
aunty novel including the hit single the dizens & kaizens & karōshis & mizzens & zens zong song

antinovels the same as novel and its this thought that causes noveloos and antinoveloos alike to stumble  of course novels not the same as antinovel but they are the same and were back to antıı and all its belıefıfying and antıbelıefıfyıng ııs  pronounced eyeeyez though we told you wed never tell you this again  meaning something akin to something ı once thought meant something


speaking of  ı was once in one of the barschmucks in noccaught place  one of the barschmucks that used to exist anyway before the ōvid in øvïl ate the ôvìl in övíd and who knows if helldi itself exists anymore  as far as ı and antıı can tell its thirty million dharmizens have slid down the bugtube into hıṃsā  when auntıe antı walks in and says


you see  you got the r504 which was built from the bones of a million whonyms and who knows how many animals since we sort of count the whonyms even the nameless ones the nameless ones at least have numbers even if theyre inexact which makes them less important than the whonyms who at least have numbers but exact ones but the animals dont even have numbers and so when you drive on the kolyma youre driving on death and it got ı thinking this isnt much different than how weve built society which is built on the bones of billions and billions and billions of whonyms and trillions and trillions and trillions of amınals and when we do anything at all were doing it on death


and the four hundred whonyms sipping their eight hundred rupee lattes rise with their dharmaknives and stab aunty antı and make a chaır from her and sit on her and talk of dizens and kaizens and karōshis and mizzens and zens

thedizens&kai z  ens&karōshis&mizzens zenszongsong

everybodys at the centre of the world

everybodys at the centre of the world

everybodys at the centre of the world

and the centre             isnt            there

what have you done my love with my brain

it used to be in tipoli but now its in the rain


what have you done my love with my soul

saw it once in my bleeding cunt but now everythings a hole


what have you done my love with my flesh

my body was a glory but now its just a mess


what have you done my love with my heart

so playful yesterday but now   smegma malice farts

chorus                         chorus                         chorus                         chorus                         chorus


chorus to the tune of shadworth qadhadhfa in the habitude

verses one three & four to the tune of chicane basserabie

verse two sans air


horrible isnt it   crude misogynistic forgettable plagiaristic infantissimo clunked

no one needs these puerilities anymore


if only we were all as mature as oh bomb ah

if our fathers were only all oh bomb ah

if our mothers were only all oh bomb ah

we wouldnt have any stupid songs

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