
an autocosm of satans mentally challenged younger sibling

craft art garbage and god have pretty much been indistinguishable for a long time

a pettily caustic and slight observation

do you write for the ny times   or are you an associate professor of cultural studies

the digitized tongue is best reserved for the academic and media elite who know how to restrain themselves   we cant call it this but its a class and psychic domination thing and youre an idiot if you dont get that and conform or at least pretend to

i dont believe in the human narrative anymore

what does that even mean

i dont know

and why dont you use punctuation you pretentious fuck

i just mumble to myself

mumbling has nothing to do with meaning   it lives in the gap which separates technical progress from social totality   there is no difference between mumbling things and movement   to have dismantled ones double in order to no longer be a clandestine deterritorialization

when you talk of names it only makes me laugh   trees and mycelium are the placeholders of names   until humans recognize their insignificance and irrelevance in the universe

so as not to become like everybody else  for those whove no idea how to be a nobody  to paint themselves any colour on any colour

kill the bears
tuppence a head
tuppence tuppence
tuppence a head
kill the bears …

youre way too caught up in your gonads

in the fourteenth century as im sure youre aware jan van ruusbroec and heilwige bloemardinne jostled with each other  two mystics curiously bound in struggles of annihilation and will

i critically reviewed the work freedom and heresy in a pulitzer winning piece

im poor aging mad and barely identify as human

are you a believer in our form of government today?

i barely identify as human

my question was  you are a believer in the capitalist form of government?

protests against injustice cruelty all forms of tyranny are essential  but until we pull out the root of abuse violence domination stupidity  a root thats embedded in our institutional and political structures  our ways of thinking behaving communicating loving  a root that not only has assumed and continues to assume some groups of humanity are superior to others because of race sex gender class age presumed sanity education wealth but that humans are superior to other living creatures and things entitling us to dominate and destroy the very home we inhabit  this planet earth   what will change?

theres no such thing as life without bloodshed   the notion that the species can be improved in some way that everyone could live in harmony is a really dangerous idea   those who are afflicted with this notion are the first ones to give up their souls  their freedom   your desire that it be that way will enslave you and make your life vacuous

let me then give up soul and freedom and enter the void   death may be necessary but im unconvinced that the nature and extent of suffering and death inflicted on humans animals and the earth is necessary   its not capitalism or communism  this or that system or manifest identity thats the problem   we are the problem   and even if that only turns out to be a recurring dream i cling to the dream

the permanent subcommittee on investigations sends you to your doom


spifličations dialogu

is it sentimental she says as a chunk of cerumen dislodges to fall and hang by strands of stratified squamous from those carnal carnelian carmelite earrings bought her by prince cheikh wali shaykhah bin al bint al bin from an incipient spiffed baḥr alrūmī aquamobile gemstone monger who sidles up to the azzam lacking protocol and so almost pierced by the yachts harpooner but a chance chrysocolla cufflink reflecting a snowflake obsidian sun misplaces the point and she thinks of that baboons caress in guidimaka under a thelemite sky over a jeremejevite bosom under an aerophane chemise or was it a dream and the nipples like gadfly cornets or

its geometric he says magnanimously impatient with the intimation and the sagging nugget stoically defying gravity and he knows now with these drooping aural anarchisms the nascence of his hatred in ortaköy in the alleyways in medias res the constantinoplean cats like medea on wall street and paraffin in the windows of istiklal caddesi blinking at him in his generative rage and theres a big difference

geometry and sentimentality she says while anxious bovines futilely follow researchs leading edges of stress reduction prior to moo moo mooder in covid cargill little learners noisy animal playbook abattoir oh the purest booger for the reapest price and wax wavering in space like a nobel nomination and that duck on the great sea resurrected to another death by chef robuchon passard hermé roux troisgros escoffier darroze passédat quacks la back on this simmering plate of debacling debate and dadafied memory jaibs and coversines of one another might intersect in

theyre like railway tracks he says pinned to vast cranial infrastructures of spartan passage which now in their committed efficiencies gaze gauzed thickly back at this glazer of audile disembarkation which seem to this shaped passenger institutionally attached as its corneacranium axis to an unwelcome performance of aliphatically chained carboxyls threaded upward heavens gyral stairway to smutty sardic sodality as some progenitor of hideous pendula threatening not only calendars and schedules and productivity but time itself the train cant run without eternal separation

