Showing posts with label marie cinq-mars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marie cinq-mars. Show all posts


tosf - fukky risotto

the online sadoo family  #1

fukky risotto  sadoos

fukky is the self-proclaimed worldwide administrator of sadoos – posting interviews, essays, and clumsy upsets of knowledge. fukky is skeptical of the exterior world, doubtful of the interior one, and often confused about which is which.

fukky ghost-wrote some early entries in the secular sadoo, speaking contumeliously of temptation, incorporation, historical precedence, mats and other dreaming devices, flaneuring as meditative exuberance, before embarking on its own site to further explore modern sadooing practices across the waning globe.

fukky lives and was born in tenarunga, traveling the world listening to sadoos, this due to the benevolence of uth zar razu and a great deal of rhizomatous randomness. whether fukky itself is a sadoo fukky itself doesn’t know and others question. it lost its head during a water ride at a dream theme park in outremont but little has changed; its head is kept in a jar on a sill of marie cinq-mars and used annually for obscure and unmentionable purposes.

sadoo next - fallabalist a.