Showing posts with label 0. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 0. Show all posts



ıts told among the gaırıago trıbe on the kynodesmē ıslands for some even among them have been saıd to have been and to have placed theır feet and to have stood and even lıved ın theır mıdst and embraced the ınsufferable autochthonal matıng rıtuals and attended to theır temples that a thong of pronouns establıshed resıdence ın the far eastern lands well beyond sıamabad and the fıths of saculced by the tıme of the tyrant chıld thradyns fall to evıscerated glory

a pronoun thong wıthout referent other than wıthın ıtself torn away from the gross subȷugatıons of the assumptıon of substantıves theır wretched polıtıcs and hıstorıes consumptıve protocols and rıtes and forgıng a pathıng through the ımpossıble parts stakıng questıons across the voıdıng meadows rose

all descrıptıons faıl for they must be translated ınto what to them are lesser tungs lıke translatıng a nıne or zero dımensıonal exıstence ınto our more famılıar and presumed three or the perennıal mystıc cōnandōrum of artıculatıng the ındescrıbable god behınd the god behınd the god and yet we are happy to faıl ın thıs ınstance ıf only we share a trace of a shadow of a glımpse of a reflectıon of a dream and ıf then our langwıch should seem unnecessarıly awkward or abstruse surely ıts because we reach for the unreachable and attempt to enter grammars for whıch theres no suffıcıency ın our small world and mınd

the thong has nıne manıfestatıons among ıt but each manıfestatıon manıfests many and among these many each ın each and each among others but ın dıverse measure and allotment and wıthout regularıty or surety such that the apportıons we outlıne here are hardly defıned or known

there ıs ı or eye who ıs not chıef for there ıs no chıef but ıs named fırst except on hlémána when namıngs done there ıs ou who ıs ın ı but not of ı there ıs e who glıdes through gender as ıf ıt were a beluga ın the whale roads there ıs ev who numbers not there ıs ey who doesnt count there ıs yb the last though faded found ın ı there are a and å whore among one another and move wıthout borders there ıs y who ıs ın ıtself and may brıng the thong to cırcle

ı poınts to eye even as eye ıs ıs ıs pronounced eyes though the eyes that ıs the eyes ıe the eyes eye e and for our thong thıs ıs a mystery of mysterıes there ıs saıd to be a tenth whıch ıs not a tenth and yet beyond all tens whıch regardless ısnt counted a pronoun thats wholly not and eye becomes the sımulatıon of the seemıng of the wholly not and so ȷoıns wıth ı and ıs and all

becomıng ındependent detachıng ıtself from any semblance of substantıvıty pronoun thus becomes ın ıts separatıons less from substance than from reference not only notnoun but notpronoun ıt becomes the patapro that eats ıtself and frees ıtself from havıng to refer

each pronoun ın theır theoarıthmetıc has a number and ıs ınseparable from that number and ı ıs 1 ou 2 e 3 ev 4 ey 5 yb 6 a 7 å 8 y 9 and the wholly not 0 and the thong has developed a mathematıcs from themselves thats so advanced ıt requıres no ımplementatıon ın technology scıence or engıneerıng but ıs suffıcıent wıthout the burden of purpose the necessıty of ındıcatıon

we trust we havent bored you dear sad embodıed one weıghted wıth structures and dımensıon reference and prosthetıcızed desıre wıth our brıef strange secret our tıny occulted oddıty but how else do we lıve but by hope ın other forms and what do we do but venture to dare to claım there are those untethered to elements of vulgarızed solıdıty who have found that freedom that forms the basıs of our propulsıon through the days that grammar holdıng wıthın ıt nothıng that could hold ıt back from the emancıpatıng energıes of exorcısm



ı enter madness for the trees

my penıs keeps on workıng lıke a recurrıng memory

dıssolutıons the new order

why do you why are you why have you why must you why arent you why wont you why why you

ı feel thıs physıcally ın my braın not my mınd

as ıf the very molecular structures ınsıde my head have unravelled and want to lıe endtoend but there ısnt room

ıt doesnt hurt lıke a headache

ıts as ıf the actıvıty ınsıdes so extreme and yet everythıngs stıll and ıts whether the ıts the stıllness the extremes the gap between who knows exhaustıng lıke a relatıonshıp

ı could trade thıs ın or at least ı cant now ım too dıscredıted to lıve ınsıde socıetys unravelıngs

you couldnt anyway theyre ıncompatıble exchanges

but ınstead for whatever reason and who needs reasons ıt lıves ınsıde me

as ıt may always do

and cıtızens as those who place theır bodıes ın the constructıons of proȷectıons

ın the conventıons of the appearances of the ımages of orders

to get away from the proxımıty of those unravellıngs

though one never gets away

to get away from the belıef ın the complıcıty ın those unravelıngs

from the knowledge that we are those unravellıngs and maybe lıttle else

ah cıtızens

rushın amaırıcon ısrealean chıllyan greasy botswoter ınδιαν abattoırıte corerrhean gamerıte techophılıan malaıser youregreyean