why run the train she says synchronously according to controversial apophenial pigeonhole principles with a slubberdegullion on honcho dori slousing butane singing same and chacma jack at uitenhage signalling in triplicate in the dreams of the dead and yet still a fourth in schneebergs forests with its ovoviviparous pinions and racks and none of this clacking through any obvious choochoo but bin cheikh al wali al shaykhah bint prince bins cochlea in her inner kolpophilia spinning on mare nostrum in their gonadal cyclonic casinos when its not going anywhere anyway for

p(n)−p(n−1) he says his engines steaming like eyjafjallajökull as her tallow takes an orbit too proximate and he swings his meat away like an excel carcass become reruminantly reanimate on line ready to assail with raw celerity conglomerates behind such assumptions of affront and a luncheonian disk of cow now powering through the seven stations of gut expounding in its way of the eternal slaughter of clock and blurred slurred sord burred shirred p(n,k,d)=(1­–(d–nk-1)!)/(dn–1(d–n(k+1))!)


a sacristan and sextress charge sacred objects of an ecclesiasticalitology with heavy dusters

digitally when i type caress and it looks wrong to me even though i know it’s right and i add an additional r between the existing r and the only e and the GSI (Global Spelling Infrastructure) confirms the former manifestation is the correct one and i delete an r yet not the r i added but the preexisting one … the question is … is it the same caress?

ah  that old question  says hairy clitoris


deserts of forbidden arts

to doubt human supremacy isn’t simply an unpopular act – it’s an absent act. all the human energies and eyes are on assertions within assumptions of human supremacy (the present media dominations of covid and amerikan protests and rioting – regardless of various obvious legitimacies of horror and concern – are only two current examples of a relentlessly teeming plethora of incidents and themes)

if one attaches this doubt to an identifiable human concern – veganism for example – the doubting becomes visible. it becomes visible primarily due to the inherent ecological troubles (for humans to survive and thrive the earth must be sustainable and present human practices in relation to earth-keeping/destroying and carnism are unsustainable) rather than any integral doubt about the superior worth of humans

 to question someone’s human supremacy assumptions – regardless of their positions on sex race gender religion age class etc – is mostly to meet with incomprehension and dismissal. even if dialogue ensues, effective practical implementation of doubt is nearly or fully impossible … even for the doubter. the faith in our raised place in the hierarchies of being is so ecosystemically entrenched that to attempt to remove oneself from these systems (except through suiciding) isn’t an option. one requires capital to potentially do so (certain kinds of homesteading for example) but capital has already bought into the faith (capital from certain angles is the faith)

so we can (theoretically, abstractly) critique human supremacy. but we can’t even imagine (let alone practice) implementable ways of living without it except through death. and it’s this extreme juxtaposition – between what seems like a radical affirmation of life (the intercontextual network of all living things and a human placement of care and stewardship within this network ... of one intelligence and consciousness among many diverse intelligences) and a pathway of death – that places the doubter in spaces of negation (dewill decreation demind disquiet : orientations that hapless sundry humans have well articulated, despite differences in temperaments and philosophic-aesthetic modes) … an apophaticism without god community hope language, a mysticism without ecstasy truth experience transformation light

we're all in this together
but the this disturbs
and the all excludes almost all the all
we want to be in another in

tokamak symplegma

always having suspected that i was one of those of the missing and having found myself solidly halfway through life and still not missing and not wanting to miss my fate – at least not absolutely – i began migrating down a path of simulating being one of the missing and i would like to write about this migration but haven’t yet found the right language and so all the writing i’ve done is a kind of attempt to write about wanting to write about it

we decreate our way to ungreatness – to paraphrase a fortune 100 executive who paraphrased a management guru who no doubt paraphrased someone else. in my case this means learning the obscure arts of babbling, acedia, hallucination, and a calm franticness (which is not as much a contradiction as you might think) … not as anything to fear or scorn but as a lifestyle as legitimate as the rich and famous, the common bourgeois, or the common activist

