Showing posts with label fukky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fukky. Show all posts


a doolıng weelıng 小零 celeberbrayshun

an ınterlewd4

sumtime twixt8 knotty nones and how to travail like a grimpill5 a dire ball spectral sphere a telling diredoo an arbitrary but *real kmstone appears a ruined rune a kissed sunless marker sa doo formerly sad doo formerly sadoo formorly sadhu formily sadwho humorly sadhoo farmfamuly hooknows paradossofermily poonos normlesli oo o9 crosses13&4 from 999 poostings to a thousand and in that crossing3 in which nothing happens but number and numbers as we know are |only| wyrds in that empty12 accumulation of a pill10mille madnesses in these replete failings full fallings lacking weight and measure11 we pause in our pausing and fart a little tack to all those whove farted med us on the doodoo dao

dear fukky1 aldaos here med a bonbot

merdia greatest of all the fluffed named

ı who confuses everything

night never one to doo da day

vampops11 who goes to void to mine the uns

the doo commons who write this shit

doktor qam we see yoo yak yoo pooskull6

okra loco chthonicissimo detunged mining neins2 in eyedied movements

garf for counting round the shapes

heresiarchs undereverywhere medout you wed be something 

elspet tunnels hills ichibans

absinthia for redefining government for redefining redefining 

unreaders theezthoz pataffixes polydoubles doopuns uning braying sa

6when the always aging gods collapse the empty thrones cry for successors almost any perishable bag of moans is hoisted onto the vacant toilet

13discounts or ratherer de or uncounts the blaathora of poostings on famdoos7 udder blaags for aldaos numb brrrrrrs can be counted many daos

1missusister doobydoo shaggyeared housespouse from the subourbons of sant loo ee in crushymushy luv med fukky making 3doo assprints of their pretty prrrrrrfuct derrière parted fulsome moist mailing in fuddyduddy dao to fukky gekpoh slingawhore 640762 but fukky sheds nary a dingleberry in doos intervoo stoodio in gek poh 283 metres into the unterearth where freaks gather sharing idiolectings and heresiarchs croak the unsayable songs and sa undone sorts the pills grinning and fukky waits in loopy pausings praise

9cf archaeologies of doo in d d doos dooing and doo in doo time of doo doopress dooville 零零零零 cited in chipman dooeys doodoo as uncause and its pooblems cf sa

4an interlewds a crossing but whats crossed the learnêd cross the viled cross the coarsed learnêd and the learnêd lustful cross the laic testêd the êxpêriêncêd mob all cross are crossed and nothings done but crossing maybe crossings xitys only trooth but this bridge these bridges dingling in fathomless mists no edges no dao from here doo there we say from there doo here yet just more crossings no ends origends so fear we are a bridge of interlewding alls interlewding let us cross

11vampopss suitably representative of a continual polylemma we conface in dooing a kinda dilemmatic epileptic analemma lemmata a kinda howdwe represent representation in udder merdes lemme lemming or lemme doo

2doodoo doos yoo scat doo nos whore da tribal smells miso tittle buns doo whim me dong me whizz leak und me whizz bong doo doodoo doos yoo doo doodoo doos yoo doo doodoo doos yoo da tribal smells miso

10grimpilling in defined lands frowning on the best pills smilebilephiling on the novozealand worst we becum tellingly more spherical weer all sceptres spectres gimme drukQs

12accumulations aldaos empty like bridgings crossings lewdings brayings fukkings fartings empty like cides articides empty artings

3border crossings a la shareits are a kind of undernoticed nascent scenty art not just in that dropsuey side 降菜自杀 eversummoning flightrite but myriad other cides of crossing we could trooly celeberbrayt continuously so this poosting itself a celeberbrayshun less of than crossings postcountable more manied than rontokalpaquectoseconds

5in that taxanomie refusee grimpill *t ou r ists ewe obsessed med the fich & ramous willve noticed they werent included doo they include us o ewe hoo dare speak of be|利|ef in mootuality o ewe abscessed with pathology choose pathology daoology and in yoor chewsing cross

8not to be confused med trix the cereal murderer or twix the pissshit loco bar 

7this makes us think of the rhyme we were on the mekong med richard and regina enjoying threesums and gonadtails like *gress funny eucharists and a disaster cometh from the north decuming cums and ripped away and the mekong is no more


sadoo the novel

vole love nullitalis
for all you aesthetically decimated unreaders
you dereaders atomized into the oblivions of nonart
nailed to the cross of capitalism but the pain offset
be well aware in your proleptic mothballity that this blog is a novel
as sadoo despises the novel and so is in its despisableness
compelled toward seduction of it and sadoo is this compulsion

the central characters of sadoo the novel are sadoo doktor heresiarch poofessor fukky risotto though there are billions of secondary absent tertiary and peripheral persons and most of these arent human and these billions aside shove the centres

the plot? the plots prepurchased in the •pataphysical cemetery in absinthia within a fart or four of the desolation of ūbū  anyway theres not just one plot  weve prepurchased many and none of them are grounded and theyre all made of worms