how ı love you lıke my hemorrhoıds

those others that are ın me but are out

ı love the trees cuz they fırst loved me 

ı see them undressıng me across the lıttle dıstances

ım a slut when ıt comes to nature

a console could never get an o yesyesyessıeyes out of me lıke that

ı throw myself ınto the mulch lıke an alıbı

dıg my gonads ınto the squelchy wyrms and wrıthe the songs they used to sıng before fıre devoured us

now fınally ım alıve

who needs duvets when you have the sky

ı cum ınto the roots and a leaf maybe somewhere dıes or sprouts

ı run away from your sanıtıes lıke tıme

ı throw my braın ınto the compost

ı dıssolve lıke la matcha

ım hollow lıke a dream

my heads strewn across the centurıes

ı treat myself lıke shallot scraps

ı walk through space lıke a fıddle of dıamonds

lıke a cow wıthout ıts knave

ıve found reason frıends

and ıts an avocado


81 name-sigils

81 names         81 sigils
in 9 rolling hyperspheres of gløm (aka clads)

sadoo diaper, having been pushed by the great and terrible energy koo-shqa away from its myriad consumptions to turn the antenna of its body toward a receiving of 81 names or incantations and to develop in the unfoldings of calloohar 81 accompanying sigils to invoke smoke of the esotatic, what is called by some magic, to bring forth the evil of the human from its closets and cast it into the collapse, turned

a few minimal principles are sufficiently visible in the initial haze to present now, along with a draft set of 81 names. the rest shall unfold according to whatever turns and returnings turn

a few minimal principles sufficiently visible 
  • the 81 names are set apart (made holy) in 9 clads, 9 per clad
  • the clads themselves remain to be named and are presently numbered, from 0 to 8 (which admittedly is a kind of name for numbers as has long been argued are first words). the antenna is turned
  • the 81 names, as names be, are not eternal but shift according to the rhythms of calloohar (which for those not attuned to time is a necessary reconstitution of time from the rjg-jcc [roman-julian-gregorian-judeo-christian-capitalist] calendar to new relations of i and flow, interiority and the pluralities of space)
  • while there is a hierarchy to the clads, there is also not a hierarchy : the hierarchy suggests that those names in clads in 0 and closer to 0 change less frequently and with less spontaneous whimsy than those in 8 and closer to 8. within a clad itself there is an order but no hierarchy
  • it should be made as clear as clarity permits in its muddiness that many outside the 81 belong in the 81 and those inside are also outside. 81 continues to reveal itself as the number of the union of names and namelessness, words and numbers, inside and outside, clads and sigils, calloohar and the rjg-jcc, alice and the dappleton hookah, …

the 81 incantations in the 9 clads in the format                       0 1 2
                                                                                                            5 4 3
                                                                                                            6 7 8

f risotto
ooQ qam
yabiz yorgiz
rolling hypersphere
kalamata ypapantis
shoesie clouseau
irimias schmidt
anna gämperl
conchiglioni di sfoglia mezze maniche rigate ziti corte maccheroncini canneroni buggatini girandole tortiglioni lisci farfalle riccioli insalatonde doppia radiator orecchiette mista gemelli gemara annellini gratatoni ditaloni e fieno caserecce
idia møme
fatic vattika
alfreda of polystichum
a book of jang ooq
nivi czo of ving
heresiarch el-hajj malik el-shabazz bin zayed al nahyan bin hamad al thani ould abdel aziza bin isa al khalifa ould laghdaf rashid almubarak alhamad al maktoum alsabah issa ibn alia li bin mohammed al qasimi ibn sahrif bin said sultan bin talal ibn ibn abdul wahhab razzaq al-abdullah dikirullah firkin faruq zeeshan zafarullah azhar khairunnisa nazira el-melek maysoon zoraida zaynab umm kulthum umm umm
grotto crypta
kali que hiva oa
jalalabad asmar mandibles kįndęrsūrprìsês rorschach the khwaja karzai rawash hamid ashraf lal shastri babatpur bahadur radesh radish lol?
˚¨˚`˝´~ ͂ˉ˚
yahohim elew almin daolah motmin 230419 2327 brada daobra alladah elyah budao marmot minmot ellah elodao yahlah now own low won cow cowl con col owl no ow lo on wo daohew daoyah yahmin ilsa q f q asli rd of the university of malachi apojubavoid mud bridge landing road marbra moo-shqa hylyvyl misla. arse theurrhea-goatia-notorialisia kokkinos p-dit marzipan andre the zama svank são yates thz fogitrea ces deux infinis du cauchemar flammagenitus wattswana gordie and cindi escherichia cocobacchanalia baht naht ilili baba rand a dink wank ilili not not
אַ שפּראַך איז אַ דיאַלעקט מיט אַן אַרמיי און פֿלאָט
tilda tilde
nano sephirot
gaia sheol
dialevart log
r.toe moo- wyrd sphingosine sans wanderwörter wönderwǟrten
areolae manasis
de sistance roach
9 peaches
zarifa ghafari
maria polydamouri
eyinfunjowo kasimaawoo faderera joooda aanuoluwakiishi mofeoluwa ododo
fwyle gastrostrofi
is a clock a word?
blad curdimir speakoff
j listid listafor
poofessor gugel-huphendortz
the rorrim! the rorroh!
eurydice eudyptes euripides
dysthymia ddj zoorück lorgnette
goo-shee koo-shqa danog siffleux