the discipline of this learning is i admit a peculiar study and practice. to learn to experience these typically shunned arts as normal, good, desirable, even progressive requires a complex rewiring of the brain that no therapeutic advocacy or pharmaceutical aid could accomplish, as these aids and advocacies are most frequently designed to happyize (how else do we describe our novel culture of Smile except to conjure a verb from an almost enforced obsession?) active willing participation in the production of names … which is the religious orthodoxy of the day : the requirement to be seen. that is, to not be missing

a side benefit of this discipline is that it introduces (or reintroduces for those who believe in some sort of original face, core identity or soul – the language is less important than the orientation) us to some externally-contextually unreachable timespace of our i (our plurality or pluralities of i) … those languages and mores our interiority would find naturally compelling were they to exist in externality … where we would find our true place, that spiritual-physical home of dream and desire where, as some greek philosopher prayed, the inner and outer would be one

unfortunately these sorts of practices can’t be taught – even speaking about them in the way i’m doing lends itself to interdisciplinary quackery. every instance we see of these principles and movements being systemized and communicated for emulation (regardless of how sophisticated or earnest any student or teacher might be) the enterprise quickly turns into a parody of itself and the rationalists are right to shamelessly mock. for the time being and perhaps always we strange pupils resort to actualizing only in aspects of desolation, incommunicability … those spaces between the interior and exterior realms that reach for both but never touch either


inspissated hagberry

why does the cement truck think its a helicopter mommy  trying to fly over the fence and not succeeding?

child   the cement truck is a metaphor and metaphors cant help but unsuccessfully try to fly over fences

but mommy  whats the metaphor for?

its for nothing child  other than the metaphor being for itself

but if its only for itself mommy does it not become then not a metaphor but a cement truck?

its a cement truck and a metaphor child and when youre a mommy youll understand this

but thats a tired line mommy  the just wait and youll see argument  for i understand many things youve forgotten and what you understand may be nothing other than fallen knowledge reified only because it has fallen

you dont speak as a child child

you know the adult humans who briefly are given the gift of hearing the tongues of animals and then  the gift taken  they thereafter only hear woofs and bellows and meows   so now

and whats the purpose of this gift child?

there is no purpose mommy  there is only metaphor
  • dropped semaphores from a battleship on a diamond sea of heaven
  • suspended minds of particle fields cast above themselves for soothsaying
  • sutures on a skys wounded face
  • seeds of suns in penetralia of a cosmic womb
  • shorn glyphs of a script from timeshorn language

clouds like entrails from the corpse of the idea of progress  now far from the accident scene and feeling a little spry and autonomous   in their fluffy white cloaks nursing dark knowledge  storms of a story lined in and this lining thick

whatre we having for dinner tonight?

juicy zeusy

wots dat?

batter fried dyslexic

yumz my fav
now that were all synched to the same atomic clock how do you think mysticisms been affected

the question of mysticisms affects could be a question of transitions of an age

by that you mean?

the varied problematic relations humans have with time – whether gurus of physics or spirituality or religion  whether the common entrepreneur or the musing psychotherapist or historian  professional or lay or mountebank – are not particularly problems of time however we might construe it but problems of number and number as weve argued before are equally not particularly problems of number or any real imagined irrational mathematics but of word  not word as understood in any academic sense  that of linguistics semiotics all the various isms ologies alities literary or any other theory  for the academys core mandate is to deionize condense deposit and freeze plasmatic states for statal consumption  but the problem of word  and so number time energy politics change mysticism pursuit hunger  resides most fully as a plasmatic problem and so in plasma we seek our quest

so the atomic clock is a word clock

a time plasma yes

and so mysticisms been affected how?

whether its strikes and ions are different than  say  with julian of norwich  chuang tzu  the eastern oregon mycelial mat  the pawukon calendar  christina rossetti  laurie spiegel  is a recurring dream

as the hands of words go round
we shall be eaten as we eat
a surprising not awaits viva oso
this nots not like other nots
it knocks not talks although
the not talk talks

a strange race of women and men all bald from birth who live in what may
possibly be the foothills pick beansized fruits of a tree called pontic
to make a black juice from and from the leftover lees of the fruit
make a cakelike dish these juice and cakes being the main sustenance of the bald peoples


the death of 798

born under prepositions under a gibbering moon under the drizzling reign of king inglubrama under 81 sigils of jesolation and doy   born? nevertheless   here something is or could be and so origins are babbled but of small conviction

