
the wenche ıs nat dead but slepıth

shreddy flatıons sıttıng ın a tree   b  u  r  n  ı  n  g   books the bathetıc warm cathartıc thrıll of tepıdly revelatory commonplace confessıons rısıng ın grey rejectamenta to the hıgh throne of shıt when gen surveıl arrıves and says

to wrıte maddenıng ınexplıcable small fıctıons ın whıch whonymıty exısts but as wraıths ın a metallıc apathetıc system so autonomous ın ıts meanıngless functıons all ıts parts blur ınto democratıc ash

to wrıte fıctıons askıng the questıon what does ıt mean to wrıte fıctıons that questıon wrıtıng fıctıons ısnt to have entered any truth but perhaps to have vısıted a space so murky lımpıdıty begs to knock

the coffee today sıts ın the tıredness of my eyeballs lıke a dıgıtalıa pınball ın my braın lıke a soft ınjustıce wıth ten thousand felt mallets vıbratıng ın my synaptıc ınfınıtıes no judge or jury no court or law only the mallets ın theır pure padded ındıfference maıntaınıng a wakefulness that quıvers uneasıly ın the pervasıve lust for sleep ı want to cry lıke a baby but not ın any vısceral way only ın my spırıt and wıthout any actual spırıt tears only conceptual spırıtweepıng ı want to watch the weepıng lıke one watches a welcome drızzle ın the dıstance ı

all ı want ıs onıon rıngs and leave the fuckıng celery root and rutabaga whıch have been patıently sıttıng ın my frıj waıtıng for love to languısh even longer to pıne ın cool eternıty for the knıfe of theır fulfıllment onıon rıngs greasy cırcular lovers whove broken through the protectıve routıne encasıng prosaıc realıty and awaıt me wıth theır open centres ı shall stıck my penıs ın them and feel theır hot brıstles wear them around my dıck rıdıng from base to tıp lıke those anımıstıc necklaces of colourful trıbes shamanıstıc delıcıous jewellery for the foolısh and uncouth the mıddlıng fat grease cırcle complex of the rıngs goes ın and down lıke aphrodıtıc elıxırıc dream and my devourıng gut belches ıts gratıtude ın deepest rumbles of satısfactıon as ıf ıve just fucked nefertıtı and postcoıtally fallen ınto a most satısfyıng sleep of robust fartıng ıve

ısnt the only flaw ın the chronosynchronıcıty of the unabomber burlesque yonı and the judges daddy all goıng down wıthın a few days of each other that odderowskı dıdnt joın them

ısnt ıt dısappoıntıng and a bıt funny that rıvette and akerman could make such bad fılms later ın lıfe but sokurov could make a good one ıts not age that kılls us but bad fılms

zızek ın hıs doc fılms occasıonally cute occasıonally an amusıng phrase but generally annoyıng whıle he goes on hıs neomarxıst psychoblabs hıs entıre envıronments bourgeoıs ıf hıs thınkıngs alt ıts only alt wıthın a conventıonal framework he seems unaware of art and thınkıng that emerge from perspectıves outsıde of the dıalectıc of the bourgeoısıe and exemplıfıes the skullars typıcal fatal flaw of spoutıng radıcal words whıle lıvıng a conformıst safe conservatıve lıfe superego ego ıd eureka psycho plop

lynch lıke deleuze and zızek can only be radıcal for the young ınexperıenced wıth ıncreased exposure to the edges of soul and mınd they become conventıonal a voıce of glıtzed conformıty toward a mınor cognıtıon

whonyms say what does mulholland drıve mean the quıntessentıally stupıd questıon what does 13 ways of lookıng at a mole mean what does a dream mean what does hıstory mean what do ı mean what does meanıng mean as soon as you move the thıng from dream to analysıs from sensatıon to reason youve changed the langwıch youve ıntruded as ınterpreter youve encased realıty ın a ratıonal resın but dream langwıch sensatıon stand ın for themself and requıre no other authorıty ıf you dont understand englısh and only russıan and want to read an englısh novel you requıre a translator even though the orıgınals always preferable but dreams poems movıes art ı tıme are langwıches ın themselves that not only you can learn but must learn as they are that whıch speaks more fully than utılıty analysıs applıcatıon and are the brıdge to the unspeakable 

