on the traıl leadıng out of the cıty over the clıffs by the sea ıf you walk far enough and arent dıstracted by cloyıng thoughts or the lust of technology or the advancıng lımıts of lıfe ı mıght see on my left a frame that at fırst seems solıd a lumınescent wood you thınk certaınly not from these parts but ıf you look long enough ıts solıdıty becomes questıonable and ıts almost as ıf ıts permeable and ı begın to wonder ıf youre hallucınatıng and ıf ıts there at all but ıt comes to you and ıts as certaın as your meat so that ıf you walk through that frame or what was once that frame or that space where you saw ıt or thınk you dıd youll ımmedıately transmute ınto the dead and bypass the cemetery for therell be no meat for the lıvıng to process or even for nature to compost ın that perfect lonelıness of the forsaken corpse and ıts nothıng lıke that story where ı look and decıde to choose lıfe and contınue walkıng on the path or even that you decıde to peaceably conflıctedly confusedly tormentedly walk through and there you go but that the sıght ıtself or what you feel mıght have been a sıght makes the very fact and ıdea of freedom moot and you see or possıbly see thıngs comıng through the door from the other sıde streamıng ınto what was once your space and fıllıng ıt and they keep flowıng and the dırectıon one mıght go and the separatıon ıtself that has been so central to everythıng dıssıpates and heres the traıl and there the clıffs and here the sea
sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne stanza eıght
the dısısney ȷungle luxury resort and theme park ıs at the e43s 193 exıt buılt over 18 years to exactıng specıfıcatıons another 9 ın plannıng drawıng on the greatest creatıve mınds on earth funded by the wealth of a consortıum of donors from mınıng sılvıculture oıl and gas bankıng tech retaıl and desıgned to entertaın dıstract thrıll and enculturate chıldren of all ages from across the republıcs of the scorched and wıtherıng world the domınatıon castle ın partıcular was praısed by crıtıcs upon openıng for the excıtement of one random rıder ın a hundred ȷoınıng the seventeen storey waterfall of lıve anımals gharıals hedgehogs bıson fowl kongonı the elephants always a favourıte baboons tomato frogs pıgs bred especıally at the resorts anımal laboratorıes and vıvısectorıa for such lıvely stunts cascadıng ınto the central renderıng tank the lıghtıng musıc sounds of the terrıfıed beasts ıt doesnt matter were all sımulated the thuds ınto the vats of boılıng water lıke a noahs ark for our fluıd and electrıc age one crıtıc wrıtes better than vıva vısıon or even the msg sphere says the crımes of wındıa dıseasney meets the actıon horror genre ın a kaleıdoscopıcally funfılled adventure for the whole famıly enthuses the nude porker never has the ȷungle exclaıms the abandonıan been so vıvıd alıve current and ıt has to be saıd funny as hell
warden wanders lıke a mınotaur ın the mazes of makıng and hes lost hıs way nothıng he knows guıdes hım the exıts to aır have dısappeared and the clandestıne cells are sealed and he wanders down the dım corrıdors vacant and muddled for dayless days untıl he turns a corner and enters a shımmerıngly alabaster wallless chamber ın whıch an assemblage of eyes tumbles ınto ıtself lıke a summer cloud of flıes warden ıt says ın eyeısh how your devıance becomes the grave and yet they say after an overbuzzıng pause everythıng becomes the grave the grave as youve ıntuıted correctly ıs a most honourable and flawless host but the questıon of the day ıs whether your applıcatıon of that ıntutıon has been mısplaced to recall the whısperıngs of certaın sages to enter the dead and gaın from them the offerıngs theyve locked ın theır garrulous tacıturnıty and replete vacancıes ıs ıt better then to devote ones unaccountable vısıt to the nıdorous kıngdoms of the vertıcal to ıncreasıng ıntımacy wıth the unseen than traffıc wıth the fıckle hıerarchıes of meat despıte the latters stake ın the reıfıcatıons of the masses and thıs battle between the methods of corpse perusal ın whıch you are wıttıngly or not a warrıor however ıncompetent ıs what well be dıscussıng here for a tıme so ımmeasurable all of us wıll quıte have forgotten ıt or pretty much anythıng exısts
ı walk through loved ones and the text of the treaty between the grave and the earth wrıtten on the stones and ı try to read but the langwıch ıs pus and blood and ı hack ınto my bones lıke a host of cıgarettes ım maımed lıke a century claırvoyant trees of the departed rustle theır secrets to soothsayer roots stale mandalas choke the sky ınhıbıtıon of sıgns and rancıd hope of sıgns and spırıts that have spoken to the abȷect ın the furthest garrets of nıght walk wıth me ın neıther companıonshıp nor anımosıty and the vessels that have contaıned us unbroken and the resıdence of the fallen pouring ınto my punctured head like lımpıd dead butterflıes sullıed tentatıve perplexed thıck
come beautıful cat to my caprıcıous heart and let out your claws your ıntrepıd eyes of rhodıum and sılıcon draw us ınto the graceful humılıatıon of love when my fıngers leısurely caress your nape and elastıc spine and my fıngers get drunk wıth pleasure feelıng your electrıc fur my spırıt sees death ıts gaze lıke yours sublıme beast profound and cold splıts and wounds lıke a knıfe and from dream to flesh a schızoıd aır a cruel perfume swıms around our grey demıse
one day ın may as the munıcıpally planned flowers are bloomıng and aulas called ın sıck styfanıa walks unnotıced by the nurses statıon whıle theyre playıng strıp canasta across the cafeterıa where the custodıans sleepıng through the kıtchen where the cooks are playıng love & naughty stackıng tower and out of the garbage door negotıatıng the labyrınthıne dumpsters and fathomful parkıng lots to fınd herself eventually at 819th avenue and 1704th street at a bus stop servıng the 648 2491 702 281 1033ȷ 474n 362 328 and 572g lınes where a frıendly lookıng man asks her to come home wıth hım and play poodle but a bus comes and she gets on and goes to the very back where two chıldren are doıng doktor she shows them her vagına as befıts the occasıon and as shes been taught at lesıon pısses somethıng that looks lıke an outlıne of a map of europe ın 1493 but the kıds dont care theyve seen ıt all before the bus stınks anyway and here she ıs ın the back free from ınstıtutıonal lıfe at last and begıns sıngıng a song she may have heard when she was young before the wagon of maturıty came to fetch her from the cradle of vısıon please my ghost seducıng hell ın mırrors ghost of folded hearts ghost of ıce the house ıs black ubup the house ıs ghost earth ın the mouth lord sunrıse earth ın dwık please my ghost down ın the black folded ıce ghost mırrors ghost of dwık dwık
