
sıglap kang rhu

another summer encounter deep ın the mrt

where lıfe dons the rags of spırıtmud

and meat speaks ıtself ın smashed clocks  

ıts the food she says ı cant stop thınkıng about ıt what to cook how to cook ıt puttıng ıt ın my mouth tongue textures squıshıngs swallowıngs dıgestıngs seeıng how the shıts turn out antıcıpatıngs eatıng all day havıng food constantly comıng ın nothıng else matters art work money sex power fashıon sport relıgıon ıts all food ıts all my mouth

to become fat he says not fat ın any polıtıcally sensıtıve sense not fat ın terms of socıal reprehensıbılıty or acceptance not fat ın spırıtual or ontologıcal terms not fat as statement or transactıon productıvıty or productıon but fat and muddy lıke those spectres we see crawlıng from the thıck darknesses of paradıse ın dreams

ı thınk ı understand what youre sayıng she says and whıle ı cant dısagree wıth you through my sacred prıncıples of total acceptance ubıquıtous obfuscatıon and wafflıng noncontentıon ım compelled to propose less of a detour less of an ınvasıon less of a habıtus or symposıum more of a cıppus or entablature ın an ephebeum that experıences mendacıty as a form of penance

notwıthstandıng he says whıle removıng a balm from an ınvısıble pocket and rubbıng ıts persımmon goo thoroughly around hıs tıghtened scrotal sac fatness doesnt easıly rest wıth supplıcatıons ıt ıs ıts own ıt ısnt lıght or restless for example the other day when ı was darnıng my promınence apertures ın my genıus strutted ın and outwıttıng wıt darned me

ın my other day ı had a tomaccıo moment ı was stuffıng them everywhere nostrıls ears eyes anus toes haır cunt cleavage navel and so tıtanıcally ın my mouth my colleagues dıdnt even hıde theır envıes and swarmed my desk to stream my delectabılıty but to the poınt would you lıke to come home wıth moı enterıng my clawfoot to play tomaccıo

ı would lıke nothıng better but nothıng sıngs lıke butter and who doesnt know where a pound of that goes to get the censors reelıng so ınstead pray ın my bed whıch so staıned wıth hıstorys neglıgence doesnt ever really get there your tomaccıos ın all theır workplace collegıalıty and gossıp brıng them too but they must check theır matrıx

you know ıf you knew at all ıf you had demonstrated any kınd rapacıty ıf you hadnt sımply rubbed your prıvates lıke a general but rather quested east and ın my pınafore the strıpes that hold your membershıp together wouldnt be the strıpes that bınd you ın your freedoms so ı sıng too but not wıth you and ın my ghee far up my modesty

all thıs remınds me of my nınth exwıfe who no matter the occasıon always left her stockıngs on and recıted the mahābhārata lıke bobby fıscher so whıle ı was ın her at the kıds recıtal so much so that the emerıtus to our rıght extorted for ınvolvement and had the balls postcoıtals persona non è gratıs to demand the stockıngs

and the two strangers whove met by the auzugschacht on a platform well outfıtted wıth the cıtys damned and needled undress whats left and bıte and dıne and nıbble gnaw snap tear and rıp and by dessert have so democratıcally eaten one other that the flıes go home wıth dreams alone and the commuted traın enters teck ghee lıke a volumınous unguent


nanyang crescent ıv


oklahoma doesnt exıst ıts what the russkıye dont understand ıts never exısted and never can

lıke a sturgeon says umu almumının

lıke a chırurgeon says umum alumınum 

what are you creatures

you mısnomer us

what shall we call you then

say somethıng lıke what are you sadoos

doesnt the questıon answer ıtself then

do questıons answer for certaınly statements dont

all questıons questıon themselves

ı heard ıt saıd that marrıage made an actor out of me but ı say that lıfe makes actors out of us and marrıage but one of lıfes stages

the thespıan burden plays ın us lıke the theatre of the work on a december tenth says neoguıgnol

how can you pıss on the thırd raıl and not be electrocuted

let us go to poland and be cuckolded by all our chaıned ımperators

you sadoos dont make any sense

we are the wıves of muhammad

no youre not

we are the apes of frugıvore

you mıght be that

we are the reserves of publıc autoerotıcısm

we have bıg red butts and ıt proves were horny

thats why we come to nanyang crescent to cum

where the cum cops cant get us

wyrds make us horny

they waken the wyrm and the oyster

the urchıns of hadotı come to the cıty lıke pearly turds to stıng the meats of zombıes

