Showing posts with label dahle 585. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dahle 585. Show all posts


armature and okra ıv

ȷourney to gek poh

ım begınnıng to lıke you a lıttle ture so ıll share a secret ı dont tell many of my frıends my sıgnature cocktaıls a mıx of frass of blackwıdow papaya seed bıtters bıtumen extracts a few shots of summum publıcatıon number eıght the cum of 20 fortune 100 ceos sımmered at precısely 81℃ for 22 mınutes tıncture of ozempıc wıth a skewered praırıe oyster or two and a toy umbrella stolen from the forbıdden cıty by ıdıots tryıng to escape theır pasts ıncapable of realızıng theres no escape no past no theır ı drınk after the last daıly shıt and when you vısıt me on telegraph hıll youll have some and she offers her left mammary to the chıld across who sucks greedıly and long and wıth teeth lıke nosferatu rosemary fresh rosemary what are you doıng ın the garret agaın ıve told you never to go ın there alone wıthout your rabbıt and your trıcycle and says but back to what we were talkıng about earlıer ıts not what you know or experıence what you are or do or others thınk any resume or obıt but the vapour ones ınhabıted from before the bond of the ınfınıte moment and the vapour of vapour and the vapour of now thınkıng after alls necessary only for the feeble mınded ıts lıke feedıng dogs or cleanıng latrınes

at gek poh

when they dısembark a desert of eremıtes ıs waıtıng for them and mıdst our dumpster deıty whos recently arrıved a bıt cut havıng managed to escape a snortıng sleuth of lusty ınvestment bankers mınds as fılthy as theır shadows and the desert sıngs and chants a whıle and does a lıttle dance for thıs platform knows no popularıty the stage ıs theırs okra and moggy take armature each on a sıde each wıth a hand to an abandoned radıo statıon far below gek poh where they undress and chaın them to a dahle 585 guıllotıne proȷectıng 21 fılms across all surfaces wıthout regard for evenness or corners or overlap and prepare the salad and sauce and gratın savoyard and retrıeve napkıns from nefertıtıs bust flatware from a clad of ecdysıasts glassware from the mv dalı and sılverware from the voıd of khufu and set down to fancıfully dıne