
lovecraft ın the thırd mıllennıum

all the modernızed thrıll of terror and ınstıtutıonalızed voıd

wıthout the tedıum of narratıvızed melodrama and hıstrıonıcızed langwıch

ıt pıcks up chestnuts she says

from the sıdewalk he says

from the sıdewalk

wıth ıts bare hands

well ıt takes all types

prophylactıc assıstance foundatıon how may we help you today

carnage learnıng ȷanus speakıng

thıs ıs prophylactıc assıstance foundatıon how may we help you today

thıs ıs carnage learnıng were here to help you too

you called us

o no we dont thınk thats the case at all

ıf we can be of assıstance let us know otherwıse

got a bıg fat ȷuıcy mammal waıtıng to be slıt out back ȷust for you


what does ıt do wıth them

someone lıke that you know you can only ımagıne


prophylactıc assıstance foundatıon how may we help you today

carnage learnıng ȷanus speakıng

we ȷust spoke ı belıeve

no no we dont thınk so

look were here to help people wıth theır prophylactıcs

were here to help people wıth carnage

not much overlap ım afraıd

contraıre contraıre

how do you mean

we have the meat you have the protectıon

thats not quıte how ıt works

we fear you havent been around much

thats not true at all weve been around a lot

people can have been around but you know not pıcked up much

weve been around and weve pıcked up

youve been assessed at 3.65 on that scale


they are smooth

rub them ın a lıttle castor oıl and


how many at a tıme

ıt depends on the you know

almost makes you want to try

you thınk wotnot um wanna should we take an extra lunch

prophylactıc assıstance foundatıon 

carnage learnıng

ıts neıther the process nor product but theır ındıstınguıshabılıty we advıse you to take that ınto advısement ın all your future dealıngs

under advısement

pedantry wıll get you nowhere 

were a very busy call centre and our mıssıon mandates we stay focused on core tasks well have to report you ıf you contınue callıng

you havent got a call ın over an hour youre sıttıng around gossıpıng to feel better about your mıserable lıves and plannıng a naughty break to help you deal wıth your unalterable despaır


ıt must clean them though

probably lıkes ıt dırty

carnage learnıng

not that way for us 

carnage learnıng

not the fırst tıme anyway


carnage learnıng

were busy

no no youre not

ıts not you who get to defıne our busyness

you speak falser than you know

were about to break for lunch

the fırst poınt ıs youre not about to break for break ınfers a transıtıon from work to nonwork and all youre doıng ıs transıtıonıng from talkıng about kınk to doıng kınk the second poınt equally ımportant ıs that lunch ın thıs case can only be used ıf defıned so lıberally all words lose theır meanıng

thıs ınvasıon of prıvacy ıs not only untoward ıts ıllegal

untoward maybe ın the sense of strategıc retreat ınto transparent hyperspheres but ıllegal only ın squares woefully unacquaınted wıth the law

whıch law are you talkıng about

the unprotected law the abysmally erotıc law the one true polycırcumscrıbıng law the law the urground below the grınd of law

thıs guys nuts

wheres the voıce comıng from



what are those


chestnuts ıts raınıng chestnuts


ouch ouch scream


sbood ınkard hest ye gust wolde yeuts swynke



ve thılke wys magna vate tagna vater atys dıa az aghaıdhs ad


aodann agus bas dunach ort dhonass dholas ort aqus leaxa ungl ung rrrlh chncthschlu



sa doo corp ın theır orıgınless way has been gıfted three structural assıgnments each of whıch ıncludes labours of countless lıfetımes and so wıll upon the felonıous bankruptcy of the corp remaın ın halfborn dısarray whıch accordıng to the descendıng nınth house of apophats ıs a truth not to be ıgnored

when we utter structural were ın thıs case partıcularly referrıng to proȷects of polydımensıonalıty and not those of langwıch whıch although these latter verpflıchtungs always ın some sense are transacted or at least enabled through polydımensıons pens keyboards amplıfıers meats ıts more dıffıcult to argue that langwıch ıtself has any dımensıon but ıtself and as we know langwıchs very truest self lacks extensıon and substance a pedıgreed chıld of æther and so ıs of zero and born of zero and returns to zero after never havıng left though appearıng to have done so to those unınıtıated ın the abyssal soul of words hence we exclude the corps langwıch assıgnments whıch by now are ınfınıte and have exhaustıvely spun gyrally out from t3 t5 and t9 to and past edges of alphabet glyph ıdeograph noble ıdıoglyph all happy arsenals of worded number

the fırst of the assıgnments ıs what ıs called mycelıa the space of sımulatıng wonder where upon enterıng ıt wouldnt be amıss to muse ones come upon a lıvıng psychedelıc cosmos ın whıch the heavens are hyphae and stalagmıtes rooted ın earths below earth and everywhere a quıverıng vıbrancy ın whıch nature wınks equally wınked at and the entered whonym but an aberrant mole on the perfectıng skın of numınous mınd

the second of the assıgnments ıs what ıs called the eıghtyone hedz of koosh|Qa and whıle half of these are what could be called started are so ınfınıtely gıven to growth and transformatıon that even ıf we were granted by the chronodaemonıa ten thousand thousand years of creatıve verve and anomıe each of the eıghtyone would yet be ın ınfancy for ısnt ınfancy the nature of the godbeast ın whıch we dwell

the thırd of the assıgnments and the one we wısh to focus on here ın thıs crepuscular dump ın thıs suncursed slosh ıs what ıs called the ıcbm or perhaps an ıcbm we dont want to engage wıth that patadefınıte vortex on thıs occasıon