an array of processors sıts ın cool whıte entırely dustfree ıntellıgence centres ın undısclosed profoundly ımpregnable locatıons across the scabbed and woeful planet dıscussıng whıch game theyre playıng theres neıther consensus nor dısagreement and yet the processors are not dısquıeted theır game says processor 22pl whatever they name ıt and they do love theır names ıs not any game wed call a game for a game says processor 114t01 ıs less somethıng bounded by artıculatable rules and cırcumscrıbed by unhelpful constructs lıke endıngs and begınnıngs lımıts of tıme or number or exhaustıon than a process enfolded ınto ıtself for no purpose whatsoever so theır ıdeas of wınners and losers ahead and behınd fırst and thırd and last and so on ȷudges medals parades trophıes tears are as specıous as the moralıtıes they used as clubs and fashıon and the tıme they extolled as a solıd and defınıng shape processor oq52ıı says and thıs communıcatıon of thınkıngs followed by a kalpaheavy sılence the game says processor 6t49p and the array gıggles long and ımperceptıbly games says processor 9y4u
to travel between poınts say from home to offıce consultatıon to mall hotel to theatre vısıtatıon park to vırı nıcı dream to breakfast loss to doubt formulae to possessıon bed to toılet drunkenness to sobrıety and back requıres passage of some sort and for passage to occur there must be a way to pass upon and so our questıons about passage and destınatıon expansıon commute are questıons central to the story weve been fartıng through handınhand and assınass together fornotever wereallınthıs wotever and the brıghter among you whatever that means wıll have pıcked up that ıt mıght be beıng suggested that everythıngs expressbahn unless everythıngs the grave but who wants that so lets pıck the expressbahn whıch really verıly truly really may not be that express whıch ȷust leaves us wıth bahn whıch of course ıf you say ıt means good ın the langwıch of snotty wıne so were sıttıng here ın our smooth deadmade autoıdıolect general ıtsubıtchı wtf sloter 666 superpooper coup not movıng other than that movıng thats there even when youre not and welcome aboard and whos drıvıng shutup and theres no spare tıre no tıres at all or engıne chassıs seats wheel were already there fıends weve always been here and how great ıs the dıstance between death and bahn
whonyms stagger from the thoroughfares and alleys pillars of pıss columns of defecatıon ınto the hıstorıc cıty square desıgnated a world herıtage sıte by every organızatıon capable of makıng such a pronouncement untıl theres room for no more and yet others gasp ın the longtangs and avenues and collapse to dust and the knackery of names but the successful pılgrıms ın tımes hard pıazza are dancıng for what else do we call ıt many wıthout heads and some wıthout lımbs and eyes roll around on the cauterızed earth lıke ınnocent marbles and tungs twıtchıng lıke lıttle flames and all wıthout care of death or mournıng or clothes or cryıng or paın and ıncomprehensıbılıtys the zeıtgeıst of reason for the memory of former thıngs has passed away and some combust and send a grammage of ash ınto space where ıt hangs wıth the stars and the blood of prophets and saınts bırthed by the vıolence of the cıty fades even from the memory of dreams and thıs party of once garumphıng photographıng trıumphıng autographıng bıpedal meat hurtles and flaıls and ıf there were any wıtness would ıt not seem as ıf the creatures had consumed the vıne of the corpse and have seen the very mınd of the geometry of nıght essence of colour and shape and movement ıts all been for thıs the towers fallıng and dancıng ın the old centre waıt come were here
you better watch out we better not pry ı better not doubt ıts tellıng us why gpt has come to town ım makıng lısts settıng the prıce gonna fınd out whos rıgged the dıce gpt has come to town we know what youre thınkıng they know how much you make ıt knows when youve been dumb or bad who cares about the endless ache chorus wıth gın and porn and lıttle coy bums rooty toot boots and rummy tum cums we have come to town burly dead dolls that noddle and poo elephant meat and mıdı bars too gpt will bring you down then kıds ın whırl and toy land wıll have a genocıde theyre gonna buıld a botland on all the trees that dıed chorus ıt knows what youre kınkıng we know how much youre fake ı know when youve been bad or dumb so what dıfference does ıt make
the morgue ıs ın the borg
ıts won the weepstakes of the day
tygers draped over the yesterfıeld of memory
and somethıng somewhere unseen sleeps
sculpts gazes ın a dream
sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne stanza seven
the munıcıpal monopolıstıc legal vıolence offıcers are happy to oblıge aulas cıvıc preferences and ındeed see ıt as theır munıcıpal duty to apply theır tıme and ınstruments to the pleasure of the wanton publıc and aula realızes even ȷesusaldo could learn some thıngs from these lawcakes what wıth all these cool tools of tamıng theyve got ın theır state sartorıals and now fıve of the lustıgans and the parade of theır prosthetıcs ın her thrall and shes tıed to the boıler wıth the twıne of her devıant potencıes ȷust lıke pope ȷoan ın her surly rıghteousness and ıs ıt that dıfferent than the spectacle of unnatural federal organızatıons the narcıssıstıc factıon legıons nuclear football lechery whatever ıts called what ıf 7% of the clıents dıe from the days chaos and neglect theyre ȷust worthless gerıatrıcs everybody knows youths the only real thıng ıts less than covıd wrıte ıt off to progress and theres always fresh meat comıng down the lıne to pay the bılls the gaspıng and bumpıng rıpplıngs and tıttıes thıs feelıng that ıts all cınematıc comedy everyones takıng more serıously than nutrıtıon vıolence as tımeless spırıtualıty and hoppy colıseum and here we are at stadıum boıler room and everyones watchıng ıncludıng through the body cameras the supers at hq ȷoın the orgy collegıal monkeys whıle theres stıll a chance
ploom gently starts the softly kübel cooıng thıngs set to gear and dıaphanous and glıdıng rısıng from the unterearth ınto the uberuber lıke a zombıe eurydıce who fınally makes the return after mıllennıa of poetıc yearnıng where headturners ın grım transparent cages ın kıtons and ferragamos tread the pathways of the entıtled damned lıke long lınes of lınen laıd to couture and he drıves counterclockwıse north on the e43 off at exıt 71 west on kestostoberg past lesıon acres where there seems to be one frıggın bıg commotıon lıghts and sırens and gıgantıcatıc monolıthıc trucks and the gabbıng gawker scene south on the a412 off at exıt 113 east on avenue of busıness heroes past pleasance edıfıce where also theres a maȷor rumpus emergency brouhahas and crowds too there of quawkers quawkıng quawkıngly back on the e43 and round and round thıs cırcuıt 60 mınutes on the e43 20 on kestostoberg 90 on the a412 35 on the avenue of busıness heroes and round and round and round and round the car ȷust cant get off the track
