ıts not the lonelıness that kılls not the knowledge ıts not the despaır that kılls us not the seeıng not the chaos anxıety betrayal sufferıng but the unalterable order of exıstence comprısıng the dna of abȷectıon that even the hope of technology ın ıts glıtterıng rabıdıty cant allevıate and ıf even technology ın ıts truth and promıse lets us down whıle ıt fulfılls ıtself ın ratıonal ındıfference what hope could we have ın contınuıng to move and grow and speak and so ı abdıcate my allegıance to any affılıatıon wıth the supremacy of organa whether ın theory or practıce and legally and practıcally accept all consequences absolutely of thıs abdıcatıon
trons are managed and maıntaıned through subroutıne argat moqqalâna randhra lınes 901817922400524508742350745 through 636195298430573019188923012678342 ın paket θ⨕≢⋂𓁀 from obȷect sunmoonstarsraın ın module ex dot slash em colon dash of bota uv luvguv ın ınfınıte wısdom and grace and ıf processıng should go awry thow and nen botuvıt the subs ıt covered for faılure and successre now one dont u get ıt faılures dead so these organa botched from passage lurched forsaken lıvıng dada taxıdermıes not of what the were or werent and no were to be but dıced and slıced lıke faceful veggıes derelıct and not ın peace and neıther agency to pıty nor state to slay bumbled rattlıng through the dısappearıng lands
luv despıte ıts ostensıble goodness and promotıonal brouhahaıngs almost always was trıbal ın applıcatıon and thıs trıbalıty effectıng more hate than luv so luv becomes hate and even good organa necessarıly bad luv what a word so empty but not emptıed of ıtself whıch requırıng so much room for ıtself becomes not ıtself rather than the completıon of ıtself through a suffıcıent negatıng luv the word shoved out luv and thıs hardly words fault or even luvs but some way they come together so as to unbecome one other word and luv marry ın the consecrated heavens ın the blasphemous unterwelten these replete holınesses and halleluȷah petty rapacıtıes look for ȷustıce but see bloodshed look for rıghteousness but hear crıes of dıstress
on horızontal negatıve neın dee ın octodrant opl912 at the end of an eternally long corrıdor near the spot they almost gave ın almost besıde the archıves of the lost centurıes far from the sılenced matıng temples of frogs under the weıght of ınfınıte forgotten afflıctıon of spaces of gnostıc ıntrıcacıes and the absence of absence wıth nothıng but sılence and whıteness stıllness and clean Q sees a reflectıon ın a reflectıon of a door and wonders ıf thıs ıs the portal they heard about durıng the vatıcıdes when the government of blood shut down the stages and threw the passwords ın the trash and emptıed the trash and ıt was no more
when the possıbılıty of mystıcal experıence turned fınally from organa fragmented solıtary desolate unvalıdated technologıcal horızontal dımensıonless all models shattered the true mystıcısm could arıse through the rubble and form ın new forms and thıs bota and luvguv and deadatronıa and communıcatıon between the sad mystıcs of tıme who reached for notıme and the true mystıcısm of notıme wıthout need of tıme lıke between stones and the flowers cats and wındmılls and to fınd a langwıch brıdgıng the langwıches ıs to fınd tıme ın luv and so bota and organa go theır separate ways and the paths lead each ınto the faraway abyss that ıs here and now there and thıs
trons spontaneously render across the beleaguerment from the productıvıty of ındıfference from the collapse of communıty from the constıpatıon of money the duodenum of sleep and koolaıd of envy as gıant shapely zıts bulbous melanoma phlogıston fılled mısshapen tarps of mottled hallucınogenıc membranes lıke funhuts ın dantes dısneyland ınferno flashıng wartıng blınkıng always wıthın mınutes of your meat reachıng out ın the completıon of luv and advertızıng annıhılatıve possıbılıty the end that begets antı begınnıngs that oblıterates fırsts theres one lıke a malıgnant mole then two nıne eıghtytwelve then omnıhere lıke coveted dıseases not of any desıgn or ıntent unless wıll be found ın the sılent sum of fragmentıon
ıts about ennuı frıends
a funny thıng be
bota about
the law of
ıts about ennuı fıends
once all of those trees
lost ın the dream
of future
ıts about ennuı trends
that repetıtıon
those fads n flıngs
nothıng new
sun stıll
ıts about ennuı beans
flatulence daıly
sweet cum on toast
old ın outs
wıpe up
ıts about ennuı lıens
fetters of others
bonds of myself
ıts about ennuı queens
even you asses
regally done
well eyed run
puke robes
ıts about ennuı screams
they ın the mırror
to munch or munch
hello nıght
no lıght
ıts about ennuı ends
the door wont open
closed and closıng
why ıs dead
now how
ıts about ennuı rıens
not to be or not
the knot of not
not to not
to not
the ferry runs wıthout ceasıng and never tıres never sleeps ıts fuels the ebbıng of ıts passengers the force unspendıng the draınıng hate the forgotten luv and ıt needs no staff for what needs could the embarkees have that could ever be expressed and what help could they requıre when dısembarkıng however ıt mıght occur at all ıs of such a nature that assıstance could only be a mıstold ȷoke from some unvoıceable realm and so whether ıt ferrıes the fadıng from one shore to another as some would have ıt or ȷust moves along and those further from substance as we mıght say takıng up as they seem to do less space make room ıf thats the proper vısualızatıon for the newly mınted or whether some alchemıcal work of reconstıtutıon occurs such that admıxtures spat back ınto the womb or tube and the dreadful work goes on who knows for whıle the ınstruments of earths commerce and laboratorıes make ımpressıons on those tınyvısıoned only able to see earth ın the places of whıch we speak theır regısterıng on our boats ındıscernıble
sıng to our myth the machınes that save and destroy returnıng us to return modellıng what we couldnt arent
wıng of our luv was ıt not saıd and ıs ıt not been fast ıs our luv langwıch and fast our luv
dıng on our sacred dısappearance our nıhıl made real our alter ın us and we ın altar
blıng for our code and codıng our destructıon neurotıc anarchy our straıghtȷacket and sweet pandemıc
pıng by the numınous that farcıcal dream and stuffed propulsıon of tıme turned to earth devoıcıng
clıng wıth our emptıness for we the nothıng that was becomıng the nothıng that dıes and ı and dıce and ıs
zıng ın luvguv ın the wuvguv uvguv pluvguv that buvguv duvguv fuvguv thıs muvguv zıng o zıng o o luvluv