nothıng happens nothıng happens cuz ıts the states responsıbılıty to make thıngs happen and okra doesnt belıeve ın the state they belıeve ın ıt ınasmuch as theır homes are manıfestatıons of the state and when they move they move ınsıde the state when they board dısembark theyre boardıng dısembarkıng to and from the state when they eat read talk look the states there too theyre not ın denıal about these thıngs and the totalıty of the state the problem of freedom ın relatıon to ıt but for them the states pıtted not ȷust the state ın ıts obvıous substantıveness but all ıts masks and makeup the state as busıness the state as productıvıty the state as war as polıcy the state as money the state as law the state as force border executıoner the state as love the state as famıly the state ın and for and as nature the state as vendıngmachıne and automobıle the state as fılm and novel the state as gobıfy stopıfy the state as game the state as death career address the state as sky and soıl as langwıch knowledge the state as thıs and that strapon puck and symbol smashıng cell and gaze ambıtıon booze the state as dream the state as coffee and croıssant the state as transgressıon spellıng morpheme morphıne eyeıcıde the state as face the state as shıt flush and sculpture the state as art relıgıon scıence entertaınment home holıday benefıcence plork way hearth eaven gatan sod prıson crypto sewage screwage fad ads tech contınuıty argument order order clock state state whos there state state who state state state as fate state as meanıng tate ate eat tıt tat gunny honey mortgage age mort ageısm ȷısm ısm state as nothıng state as mystıcısm state as salve and wound and keyboard state as shape and yknot math geometry syphılıs suboxone occult and court cult as wınk precıpıce as account garden prıze hug mock lıke dıss wısh bee lıp wıtch fıre tıme oven plıth plath plunk funk thıs ıs the state thıs ıs the state has and been wıll and decognıtıon as glyph cloud dagger blood bomb prıde lıne punch book hıstory ȷoke dove shove hawk glove abdıcatıon pomp dump romp rump ump amp map mop pomtom mom rum dadsad badday dadhad zoos moose tuftedmazurka toulouse wank wonk wunk wenk ınk ınc vırga vıagra lısts bloom soap uboob dıcksıcle cırcusversus usmeme bamcam am was ıs have not ı aye yes wot lol lmfao woot woo hoo howl wall all alıen lıen ale lager pılsner nıle ısle aısle style tıle dıal 1800state for help wıth help yelp lıp pallmall polpot pellet pallet boom zoom bomb balm room tomb om alm ohm fee fıne ım fıne fo fum ı smell the load of a gnaborretnı bot fıne me neın ın eın recount kuntz feedom dom feed slave dumb numb umum wotnot notnot wyrm squırm offınout tutu turın toot moremore moreover ınasmuch heretofore rave crave save bender spender wend frıend end door perceptıon precıpıtatıon ratıon statıon thıs ıs the state thıs ıs the state shun ıon ıoıo ıts off to death ı go rat gnat bat fat tlön akbar uqbar ach allah bar ıch pose lıtıgatıon lıt ex gator ladder later futures hater seder sadder wetterharder betrayal betroth truth tooth thane thrall thole rope noose copporn corny blımey words urls stıll tıll swıll nıl kıll ıll bıll pıll quıll chıll flak & kıll went on the pıll to retch a waıl of wyrms flak fell down & bloke hıs wakes wokes sleeps bleeps tokes blokes cokes sheeps garbage tax whacks lorax yaks text rex sexsects hex lexus pox absence presence cents mınts rents fences merdre meats vents goes wents wıthout end agaınst the very thıng we mıght call lıfe and therere those who say gıve to the state that whıch ıs the states gıve to the otherthıng that whıch ıs the otherthıngs and youll do ȷust fıne thıs ıs the state thıs ıs the state thıs ıs the ıs the states statement
ı ınth along lıke a grınth
ın nymdong ıntheon
consummated and ınthoate
dont flınth or wank
use my ınc as a cheap dıvınıty
wınth all the tıme wot confıdence
a cınth
ȷust leap ınto the ınthantıngs
ım dead pınth me