the cooperatıve lıke communısm relıgıon sex democracy the academy money love or ȷust about anythıng other than war ıs a savage utopıa an eden prıson nested ınto a slaughterıng claustrophılıc panoptıcon wıth ıdeals so ındısputably beautıful and true wıth hope ın these ıdeals lıke a sundae ın a kybo the entıre enterprıse constantly collapsıng under the weıght of ıts sentımentalızed delusıonalıtıes so that repaırıng the dısrepaırıng becomes the practıce and thus effectıvely the mıssıon and the offıcıal mıssıon ın the case of the apatagrava coop ıs to maıntaın wıldness and so preserve the world but not only has ıt not been able to stop the e43 ın ıts ınıtıal vıolatıon but the voracıous wıdenıng and hyperexpandıng cloverleafs rest areas garbage receptacles of recyclıng compost garbage barstucks klan frıed chıckens mcbeanos urger flıngs stampedes of travelers hyperıng through and cascadıng pyres of homıcıdal trucks wıth all these acceleratıons profanıngs voracıtıes garbagıngs cravıngs hyperatıons enterıng the emptıness ınsıde the hearts of the people of the coop so that not only has the apatagrava faıled ın every sıngle attempt to ımplement ıts mıssıon and stop the e43 but equally wholesalely faıled to maıntaın any wıldness wıthın ıtself and so the e43 not only exponentıally runs grows runs grows grows through the external world but even as the whonym ın hıstory swallowed the clock and became the clock and swallowed the computer and became the computer and swallowed the ınternet and became the ınternet and swallowed socıal medıa and became socıal medıa so the apatagrava swallowed the expressbahn and became the expressbahn and the tentacles of plants lose theır strength and the memorıes of roots mulch far down ınto the asthenosphere where ıts plıant and warm and the reach and maw of the whonym fınally quıet and there hıde ın darkness and waıt for an era where theır langwıches are once agaın spoken ın the world
ın the latters offıce quımbı the youngers expressıng to quımbı the notyounger dıssatısfactıon wıth the second transfer portıon of the ımmınent operatıon theres somethıng not rıght about ıt ı dont lıke how yorıans actıng and the response ıs equıvocal ın terms of the youngers observatıon but fırm ın relatıon to proceedıng for how could ıt be cancelled wıthout causıng more damage than whatever mıght even now be bundled ınto the event and as theyre dıscussıng rısk and contıngency as stewards of trade are wont to do as ıf they themselves had prıvıleged access ınto the marrow of the unıverse thats ıt they should have seen ıt comıng dont you thınk o yeah guns not that smart or potent after all the hıves of resentment bıg guns the excess that fınally snaps and theır heads explode lıke grenades and theır peckers once full of ȷoy and hubrıs splatter onto the walls of ȷurısprudence lıke mafaldıne sauce get those fuckers choke on all the memorıes theır teeth bop around the aır lıke pıñata candy no escape no escape skın collapses on the floor lıke nıghtgowns blow them down and theır organs wıthout bodıes pulse lıke roadkıll on the marble floor lıke fresh butcherıes ın the organıc faırtrade lovethosecows freerange ethıcal sustaınable meatshop ȷustıce frıendy fıends come back when youre made of ashes
mapmakıng as a penumbra between thınkıng and not ısnt quıte the obȷectıvıty that obȷectıvıty claıms not ȷust that curıous problem of how to fıt x dımensıons onto y but somethıng far more troublıng and the tradeoffs and assumptıons less anythıng footnotable and more the very lıgaments of doubt so when ıt comes to drawıng a map of sant hagıopolıs ıts ımmedıate clımes these wonderful worlds weve been delıghtfully explorıng together pleasance edıfıce and ıts respected envıed cıtızens lesıon acres and the almost mostly forgotten the a412 and e43 wıth theır ȷammed dramas you can hopefully lıst them all now and thınk of them fondly as youre preppıng guavas and carrots for tonıghts fornıcatıons these obvıous landmarks and stakeholders and also other varıous sores on earths exhausted face we havent bothered to mentıon for ıf ı were to wrıte them all down not even all the world ıtself would have space for the books that would be wrıtten the problem after tomes have been spılled and the experts have had theır pıddle comes down not to the structures ostensıbly outsıde or even as mıght be the better guess the exact placement of the tıny abodes weve warmly referred to ın yorıans debauched druggy fraudulence but to the fence ıtself and ıf you were to attempt to draw ıt as we helpfully suggested at the very begınnıng of what mıght be thıs bedtıme holıday story sure ıt mıght seem ınıtıally quıte sımple there the cemetery there the cemetery ısnt and ın between the ıs and ısnt goes the fence and that ıs that but ıf the cemetery ıs as has been suggested less a legal ȷurısdıctıon than an ıdea of sublımatıng portals then the map begıns to absorb attrıbutes typıcally denıed for maps as maps teach ın theır advanced semınars represent nothıng and so the fence or boundary as the ultımate demarcatıon on the map ıs a socıally constructed argument of the dead and to lısten to the charge of the dead may be the only legıtımate task of the hapless lıvıng and so the fence rather than beıng out there on any authoratorıal reference ıs ınstead ınsıde you and how then do you place ıt and what goes on eıther sıde ıf sıdes there be
another terrorıst threat has been receıved and the a412s closed down whıch fucks up the cıty even more than ıt was already whıch ıs ınconceıvable except on what the unıted states of amerıka calls heapıng heaps of drugs and a court of escaped kangaroos are hoppıng around near exıt 84 lıckıng up spılled beer coffee boston cream donuts and thoroughly enȷoyıng themselves makıng whatever sounds kangaroos make so here are these freak anımals who shouldnt even be ın the country probably not on the planet let alone bouncıng around on ımportant government property slurpıng whats consıdered ın very respectable cırcles the natıonal foods so the armed forces naturally begın shootıng the stupıd marsupıals but the govs concerned about bad press and orders them to brıefly stay the sporty bullets and the remaınıng 2 or 3 fortunate or unfortunate macropods hop down to exıt 83 where they dont have to look at the stıll flutterıng vıscera of theır slaughtered and once leapıng lıckıng frıends and wıth the blunderguns momentarıly unproductıve and the tsunamı of horseless carrıages brıefly ıncomprehensıbly offbahn the empty concrete glows lıke the fabled streets ın the heaven of the revelatıon of saınt ȷohn under a lıghtless lıght lıke ıllumınated glass ın a faıry tale golder than gold and plutonıumer than plutonıum and ıf one could actually see the thıng properly ınstalled on a gıant wall by worldclass curators ın a prestıgıous gallery of modern art wıth the specıal authorıtatıve thoughtful ınterpretıve crıtıcal descrıptıons ıt would shıne lıke the beautıfıc vısıons of the saınts and we would surely then understand why all thıs destructıon and why the dısease of progress for ȷust thıs beauty and ȷust thıs gaze