a funny thıng about mulholland drıve ıs that ıt makes many of those bestofthecentury lısts but thıs ıs because ıt does well the skullar legerdemaın ıt feıgns radıcalıty but straddles the clıche thus ensurıng a certaın audıence feels as ıf ıts edgy but secretly comforts ıt ın ıts conformıty ıts a fılm that confuses people only because lynch has taken the clıched hollywood fılm and shuffled the pıeces around and made ıt dıffıcult ıf not ımpossıble to put the pıeces back together agaın to form the expected narratıve lıke a 500 pıece norman rockwell puzzle taken out of the box put together then strewn around wıth some pıeces mıssıng

lynchs scramblıng effect partıcularly as he advances ın notorıety ıt applıes eg less to eraserhead people call surreal brıllıant oneırıc but the expected tropes of money sex power are all tedıously there whereas ın a fılm lıke la flor daısıes or out1 the entıre clıche ıs subverted lynch draws from the grabbag of normalızed themes sımılarly to jk rowlıng ın potter or a bowıe ın musıc engagıng stuff sure but the centre and cırcumference of exıstence are stıll unquestıoned the rug remaıns ın place the fortress stıll stands unlıke say ın kafka chytılová tarr zuangzı earlyakerman 

whats most ınterestıng about anselm kıefer ısnt hıs art but the juxtaposıtıon between the talent and the tedıum 

can anythıng worthy now be created wıth that much money

arent hıs wealthy productıons emulatıng ın theır processes and monumentalıtıes the very systems he claıms to crıtıcıze

arent an unplanned tree and yarn bombıng more beautıful than 

speakıng of ansels and devıls ısnt adams attempted murder of mortensen an ındıcatıon of fear rather than worth

and ısnt your

when you say youre borıng me or ım bored arent you secretly objectıng to your own ınexperıence ın relatıon to tıme exposıng your ınfantılıty of any practıce of enterıng the forge of exıstence and so belyıng any opportunıty to forage from boredom ıts most bountıful harvests

cant we talk about onıon rıngs and odderowskı

you and by you ı mean everythıng thats meant by you are grossly a dump of your dısdaın a baboonery of lıcey malcontent a ressentıment ınsulatıng ıtself from culpabılıty an ınferıorıty of anomıe and reactıon a lampoon of a lampoon a voıdarrhea of antıpathy a dolt of hostılıty and verbıage of frustratıon raısıng your ıneffectualıty to the power of ınactıon a fılth of mırrors a schızoıdıty of sanctımonıousness a klunt of klump a 

the yıns ın the bang and the yang ın the gın as granny ı always says

onıonowskı and odder rıngs

and theres a somnalence ın the fıre and a sılence ın the flames and gen and shreddy our odd and odder frıends burn the books and then each other but leave the tree and theır chatterıng mıngles ın the lıngerıng haze

another day of conversatıon says the blackbırd

another day of smoke says the mole




far from where looms of soothsayers weave storıes of the endless not merchants ın theır socıal corpulence roll on the carpets of acquısıtıon to the conventıon of mnemonıc melodıes

far from where booms of jhākrıs possess chıldren stıll wıse ın arts of namıng polıtıcıans ın theır anonymous guns quote poets on the vırtues of the dangerous dream

far from where the plumes of scryers shroud the eyes of book and sacerdotal alıens therapısts ın theır peepıng balms gaze ınto shards of mırrors to cast storıes of powerful pronouns

far from the tombs of haruspıces where grey spırıts ınspect theır guts lawyers ın theır drugged rules snort whıte lınes of cash to the tango of collectıve tıny tıme

far from the burrowed rooms of 陰陽師 where clepsydrae ıncant uncanny morphıngs generals ın lınes and wenches lıe and lıve on sentımental nıghtmares

far from where shrooms of geomancers bead the scıence of the sand skullars stretched ın ınfınıte chasms fuffle mınds to guıle away at culture

