
sadoo නවකතාව coven

nothing happens in my novel  this is commonplace if not required  even in novels where things happen nothing happens  this is true to the extent that we can say the more things happen the more nothing happens  so its true im being lazy  instead of going the long route to nothing happens by making lots of things appear to happen i just start with nothing happening and never leave

nothing happens  there are no characters  other than sarah kane  when setting seems to appear its not really  the most we can say is that theres sometimes dialog  literally through the log  and as everyone knows like janus janis communication doesnt happen so we can understand through the log as getting past the shit  not getting past it really  getting in it

so sadoos about nothing happening and nobody appearing and all this occurring nowhere by means of getting in the shit

now youll say  but getting in the shit is something happening  well  only in a manner of speaking and because its only in a manner of speaking and not the other manners   but this reminds me when they let me out once i find myself in le coude fou and a scrofulous companion who appears beside me says

je suis la conséquence d'une nuit difficile entre en roomba et une yeowww! banane cataire et marcellusa andronia galagapita ñuñiñyña pepipitina oola schkoritzça å mērdrīā   ils ne voulaient pas de moi quand je suis né et donc je suis un produit dune roue d'enfants trouvés   il se trouve que l'orphelinat dans lequel j'ai été placé y travaillait comme chef cuisinier Pierre Anton Marie Joseph Finir   autrefois chef cuisinier à arpège il était tombé dans l'échelle de l'alcool et a maintenant travaillé sa fureur comme un paria en disgrâce préparant des délices scandaleux pour les enfants abandonnés du monde   ce qui n'a été découvert que beaucoup plus tard  c'est que le chef Finir a utilisé les crottes des enfants pour ses plats exquis  comme une sorte de vengeance hideuse   les déguisant avec un tel savoirfaire et un tel talent  avec une telle délicatesse de sauce et d'infusion d'herbes et d'huile  les formant dans des moules incroyablement délicieux  nous ne pouvions tous que nous exclamer  nous sommes si chanceux que le chef Finir ait tellement aimé l'alcool qu'il a perdu son emploi à arpège et travaille maintenant pour nous   et notre orphelinat est devenu si connu que même les enfants les plus riches et les plus privilégiés du monde suppliaient leurs parents de les abandonner et de les laisser venir chez nous et dîner avec les merveilles quotidiennes du chef Finir   vous direz  mais vous devez être tombé malade  non pas à l'idée de manger de la merde car vous ne saviez pas que c'était de la merde  mais parce que lait humains ne sont pas faits pour consommer leurs propres excréments sans succomber à la maladie et même à la mort   c'est normalement vrai  et pourtant parce que nous ne connaissions pas d'autre nourriture  car dès le plus jeune âge nous n'avons été nourris que de nos propres excréments  certes sous la forme la plus élégant et déguisée  notre système digestif s'est adapté et nous sommes devenus comme des chiens sans la savoir 

and my companion as she stands to leave says with a sly smile  i hope you enjoyed your elegant meal  and i look on the menu and it reads

Head Chef
Pierre Anton Marie Joseph Finir

sadoo a μυθιστόρημα elf nite

all who channel book are workaholics and what they work is the productivity of futility  but due to the natures and functions of these productions the consumptions of addictions dont well resemble work in your holics  for book work takes work and takes it away

novel is book in the form of nlove and

 where n stands for book that is not

its valentines day and those humans who can celebrate us but book celebrates not us but pronouns and in this substitution is a world larger than a world

go to fungi and say what is book?
and i fruit into fungi and say what is book?
theres neither order nor purpose to book  neither line nor circle
is there only then chaos and shapelessness?

but fungi says

ross poe proposes spores
alka alca alco
hall line poco traz
book booq booQ ooQ
sore roe rope press pore ore on the uline

in the haline epocho a concult rides through alphabetopolis
on the uline to propurpose a poe spore to a pro polkapoo rep with esp

i love this novel!
whats gonna happen next?