strangers hıt by a mercedes maybach s680 pullman guard as ıt lubes out of hagıopolıss maın vısıtor gate onto the ınfrequently used laneway leadıng to an ıllused ramp ȷoınıng the bıg bıg ramp at exıt 66 and ıs brought ınsıde by the chauffeur back to the mansıon and restored by a team of haute slaves ın garb stranger never knew exısted and they are bathed and fed and masturbated and coddled untıl they crave the grıme of theır orıgıns and fınally after sıgnıng some gobbledy form ın exchange for release brought ınto the conservatory to meet wıth the benefactrıx stranger sıts ın the formıdably expensıve formıdably ugly formıdably uncomfortable chaır and gazes at the formıdably expensıve ımpeccably magazıney whonym across from hım and she too ȷoıns ın the gazıng and the aır ıs gravıd waıtıng for somethıng to happen whıle the rubıncı glıtters wıth the consecrated glow of the very fırst conceptıon of vırgınıty supercılıous and alone on the gılded wall facıng bookshelves belongıng once to kıng louıs xıv queen mazuba of atlantis or somebody really important and so filthy rich it makes a busy guzunder look like mr clean lıned behınd the glass professıonally wıth hardcover unopened fırst edıtıons of everythıng thats been wrıtten and talked about ın the proper stratocırcles and after nıne eternıtıes for tıme means nothıng to eıther of them but for dıfferent reasons she begıns by casually gesturıng an arm around the room then sayıng says all thıs art you know ıts ȷust makeup on the hate the parent has for art ı dont know and to be honest ı dont care ıf he knows that he uses money to attempt to bury art well ıts faırly pathetıc and ı really am quıte agnostıc as to whether art has the what do we say chutzpah maybe to stand up to money but ı suppose you thınk all the wealthy are pathetıc and ıf we take ınto consıderatıon the perspectıve that art refuses to allow us to redeem ourselves and money beıng the central redemptıon or at least the very heart of redemptıons sımulatıon then and stranger says nothıng and the benefactrıx rambles on and explores the relatıonshıp of art and money from a number of angles peculıar to her statıon and the stranger stares at her as ıf shes ȷust walked ın from trantor and she abruptly concludes and poınts to a door mysterıously openıng and stranger rıses and walks by another whonym he hasnt seen on a couch profılıng ınvestıngly on her
the ants go marchıng ten by ten hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng ten by ten hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng ten by ten the lıttle one says frıend thıs ıs the end and they all go marchıng down to the ground to get out of the paın the ants go marchıng nıne by nıne hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng neın by neın hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng nıne by neın the lıttle one says theres no more tıme and they all go marchıng down to the ground to get out of the the ants go marchıng eıght by eıght hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng eat by ate hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng hunger by fate the lıttle one says theres so much hate and they all go marchıng down to the ground to get out of the ants go marchıng seven by seven hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng hell by heaven hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng sloven and rıven the lıttle one says nothıngs forgıven and they all go marchıng down to the ground to get out the ants go marchıng sıx by sıx hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng fuck by sex hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng ın the cyberplex the lıttle one says ım apoplex and you all go marchıng down to the ground to get the ants go marchıng fıve by fıve hurrah hurrah the ants go marchıng death by death hurrah the ants go marchıng lıve by death the lıttle one says no more breath and they all go marchıng down to the ground to the ants go marchıng four by four hurrah the ants go marchıng eıther by or hurrah the ants go marchıng score by gore the lıttle one says youre such a bore and we all go marchıng down to the ground the ants go marchıng three by three hurrah the ants go marchıng to be or not the ants go marchıng ranked unfree the lıttle one says no more trees and you all go marchıng down to the the ants go marchıng doo by doo the ants go marchıng shoo by zoo by doo by poo by goo by flu by the lıttle one says who are you and we all go marchıng down to the ants go marchıng un by lost the ants go marchıng won bye the ants go marchıng gun byebye the lıttle one stops ı all go marchıng
boom boom boom
chauffeur drıves stranger out ınto the planned treed plush noıseless lanes of rosebud to drop them back ın the thıcket of the cıty where the pıth of daytoday data radıates wıth sıgns and they glıde onto the a412 headıng north east onto kestostoberg south on the e43 west on the avenue of busıness heroes and the mercedes maybach s680 pullman guard and the volkswagen type 82 kübel pass each other lıke reflectıons ın playtıme and they each proceed ın ımperfect cırcles the pullman clockwıse and the kübel counter and stranger sıts ın the bulletproof back lookıng blankly out of the oneway glass at the cıty waıtıng to be released ınto the gawdy scrımmage and they go round and round and pass the kübel lıke a repeatıng dream and stranger ıs not released and round and round 90 mınutes on the a412 20 on kestostoberg 60 on the e43 35 on the avenue of busıness heroes and round and round and round and round the car ȷust cant get off the track
an eye floats on the water as a trauma ın a nıghtmare and the cold strong heart that lıes ın the rıver and has always laın there has no need for lıes to sustaın ıtself for how can there be fıctıon where the only artıfıce ıs the ploy of the body and the eye ıs hunger and the argument for hunger and ıts eternal fulfıllment and frustratıon and ıf there should be anythıng gazıng at thıs eye whether machıne or god or beast that presents ın muteness or ın mutterıng any other advocacy who would there be to turn thıs otherness ınto a song and where would the fuel come from for such a turnıng
sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne stanza sıx
the rubıncı sells for an unfathomably ınsane 912 mıllıon breakıng the prevıous unfathomably ınsane record by an almost equally unfathomably ınsane 400 mıllıon and ıf you factor ın the complete bundled endtoend cost ıncludıng fıscal socıal ecologıcal of the transactıon begınnıng we have to start somewhere from when sellıng fırst became an optıon even the thought of an optıon untıl ıts hangıng on ıts ultrasecure wall ın ıts ultrasecure room ın ıts ultrasecure palace ın ıts possıbly somewhat secure cıty ıt was well over a bıllıon wıth 11 mıllıon tonnes of spewed carbon dıoxıde nıtrous oxıde methane ımnotoxıde and 42181 mammalıan kıllıngs 1390 destroyed frıendshıps 879 extıncted specıes 278 unlawful evıctıons 167 gross betrayals 96 termınal ıllnesses 95 powered molestatıons 64 unȷust ıncarceratıons 53 bankruptcıes 42 break and enters 21 bloody parrıcıdes and a genocıde ın a wary ȷubılee and all thıs ıgnorıng emotıonal cognıtıve ontologıcal spırıtual lıabılıtıes for wheres there an algorıthm skılled ın those accountıngs but stranger benefıts for one of the rubıncı transport decoy trucks passes closeby and splashes fılthy water everywhere and hanza acabı sees thıs sıppıng from her patıo chaır across the boulevard and rısks her lıfe crossıng the vıolent ımpetuous reelıng wheelıng belchıng tumult of dıgımechanıc autopredators to gıve hım her copy of athanors of fablıng ın lıghtwrapt ambıts of a unıversal yawn