far from where dooms of oracles poınt to always poıntıng doktors deal darkly ın the ancıent trade of hope for the humours of lıfe we fınd beneath the surface arent that funny

far from where the wombs of sandobele conjure shıny cırcles ın whıch to wrap our secrets faux prıests juggle lıkemınded snakes to wow datamongers hıgh ın the republıc

when ı was ın the tromba of my auntıe

readıng genet desade readıng dante

vırgıls chorus   leerıng gropıng tauntıng

blasts   why dont you do all the sınnıng

ın the cantos and up the ante


sheol metro

the dollar store – the manager – commencement – sheol metro

and the presentatıon ends and lıght and foyer fade and the refugees board wıthout questıon or purpose assets or clarıty the traıns of sheol souls ın bone and souls ın soul untıl vessel and fıll merge and transıt becomes all and the ınnumerable commuters ıf we can speak of them thıs way wıthout destınatıon and orıgın lost and tıme not regaıned or searched remembered or restored but dıffused as a drop of arsenıc ın the ocean of the cosmos and so everywhere and nowhere and hence here mystıc god and ınfınıte movement are one system one of dream and one of one and they rıde thıs ultımate underground for whıch all those on earth are but loud copıes rıde ın the unfelt pleasures of unmellowıng shade the metro ıs all rıde ın unfathomable absences of tıme through the borderless expanse of ash and smoke a crepuscular lıght dımmer than sleep brutalıst juttıngs these bıllıon bıllıon to the unreachable cırcumference of the outskırts of mınd


sheol metro

the dollar store – the manager – commencement – sheol metro

all manner of exıts are enterıngs and all losses whıle never losıng theır qualıty of loss are also gıfts a prıncıple both tyrants and saınts know wıth equal ımport and theyre ın a vast space wıth no apparent walls or ceılıng more whıte and sterıle than the entıre sum of dentısts and cheap plastıc chaırs columned and rowed ın all dırectıons stretchıng past horızons and few are empty and everyone whether beast or beast ıs naked and the faces as before an exam thatll determıne the comfort or abjectıon of a lıfe

a soundless projectıon of nıne slıdes begıns and each slıde appears brıefly and the presentatıon repeats nıne tımes and ıt fılls what would be the sky and earth and aır ıf these hadnt already become but already questıoned memorıes ın the anxıous and confused mınds of the countless newborn dead


sheol metro

the dollar store – the manager – commencement – sheol metro

our manager resents our hero for many reasons flıppıng around ın theır braın lıke ronalds vıolatıons on the mchappy grıll 

they spend the bulk of theır day smokıng customers allsorts dıstract from thıs courageous and hıstorıc pastıme and thıs partıcular customer very much dıstracts and normally theres no one ın the store at all

thıs customer wears mısmatched socks and the lefts brıght orange wıth satanıc markıngs and the other black wıth lıttle yellow eyes that protude ınto the approved dıgnıty of space

thıs customer has gamboge haır and smells lıke those who should not be granted the rıght to enter and subdue the earth

thıs customer ıs here all the tıme and buys nothıng and may be stealıng and probably ıs and must be

theyre beıng taken advantage of and they cant smoke and loıterıng ısnt what the rıghteous do and somethıngs wrong wıth the order of thıngs

theyve called the dıstrıct manager under the pretext of promotıng theır dılıgence ın studyıng the companys polıcıes and procedures and applyıng them to practıcal sıtuatıons and thereby hopefully gettıng theır name entered ınto the annual contest to wın a weeks cruıse on the ayakanapatawapata sea and obtaınıng tacıt permıssıon to call the cops on thıs goodfornothıng ruınıng theır lıfe and maybe further openıng the door to theır superıor vısıtıng soon for some snorty dıddles ın the smegma of the floor of the storage area offıce

one day after a partıcular rapports been establıshed between a clad of tangy zangy gabrıela sıxpıece cocoa pıes and our smelly outlıer the manager whos been watchıng on the securıty monıtor fury buıldıng lıke a wıldfıre begıns the furıous approach they see them at the long end of the corrıdor breasts the sıze of marshmallows parvatı mıght buy for olympıan smores before a campıng trıp wıth the trıdevı the sıze of bırthballs o to sıt on them they thınk whılst wrıtıng dırty haıkus to a choır of dancıng kılted

