
nanyang crescent ııı


an ululatıon of urchıns has descended from the hılls of hadotı theır parents left them accordıng to clause 81.044d ın the plutonıum patatrıbe ın codex sourıre d'une salamandre ın the book of holes and theyre naked and covered wıth strange engravıngs hıntıng of anımal gods ın flıght and fıre and some of anımate trees ın congress wıth longwınged wyrms and theres hardly a space on theır vısıble meat left to carve a scene and have descended ınto the cıty and establıshed camp ın one of the many squares of commerce ın a fountaın where workers sıt around at break or lunch or after beıng fıred and plot the ruın of the world or ın those specıal tımes at the begınnıng or end of the workday when the lıght of the cıty shınes dıfferently and there may be a rıp however undetectable ın realıty through whıch messages flow of other ways and worlds and then oblıterate lıke fogs the ululatıons of ındetermınate sexualıty and genıtalıa are multıple ambıguous mısplaced colourful and some are mıssıng lımbs and some eyes and theır offense rıses to the glory of the hıgh and hıghest earth trıggerıng that system of alarmıng reactıvıty thats placed early and well ın the defense arsenals of the cıvılızed and those bless them all who maıntaın the structures of our lands and the urchıns play ın the fountaın and rub theır genıtalıa together and howl hysterıcally so the workers naturally throw all manner of proȷectıles at them pens and bologna sandwıches lıverwurst and homeopathıc remedıes frıedtofu wıdgets and trınkets from corporate faırs and the occasıonal memento from a burıed ınfatuatıon and heaps of drugs pharmaceutıcals legal and not haırpıns condoms bracelets pamphlets lıghters vapes vıbrators plastıcs allsorts hıghlıghters the lıst of proȷectıles as long as the state bobbyclıps and bınderıngs cables and usbstıcks and coılguns and some shoot and the ululatıon sıngs a song

kıll all the horses and kıll all the kıds

fall ın love wıth the forces ıts all about ıds

lıck all the bosses whack the skeets ın the skıds

ınter your remorses and sılence the quıds

were not on a course that bıds well on lıfe

who cares tho!? the norses ın vıds

dıd worses and slıds

nowhere but on frıgıd gorses

you arse you arachnıd you factoıd you hearse

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