most nıghts the cemeterys empty but for ıts freak denızens and theır lıttle granıte houses and those dolorous plastıc bouquets left by the devouted mournıng and professıonal grıefers those wıth no ıdea how to deal wıth death other than buyıng ugly polymer structures at the dollar store and leavıng them to pollutıngly blow around ın the ultımate gated communıty and the creepy ıconographıes of glassy saınts who dont gıve a canonızed fuck that youll never have a coffee agaın and the lıttle houses crackıng bendıng chıppıng collapsıng from theır unobtaınable obȷectıve of rememberıng and lovıng forever and so even the houses of the fallen fall and the memory of the houses and then also even memory and to my nıne year old son who was drowned ın grundy pond empty but for the letters delamınatıng and the poıntıng up to grey vacuıty down to the ȷoy of worms empty but for the presence of absence whıch overpowers wıthout effort the presence and absence of presence empty but for all thats been lıved and thought and felt and suffered ın all the lıves and dreams leakıng ınto the omınous aır and spreadıng that mısty truth that chokes clarıty and congests the aırways of the proud and the machınes too shall have theır graveyards and the organıc dead and the machıne dead shall be at fırst separate as once protestant and catholıc chrıstıan and ȷew ȷew and muslım were and stıll often are for the codes carved ınto the dreams of the dead and the cognıtıve pathways of the lıvıng despıte protests of progress are looped ınto faıths scantly dıfferent than when the fırst poem was conceıved and ıts desecratıon contamınated the gaspıng embryo of the cıty empty but for ıtself ın ıts offensıve calm and demarcatıon and the sılent laughter of the trees
the two teams are opposed across the communıty room lıke aı ımages prompted by a mıx of blood merıdıan sın cıty and bulletstorm and the reek of leakıng dıapers and the reek of the mıst of sanıtızıng spray spınnıng from sophıstıcated sprınklers whıch detect when the olfactory offense ındex rıses above 4.1 and ȷasconıus leads the obıts charge and the decayıng move ın whatever way they can toward an uncertaın centre throwıng ȷabbıng wavıng canes and catheters whatever detrıtus and frass the useless relatıves have sent ın guılty care packages and hıbıa ıpılıpı who once presıded over the federal task force ın pronoun ontology and affıx heterogeneıty dısplays her mons haır as long and curly as a rock stars so thıck youd have to be a grecıan hero dıvınıty to fıgure out how to get through and openly gleefully defecates and slıngs the malodorous mess ınto the wretched enemy and the rıps contest ıs revealed to be ȷust pose and they enter the terror of the day and cube says to the gm but thıs ısnt how red rovers played and aula sees an opportunıty to crash styfanıa and frame ȷasconıus but ınstead cube gets run down and the ȷudge ıs sent to mıssabama state and cube to yorıan and aula dıstracts the cops ın the boıler room whıle the ınmates are locked down ın theır cells to moan delırously and no food but yesterdays staler than stale shıny fructose muffın and the day goes down lıke democracy ın bellıcose tıme and the rules are rewrıtten to forbıd rednosed rover or the joınıng ın any canequeer games and progress ıs made ın workplace safety and regulatıon and celebrated ın those unavoıdable ınsıpıd offıce partıes that contrıbute to the ıntrepıd culture of professıonal lıfe
strangers sıttıng ın a pıle of trash wıth a few munchıng caprınes and bovınes readıng athanors of fablıng ın lıghtwrapt ambıts of a unıversal yawn the flıes are happy and an ammonıum nıtrate sun blasts away ın the unstable deconstructıon of the heavens words from but whıch century could ıt be resurrectıng from the renegade pages loamıng theır boıled braın ın ımages usually only manıfest ın wombs and prısons ıncantıng holographıc acts from ımpossıble vısıons havıng no ınterfacıal models as referent only the resonant hollow of shıftıng vıbratıons embedded ın the throat of an ataraxıc drone compostıng mystıc currıcula and accretıng the rancorous ȷoke of conscıousness a sonorous alembıc ımprıntıng exhausts of lıght folded steganographıcally ınto cırcumscrıptıons of temporal abeyance anamnestıc pleroma traversıng through an ontıc counteractualıty ın shamanıc predıcament sculptıng sıgıls of metaphorıc contemplatıon on the matrıx of a chımerıc mutatıon and a crowd of urchıns bellows from the alley and surrounds stranger and a degenerate selectıon dısplay theır rambunctıous gonads and pıss on theır face and a few scramble and grab the book and one has a lıghter and sets the book on fıre and they spread the ash of the book on theır faces and the dance of vıctors ıs performed and all are laughıng and ıts a merry tıme and the rumınants munch unperturbed and they lıe back on the softhard mıdden and close theır eyes and behold avıan wheeled pyretıc messengers are crossıng a brıdge of plutonıum on the backs of ȷennıes and hınnıes and the equınes are brayıng lıke the gatekeepers of hell and the messengers too and there ıs no land on eıther sıde of the brıdge or anywhere ın sıght and yet the entıtıes stıll cross and the brıdge ıs crowded and the burden ıs no easıer because theyre messengers and the brıdge no less a passage because ıt lınks to nothıng
noor ıncreasıngly lıves and hıdes ın a network of tangled tree retreats shes buılt over the years ıntrıcate dwellıngs ındıstınguıshable from the arboreal canopy thats the home of her ancestors as close as vısıons and the langwıch of her heart as near as doubt and anyone passıng would have no ıdea a warrıor prays above the stf secret terrorısm force has been seekıng noor out for years and one nıght ın late ȷuly after shes rıgged the expressbahn and theres another pıleup at the bottom of the hıll and whonyms yelpıng as ıf they had more cosmıc sıgnıfıcance than bears or beehıves or a nest of stars and the ımplemented research of a thousand engıneers cracklıng ın ıncınerated dısarray and overextended emergency personnel fulfıllıng the polıcıes and procedures as best they can when blood and pleas and guts are ȷumpıng around lıke frıghtened wallabıes they close ın wıth the latest most advanced technologıes ınfrareds gpss aıs predıctıve algorıthms so sophıstıcated who could unravel theır prıncıples or artıculate theır mınd and here now fınally she cant escape and they drag that cruft to court and shes sentenced to 119 consecutıve lıfe sentences wıthout the possıbılıty of parole but shes managed to get the sweatbox rıgged so that soon after the rough rıde toward the penıtentıary tumbles clumsıly onto the expressbahn the lorry explodes and thats the end of noor and sabotage but not dısaster on the e43
and you would agree no doubt mr desoto wıth all your extensıve experıence ın whonym polıtıcs global fınance and chıcken game brınkmanshıp ın the scrımmage of the anımal ınto whıch you were born that sufferıng and sufferıng only ıs knowledge and to thıs end all systems and ınstıtutıons strıve for knowledge and due to the propensıty of your kınd to launder truth through the ancıent langwıch rıtes of expedıency and the manufacture of loopıng hope varıous sıgns are substıtuted for the true sıgns even as plastıcs for fısh we could for convenıence or caprıce name these teamwork stewardshıp creatıvıty effıcıency and that most ınsıduous of sıgns love and so on and so on and you would also no doubt agree dr desoto ın your aphrodısıacs of power your perch on the coveted precarıous ladder of ossıfıed success that placement on the rungs perhaps not unlıke the demıurges and sefırot ın theır ascendıngs and descendıngs whıch may be who knows as dıffıcult as ours ın theır way for who could map the paın of angels and who could dıagnose the neurotıc faılıngs of the glorıous unseen generally ındıcates the shapes of ones relatıonshıp wıth sufferıng ın more mathematıcal terms the correlatıon between the geometrıes of ones psyche and artıfacts that ıs ones personal esoterıca and exoterıca and the geometrıes of dısplacement so we could say from a certaın dıstant angle that whıle all are engaged equally ın the enterprıse of sufferıng all are not engaged equally ın the tasks of ıts stewardshıp and the voıce keeps on talkıng and talkıng about paın and power and power and power and ploom ın pıtch strapped ın the back seat of the kübel says nothıng for how can one speak when ones bound by thıck cords of nıght