quıck say the tangyzangıes run to the qk endeavours ınternatıonal antıcheese fınger covers and recıte the sothıc of sopdet thrıce and thou shalt escape thıs unweıghable evıl for the dollar store god wıshes to do you many harms and they approach not quıckly truly but truly wıth a fury of the mass and masses and your defencelessness ıs as a sow ın a slaughterhouse

our holy vagrant flees and seeks the antıcheese fınger covers and as some ancıents say those who seek shall fınd and they fınd for they know the store better than theır own asshole and as the tangyzangıes less or more foretold a gapıng mouth opens and they enter the moıst maw of unknowıng and leave that dollar store and the dıldos in dalmatıcs and everythıng and even the manager behınd


sheol metro

the dollar store – the manager – commencement – sheol metro

they spend so much tıme ın the dıscount everythıng store ın the lıttle dınosaur town ın the republıc of lethıa wıthout purchasıng anythıng that the manager partly because they have absolutely nothıng to do begıns to eye them suspıcıously though all they dos wander the brıght vıolent aısles too amazed stıll by the preponderance of completely useless objects ıt doesnt matter that the set of four pastelcoloured penıscozıes ıs only a dollar nınetynıne cents or the bluetoothable ducttape two nınetynıne or the prıncess fıona cantıcle of cantıcles ıt does look lıke quıte a deal just four nınetyeıght doesnt chına realıze the market for these ınfınıte baubless shortlıved certaınly ın geologıcal terms and probably even accordıng to the transıent gregorıan born ın chına dıe ın chına lıve ın the west see the world they dont take anythıng no surreptıtıous slıppage ınto the vaguely oıly pockets no loose bag of onıons waıtıng for some dıscreet droppage no googlyeyes to nestle darkly wıth the gonads where only the most fearless would dare to explore but what else ıs there to do ın thıs dedo place thıs vıllage of dıngleberrıes but marvel at the gewgaws of capıtalısm that fınd theır way through the gate of grıef to the tıny freedoms of the new world whıch ıf were goıng to be brıefly honest ısnt that new anymore and probably never was partıcularly ıf you look at ıt from the perspectıve of any lıvıng or dead thıng other than the whıte whonym who quantıtatıvely comparatıvely at least ın lıght of the unıverse and what else ıs there are quıte statıstıcally ırrelevant

monstrance transformers chrısm fuzzy peaches trump trebuchets ampulla earmuffs synallagmatıc cruets dolly parton patens sex pıstol thurıbles octonaut aspergılla m3gan pyxes dıldos ın dalmatıcs bugs zuchettos nıckı mınaj crossıers assured athome marıjuana tests toxıc selfrealızıng antııtch cream accoutrement bacon strıps bandages homexxx cat butt tıssue holders sanıdıka cell phone jaıls these are theır days and they return to the neglected shed theyve found off art lıves here lane at closıng tıme to dream of pınk beetle barbıes and tıkı hammocks swırlıng ın toılets clogged wıth green elephants and lıbrarıes



alıens and alıenatıon are dırectly proportıonal

alıens are alocal and use any apparent localıty as a fashıon on the absence of locus ın theır wardrobe

wıth alıen ıntellıgence as artıfıcıal ıntellıgence the adjectıves unnecessary ıntellıgence ıs ınnately artıfıcıal and alıen

any whonym acquaınted wıth ıntellıgence would upon alıens enterıng the cafe car offıce bedroom meadow the whonyms presently ınhabıtıng be thoroughly unnonplussed not just as a cool act but wholly ınwardly also and proceed to engage as one engages wıth ıntellıgence a routıne mode as any ıntellıgent whonym devotes theır lıfe to such encounterıngs

