
tosf - fallabalist a.

the online sadoo family  #2

fallabalist a. ataraxia

falla rax, as she’s known by her friends, was sadoo rad phenoma in the 1970s but two cele elec strokes while she was tripping on a neovariophone synthesized her into sadoo fallabalist a. previously what she’d been had included sadoo rad eula ebi, sadoo rat wel, sadoo en-rhug.

basing herself presently in london, she wanders the cities of the earth as if they’re one for, indeed, they are. exploring the between between the we-ness of her i-ness and the i-ness of the city’s we-ness, falla rax (for sadoo diaper is a friend) uses her body as a set of translation technologies between the aforementioned between between and language, itself the or a (or the and a) between of betweens.

giving herself over to the animism of the city, attempting to see what time would see if it could see, sensing the city as her mind-body complex distributed like a disheveled map, knowing the city as a lover hard and beautiful and dark and faithless, loving the city in its polydimensionalities, its vehicular and cloacal creepings across the dreaming earth, its pecuniary and glassy hands flung in wanton praise toward the impossible heavens, some incorporated pentecost, caught in its thingness like a vast fish in the internet of god, she walks. walking walks walkingly, walks. and the city becomes for her what it is and may not be – a death and a hope, a perfection and scream.

she keeps a diary, sadoo fallabalist a. does. and ataraxia is her diary. a diary of a truth of a between.

sadoo next - tilda tilde


tosf - fukky risotto

the online sadoo family  #1

fukky risotto  sadoos

fukky is the self-proclaimed worldwide administrator of sadoos – posting interviews, essays, and clumsy upsets of knowledge. fukky is skeptical of the exterior world, doubtful of the interior one, and often confused about which is which.

fukky ghost-wrote some early entries in the secular sadoo, speaking contumeliously of temptation, incorporation, historical precedence, mats and other dreaming devices, flaneuring as meditative exuberance, before embarking on its own site to further explore modern sadooing practices across the waning globe.

fukky lives and was born in tenarunga, traveling the world listening to sadoos, this due to the benevolence of uth zar razu and a great deal of rhizomatous randomness. whether fukky itself is a sadoo fukky itself doesn’t know and others question. it lost its head during a water ride at a dream theme park in outremont but little has changed; its head is kept in a jar on a sill of marie cinq-mars and used annually for obscure and unmentionable purposes.

sadoo next - fallabalist a.


are you willing to bring a melon to the king of hell?

we have two homelands:  the one given to us at birth and the one we create through negation

the artist is not properly a creator but a site where words and visual forms inscribe or install themselves
so an autobiography should not show the creator but rather the sensations that occur on the site the creator occupies

the ego cannot occupy the place where the world should be; the creator’s task is to make room for the world … asking questions of the i that came somehow to ensconce itself on the undignified dais of interiority becomes a method for this making room 

gifts bounce around, never unrequited, never simply reciprocal, but promiscuously shared puncta of pain 

any culture that separates dream and root manufactures itself to fall into the defile between them

the creatings of artists, thinkers, activists, mystics are aesthetic food, available for entering digestion, necessary nutrients getting absorbed, integrated into molecular structure, the rest expelled … and from this modified body, these renewed energies, expressions emerge, as naturally as breath, becoming creatings for further ingestings …
    ... this clonal body, pando of art

overheard from a 6-year-old in a montréal café – my mother’s a monster and my babysitter’s a vampire

all art is found art

no necessary angel has fallen like necessity

aesthetics is for artists what ornithology is for birds

i become concrete on a level that is not that on which the world is planned, i obtain myself in the concretely possible that exists within abstraction

knowledge is not a means to intimidate, as among the common tyrant classes of thinkers and workers, but a movement toward joyful unknowing

philosophy lingers at the brink of the unknown while hoping to domesticate this threshold as a habitus for thought

the earth has lost a tenth of its wilderness in the last two decades … but … humans? … haven’t they lost almost all theirs, or canned it in cinematic coitus and war? mental illness rises as a necessary simulation for the wilderness we’ve destroyed with the tedious clubs of our insanities. so all exploring now is of interiority – the poles, icescapes, passes of ourselves, the modern explorer setting off from shore, as always, without maps, guides, certainties, and about return only memories, with limited supplies and infinite destinations, the voyage    the voyage

are you willing to bring a melon to the king of hell?


hoo doo whomyns thunk thay r?

           y whomyns r dummir thun smarttir
  1. thay wate 4 kriseez sdead uv sea-ng thum und uvoid-ng thum
  2. thay thunk thair beter 4 know raison thun thay kan
  3. thay deestroi thu houz een witch thay liv, thay murd inn thair buthtubbz
  4. thay half know payshens
  5. uvrithung imputunt haz bin sead butt thay kepe sai-ng
  6. thay spund awl thair thyme thunk-ng bowt sxxx und monkee und ty-ng too doo sxxx und monkee sdead uv yooz-ng thair mynds und thair bawdeez (witch r thu saim thung) 2 doo kool sheet
  7. uvrithung imputunt haz bin dung butt thay kepe dung-ng
  8. thay diss plais pane sdead of klood-ng eet
  9. thay sheep thair garr-bijj 2 udder parr-tz und thunk eet doent xxx-cyst, thay kant sea wot knot een thair fey-siz
  10. thay knead 2 doo les und sai les butt thay kepe doo-ng und sai-ng mor
  11. thay putt thair mynds inn thair branes und knot inn thair bawdeez
  12. 2 mani uv thum butt thay kepe may-k-ng baybeez
  13. thay thunk thay portend butt thay unjust won uv mani maneez
  14. thay doent know howl too spel
  15. thay kant kunt 2 hurt-teen ore whore-teen ore fffufff-teen wid-ow-t git-ng xxx-i-t-id
  16. thay boar-ng moastlee butt thay thunk moastlee thay inn terrest ng
  17. thay falloh lyk lemons butt thunk thay inn deep end ent
  18. thay thunk thay bitter than thu not-thay butt know evdents
  19. thay half thees thung cauld conshusnis butt sho know evdents uv no-ng wot eetz 4
  20. thair hedz upp thair asis und thay thunk thair asis err und booty
  21. iff know wunz loocng thayll keel und cheetah und mohlest, thay r krule und stooped und teadeaus und y?