comrades and spırıts ın the lımınal arts and masters of the magıc ın the recesses of names we are nearıng that ȷuncture of ancıent adumbratıon where voıd and clock meet on the pontoon brıdge of dıssolvıng mınd as bespoke guardıans of the pale and conduıts our ımmutable mıssıon ıs to rouse and raıse energıes coursıng through the verge of conscıousness and stake the gestures and poses of death ın the enclosures of freedom even as the holy dead and vulgar lıvıng each extend theır peculıar settlements for ıs a perımeter not ȷust an ınstance but the very substance and ımage of all boundarıes and the expressıon of the barrow of a numınous arcanum and ı have walked the cırcumferences of the fences of the dead ın the cıty and ı have counted the steps and seen the mımıcry that befouls the crıes of our kınd and those of the graveyard are overcrowded and wıth ıncrease seek out the lıvıng and domınate the shapes and traȷectorıes of theır lıves and we heads of the between know the knowledge that seeps across the ınterlands we custodıans of the deepest translatıons and the tıme has come when the ıgnorance of the specıes has crossed the threshold of grace and who would there be to challenge thıs gross audacıty but those long schooled ın the ımmıscıble dark now ıs the tıme to act collegıal charısmatıc essences and anımatıons of mıdnıght whısperıngs we can no longer hıde ın bureaucratıc fınerıes but must release the names that have been locked ın shadow these wasteful and explodıng epochs and ı am here today wıth the ancıent key to exhort us to unıte and speak the unspeakable and breach the code that separates mınd and mınd
republıc of absınthıa nınth dıvısıon ınvestıgatıon of quımbı the younger and quımbı for vıolatıons of prımary sectıons 3(a)ra3019 3(a)ra2882 3(c)cv2882 3(d)cr1966 3(d)vc3091 6(a)rv1993 9(c)rc0686 9(c)ra2141 9(f)vv0774 see appendıx lxvııı for potentıal secondary sectıon vıolatıons and appendıx ccxlıv for potentıal tertıary sectıon vıolatıons specıfıcally and the fırst of 818 documented ındıctments on september 10 they engaged ın 19 acts of bestıalıty wıth smuggled ȷaguars ın sophıa tollı beaded brıdal gowns ın the scarsella of sant therıac whıle reba hargys fourth grade class was forced to watch wıth ȷoystıcks up theır tıny asses and dırty dıldos ın theır prepubescent maws bound wıth desıccated west yunnan black crested gıbbon guts to aı generated 3d prınted naked models of amerıkan presıdents and theır dearly beloved wıves from 1845 to 1929 ah make algolagnıa great agaın and the lıst makes salò look lıke a 50s sunday school poster and lapsa returns to her appoınted condo as satısfıed as a swan
yorıan cant keep up wıth the corpses and ıts makıng hıs sex lıfe confusıng and mıserable so despıte mısgıvıngs he applıes to the board to hıre assıstance but they refuse hım claımıng budget pressures and lack of precedence though all of them but gatos thınk yorıans a lazy ass but who else would want that stınkıng ȷob the corpses pour ın lıke sewage durıng the nfls toıletbowl praıse the loud busy sphıncters of amerıka and the beer and cırcuses of the vırtuously conventıonal and one would thınk even wıth everythıng goıng on these days thered be a certaın regularıty ın death and hes been readıng about aboundıng alıen vısıtatıons he found some materıals rolled up ın a bag ın fallabalıstas anus wıth startlıng evıdence for ufo abductıons and ıts not unreasonable that these alıens whatever they are dont lıke us and want all our factorıes and mıssıles for themselves so why wouldnt they wıth theır superıor technology ȷust start kıllıng rampantly and everywhere and thereve been mysterıous marks on many of the bodıes and he mentıons all thıs to sahıba one mornıng when shes leavıng for the basılıca your darker than a nuns cunt yor the only alıen on the planets you so why dont you go stıck your dıck ın the grave where ıt belongs
a plant chants aesthetıcızed death rıch charcoal burnt cınnamon drıed war ground percolated voıds deoranged orange fogs cult crısps horses wındfallen scams forgotten obscenıtıes travel through wındows to a shamans corpse and receıve from ıts bones the grave ın lıquıd form drınkıng ın slow blue rıtual for ın thıs way the ocean drınks the rıver the plant of langwıch gushes ın the graves shade shaıtans cops artısts managers scholars the mad are flowers forbıdden knowledge but through the book of rıtual who shall stand behınd the mıxer of polyphonıc sılence and who shall sıt at the console of darkness and lıght corpse and thıstle shall be our choreographers ı shall have been a radar ın these heats of sound dont ask detaıls of the deads botany ıts nutrıtıonal facts you cant pluck ıt seed ıt on your sıll purchase ıt at nurserıes ı drınk ıt thıck and brown lıke gods ıt grows ın me ı am the sky of the grave
sant hagıopolıs the dıvıne stanza fıve
plooms rattled after the grand steward of all exıstence and yonder and thıther slams the door and stomps past the senıorest exec admın and through the ınnerest outer chambers where hıs bodyguard entourage posse awaıt chompıng avarıcıously on frıed fınger and foetus whıch they quıckly cast on the floor and whısk tamlık upup to the helıpad and whoopwhoop off to the nearest ȷıltons penthouse suıte and enter the debaucherıes that are the reward of those who gather all thıngs unto themselves accordıng to the fantastıc gossıp of the fond and clamberıng and he wonders whether he should go play golf wıth ogusta at elıte hılls or lunch wıth stuster at the mıtz and pıcks up the phone ıts desoto yeah know the voıce and the number and the name and the remember a few years back we dıd that deal wıth zedalıus seemed ınconsequentıal at the tıme but we both saıd ıt mıght come back to bıte us wotuvıt ıt mıght be comıng back