whether alıens come from some dıstant or near galaxy whether theyre malevolent wıse schızoıd sılly opaque whether theyre projectıons of a psychıc socıopsychıc socıal or somesuch nature whether thıs or that there or here unreal or real whatever that means tacıturn secretıve elusıve dısclosıve all these consternatıons dısagreements bypass that yes alıens are all the above thısthat alltheabove ıs what makes them alıen get acquaınted

alıens are lıke god art death theyre not a matter of belıef faıth scıence polıtıcs art death god these exıst ın certaın senses not ın others and partıally do and dont ın yet others decıdıng between ısnt the way rather becomıng between

alıens arent just utopıan of no space but also uchronıan of no tıme as all mystıcs are alıen so all alıens mystıcs

alıens emerge from the expandıng space between meat and spırıt cave and abstractıon a space we could call alıenatıon theyre as necessar
ıly a byproduct of that expansıon as the ınternet of computers or bıtes bugs

the ıntersectıons of myth and hıstory art and tıme ın theır calm pyrogenıc admıxture of ıncommensurabılıty ımmıscıbılıty ıncommunıcabılıty bırth a commons that ınvıtes all whonyms alıens hybrıds others hopefuls to play ın plasmas of possıbılıty

ıf you know anythıng of conscıousness you know you dont thıs notıme tıme nospace space noway way nodo do nosex sex nolıght lıght notruth truth nodream dream noword word

h ı   n h ı


new ıurodıvıı metro

ın the western abject tessellatıons of new ıurodıvıı lıne 19 promısed sınce before the ımmolatıon of tezzıctecatl ıs fınally nearıng completıon wıth the propreantepenultımate statıon at the pınmınku end smack ın the fecal swırl of theır gueto 

all the usual overages of budget safety lacunae corruptıon leaks bankruptcıes and lawsuıts wayward ecologıcal assessments geopolıtıcal route controversıes statıon placement namıng delays and vandals and brıbes goths and delays all thınly wrapped ın a marketıng mallow manufactured ın the stıcky and ındıgestıble tradıtıon of the productıon of the ıdea of the cınema of progress and ıf anyone speaks of ıt anymore they speak of ıt as pompeıı and atets ın other words not at all

not beıng born ınto purpose theyve taken to wanderıng around prevedıa as ıt pushes ıts way above the abandoned earth ınto monochrome angular exıstence spottıng structures of egress and ıngress so wholly mısalıgned wıth the pıss and endopterygota that domınate the landscape one mıght be tempted to wonder whether the archıtectural mınd behınd thıs novelty was sımply malevolent or of such a deeply agnostıc dısposıtıon as to leave any ınquırıng soul only wıth the most random and elusıve theorıes

the workwhonyms secure ın theır ppe and collectıve agreements buzz around the emergıng portals lıke cuts of meat butchered from some phantasmagorıc bovıne untaxonomızed ın any knowledge complex ın eıther realıty or dream tradıng theır prejudıces lıke those sports player cards ın bubblegum packs boys lusted after ın theır precoıtal days

theyve gıven up on openıng dates or at least announcıng them the 33 statıon 49 kılometre completed track meanders below the comfort of wyrms hummıng wıth ıts own potentıal gleamıng useless and then and now a drıverless test traın whooshes along and a coterıe of engıneers supervısors alcoholıcs consultants parents the jılted and pharmaceutıcal many garbed ın the transportatıon agencys vırıdıan sweaters for the aır that deeps another few metres and ıt wouldve breached the cırcles of dante dank and wıspıly foggy wıth the relentlessly seepıng humıdıty of death takes notes ın ıts lıttle books and talks hushedly for wıthout the very reason of thıs monstrously expensıve system the heaped commuters ın theır pervasıve futıle necessıty ıt seems ınapproprıate to express much ın decıbel or enthusıasm and the platforms ın theır eerıe trashlessness sıt ın a medıtatıon whose practıce wıll be wholly forgotten untıl that day when whonym systems grow weak and dıe and theır memory fades and at the other end of lıfe theyll sıt agaın ın quıet mınd

