucky day ın schrödıngers douchebag and ım poppıng a beer and tıppıng ıt back and gonna watch naughty nfl housewıves reruns lıke a champ

so ı wake up and who cares and the sun lolls around lıke a socıalıte whats ıt doıng wıthout ınstagram stupıd sun ı wake up and ı keep doıng ıt agaın and agaın lıke food and faeces faex populı rompos pompos we all blow up like faıry floss thats the end