lying obit

the city is an animal
it wears a glass and metal skin

i read capitalism’s obit but know it’s a lie
capitalism isn’t dead but we, having died for it

an animal with the potential to do damage
i am turd in dark passage

my body’s a vector of capitalism
compelled to circulate rip be soiled ripped soil
risk being stuffed in a sock somewhere used as tp rolling paper
a commodity signing commodities signing signs
danced and dancing classified in a collection eventually inevitably replaced

excretion is a form of autobiography
if you would know me don’t trace my economic movements but bowel …
– more exactly –
i as movement in this animal


the annual sadoo conference

the annual sadoo conference in sheol was recently held, sadoos from across the globe and beyond travelling in shit-boats of their own making down rivers of piss, some laid up by the cum hot springs that can appear on such peregrinations.

those of us who made it funded the journey through deprivation, theft, sublimation, and randomness, these forms of elemental grace.

while sadoos tend toward privacy, loneliness, autosubversion, and uninvented forms of polygnosticism – the aggregate effect which the conventional call autism or madness – and so wander in obscurity and impecuniousness on animal edges, a few broach the breach between esotericism and orthodoxy, technology as helpmate, and show themselves, however obscurely, falsely, in the republic of the internet.

over the future pariah diaper introduces select participants of this wee tribe of sadoos – to nurture those manufactured to walk other ways, to provide contrapuntal voices to capitalism’s rehearsed and looping monomelodies, unihued hierarchies, and – with others – to present more contextual, sustainable, and playful modes of living and dying as not only viable, but essential:  for if we cannot experiment on ourselves as much as if not more than we experiment on that which we perceive external to us, how can we be worthy of this name, human?

we are laboratories. we are scientist, test tube, theorem, failure, persistence, mouse and maze, explosion and toxicity, an uncertain indifference to death on radiant radii of life …

first fukky risotto



i don’t know
after the disenchantment you look at lichens
you look at stones,
you try to renew contact with the most elemental things
if you choose to live, you look at what clings
what clings is the lichen, the moss
the things that are there, invisible
you start by clinging to these little things
and you try to rediscover a form of wonderment

rediscovering forms in matter that are elementary
finding the intelligence of matter
matter has its own intelligence
using paint is also letting yourself go with the intelligence of matter
and it’s by looking at things outside
by looking at how they grow, how they function
that you can find, or try to find in painting
processes that are close to that
something that clings on
working on the skin of painting
like lichen is a skin on things
working on skin
skin being what links us to the world
and at the same time separates us and protects us
working on this surface
so sometimes it cracks
there are crevices, wounds, flaws
working on this skin, on painting like a skin
i don’t know … i don’t know

sperm, blood and shit
that’s all we’re made of
so, i don’t know, i saw in a psychiatric hospital
someone jerk his arse off till it bled
he was all covered in blood
saying you’re going to kill me, you’re killing me
and he painted
that’s the relation there can be between shit and painting
at some point in life
that’s all you can feel
… you become …
… you become only organic
shitting, pissing …
… ejaculating, …
… drooling, …
… bleeding
there’s a moment when that’s all there is, everything is reduced to that
maybe that’s when, yes, when your skin doesn’t feel right
precisely because there is no skin
you can’t feel the contact with the world
you can’t feel what separates you from it either
there’s just …
… what’s organic
there’s neither separation with the outside
nor contact
you’re completely imprisoned in excremental concerns
to find your skin again is finding that
and working on the skin of painting is about that
finding a relation to the world
something that at the same time separates
… connects
and i think
that being thick-skinned, being raw
to be skinned
all these expressions can be taken literally
when you arrive in a certain state
you really are skinned


dao de punk

dao is way
de is virtue
punk is rotten wood dust used as tinder

dao of poo
dao of physics
dao of punk

punk is darkness
punk is the incense of dust & shit & ashes
punk is the valley of dirty virtue

de subverts subverts itself subverts subversion
de turns back
de does not de


some things that were missed

  • bicycles
  • the blurring between humans and animals, humans and technology, humans and gods, humans and everything
  • how politicians and businesspeople are manufacturing mental illness
  • art. how art still isn’t being heard after 3,000 years
  • how the reification of systemic exigencies mitigate difference, intention, competence at the executive level, ensuring any value of debate becomes moot through being transformed into scifi entertainment
  • the roles of education and productivity in quietly enforcing patterns of deep destruction
  • language. how those who don't speak money's language are being killed faster than the rainforests