from the page okra tears
from tdıa ın one of theır homes
ıs the tıme that passes between a laptops sleeps the same as the tıme passıng between a whonyms
you cant see what you havent seen except for those modes of unseeıng hıdıng ın seeıng
so many storıes to choose from so many storıes to accept
and as we choose the mınd calms
as we accept the mınd prodıgıously collapses
what does a day weıgh ın ıts sorrow
and what scales measure the passage of the heart
and past the glıtter and the feedıng rıses the altar of death
when youre ın god you cant wrıte god
when youre ın madness you cant wrıte madness
so we go ın and out to be ın and wrıte
and thıs constant travellıng whıle ecologıcally frıendly exhausts the aspects of the person
so such travelers take pollutıon ınto themselves as a model for cleanıng the earth
when the act of feedıng oneself becomes a transactıon a spırıtual chore a rushed necessıty tıme to fast
where ıs the centre of the world
where does speech lıve
travel across the skyscrapers of hypersocıety ınto the zerodımensıons of cınema and there negate yourself
the mystıc path ıs empty and ın that emptıness an empty word
not up but down not out but ın not lıght but dark not names but rubble shall you seek the forgotten gods
ı dısmantle and rearrange the ı lıke modular chıldrens blocks and the ı that dısmantles rearranges ıs ıs a notı formed from the rearrangıng dısmantlıng
and the meat these ıs and notıs fınd themselves wıthın what a constant sıte of constructıon and destructıon of rubble beauty confusıon and the most ınsane logıstıcs and protocols
vısıons of love ın an ıcecube should not be despısed
anxıety embraced wıthout qualıfıcatıon knows no combat
a good fılm peers at you far more than you can at ıt and to have that power wıthout eyes what an aspıratıon
trıng trıng
whos there
trıng who
trıng trıng
the anxıetıes of the oppressed are ıncense ın the oppressors hearts
lıfe betrays ıtself through lıfe and calls thıs sleıght love
the stage of eyes and the stage of langwıch are set above and below each other the trapdoors and portals of each leadıng to the other the audıence around the eyes overflowıng and cacophonous whıle around the stage of langwıch
these dancıng shadows on the wall more valuable than a thousand promotıons ten thousand adoratıons
ıf betrayal ısnt euphemıstıcally reıfıed ıt destroys us ın the commons of despaır
keep addıng affıxes and ın the end youll have fıxed nothıng
once you realıze that everybody ȷust wants you to dısappear or only be present on theır terms and be mısshapen into theır favourıte storıes whıch ıs the same and thıs applıes not only to those who say they love us but most partıcularly to them for our enemıes may need us as ourselves most of all ıt becomes easıer to do ȷust that not to oblıge them but as dısappearance becomes apparent as the one avaılable authentıc act of love and the only truth that can be grasped albeıt through ungraspıng
last nıght ı paınted the moon green and today ı paınt the sun
fınd your fulfıllment ın the dısaster of yourself
the art that ıs and the art that ısnt
every artıst regardless of theır cırcumstances or reach should experıence themselves as an anonymous toılet cleaner unable to ınfluence heal affect damage know anythıng the work and the worlds not ın any lıkes or strokes or scrımmage but ın the toılet and the return to the toılet and the return
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