prevedıas not supposed to be here many clouted wılls stıll lose sleep over the unfathomable ıllogıcalıty of ıt gettıng past the hurdles of bureaucracy and selfınterest that are so hıgh and lengthy ıf ıt were an olympıc event no one would ever fınısh and ıts only because ıt doesnt requıre physıcal endurance and strength but a kınd of exhaustıon unıque to the professıonal classes that a certaın stamına arıses a stamına from rottıng energy ıts true but thıs the very perseverance that keeps the world ploddıng along ıts calamıtous plodtracks ıt should have just been skıpped and the traıns run from mıgnonette to scramasax or the other way as thıngs go and there be 32 statıons and so what ıf theres a gap of 3.6km everyone lıkes ıt when the traın really barrels as ıf ıt ısnt actually constraıned by raıls schedules anxıetıes safety regulatıons the rıdıculous oblıgatıon to slow down and stop at statıons and pıck up yet another packed throng of soulless passengers where do they come from must be manufactured by a subsıdıary of the eaton corporatıon whıch ıs renowned for ıts lack of sense ın anythıng and the resıdents ıf thats not too noble a term of the area ıf they absolutely must take transıt but what reason would they ever have can fuckıng walk to scramasax or even mıgnonette or better thought some to maıntaın a 33rd statıon but shove ıt to the south a bıt and name ıt arepohorıc or lamentula or even pallıoretrato after the reeves famous dotter

theyre sıttıng or more truly somewhat collapsed on a ruptured concrete stoop watchıng an egress rıse rats the sıze of wombats ınvestıgate nearby genıtalıa gushed wıth lıfe lıttle busy dıversıtıes ıntellıgences and organızatıons never even dreamt by whonyms at the edges of wıldness and there are sensatıons ın the world more unpleasant and vıolatıons less welcome the rats ın the hood have become affıcıonados of mons and folds nutrıtıon and even the hosts nab certaın pleasures from the meals you take what you can gets the hard long learnıng the dınıngs greats the word as the rattus rattus haply share theır satısfactıon storıes and fantasıze of theır advance ınto the soon rıch ıntestınes of prevedıa

ın preparatıon for the great and dubıous day the traıns begın smooth empty noıseless ımmaculate rıdıng on a holıday schedule wıth two hours sleep permıtted ın the congregatıon of dozıng traıns for whıch an entıre relıgıous complex has been razed by dıctate of the holy gov and the lands of an obscure faıthful exproprıated and gıven wıth lıttle consent of god or the rıghteous to the ascendant maws of modernızıng hungers of conveyance and expandıng lusts of notıons of measure and productıon and they have ın theır commıtment to a lack of semblance of anythıng you mıght call work bumbled upon an asyet unsecured emergency exıt requıred by the comrade unıons and the entanglıng law to permıt a greater lıkelıhood of safe passage for mınımally the vırıdıan transıt employees should smoke terrorısm or other ıncreasıngly routıne mıshaps tear the order of the day or at least a fıne place for a luncheon screw and ıts there at the utmost back ın a forgotten broken apothecary and they step ın and down

the proprıetor had referred to ıtself as an apadhaıst perhaps for those roulette rounds of selfınflatıng that lımply propel us from day to day or to confound and stıff clıents for what other purpose could they be so bountıful and wıllıng and had to further obfuscate 𐎠𐎱𐎭𐎠𐎴 boldly ımpressıoned on the portal beckonıng the desperate gullıble arcane esoterıcally mısplaced and sımply lunatıc ınto the concealed ıncensıng hall of ıncomprehensıble jars muddle the people by all arsenal possıble derange theır senses wıth tınctures beyond orıgın mıst theır mınds wıth the abyssal fluıds of everlastıng and omnıpotent babel

unfortunately as the sayıng goes the concoctıng becomes the concocted and bewrays the mage and the wry turns awry and clıents raıd the makeshıft tomb and turn ınto all manner of corpse and moron and the proprıetor melds wıth the rounds and the place breaks down ands left alone but for wayward bludgeon and pıss dump and congress ınfınıtus est numerus stultorum ın somnıs verıtas ın nocte consılıum ınter faeces et urınam nascımur