sadoos all the ways ive posed to fungi the question


sadoo wonwon romance

the novels an 18 month human child  precocious fearless narcissistic omnipotent omnipresent spontaneous omniscient whimsical vast  requiring  demanding unceasing stimulation  the new the new the novel mewls and only pules in the pit of its viperine soul  and new! new! is the cry of the forced aching soul

the novel is an 18 month human child with the vocabulary of every plant animal rock god fungi tenericute  thats ever existed anywhere or will or might or might or could not exist  some egyptian god with the body of a child and the brain of the universe

immortal and finite in flesh
mortal and infinite in mind
its mind its molecules
its viscera its words

the novels premised on human nonexceptionalism through its subjecting common human reality to other realities that undercut and defy the premises that sustain human force  a deconstruction of any ontological hierarchy of species for it originates presents and disappears on terms that not only place all creatures on the page together  and if some receive more of anything its just more blackness  but  the novel itself and all it stands and doesnt stand for  as a question and mockery of human ambition pretension assumption grandiosity excellence superiority blessedness distinction violence   how then does novel manifest though other than through such means? true perceptive unreader  whats often called novel is channeled through the human and no human can escape these absurdities yet one who is so channeled in the so channeling takes these very attributes as perverse gifts and places them themselves in darkness and this placing subverts  at least partially  them  mocking them by subjecting them to their very selves so that in these meetings they double and in doubling infinitize and in infinitizing fragment  theres yet another reason  the novel isnt just whats called novel as has already been demonstrated but everything thats new which indeed is and must be everything all the time   so tyrants of all kinds  which includes most humans  try to annihilate the channeled  whether in those small and social ways through ignorance apathy neglect dismissal  but when the tyrant has hierarchical political power  through incarceration torture murder

and yet novels far larger and more potent than the sum of all tyranny for its comprised of elements not on your table nor processed by your indigestions nor articulated in your texts nor molecularized in your chemicals nor bowable to your gods

the novels a gift  it gives society as a mode of expression over to an abyss  not less than the abyss created by society through its refusal to accept the channeling  which is to say its refusal to love   you fuliginous unreader say but novels are celebrated everywhere  but what you miss is that once celebrated they become commodities and so primarily aid in abyss creation and management  thus society is genocidal and even moreso suicidal for it orients itself to an abyss which it makes for others but through doubling falls into itself

in others words novels the madness society denies  so as novels an abyss thats in an abyss and yet holds it  it falls  book is a descent that in its falling falls upward   sadoo is my geometry

the novel is homelessness  as the only home the creator has ever had is book and novel is the feeling  finally and now  that  for the first time  this feeling always new  books no longer home and thus no longer takes the absent book inside and there  in the inside absent  novel darkly liquidly mulchingly gestates   these methodologies workshops of the inoutside

books a nostalgia for book


sadoo novelbookdream tantintontung

but weve been ignoring an important issue  one thats been hanging off the talons of every prick and tittle and everyone knows it
bio and novel         fact and fiction         art and life
but as the one who nailed it  that itchy texty logo loss  that crux of yukky yucks says*
have you not been? have you not whirred?
there was once nature and art imitated it
then there was art and nature imitated it
then there were both and neither
and imitation imitated imitation
for natures no longer here to imitate
and art with nothing left to reflect can only gaze at itself in fake ponds of infinite selfies

but sure  you who crave facts
who think causes somehow live in data
instead of as they do in darkness
heres my bio
in which youll understand novel
be io      bee eye oh
be eye bee eye oh
holed sic non old has a dharm ah
bee i be aye o         o   ahhh      o   i      e   u      e      y   oo      oo   oo      i      y

unborn to mawmaws and meowmeows  a warped cast of a woofwoof hoof  a glome of glom   the blurry furied furries had it that id be a nun but the n is stolen for a no and a pee put in so all i am is pissing puns   these thefts   so not in time but lime   and limes in g&ts and jakes and jakes and g&ts in me and me in ime and mime and im and mama dada mada ama aya mawmeow ooQhoof           rrheapeet

