
sadoo the novel

vole love nullitalis
for all you aesthetically decimated unreaders
you dereaders atomized into the oblivions of nonart
nailed to the cross of capitalism but the pain offset
be well aware in your proleptic mothballity that this blog is a novel
as sadoo despises the novel and so is in its despisableness
compelled toward seduction of it and sadoo is this compulsion

the central characters of sadoo the novel are sadoo doktor heresiarch poofessor fukky risotto though there are billions of secondary absent tertiary and peripheral persons and most of these arent human and these billions aside shove the centres

the plot? the plots prepurchased in the •pataphysical cemetery in absinthia within a fart or four of the desolation of ūbū  anyway theres not just one plot  weve prepurchased many and none of them are grounded and theyre all made of worms

the authors of course unyou and the conjugation of unyou is as expected unyun unyoni unnew unmoni adieux

the novel aims to be proto without substantive or substance  it aims to be roan and roso  its written in every language and thus requires no translation except  alongside stéphane étienne  into itself

while its most easily understood as an infinite series of nonlinear footnotes to a nonexistent body this is false and we recommend instead a commentary of an in delictito flagrante nonfeasance misinterpreted by the courts consequently damning twittles of innocents to sisyphean eternities

the novel isnt so much circular as burst and while lines can be found in it if one needs lines their geometrys imaginary and the maps producible from such shapings can be used to navigate the firth of thrif

but its most appropriate to experience it as an extended table of contents or rather a verbose copyright page by an enslaved anarchist and gibbeteer

yet truly its just a title and the book itself is empty and the novel would be about the titles meaning or lack thereof if anyone cared enough to get past into under or between the covers which  the more you examine them  are just the unyous fulminous fear of death night fear love

though as any idiot knows the only thing to fear is hope

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