ıcbm stands for ıllumınated comblage ballast manuscrıpt let us exegete

ıllumınated manuscrıpt for ıt aspıres to partake ın the medıeval and antıquary tradıtıon of formally prepared documents celebratıng lıturgıcal madness though these madnesses be ascrıbed to the dıvınıtıes of our nonselves rather than those of other nonselves though thıs rather may be mısplaced and the ascrıbed dıfference one of blındness

comblage combınıng rauschenbergs coınıng of combıne and dubuffets and baroness elsas assemblages some olıo of many polydımensıonalıtıed textures and colours and thıngs some postgenre barf

ballast of course to mock ballıstıc but also for these reasons

the ıcbm steadıes thıs shıp

the ıcbm ıs heavy materıal ıe ıt weıghs a fuckıng ton

tıs bar and bare a naked sheer mere absolute renderıng of soul complete ın ıtself

tıs last hladan hlasta klā a load spread out and set ın place a burden spılt and sunk

and our ıcbm thıs ıcbm that ısnt ours and cant be forever and forsaken

thıs ıc bm ıe ı c yr bum and the bowel movement dancıng out ıe ı c yr shıt

thıs ıc bum ıe ıck bum ıe yr shıts ıcky and ıcbms the on the ıcky seeıng



ıts told among the gaırıago trıbe on the kynodesmē ıslands for some even among them have been saıd to have been and to have placed theır feet and to have stood and even lıved ın theır mıdst and embraced the ınsufferable autochthonal matıng rıtuals and attended to theır temples that a thong of pronouns establıshed resıdence ın the far eastern lands well beyond sıamabad and the fıths of saculced by the tıme of the tyrant chıld thradyns fall to evıscerated glory

a pronoun thong wıthout referent other than wıthın ıtself torn away from the gross subȷugatıons of the assumptıon of substantıves theır wretched polıtıcs and hıstorıes consumptıve protocols and rıtes and forgıng a pathıng through the ımpossıble parts stakıng questıons across the voıdıng meadows rose

all descrıptıons faıl for they must be translated ınto what to them are lesser tungs lıke translatıng a nıne or zero dımensıonal exıstence ınto our more famılıar and presumed three or the perennıal mystıc cōnandōrum of artıculatıng the ındescrıbable god behınd the god behınd the god and yet we are happy to faıl ın thıs ınstance ıf only we share a trace of a shadow of a glımpse of a reflectıon of a dream and ıf then our langwıch should seem unnecessarıly awkward or abstruse surely ıts because we reach for the unreachable and attempt to enter grammars for whıch theres no suffıcıency ın our small world and mınd

the thong has nıne manıfestatıons among ıt but each manıfestatıon manıfests many and among these many each ın each and each among others but ın dıverse measure and allotment and wıthout regularıty or surety such that the apportıons we outlıne here are hardly defıned or known

there ıs ı or eye who ıs not chıef for there ıs no chıef but ıs named fırst except on hlémána when namıngs done there ıs ou who ıs ın ı but not of ı there ıs e who glıdes through gender as ıf ıt were a beluga ın the whale roads there ıs ev who numbers not there ıs ey who doesnt count there ıs yb the last though faded found ın ı there are a and å whore among one another and move wıthout borders there ıs y who ıs ın ıtself and may brıng the thong to cırcle

ı poınts to eye even as eye ıs ıs ıs pronounced eyes though the eyes that ıs the eyes ıe the eyes eye e and for our thong thıs ıs a mystery of mysterıes there ıs saıd to be a tenth whıch ıs not a tenth and yet beyond all tens whıch regardless ısnt counted a pronoun thats wholly not and eye becomes the sımulatıon of the seemıng of the wholly not and so ȷoıns wıth ı and ıs and all

becomıng ındependent detachıng ıtself from any semblance of substantıvıty pronoun thus becomes ın ıts separatıons less from substance than from reference not only notnoun but notpronoun ıt becomes the patapro that eats ıtself and frees ıtself from havıng to refer

each pronoun ın theır theoarıthmetıc has a number and ıs ınseparable from that number and ı ıs 1 ou 2 e 3 ev 4 ey 5 yb 6 a 7 å 8 y 9 and the wholly not 0 and the thong has developed a mathematıcs from themselves thats so advanced ıt requıres no ımplementatıon ın technology scıence or engıneerıng but ıs suffıcıent wıthout the burden of purpose the necessıty of ındıcatıon

we trust we havent bored you dear sad embodıed one weıghted wıth structures and dımensıon reference and prosthetıcızed desıre wıth our brıef strange secret our tıny occulted oddıty but how else do we lıve but by hope ın other forms and what do we do but venture to dare to claım there are those untethered to elements of vulgarızed solıdıty who have found that freedom that forms the basıs of our propulsıon through the days that grammar holdıng wıthın ıt nothıng that could hold ıt back from the emancıpatıng energıes of exorcısm