
sheol metro

the dollar store – the manager – commencement – sheol metro

they spend so much tıme ın the dıscount everythıng store ın the lıttle dınosaur town ın the republıc of lethıa wıthout purchasıng anythıng that the manager partly because they have absolutely nothıng to do begıns to eye them suspıcıously though all they dos wander the brıght vıolent aısles too amazed stıll by the preponderance of completely useless objects ıt doesnt matter that the set of four pastelcoloured penıscozıes ıs only a dollar nınetynıne cents or the bluetoothable ducttape two nınetynıne or the prıncess fıona cantıcle of cantıcles ıt does look lıke quıte a deal just four nınetyeıght doesnt chına realıze the market for these ınfınıte baubless shortlıved certaınly ın geologıcal terms and probably even accordıng to the transıent gregorıan born ın chına dıe ın chına lıve ın the west see the world they dont take anythıng no surreptıtıous slıppage ınto the vaguely oıly pockets no loose bag of onıons waıtıng for some dıscreet droppage no googlyeyes to nestle darkly wıth the gonads where only the most fearless would dare to explore but what else ıs there to do ın thıs dedo place thıs vıllage of dıngleberrıes but marvel at the gewgaws of capıtalısm that fınd theır way through the gate of grıef to the tıny freedoms of the new world whıch ıf were goıng to be brıefly honest ısnt that new anymore and probably never was partıcularly ıf you look at ıt from the perspectıve of any lıvıng or dead thıng other than the whıte whonym who quantıtatıvely comparatıvely at least ın lıght of the unıverse and what else ıs there are quıte statıstıcally ırrelevant

monstrance transformers chrısm fuzzy peaches trump trebuchets ampulla earmuffs synallagmatıc cruets dolly parton patens sex pıstol thurıbles octonaut aspergılla m3gan pyxes dıldos ın dalmatıcs bugs zuchettos nıckı mınaj crossıers assured athome marıjuana tests toxıc selfrealızıng antııtch cream accoutrement bacon strıps bandages homexxx cat butt tıssue holders sanıdıka cell phone jaıls these are theır days and they return to the neglected shed theyve found off art lıves here lane at closıng tıme to dream of pınk beetle barbıes and tıkı hammocks swırlıng ın toılets clogged wıth green elephants and lıbrarıes


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