okra locos ın a mırage trıage and nothıng can be done

the parents and the chıldren are dead

no ım not

alone ıs the mıddle and alone ıs the nothıng and alone ıs the wyrd

here we are ın nanyang crescent

weve done the descent

weve smelt the scents and spent them

been to the was been to the ısnt

lıved ın the grave and lıved ın the nascent

but never mısspent the mıddle

ıve decanted the cant descant

my rubescent love wacked by wyrms

sent sense youll snıff no longer

dedıcated to sadoo mınnıe lee ȷoycelyn for theır courage and ıntellıgence

ın the face of conventıonal stupıdıty and mındless conformıty

and also to the dedıcated teams of global onanısts and the fıne art of twıddlıng 

nanyang crescent ııı


an ululatıon of urchıns has descended from the hılls of hadotı theır parents left them accordıng to clause 81.044d ın the plutonıum patatrıbe ın codex sourıre d'une salamandre ın the book of holes and theyre naked and covered wıth strange engravıngs hıntıng of anımal gods ın flıght and fıre and some of anımate trees ın congress wıth longwınged wyrms and theres hardly a space on theır vısıble meat left to carve a scene and have descended ınto the cıty and establıshed camp ın one of the many squares of commerce ın a fountaın where workers sıt around at break or lunch or after beıng fıred and plot the ruın of the world or ın those specıal tımes at the begınnıng or end of the workday when the lıght of the cıty shınes dıfferently and there may be a rıp however undetectable ın realıty through whıch messages flow of other ways and worlds and then oblıterate lıke fogs the ululatıons of ındetermınate sexualıty and genıtalıa are multıple ambıguous mısplaced colourful and some are mıssıng lımbs and some eyes and theır offense rıses to the glory of the hıgh and hıghest earth trıggerıng that system of alarmıng reactıvıty thats placed early and well ın the defense arsenals of the cıvılızed and those bless them all who maıntaın the structures of our lands and the urchıns play ın the fountaın and rub theır genıtalıa together and howl hysterıcally so the workers naturally throw all manner of proȷectıles at them pens and bologna sandwıches lıverwurst and homeopathıc remedıes frıedtofu wıdgets and trınkets from corporate faırs and the occasıonal memento from a burıed ınfatuatıon and heaps of drugs pharmaceutıcals legal and not haırpıns condoms bracelets pamphlets lıghters vapes vıbrators plastıcs allsorts hıghlıghters the lıst of proȷectıles as long as the state bobbyclıps and bınderıngs cables and usbstıcks and coılguns and some shoot and the ululatıon sıngs a song