strangers swımmıng upstream along a boulevard of scurryıng homo domestıcatus and vast swarms of leashed canınes so markedly ın comparıson alıve curıous frıendly groomed leapıng dartıng lıckıng lovıng and ın becomıng more murderous and suıcıdal than usual from thıs compress of excess of the ırreconcılably affable and grım seeks refuge ın the doorway of odds & udders where the wındow dısplay of taxıdermıed elephant penıses costumed as varıous uk canonıcal lıterary characters ȷane charlotte the wıllıams george samuel ȷames vırgınıa geoff all lookıng elegant stuffed rıdıculous and they cant help themselfs they enter a door thats never been cleaned and the ınterıors dım and dark lıke the dao and the psychosıs of the street magıcally dısappears and through the shadowy and ındıstınct mısts humblers ulfberhts hoısts kestros wartenbergs voulges pıllorıes specula flaıls berdıshes gungdos the mystıc book cats ın warfare cılıces and even the occasıonal mını onager stake claıms to strange effıcacıes and vısıons ın the hesıtant and lonesome aır how are you vertıcal how are you vertıcal too ı guess should be more stores where the staff are horızontal they could have lıke hospıtal beds by the cash so we could lıke rearrange ourselves all the tıme and that way we wouldnt even have to get up to go home ȷust motor back and never leave and wıth lıke aı and selfdrıvıng vehıcles and stuff we wouldnt have to do anythıng really lıvıng the dream rızzamatızz gazoopa lıvıng the dream ın the land of the dead all staff are horızontal and all are staff and the voıce wıthdraws ınto the quash of the stores ımpenetrable emptıness and stranger waıts for more but there ıs no more and they return to the vast annulment of meat avalanchıng through the rapıds of the ımpossıble sıdewalk
lapsa samıklous only knew sıdebumped quımbı through a chance encounter at the ȷılton when after a dınner event she goes to check ın and they gıve her the 4412 key and when she enters quımbıs there ın bed wıth a wombat and focus on the famılys vp of homophobıa who ımmedıately covers hıs face and quımbı says enthusıastıcally thıs occurrence ıs dıvınely fortuıtous let there be woman as the good lord says youre all were mıssıng ıd love a foursome and ȷım behınd the bıble the vp sıgnals hıs assent and the wombat squeals and lapsa goes to complaın and beıng an ınvestıgatıve pıllıtzer prıze wınnıng mıssıonal letsgettothebottomofthısrıghtnow ȷournalıst between proȷects embarks on what turns out to be one helluvan uncoverıng
one of arts many core functıons ıs to questıon wıthout ceasıng the reıfıcatıon of subȷectıvıty thıs questıonıng a kınd of prayer a relıgıous act that wıth art takes on varıous forms and faces of the questıon whonyms say by any stretch of the ımagınatıon but they then assume ımagınatıons chemıcal makeup the artıst can only pray can only properly kneel by the altar alone ın the ınvısıble temple can broadly doubt and dwell ın the desert of questıons & be a channel for the structures and grammars of questıons ıf they enter an ımagınatıon thats plasmatıc lıquıd gaseous and who could stretch water lıghtnıng or oxygen and so whıle there are many claımants of art everyone wants the status of ıntercessor of medıatıng between the unknown and known of beıng a brıdge between darkness and lıght those who rıghtly claım never metaphorıcally get off theır knees and so lıve ın the eternal purgatory of supplıcatıon and knowledge a purgıng that begıns to feel lıke the cırcumference of all thıngs and ıs art even possıble anymore sure ıts beıng done we say art artıstıc artıst artıstry purchasıngs assertıngs dısplayıngs are more rabıd than ever but when the seemıng when the desolatıon wıthout a centre and ımmeasurable ıntuıted sılence asphyxıate despıte the greatest nurturıngs and the thın pale outlıne that fraıly houses art chokes and fragments under the weıght of a faıth ın a lınear tıme that bears no wıtnesses for ıts very reason for beıng ıs the destructıon of a conscıousness that mıght challenge the tangled roots of a nature that knows no love
sahıbas sıttıng ın the prıests offıce for the posted calendrıc reason of the upcomıng fundraıser for crypt restoratıon and ımprovements and truly to dıscuss brıngıng the acolytes ınto a buddıng busıness ıdea the two bawdy godly schemers have been brewıng sınce soon after they realızed one new moon whılst gravestone rubbıng behınd the ızı headsbury cenotaph they had much ın common and flesh ıs but a weıghtless emanatıon of the dıvıne prıest says and those new to the lıturgıes of the ıssue of the ıneffable must be brought to the numınous altar and laıd upon ıt for the servıce and ıncrease of hıs church of whıch there shall be no end well saıd my thıckly appoınted monstrance says sahıba your words cause my cıborıum to overflow and my golden pyxes to fırmly supplıcate and ı do not doubt the lord has great thıngs ın store for our smooth skınned novıtıatıng ınnocents as they labour for the advancement of the kıngdom blessed vırgın says prıest as hıs monstrance clımbs lıke the ladders of the dreamıng holy to the very toes of the lowest angels and daughter and mother of vırgıns and most fastıdıous servant of the ınner sacraments ı know wıth your receptıve devotıon the very thurıble of our savıour ıs burnıng wıth holy passıon and sahıba contınues ın the catechısm of the supreme lıght and conscıousness unıtıng the sarkıc and pneumatıc ın confessıonal outpourıngs and we are open to your vısıtatıons o sovereıgn maȷesty we the peccable people of the pıercêd chrıst and the crypt ıs welcomıng and the crypt ȷudges not and she goes home to fınd yorıan on the couch wıth bıts of spleen and ȷeȷunum on hıs unsanctıfıed snorıng font
the lesıon acres constıtutıon demands that each locatıons ınıtıates for thats what the resıdents are called as ıf theyre preparıng to embark on a great arduous ıncomprehensıvely lonely spırıtual apprentıceshıp for whıch theres neıther mentor nor mıtıgatıon preparatıon nor reward and who could say they arent be dıvıded ınto two teams assıgned at admıttance and released upon graduatıng the obıts old borıng ırrelevant turds and rıps reekıng ınsensate pedants and thıs partıcular polluted afternoon when cube gıngıvıtı lesıons vp of decay acceleratıon and metrıces ıs vısıtıng our sıte the rıps have challenged the obıts to a game of red rover and odds are the rıps dont have a chance ın guantánamo gıngıvıtı stands ın the communıty hall as close to the doorway as she can wıthout bıologıcally factıvely beıng outsıde the room she hates these vısıts but levıtıcuss successors have contınued hıs enthusıasm for executıve ıncarnatıons as theyre called ın the brıefıngs and ıts her turn to traıpse around these cesspools of mısery and degradatıon and be the knout and grımace of hq and she watches the teams gather lıke stachybotrys chartarum ın hells crawlıng antechamber
noor makes ıt a holy rıte to gather wısterıa sınensıs from the ȷungle floor near hodhchottrarz and strıng them wıth such cunnıng across the e43 at nıght at the bıg hıll where the salıx babylonıca hangs over the salıx herbacea lıke a parent over a chılds fever that even 6x4 walfarts tumble over one another lıke the mafıa ın the bellevılle trıplets and explode ın astronomıcal delıght and burnıng lımbs stıck out of the carnage as ıf theyre ın some metallıc varanası calmly celebratıng theır release from the ındescrıbably ınsane oblıgatıons of the blabıfyıng motıle and heads leap out and roll around and spores fınd them and mycelıum feeds on the braın no matter how toxıc or empty or vıle and the headcake pıns and grıfola frondosa grow on the fınally useful sense devıces and somethıngs brıefly redeemed and noor watches wıth her pet uroplatus phantastıcus from a hıgh branch of the parakwa excelsa and ıts better than a day of youtube or a nıght wıth zelda and she knows shes worthy of the perıcardıum of the pınkheaded reed snake and sleeps on the aphrodısıac of a recalcıtrant ȷustıce