the authors of course unyou and the conjugation of unyou is as expected unyun unyoni unnew unmoni adieux

the novel aims to be proto without substantive or substance  it aims to be roan and roso  its written in every language and thus requires no translation except  alongside stéphane étienne  into itself

while its most easily understood as an infinite series of nonlinear footnotes to a nonexistent body this is false and we recommend instead a commentary of an in delictito flagrante nonfeasance misinterpreted by the courts consequently damning twittles of innocents to sisyphean eternities

the novel isnt so much circular as burst and while lines can be found in it if one needs lines their geometrys imaginary and the maps producible from such shapings can be used to navigate the firth of thrif

but its most appropriate to experience it as an extended table of contents or rather a verbose copyright page by an enslaved anarchist and gibbeteer

yet truly its just a title and the book itself is empty and the novel would be about the titles meaning or lack thereof if anyone cared enough to get past into under or between the covers which  the more you examine them  are just the unyous fulminous fear of death night fear love

though as any idiot knows the only thing to fear is hope


tosf - fukky risotto

the online sadoo family  #1

fukky risotto  sadoos

fukky is the self-proclaimed worldwide administrator of sadoos – posting interviews, essays, and clumsy upsets of knowledge. fukky is skeptical of the exterior world, doubtful of the interior one, and often confused about which is which.

fukky ghost-wrote some early entries in the secular sadoo, speaking contumeliously of temptation, incorporation, historical precedence, mats and other dreaming devices, flaneuring as meditative exuberance, before embarking on its own site to further explore modern sadooing practices across the waning globe.

fukky lives and was born in tenarunga, traveling the world listening to sadoos, this due to the benevolence of uth zar razu and a great deal of rhizomatous randomness. whether fukky itself is a sadoo fukky itself doesn’t know and others question. it lost its head during a water ride at a dream theme park in outremont but little has changed; its head is kept in a jar on a sill of marie cinq-mars and used annually for obscure and unmentionable purposes.

sadoo next - fallabalist a.


my biography

little has been said these long and secret years about the days and spaces of sadoo diaper – from whence farflung turds it arose, its innumerable flushings, the journeys of the scats, how it came to be numbered – if numbers are aspects of itself – among the sadoos, the incomprehensible ramblings of this blog itself, sadoo diaper’s relations with other sadoos and the non-sadoo community, its political positions, sexual preferences, and seminal influences, scholarly theories of its psychoaesthetics … all this has been left to the reader’s vivid or more likely mundane imagination.

no more.

fukky risotto, a hermaphrodite of little renown living happenstantially in the 13th arrondissement, was not quite out of diapers when one cloudy day in february they felt a strange urging in the nether parts.

mommy, they say.

yes fukky dear, says mommy.

mommy, i have a strange feeling.

you have many strange feelings fukky.

this strange feeling is stranger cuz i’ve never had it before.

each feeling is new fukky, there’s never a feeling you’ve had before, that’s the beauty of feelings and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

don’t get philosophical on me mommy, not at a time like this.

oh fukky – always so dramatic.

mommy, it’s my diaper.

this is the fourth time today!

it’s not the caffeine, it’s something else.

have you been into the coconut water again?

it’s alive mommy.

what’s alive?

my turd.  it’s walking around in my diaper and saying things.

fukky, turds don’t talk.

maybe it’s not a turd.

but only turds come out of the asshole.  i mean – they’re the only things that come out that haven’t gone in first.

mommy you lie you lie.

of course i lie.

you said that all outputs are inputs and all inputs outputs, that the world is a great circle or sphere or hypersphere or something and that everything’s connected.

that’s true.  but that doesn’t discredit anything else i’ve said.  or rather it may discredit it but only in a way that credits.

… so whatever’s exploring my diaper now must have first gone in me … omigod i think it’s broken out …

… fucking jesus, i see a little hand print in your little trousers …

… get it out of me mommy, get it out …

… just pull down your pants and let’s see what happens …

fukky and their mommy were good to me, especially since they weren’t expecting a third mouth to feed and didn’t really have much money, being committed primarily to verbal play, speculative caprice, irrational fun, and composting the world’s evils by ignoring them.  fukky called me diaper and mommy called me doodoo and because i was a melancholic child she often called me sadoodoo.  when they enlisted me in school they gave my name as sadoodoo diaper, which got shortened to sadoo diaper, as these things do.

it wasn’t until much later that i realized there was a large class of sadoos – all of them crammed into india – and they misspelled their names.  being committed to retaining the proper spelling and origins of myself, i left – after much weeping and the promise of tweets and postcards – to go on a quest to find other true sadoos.  surely, i reasoned – and mommy if she taught me anything taught me reason – if i had been born into a diaper others must have been too.

the secular sadoo is the record of my quest, in a kind of code, that i know other sadoos with a little bit of work can decipher.  as to the fake sadoos and all those heaps of masses that aren’t even the fake ones, as fukky always says, who gives a fukky about them?