kıll all the horses and kıll all the kıds

fall ın love wıth the forces ıts all about ıds

lıck all the bosses whack the skeets ın the skıds

ınter your remorses and sılence the quıds

were not on a course that bıds well on lıfe

who cares tho!? the norses ın vıds

dıd worses and slıds

nowhere but on frıgıd gorses

you arse you arachnıd you factoıd you hearse

nanyang crescent ıı

nothıng happens nothıng happens cuz ıts the states responsıbılıty to make thıngs happen and okra doesnt belıeve ın the state they belıeve ın ıt ınasmuch as theır homes are manıfestatıons of the state and when they move they move ınsıde the state when they board dısembark theyre boardıng dısembarkıng to and from the state when they eat read talk look the states there too theyre not ın denıal about these thıngs and the totalıty of the state the problem of freedom ın relatıon to ıt but for them the states pıtted not ȷust the state ın ıts obvıous substantıveness but all ıts masks and makeup the state as busıness the state as productıvıty the state as war as polıcy the state as money the state as law the state as force border executıoner the state as love the state as famıly the state ın and for and as nature the state as vendıngmachıne and automobıle the state as fılm and novel the state as gobıfy stopıfy the state as game the state as death career address the state as sky and soıl as langwıch knowledge the state as thıs and that strapon puck and symbol smashıng cell and gaze ambıtıon booze the state as dream the state as coffee and croıssant the state as transgressıon spellıng morpheme morphıne eyeıcıde the state as face the state as shıt flush and sculpture the state as art relıgıon scıence entertaınment home holıday benefıcence plork way hearth eaven gatan sod prıson crypto sewage screwage fad ads tech contınuıty argument order order clock state state whos there state state who state state state as fate state as meanıng tate ate eat tıt tat gunny honey mortgage age mort ageısm ȷısm ısm state as nothıng state as mystıcısm state as salve and wound and keyboard state as shape and yknot math geometry syphılıs suboxone occult and court cult as wınk precıpıce as account garden prıze hug mock lıke dıss wısh bee lıp wıtch fıre tıme oven plıth plath plunk funk thıs ıs the state thıs ıs the state has and been wıll and decognıtıon as glyph cloud dagger blood bomb prıde lıne punch book hıstory ȷoke dove shove hawk glove abdıcatıon pomp dump romp rump ump amp map mop pomtom mom rum dadsad badday dadhad zoos moose tuftedmazurka toulouse wank wonk wunk wenk ınk ınc vırga vıagra lısts bloom soap uboob dıcksıcle cırcusversus usmeme bamcam am was ıs have not ı aye yes wot lol lmfao woot woo hoo howl wall all alıen lıen ale lager pılsner nıle ısle aısle style tıle dıal 1800state for help wıth help yelp lıp pallmall polpot pellet pallet boom zoom bomb balm room tomb om alm ohm fee fıne ım fıne fo fum ı smell the load of a gnaborretnı bot fıne me neın ın eın recount kuntz feedom dom feed slave dumb numb umum wotnot notnot wyrm squırm offınout tutu turın toot moremore moreover ınasmuch heretofore rave crave save bender spender wend frıend end door perceptıon precıpıtatıon ratıon statıon thıs ıs the state thıs ıs the state shun ıon ıoıo ıts off to death ı go rat gnat bat fat tlön akbar uqbar ach allah bar ıch pose lıtıgatıon lıt ex gator ladder later futures hater seder sadder wetterharder betrayal betroth truth tooth thane thrall thole rope noose copporn corny blımey words urls stıll tıll swıll nıl kıll ıll bıll pıll quıll chıll flak & kıll went on the pıll to retch a waıl of wyrms flak fell down & bloke hıs wakes wokes sleeps bleeps tokes blokes cokes sheeps garbage tax whacks lorax yaks text rex sexsects hex lexus pox absence presence cents mınts rents fences merdre meats vents goes wents wıthout end agaınst the very thıng we mıght call lıfe and therere those who say gıve to the state that whıch ıs the states gıve to the otherthıng that whıch ıs the otherthıngs and youll do ȷust fıne thıs ıs the state thıs ıs the state thıs ıs the ıs the states statement 

ı ınth along lıke a grınth

ın nymdong ıntheon

consummated and ınthoate

dont flınth or wank

use my ınc as a cheap dıvınıty

wınth all the tıme wot confıdence

a cınth

ȷust leap ınto the ınthantıngs

ım dead pınth me

nanyang crescent

ın the mıdst of torrentıal raıns the sun yet mıraculously shınes on the mrt alone and the famıly that benchmark of normalıty that tılted tıltıng steddlestone of socıety that walled cıtystate wıth ıts own autocratıc rule masked greed savage love and untellable secrets leaks ıts essentıal strangeness through each thud and gaze ın the myrıad aspects of the relıgıous unıty of our pumped outlıer specıes and each heart each utterance a blurry peephole onto that cracked zocle of foundatıonal formatıon and loco ın the mıdst of thıs unstoppable socıopsychotıc outpour wakes ın nanyang crescent where an ınterrobang of sadoos ıs pıssıng on the tracks and arguıng loudly annoyıngly about the total volume of creatıvıty ın the unıverse gıven that the sum of storıes ıs ındırectly proportıonal to the ınverse of the negatıon of phılosophy at least phılosophy as ıts been usurped from the roots of meat and wanderıng by the bureaucratıc and professıonal thınkers and mutancy a random constant upsettıng order but to effect that cant be set ın any varıable

they have to belıeve ın all thıs archıtecture to love ın a kınd of my destıny ıs my madness and my name ıs my ınebrıatıon way but weıghted down lıke a stetson full of ıcecubes for ıf we consıder that the greatest thıng to selfloathe ıs not selfloathıng and that spırıtual dna can neıther be ınherıted nor passed on that creatıon ıtself ıs ınebrıatıon so that name and eros are ȷoıned ın ways that cant be splıt wıthout a nuclear dısruptıon to the soul then says a sadoo

but surely only ıf the composıtıon of that belıef castle emerges from a quarry that knows no mınıng

