
ghost tutu

abstraction  humanitys aurorae and asterism  its screen and total social fact  is an agent and ambassador of ghosts   in our pataruptive age  hardly anything of knowledge but abstraction  knowledge having become something else in its removal from the body and objectability in autopsy  everythings a ghost and our uncanny hyperemphasis on physicality sex wellness healing life  their severance from their twins and loves  belies our comprehensive collapse into an ethereality wholly beyond our dissective fanaticism

i am headless in société acéphale  my heads been cut out from the system of objects and cast into the abyss of images   i am thus a ghost

we are slight suggestions  apparitions of vision  frightful excitements  children of nightmare and semblances of shining  dizzy returnings  disembodied spirits of the controvertible living  duppies of dance  we are thus ghosts  eidola of nonexistent worlds

the film of things   whether we call this film skin brick plastra bark carbonfibre  is a genre of cinema and manifest with cinema and we who would vibratingly surface know in weird allay we watch the shimmering gestures of the mind of ghosts

my life in the bush of ghosts has taught me we arent born again once as the christians preach but reborn in unceasing incessantnesses  so wholly & in such ways we never fully come to birth   once youve entered the bush of grotesque eatings all things are returnings turnings and your pragmatic world of reason becomes a shadow more shadow than the bush

can ghosts dies a question that isnt as irrational as your imaginationless mind thinks  ghosts can marry scream fall fuck  so why should they not be able to die?  theyre never born and this is why theyre ghosts and we all ghosts  living the output of their code

as someone fictional says      the bodys imaginary and we bow to the tyranny of a phantom  loves a privileged perception the most total and lucid not only of the worlds unreality but of our own unreality  not only do we traverse a realm of shadows  we ourselves are shadows

as ghostliness spawns anything as a symbol of anything i spawn in the ungraspable elemental anarchy  that consummate rarity  order in the operations of the spirit   this brief manual of turnings a manifestation of that order

who cant help but admire the flexibility of ghosts  these creatures of uncanny stewardship who  while we talk our values  live them  whove no need of heads ears limbs and hardly genitalia and move without missing their way or being ashamed of their nakedness? who cant adore their vital innocence?

as the only part of humanity worthy of preservation is consciousness  ghosts are the reven of this worth and to not pay them due is gross neglect

humans in their vastly oppressive and imbecilic speciescentrism think of ghosts as vaguely human  ghastly products of relations of humanity and death  or occasionally our close mammalian relatives  but everythings ghost  radiators poetry pseudevippacana phenomenology thegospelaccordingtoluke twitter zephyrs peritrichousmyxogastridmycetozoa nakshatra

anarchy and art are two means to subvert capitalism  that mechanical false monist deaderthandead ghostliness  but anarchy  being implementable only partially and in the sick monumentalism of society  remains a subsidiary of art  which is the realm of ghosts and so boundless melancholic ecstatic acedic

ghosts are the origin end and centre of goths  their anagram and aureolae  sleek fashions of blackness  true music of the underground  industry of hallucinogenic life   and what other industry might there be as all your industrial preoccupations are nothing but productions of our profession of visionary verve?

ghosts are full citizens of the kingdom of god  of knowledgeable naiveté  of the terror of joy and joy of terror  of worms and merdre as delicacies and michelin restaurants as gushed latrines  ghosts  being inveterately holy  aerate the nonearth of earth so we  fallen ghosts & ghosts in training  can snap our ankles in the little holes of the posing everyday

rabbit holes are the habit roles of ghosts and if youd be a ghost practice falling down

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