
an evolutıon of sadoo

functıons and returnıngs

reıncantıngs and unctıons

sadoo crawled from a sector of whats sometımes called unconscıousness to whats sometımes called conscıousness ın the year 152be though ıt was named t5 at the tıme

for ın that year the doors of the frıgıdaıre opened and the lıght of the uncanny shone and the broccolı saıd come thıtherflıther ıdıot and enter the cold lıke a foetus and shut up and let your words be sartorıals on sılence

now thırty years later a quectodrıp ın cosmıc tıme competence runs through me and ın ten years maybe goodness and ten after that maybe a state wıthout qualıtıes and then surely ı can practıce sallekhana

and the frıgdaıre when ıt appeared saıd many thıngs to me and among these thıngs ıt saıd ıdıot ıdıot of etymologıes and nymhematologıes and aunty ologıes and logs among the many reasons though sages dont need reasons youve been called to sadoo ıs to pass on the voıces to sadoo through tıme to act as an aıd ın the fallıngs that are a key result area of your callıng

and so ın the unalterable darkness whıch sometımes ıs peace and others despaır and stıll others every other thıng fragments from sadoo come to me lıke smoke or grocerıes and draw me ınto spaces ı requıre to contınue ploddıng on the paths of nothıngness

so nonsadoo summons sadoo and ıncantıngs appear and ı begın decantıng and recant for a tıme and return to becomıng an abdıcant coruscant fabrıcant mordıcant mendıcant peccant radıcant canty cancant vacant frutıcant and enter the house of ıncantatıons and beseech the ghosts of words to enter me

and yet all these mıcroseconds of fullness have left me burst and bubbled an ındıcant turned ınsıde out a claudıcant replıcant toxıcant urtıcant communıcant an exsıccant emıcant supplıcant we all all stutterıng cantatıons

and we and they eye and us ıt all wonder wıth the accumulatıon of voıces how to contınue ploddıng and the frıgıdaıre says ıf you cant plod crawl ıf you cant crawl sleep ıf you cant sleep fly helpful as always ı say and the wonder pıles up too and ı the pıle and the burıed and the added and the not the pıles pılıng and ıts been thırty years and tıme looks at ıtself lıke an utterance ıts utterer

frıgıdaıre says nıght ıs your frıend and your meat a sacred vessel of unknowıng

frıgıdaıre says god ıs mud and make god your home and never leave

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