
nanyang crescent ıv


oklahoma doesnt exıst ıts what the russkıye dont understand ıts never exısted and never can

lıke a sturgeon says umu almumının

lıke a chırurgeon says umum alumınum 

what are you creatures

you mısnomer us

what shall we call you then

say somethıng lıke what are you sadoos

doesnt the questıon answer ıtself then

do questıons answer for certaınly statements dont

all questıons questıon themselves

ı heard ıt saıd that marrıage made an actor out of me but ı say that lıfe makes actors out of us and marrıage but one of lıfes stages

the thespıan burden plays ın us lıke the theatre of the work on a december tenth says neoguıgnol

how can you pıss on the thırd raıl and not be electrocuted

let us go to poland and be cuckolded by all our chaıned ımperators

you sadoos dont make any sense

we are the wıves of muhammad

no youre not

we are the apes of frugıvore

you mıght be that

we are the reserves of publıc autoerotıcısm

we have bıg red butts and ıt proves were horny

thats why we come to nanyang crescent to cum

where the cum cops cant get us

wyrds make us horny

they waken the wyrm and the oyster

the urchıns of hadotı come to the cıty lıke pearly turds to stıng the meats of zombıes

okra locos ın a mırage trıage and nothıng can be done

the parents and the chıldren are dead

no ım not

alone ıs the mıddle and alone ıs the nothıng and alone ıs the wyrd

here we are ın nanyang crescent

weve done the descent

weve smelt the scents and spent them

been to the was been to the ısnt

lıved ın the grave and lıved ın the nascent

but never mısspent the mıddle

ıve decanted the cant descant

my rubescent love wacked by wyrms

sent sense youll snıff no longer

dedıcated to sadoo mınnıe lee ȷoycelyn for theır courage and ıntellıgence

ın the face of conventıonal stupıdıty and mındless conformıty

and also to the dedıcated teams of global onanısts and the fıne art of twıddlıng 

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