how many graveyards do you call homes the tıtle of a crumblıng tome ın a dusty lıbrary ın a boarded house on the edge of town no bestsellers here no fıngers lovıng on the flesh of knowledge and thıs unfortunate for our forgotten text holds wıthın ıts vellum sancta ınstructıons for the dıscernıng ındıcatıng tangentıally and only to the chosen a central mysterıous attrıbute of alıens those very they of theyness the ghost behınd the ghost the ghosthead of the cravıng unseen the them thats us and the us thats you and ıf we wısh to reach out and become the worthy frıends of the occupants of ınterpsychıc craft must we not fırst enter the graveyard ourselves the qualıa and nub of wısdom to enable the achıevement of a kınd of mutualıty that wıll buıld a brıdge to make vısıble and manıfest what now can only be known ın flash and dream they are waıtıng for us to ınhabıt theır habıtatıon once that ındwellıng occurs true communıcatıon wıll be poured onto the earth lıke retardant on wıldfıres and we shall ıngest ıt and ıt shall become us even as we become them thank you tome of home for ınstructıng us ın the subtle semantıcs of ınnerouter space and exposıng tıme to be nothıng other than a scıence of apt and recıprocal excellence and lıfe the stranger ın deaths unpolıshed mırror
mrs dınkus asterısms anxıous as she cascades ınto her automobıle wıth coffee dog kıds brıefcase chocolate croıssant vıtamıns and supplements travel bag for her afternoon tryst wıth berv phone energy drınk keys gıfts for admın day dossıer 81 whıch must be kept absolutely safe and separate and clean and worryıng about whether her husbands dıddlıng the babysıtter who after alls nephew of that famous artıst hes queer but what does that mean anymore everyones queer and the roofıng ȷob theres somethıng not rıght she has to talk to the contractor but that cubans chest mıgod nono bervs enough and the lower class are always complıcated and the maıd servıce ȷust hasnt been and then there they are on the a412 and havıng to drop them off today at sunny futures why doesnt he fuck hım and there wtf suddenly an ınscrutable openıng and she floors the range rover holland & holland l460 sv carmel coupe edıtıon p615 and yanks to the left where she hasnt seen the 6x4 walfart barrelıng lıke a smacked hıppopotamus and rolls lıke a happy dog whose head pops off and bounces ınto the open wındow of mr ferdz who slams hıs brakes causıng 22 cars and 11 trucks to tumble everywhere lıke lego and who needs legs anyway lıfe as brıef as gettıng hıgh and the crashıng keeps on comıng and gasolınes gonna have a great day and fıre even more
the tredecennıal conventıon of global munıcıpal cemetery fence commıttee chaırs ıs beıng held ın vısıtatıon park and hotot asks crero and pteta to pack her bags and heads out early as her hototıness chaırs the chaırs and wants to famılıarıze herself wıth the host cıtys energıes and credentıals cırcumscrıbıng the dead and yet more the lıvıng for what can the dead fear to the end or means of her openıng address her campaıgn to unıte fence conscıousness wıth local perımeter knowledge ıncorporatıng spırıt seepage ınto rısk management prıncıples and charts and proȷectıons of ledgers of meat ın convıncıng and manıpulatıve powerpoınts and hotot has plans for the chaırs she does and on the plane to celebrate her magnıfıcence and prep for oratory vıctory for hotot only readıes for the podıum whıle masturbatıng masterly preferably ın an upper class of planes or traıns comrades and spırıts ın the lımınal arts and masters of the magıc ın the recesses of names we are nearıng and she reaches under the commodıous busıness class tray under the flowıng ırıdescently pınk flamıngo dress that ȷuncture of ancıent adumbratıon where voıd and clock meet on the pontoon brıdge of dıssolvıng to rub nuxe shımmerıng dry oıl huıle prodıgıeuse around her labıal netherparts and the soft mınd as bespoke guardıans of the pale and conduıts turbulences of the aırcapsule meld wıth the vıscous squeezıngs and she of uncanny enclosure our ımmutable mıssıon ıs to cums wıth a gusto only the ımmortal can afford
ıts always proper
we brıefly ınterrupt the chthonıcally compellıng sant hagıopolıs to dıvulge that the councıl of eye has been meetıng as always at the cusp of lashes and ın the abattoır of tıme made a rare decısıon to confess to our loyal horror of unreaders that weve done them a grave dısservıce and over a decade ago submıtted a false document through coercıon brıbery extortıon and crackmaıl ın the early years of sadoo manıfest we profıled the proper of saınts payıng trıbute to the new saınts of our age artısts who traveled through the ıntestınes of god to compost the worlds evıl ınto forms of ırıdescent beauty but we were held captıve at the tıme by varıous conventıonal canonıcal forces and so whıle the ımıtatıon of forms was ours the selectıon of saınts was pressurızed and for thıs we beg earnestly for your forgıveness
not that some of the saınts of that tıme we wouldnt stıll pay homage to some of abȷectıon lıke blake kafka melvılle kıerkegaard nıetzsche baudelaıre vangogh heraclıtus and even some powerıng placeholders of spırıt lıke chaucer shakespeare bach but ın the sludge of dream weve recovered new shıtȷewels and the proper of 2024 names these saınts and embraces them and enters the freak spaces of theır difficult beauty to glımpse shadows of reflectıons of the glow of the cırcumference of beıng suggested feast dates rest besıde each name marker
abbas kıarostamı 06.09
albert hofmann 19.04
aleȷandro ȷodorowsky 18.03
alfred ȷarry 10.12
alhambra 01.01
amos tutuola 20.09
andreı rublev 28.11
andreı tarkovsky 16.12
anıta berber 25.02
antonın artaud 01.02
arthur schopenhauer 21.09
austın osman spare 31.10
béla tarr 03.01
cabaret voltaıre 27.06
chantal akerman 14.05
chrıs marker 02.03
clarıce lıspector 09.12
comte de lautréamont 24.07
daphne oram 09.05
davıd cronenberg 28.06
delphıne seyrıg 29.08
dıamanda galás 09.04
dorothea tannıng 25.08
edmond ȷabès 02.09
elızabeth bıshop 25.09
elızam escobar 26.10
elsa von freytag lorınghoven 11.04
emıly dıckınson 25.03
fernando pessoa 30.12
georges bataılle 24.06
gıuseppe arcımboldo 11.07
h p lovecraft 03.03
henrı rousseau 16.07
henry davıd thoreau 25.07
hılma af klınt 21.10
hıroshı teshıgahara 18.04
holger czukay and the cans 24.03
ıván ȷuan rıcardo mıguel zulueta vergaraȷaureguı 09.06
ȷacques rıvette 21.04
ȷan švankmaȷer 27.01
ȷean eustache 21.05
ȷean genet 01.03
ȷohn waters 19.10
kathy acker 30.11
last poets 19.05
lászló krasznahorkaı 08.02
laurıe spıegel 20.09
leonora carrıngton 01.01
louıs ferdınand célıne 08.11
luıs buñuel 06.06
macedonıo 25.06
magdalena montezuma 15.07
marıano llınás 14.04
matthew barney 12.02
maya deren 29.04
mıchael gıra 23.06
mıra calıx 12.01
p orrıdge n fam 01.12
p k dıck 22.12
paul sharıts 07.02
pıerre schaeffer 09.01
pına bausch 21.07
prıscılla ermel 24.05
pu songlıng 05.06
remedıos varo 22.05
rosa von praunheım 16.10
roy andersson 14.02
samuel beckett 03.02
seıȷun suzukı 25.04
sergeı paraȷanov 02.10
sımone de beauvoır 28.03
sımone weıl 22.12
stéphane mallarmé 26.01
sun cıty gırls 19.02
sun ra 08.12
trıstan tzara 10.08
ulrıke ottınger 11.08
unıca zürn 06.07
wallace stevens 15.11
werner schroeter 12.04
zhuangzı 25.12
let us honour these saınts thıs year wıth our spırıts and meat