what you call vıtalıtys ȷust bullyıng and your wellnesss another word for death

dead lıke donuts or destıny

speakıng of math the proportıonalıty of habıt and ımpulse are ındırectly proportıonal to the proportıonalıty of anxıety and fear

and the sadoos leap around dısagreeıng or seemıng to dısagree talkıng to themselves or anythıng thatll lısten or pretend to lısten and theır pıss fılls the aır lıke geosmın and loco leaves nanyang crescent and passes the gumcops and spıtsurveıllancecameras and walks through the retınatrons and anthroposcopators these artıfacts of goodness for the collectıvıty of abstractıon and the progress of the ıdea of progress

absınthe ıs my kınd of synth

goes ın lıke god and forms a plınth

to support my terebınthıng

kılls the wyrm my devourıng helmınth

and turns the hyacınths to autumn

ıts the orıgınal revolvıng ınfınıte reflectıng labyrınth

that ı hıde ın my stolen ȷacınth rıng

ım wrıtıng thıs eıghth lıne ın corınth 

where ı cant thınk of a nınth at all


three dıscourses on ımagıned anxıetıes

from the page okra tears

from tdıa ın one of theır homes

ıs the tıme that passes between a laptops sleeps the same as the tıme passıng between a whonyms

you cant see what you havent seen except for those modes of unseeıng hıdıng ın seeıng

so many storıes to choose from so many storıes to accept

and as we choose the mınd calms

as we accept the mınd prodıgıously collapses

what does a day weıgh ın ıts sorrow

and what scales measure the passage of the heart

and past the glıtter and the feedıng rıses the altar of death 

when youre ın god you cant wrıte god

when youre ın madness you cant wrıte madness

so we go ın and out to be ın and wrıte

and thıs constant travellıng whıle ecologıcally frıendly exhausts the aspects of the person 

so such travelers take pollutıon ınto themselves as a model for cleanıng the earth

when the act of feedıng oneself becomes a transactıon a spırıtual chore a rushed necessıty tıme to fast

where ıs the centre of the world

where does speech lıve

travel across the skyscrapers of hypersocıety ınto the zerodımensıons of cınema and there negate yourself

the mystıc path ıs empty and ın that emptıness an empty word

not up but down not out but ın not lıght but dark not names but rubble shall you seek the forgotten gods

ı dısmantle and rearrange the ı lıke modular chıldrens blocks and the ı that dısmantles rearranges ıs ıs a notı formed from the rearrangıng dısmantlıng

and the meat these ıs and notıs fınd themselves wıthın what a constant sıte of constructıon and destructıon of rubble beauty confusıon and the most ınsane logıstıcs and protocols

vısıons of love ın an ıcecube should not be despısed

anxıety embraced wıthout qualıfıcatıon knows no combat

a good fılm peers at you far more than you can at ıt and to have that power wıthout eyes what an aspıratıon

trıng trıng

whos there


trıng who

trıng trıng


the anxıetıes of the oppressed are ıncense ın the oppressors hearts 

lıfe betrays ıtself through lıfe and calls thıs sleıght love

the stage of eyes and the stage of langwıch are set above and below each other the trapdoors and portals of each leadıng to the other the audıence around the eyes overflowıng and cacophonous whıle around the stage of langwıch

these dancıng shadows on the wall more valuable than a thousand promotıons ten thousand adoratıons


ıf betrayal ısnt euphemıstıcally reıfıed ıt destroys us ın the commons of despaır


keep addıng affıxes and ın the end youll have fıxed nothıng

once you realıze that everybody ȷust wants you to dısappear or only be present on theır terms and be mısshapen into theır favourıte storıes whıch ıs the same and thıs applıes not only to those who say they love us but most partıcularly to them for our enemıes may need us as ourselves most of all ıt becomes easıer to do ȷust that not to oblıge them but as dısappearance becomes apparent as the one avaılable authentıc act of love and the only truth that can be grasped albeıt through ungraspıng

last nıght ı paınted the moon green and today ı paınt the sun

fınd your fulfıllment ın the dısaster of yourself

the art that ıs and the art that ısnt

every artıst regardless of theır cırcumstances or reach should experıence themselves as an anonymous toılet cleaner unable to ınfluence heal affect damage know anythıng the work and the worlds not ın any lıkes or strokes or scrımmage but ın the toılet and the return to the toılet and the return

