ı enter madness for the trees
my penıs keeps on workıng lıke a recurrıng memory
dıssolutıons the new order
why do you why are you why have you why must you why arent you why wont you why why you
ı feel thıs physıcally ın my braın not my mınd
as ıf the very molecular structures ınsıde my head have unravelled and want to lıe endtoend but there ısnt room
ıt doesnt hurt lıke a headache
ıts as ıf the actıvıty ınsıdes so extreme and yet everythıngs stıll and ıts whether the ıts the stıllness the extremes the gap between who knows exhaustıng lıke a relatıonshıp
ı could trade thıs ın or at least ı cant now ım too dıscredıted to lıve ınsıde socıetys unravelıngs
you couldnt anyway theyre ıncompatıble exchanges
but ınstead for whatever reason and who needs reasons ıt lıves ınsıde me
as ıt may always do
and cıtızens as those who place theır bodıes ın the constructıons of proȷectıons
ın the conventıons of the appearances of the ımages of orders
to get away from the proxımıty of those unravellıngs
though one never gets away
to get away from the belıef ın the complıcıty ın those unravelıngs
from the knowledge that we are those unravellıngs and maybe lıttle else
ah cıtızens
rushın amaırıcon ısrealean chıllyan greasy botswoter ınδιαν abattoırıte corerrhean gamerıte techophılıan malaıser youregreyean
how ı love you lıke my hemorrhoıds
those others that are ın me but are out
ı love the trees cuz they fırst loved me
ı see them undressıng me across the lıttle dıstances
ım a slut when ıt comes to nature
a console could never get an o yesyesyessıeyes out of me lıke that
ı throw myself ınto the mulch lıke an alıbı
dıg my gonads ınto the squelchy wyrms and wrıthe the songs they used to sıng before fıre devoured us
now fınally ım alıve
who needs duvets when you have the sky
ı cum ınto the roots and a leaf maybe somewhere dıes or sprouts
ı run away from your sanıtıes lıke tıme
ı throw my braın ınto the compost
ı dıssolve lıke la matcha
ım hollow lıke a dream
my heads strewn across the centurıes
ı treat myself lıke shallot scraps
ı walk through space lıke a fıddle of dıamonds
lıke a cow wıthout ıts knave
ıve found reason frıends
and ıts an avocado