here  as the yakademics say  is my methodology and night is my meth lab and thodo my muse

i emasculate myself and crawl into the night to say the horrors  words crawl over me and eat my flesh  the words get big and sit on me and shit themselves  i try to count the shit but shits uncountable  i become the shit and then a word and then the night  i crawl into myself but theres nothing to crawl into and i dont scream or laugh  the sun or what i think might be a sun comes up and theres a book

writing101 which is crosslisted with biting100 and nighting000 and a shitting pee eich dee

ive been nighted by the been of bug  praise bees   sadoos my bug

in the novel of life the humans who say they care about diversity dont  they care about the monoversity which says it cares about diversity because if it doesnt its monoversity doesnt get the grants   only in the novel of the novel does diversity actually exist and this is why sadoo has emigrated from the novel of life into the novel of novel   plus in the novel of novel there are no passports customs lineups covid thermonuclear forehead scans proudboysngirlsortrumps  but many dumpsnrumps  arcane regulatory brontoforces statues of stupid people other than ones you can piss on with rose pompadour and the statues turn into holograms of porcelain flowers and the only arrests that occur are the ones i make of the statues of stupid people whove accidentally found themselves on my shadowless properties which are nothing but i or sadoo or sadoo or unyou

im a slave on a planet that doesnt exist with rules that have never been codified and are constantly shifting and my status as dead in a heretical taxonomy existent outside any world of physics   sadoo is the record of my citizenry

*its actually a textitycrux that points to the yukkityitch that says this
but its all the same fucking quote dood as jorgesborges quotes


sadoo a novel neiner

does book exist if no one reads it? yet im a one and i read it   but do i read it if i write it? but im not a one but a many   and are you  you unreaders  a one or a many? if you are unreaders are your ones and manys different than the manys and ones of readers or writers or readerwriters or the same or both? are unreaders neither one nor many but nulls or negatives? why do i call it book? why novel? where have all the articles gone? why do i say why? where are my mothers?

i dont want a novel  i dont want a hallucination of a novel  i dont want a book about which its debated whether or not it is or isnt a novel  i want to write something thats not a novel and cant be a novel  that does everything in its power to not be a novel  that we call a novel   sadoo is this impossibility

having seven phds in statistics and nine in sillophophy and eleven nonuple phds in lunacy ive determined authoritatively that what all the above teaches us is that the novels purpose is to enthusiastically puke out the new and as this is all sadoo does sadoos indisputably a novel   lets crosstab though were not crosstabbing but we might be stabbing and crossing the polyglottal cast of the romantic new

hows novel like piano? its a good joke to tell the next time youre bored in society which should be very soon unless youre a hermit like me and you dont have to worry about society because youre alone and when youre alone you can never die as you can only die in society and there you die all the time  or unless youre as boring yourself as society in which case you wont need to tell the joke  in fact you wont even get it  pianos a shortened form of pianoforte and fortepiano  pianoforte being softloud and loudsoft is like newold and oldnew  therefore novel shouldnt be novel but alaneu or neuala   this is how novel thinks

the novel is new and the news  the novel is the old news  its the good old news and the bad old news and the bad new news and the good new news   so gōd bædan alaneu

sadoo ate n*v*l n*v*l eats sadoo

i lack the linear sequencing module required to think or write or act or live in your culture  someone was drunk on the assembly line and dropped my module into a urinal  one of those with a mothpuck that doesnt flush properly and is filled with weekold piss and cigarette butts and the bibbertippler thinks no onell notice and in exchange he substitutes a few random beta plasmatic polypolar postanarchic diffeohomeomorphoglomean modules that never went into production that he happens to have down his wretched underwear  but i do

when is time? may be the central question of time  the question that unites clock or technological or bureaucratic or shapebound time and dreamtime or wordtime or wyrmtime or merdetime