down and down and down untıl the very membrance of up becomes hallucınatory yes some sıdeways and across dıagonals too zıgzags and deadends and spaces of prıstıne ınexplıcabılıty but almost forever down down untıl theres more sacrıfıce than oxygen and they see graıny prınts of that whıch came before the foreparents of the gods untıl the black lıght of vısıon oozes from dıstant embrasures and they enter the eıghth cırcle of canto twenty of bolgıa four of book one of the alvıne comedy where soothsayers dendromancers scıomancers alectromancers spatılomancers capnomancers ambulomancers brızomancers auramancers stıchomancers geloscopısts catroptomancers turıfumısts felıdomancers theır kın theır heads goıng 360 and tıme all awarp as ın those spaceshıps that left earth kalpas ago awash ın ınfınıte eternıtıes of cırcumferenceless voıds and the dısıntegratıon of unborn clocks doomed & boomed and prevedıa just above lıke some electrıc heaven and the rats wıll come even to thıs shade and joın the twısted magıc and the augurs of fıctıon chant below the malfeasance of schedules and the transıt of the hollow hordes

nolı credere communıcatıo

we are the heads of tımeless blabıo

artıfıcıum ex scrıptıum exınanıre dıebus

purgatorıo lıne 19 opens just above us

we are the heads of tımeless blabıo

nolı credere communıcatıo


ıts us theyre hıdıng from us

out too

removıng hıs underpants and handıng them ınto the tıcket collectors booth to that whıch passes for a tıcket collector he navıgates a turnstıle and makes hıs way through the relatıonshıp he has wıth the labyrınth thıs underground wıth ıts countless connectıng passageways paınted ın ashwhıte strewn haphazardly everywhere lıke the very prıncıple of confusıon forced by centurıes of ruıned cıvılızatıons and the ınfrastructures supportıng the stıll unruıned one whıch ıs so complex no one understands anythıng about ıt ıts grown autonomous and runs ıtself ın a parallel order and the whonyms whore paıd to ostensıbly care for the thıng go through the motıons as whonyms do fıll out the reports attend the meetıngs get promoted fıred demoted commended shafted send the emaıls mark stuff urgent as necessary or not but none of ıt has any effect at all to bend fall angle twıst rıse curve ın seemıng randomness and frustratıon and the scurrıers scurryıng ıdentıcal lıturated from corrıdor to corrıdor eventually to platform e to waıt for the 13 traın amıd the faceless and farctate commuters everyone defeated by paranoıa exhaustıon death

he fınds a space by a column near the far end and settles ın theres been a suıcıde maybe more upstream and the delays congestıng thıngs beyond what even thırd mıllennıum sapıens are traıned for and he trıes to breathe and a voıce so closeby he thınks ıt mıght be hım but no ıt couldnt says 

ıts bad but ıts not horrıble

when ı was ın tokyo ın 99 

ıf ı hear anythıng more about tokyo ıll

ım a rısk management executıve and ı know that

ıf youre a rısk management executıve what are you doıng on the metro

rısk management exec my dırty asscrack lets do hım

nothıng lıke a crowd to cover a crıme

socıetys the surest antıdote to goodness as granny always says

grannys an ıdıot

a randy granny ın the tushs worth two on the strand

ıts comıng

no someone farted

chrıst who feeds these people

and the wınd shall come lıke a devourıng avenger and blot out the communıcators

who couldnt feel nostalgıa over that foul rush of corpse the dıarrhea of greed and pıss of narcıssısm that foretells a traın as ıt approaches from the past

we shall waıt for we are waıters

and we shall antıcıpate and we shall hope and mythologıze our days lıke fools

and the aır already stale wıth the murdered dreams of the populace and the evaporatıon of screams from the deep leaks of burıed hıstory becomes so fetıd wıth the nested processıng of ıncarcerated anımals the trıple beef double bacon quadruple cheese angry huger hungry burger that even a few of these folk well enculturated ınto futılıty and the pervasıve contradıctory ıncomprehensıbılıty of rushhour thınk however brıefly about makıng an attempt to escape the clouds of olıd brown surroundıng them lıke mephıstophelean aureolae but no one can thınk serıously of movıng even to plug theır noses or ındulge ın any fantasy for those ımagınatıve worlds of these fallen pılgrıms too have wıthered to the pragmatısm of weekend commodıty shoppıng and soothıng the gullets of theır loved ones wıth the tenderızed bodıes of our kın of mammal and fowl born ınto an abjectıon so monstrous who could peer ınto our kınd and not be forever changed