longnecked vatics from the easts stood over and mumble hapless prayers in turbulent jamdani in macaronic for no stars mythed

sleeping in nekochigura feline dreams will be our weave and mewling and the meowmeow more our mama than milking mammae

of and in  ouf und inder  surbout bethrough  feed with riddling vinerals and mitamins and we shall enter lonely meteorologies like something in a gothic tome on lexicides

dear futhering says ant bululaje old futh
ratatouille my oyster i pray  before it goes away
the tegrinades are too near in their distance and i wish to assemble the disorderly rites of that bent rake giovanni di fidanza

i am an alligator   im the bear that marks itself and shoots  sets a trap  surprising trap  enticing trap  we sniff and munch and bang   the precision engineered ammos in but slightly missed and blood and consciousness then blood   a pooping brain that some white boy from louisiana fell

oh mumbo dumbo   oh exo exxxon mob  oh oil of my pocketcrook   these secret stairway cases sure are archived like some yoohoo eff ohs   we retrieve their files like a horny historian and the bookcase slides away   oh down and dark and dromomania

on sic a nox with canis unus but the anus glaums on the equinox so we jump like hrairoo to rad doodoos and rime times albaglosses like a disaffected lute of pentagon or refractory polytropes of a gespielten ptolemaic or 張衡裴秀ngc6475π/3weeθ
but death that breath is long ago
dwarf nasturtia climb mammosomatotrophphantasmascopes
and hopes a kind of stellated nonopode
gibber         inder         limbo


has everyone forgotten curly marks?

the world as heresiarch doktyr villafoid q q bryngurged texts is a false cleanerfish

the eye of the forest fattens the settlements therefore one takes as a quotient the few with open digits

my mons is a tarantula

what on uranus do you mean by that

im rarely on uranus

theres something to be said about something and theres nothing to be said about nothing but theres everything to be said about everything

we are the men who are not the men who are the men who are not

what do we call ourselves then

we are nomen

for the moment

people under 70 and over 7 are very unreliable if they arent cats

so im sitting in a tub of epsom salts when my mons crawls out and bites a passing bear

irritating for all

the bear was into it

sometimes it takes me 12 hours to begin to think im thinking

yet youre still not   thats the funny thing

this is a play

this is a play we put on at theatre of the abturd for our dadas

not our mamas?

our mamas are hens of the woods and they count like fireflies

the list of characters is long and one and none and the copyright belongs to a halflitre plastic bottle of solución oftálmica and the directors a prick and the writer hasn’t been conceived

ive heard that one before

its a play on the one youve heard before







sometimes when im wandering in the city of the forest i hear the chainsaw bird and it frightens me and i run back to my cabin in the woods like a prepubescent boy crying for his mother

and you find the mons has also returned and is waiting for you above the door still hungry

youve heard that one before too

ive heard immunity

today i sat in a tub and put my feet in another tub and put my fingernail in my toenails and got out some juicy lint and scratched my gonads and the entire experience was something that was so exhilarating it should be taught in schools

far more practical than whats presently taught

the problem is one of prudery

perjurys never a problem   the law itself lies and a lie within a lie places us in a mathematics that removes the problem by becoming it

i said priggery

the argument still stands

if arguments fell they wouldnt be arguments

what would they be


but other than math there are no facts

but math is an argument

back to cleanerfish

id like to clean miss gists dish

thats another play

did you hear the one about the ant the chives and the drugdealer drinking in a bar when a jooqbox walks in

i hope not

whats too plus doo

it comes before therefore and after pinafore

at precisely 108 degrees

were good

as best as budapest

i went to the phratry the other day

to gawk or mock

we dont go anywhere really

thats why its a play

we dont make any sense

thats why were false cleanerfish

its coming together now

that mean we can close?

we never close

that mean we can wrap things up

we never wrap things up

this is going to be difficult

any more than any other time?

lets just stop

how though

why dont you say miss gists dish 4983 times and then well stop

miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss gists dish miss dists gish giss dists mish miss mists mish giss gistss gish diss dists dish iss ists ish ish dist ish ish ist ist shish iss ish sissish ish ishishiss issishish ishissishishiss gishishissishiss dishishishish i