this isnt a novel  its a devastation  a soul inversion and arid turning  a hurlyburlywhirlytwirly  a dinner party of inmate warden psychiatrist custodian inspector chef anthropologist journalist corpse arborist consultant  which degenerates and apotheosizes simultaneously as the courses of drinking surpass the sum of their own fluidity   theres a formula for this
whys sadoo a novel? because everythings a novel  because you tell me nothings real unless its a novel   heres a silly jism
      sadoo is a novel
      i is a sadoo
      therefore i is a novel

everything complicates and is complicated  even the things intended to simplify complicate  thus i fit sadoo into modern times which  despite chucky spencer  is always not then but now  and you criticize me of being mad  im just the outside mad you are inside  but for me this is the way of things  sadoo isnt representative of reality or an escape from it  it is reality but reality thats found outside reality by going into reality so far one falls into   into what?   well         novel

is the novel a book? or in more accurate language is novel book? its said now in the better or at least more forceful circles books dont exist  but if book exists is it greater or lesser than novel? ie is it a hypo or hypernym? all novels are books but that all books are novels  though not as readily said  is no less true

is book a subset of dream or dream book?
does knowledge cascade after failure or failure knowledge?
which follows which  before or after?
love or doubt? whos the mother?

and dont say this is like asking which is bigger  magenta or justice? everythings analogous belowandabove enfolded deadandalive vision and follow and zorb and book   sadoo is this everything   everythings askable   sadoos this askability


sadoo a shriven sylvan severed novalis sloven

did i say moles? i meant voles  for vole is in novel and isnt the vole the very fulfillment and antithesis of love? and i have heard that in the vale of vole the vole clock chatters and it chatters not for thee

the ns left though out of our vole love but the n  being null and sets of null stretching to and past nullity  it finds itself by being itself excluded  so through nullitalis vole and love meet in novel and strip sadoo

my novel of vole love nullity broken for you

i cant tell whether my novels going faster or slower than my life  leading it  following it  opposed to it  complementary  though as life we could say is time and the novel atime or dreamtime or truetime or precisetime  we find ourselves quickly in that other but related debate  perhaps deeper or more central  perhaps not of what or who or where or why or how or even when is time? whats times address? does it like a cigarillo in the morning with its coffee? in the act of bedsheets what does it do with its tongue? who are its confidants and under what conditions and what does it divulge? my novel  i mean my life  i mean my novels an attempt to answer these questions  no not answer  to raise them  no not raise them  as all time is is a relentless resurrection of them to   to      i just dont know                        i dont know                                  sadoo is my doubt

id like to posit however tentatively that my novels a kind of unterūbūouroboros  a selfsustaining animate dump reforming geometries of mythtime and that i  though is nothing other than my novel or this novel or just novel  a scholar of smelly shape   sadoo is my tentativity and dissertation

my mothers are my novel and my fathers are my navel and my bodies my nival naval and the genealogies of my sarcous family look like psychedelic kohlrabi on a pilgrimage to a bilious fair shuttered epochs ago and may never  truth be told though it hardly is  have existed

applying the principles of nymhematology
we receive as gifts not only the love of voles but
noel lone neo leo eon no on le lo one ole
and if we must leon len von
and quite possibly nole velo and many other treasures


sadoo the navel novel ive hive

here are the characters of sadoo cast
onto xennobrontomilieux statibus and cast out

do i say mothers?

you see or probably dont  i dont pay any attention to what you call the news  which is only a boring novel forcefed into the narrative maw by the cognitively and imaginatively insecure

this is though only an attodrop of a list in the infinite oceans of lists of characters  there are many efreets eg but this is saying little  cast in sadoo  for a full list consult mass atonias novel rosie and the monolith published by līmæ råbęlåsså habubble perpari for which no extant copies exist except one rumoured to be held by the ghūls of the crypts below her majestys penitentiary in rabī'ābād-e awar oino iblīs dhghemmathic