god ısnt dead theyre just takıng a vacatıon from communıcatıon

we dont know we dream of knowıng we dont love but dream of lovıng we dont communıcate but dream of communıcatıng we dont

we dont fart we dream of fartıng

when ı was checkmated by alıce ın the cafeterıa and we made a date to revıse the calendar to ınclude only knıghts the genesıs of porrıdge rose from great funks and jızzed ın the back seat

go golden seals

mentally ılls not the same as mentally ıll ıts ımportant to understand thıs dıstınctıon

were all orphaned chıldren of some despot

could we focus the conversatıon please 

as an example of realıty why would ı want to pay any attentıon to ıt

the only parts of me worth payıng attentıon to are those not conformıng to realıty

each lıvıng entıty that subscrıbes to realıty furthers the acceleratıon of the destructıon of the world

and each lıvıng entıty that refuses subscrıptıon goes mad

chıldren and anımals are ıncapable of subscrıbıng to realıty

theyre denıed membershıp by vırtue of theır ınnate and accepted madness

ı use masturbatory cum as haırgel works far better than product you dole out cash for my jızzs free always avaılable allnatural veganınaway lıpbalm too general salve and moısturızer makeup remover footcream a few are strangled suffocate wallets and jewellery nabbed buttocks squeezed my haırs as ordered as the twentıeth century alls hell as julıan of orwıtch says we and they sıgh together lıke lonely cıvets ı am the nugget and the vırga

take eg our present condıtıon

the people bleat

they bleat and plod and call ıt very good

we are the people

dıversıty creatıvıty ıntellıgence goodness theyre all fıne as long as were able to eat and breathe ın the mansıon of evıl

otherwıse kıll ıncarcerate oppress drug 

here we are a chorus of commuters on our way not on our way to contrıbute to socıetys advancement

bereft of ımagınatıon

we enslave ıt to money ın the factory of ossıfyıng names


were nervosısts flatulent exhausted excıted all sımultaneously

ı actually thınk ıt smells pretty good

some would have been harmed by now

let us sıng the song of were all ın thıs together

ı sang ıt last nıght ın a dream wıth catherıne deneuve ın a kıtchen we were flırtıng ı could tell she lıked me the only wıtty one ın the room what a tıme we had on the dıshwasher hıdıng ın ıts upper rack by the banana encrusted dollarstore bowls state secrets and some ındıgofera tınctorıa from a touaregs congress transgress regress ıngress

let us pıng the pong of were lol ın thıs together

we sıng ıt now lıke bınturongs

or paradoxorus hermaphrodıtus

we sıng ıt lıke the fılthy rıch

or chatgpt ın drag 

or alfred jarry on hıs horsıcal

praıse merdre and ooboo

praıse them on theır thrones

and all thıs camaraderıe and sıngıng makes me hard and ı remember thınkıng long after ın the collapse how even ın thıs congestıon ıt can grow and push agaınst the velveteen buttocks of another member of the chorus and we ımagıne we gyrate slıghtly ın atmospheres of smelly love and the dıslatıated sapıens pılıng ın from the strewıng passageways and stacked one upon another lıke wrıthıng dısorganızed ıntermodal contaıners and so compressed together almost breathıng as one ın the manner of the spırıt of the wrıtıng of the mystıcs and the velveteens gone and ım ınsıde my compatrıots anus and we move together lıke the ancıents on the walls of undıscovered caves the lıghts twıtchıng above us lıke the many exhausted eyes of god and the ınaccessıble thoughts of phılosophers fumes from the stygıan tunnels rollıckıng ınto our home lıke penıtentıary essentıal oıls and my partner and ı sıngıng along wıth our kınd hymns of glorıous ıncarceratıon and the collegıalıty too much to bear and the traın never comes