Showing posts with label news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label news. Show all posts


prophets of nada

sesame street should teach the alphabet 
Larsen A
Larsen B
Larsen C
liarzen x
losing why?
lozenge zzzzzzzzzzz
            DON’T MAKE IT TO Z julia screams

in a rare intelligent street conversation about everything i mention that osman spare calls freud and jung fraud and junk
            a stranger replies but spare got them mixed up – freud was about the junk

an obsession is a meditation
to confuse an obsession with any particularity
is like eating a potato but not its skin

if the plumb pudding was in danger in 1805 where is it now?

vice cofounder sham snit eh? says are my politics democrat or republican? i think both are horrific. and it doesn’t matter anyway. money runs amerika, money runs everything
            sadoos perform their anarchist function
by not being run

snit eh? also says i came to amerika from canada because canada is stultifyingly boring and incredibly hypocritical

i used to try to please the normals. now i realize they can only be pleased through normalcy … or by turning abnormalcy into a commodity – for commodities are a keystone of the arch of normalcy (aren't those familiar retail chains of thought comforting)
every new batch of fluffballs drove him
to a dither of vicarious maternity

infrequently watching newscasts gives the overwhelming impression that the entire human species is imbecilic – not just the newscasters but everyone watching. topics are dealt with as if the audience's a kindergarten class. (no. the average kindergarten student is brighter)

getting better at costumes. before they were unidentifiable (meritorious – as most costumes are, even when wonderfully done, tediously identifiable) and incoherent (meritorious – like a street babbler, which has more merit than the average street talker but less than that craved captivating repartee)
now they’re becoming unidentifiable and coherent –
this nexus of sensible irrationality in sartorial form

doctor of internal medicine explaining what she does – i specialize in everything you can’t see
sadoo diaper – so do i

why am i not read?
            is it not because i am too realistic
            i’m guilty of excessive realism
            realism so real it cuts out all the shit you think is real but isn’t (then projecting your insanities on me)
            i am textual flesh – translating the sensation of movement in the city to words

psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behavior and information processing. they open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong

this was a very nice neighbourhood
until the monkeys got out of control