Showing posts with label walking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walking. Show all posts


when anarchists are closet monists

silencing of voices in that dumpster called history, technology providing new ways of shutting down. we seek in our horrors of ennui and diversity to construct relentless myriad pathways of silence. this our noise and power. this our love.
            but voice itself is a dumpster for voice.

abdicating believing belief, willing will, desiring desire, living life, thinking thought. still walking walking. and dying death contains various amusements. one clambers in playgrounds on whatever novelties present themselves. thank the fractals of consciousness for erecting structures, however ephemeral, of play.

blood, the ultimate ghost, struts tribally, tethered by violence to abyssal creation.

to attempt to escape the darkness of tribalism, the noose of dunbar’s number, after having passed through many solid screams of people’s people’s people – my people, my people, my people, my people? – i enter the darkness of escape, another tribe, with its mores and politenesses, taboos and texts and visions. i cannot have mckenna’s faith. i cannot have the faith of money, knowledge. i cannot afford faith. i have heard the voice of plants and they seem more incredible and credible to me than these monkeys i was born to swing with in the canopy of the city.

~ 60 species of primates still extant, the fewest with only 20 members (the hainan gibbon)
population of primates excluding humans – < 2,000,000
population of primates including humans – ~ 7,352,000,000

i move in the city like a mathematical set among shampoo commercials.

momism. a distributed and immanent papism. yet still a strange religion with strange devotees. arcane rites and irrational dogmas. hierarchies of disturbing regard.

surely the only skill i still admire among humans is that of truck drivers backing into alleys.

it is hardly contents of communication that are endangered – these flourish like an invasive species – but modes.

breeding certain types of humans in captivity – which is to say civilization – is an ongoing covert zoological experiment that might officially interest an odd ecologist or capitalist were it not for a culture that forbids alternative taxonomies. for extinction, happily rampant among non-humans, equally thrives within humanity, with almost equal invisibility and ignorance. the menagerie we call the city, the zoo we call freedom sees (or rather doesn’t see) failures daily of intra-species diversity, of kinds not engineered for this society’s cage, and unwilling or unable (that or) to be genetically modified to enjoy the prescribed feeding schedules and lice-picking entertainments.

dinner party to imagine – k acker, jodorowsky, mckenna, baroness elsa, weil, d bohm, woolf, lispector, blake. or these 9 on a spaceship to settle another world.


nihil sapientiae odiosius acumine nimio

i’m here to apply for the position of dog-walker

oh great. a few questions then


tell me about your history with dogs, your love for them, …

i don’t like dogs, they seem too much like humans

i’m not sure how comfortable i am having someone walk fifi who doesn’t like dogs

i like plants

bujja needs her plants walked!

i’ve liked a few dogs in my life who seem like plants  – why don’t you put fifi on the windowsill and i’ll tell you if i like it

she’s a she … fifi … fifi ... fifi ... oh fifi my little ball of fluff, my darling, oh sweetsipie, oh my chubbawoofpoo, my …

yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap

oh no i don’t like it. in fact i wholly detest it

yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap

it’s out of the question then. you can’t walk fifi

i’d like to walk it

look – i must have someone who minimally tolerates dogs, who at least can pretend to like fifi. i know she can be annoying but all of us can be, and she had a difficult puppyhood and we’ve grown up together really and now – it sounds a bit silly i know – but she’s my closest friend, i shouldn't admit this but we cuddle at nights, sometimes quite intimately …

yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap

i must walk it, give it to me now

i’m sorry, i’ll have to ask you to leave or i’m going to call the police

i will leave, but only with fifi

i’m calling the police

yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap

fifi bites the owner and runs out the open door
with the dog-walker, who
– along with fifi – is never seen again


this month this time

january is sleep and death and dream
i travel to sad, snack on terror,
wash on ruins
everything talks but only the trees listen
they keep their secrets
each day i count the seconds of extra sun
it is cloudy most days
i dream and sleep and die
where are the schools?
not the analysts, pills, doulas, degrees
but the classes of dying dreaming sleeping?
there – the trees, they are dying
the sun it is dreaming
the earth it is sleeping
let me learn from them
can i reach them? can i see them? can i touch them?
they are here, in my body
in my deaths and dreams and sleeps