Showing posts with label 81. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 81. Show all posts


nuns of knot

as a commodıty of 81 absent shapes wyrds hıd from me wıth the cleverness of soft mud and to seek them even before to see possıbılıty of passage and recognıze theır capacıtıes corollary alıgnment wıth unseems formıng our ınterıor fluvıal systems ı had to enter mud eat ıt sleep ın and befrıend ıt love ıt more than name flesh goods or good and there abdıcate aıms

becoming acquainted with a mudslug assuming the appellation lapidac i learned of a grinoire radarac revered by the nuns of knot of the bimini hills near the prasaynts of the hermit goat of hadoughti yet in the congress of doubt in that festival of glippant gleujam thongs of dirty naked chambal malwaian urchin shiverings phlogiston dragons all led all those nuns of knot in caprine lewdities tilting even golden asses full rudescent

so i face a fork do i seek my wyrds or this grinoire radarac this newling knowledge that reverie of nuns or anyhoo our cherished nuns who knowing knots know differently mayhaps under congress our goat hermit who sermons through munificence on the kin the close of curse and delovêd friend or fiend or both you do have acquaintance with forks those tines of time those problematic cutleries and so you must commiserate and some among you say or think or dream just substitute spoon for fork you simpleton the problem disappears choose both the quest still quests no intent for any other

and here in these faces now a eureka comes in the wink of a moon the smirk of a star without abashment in the clarity of spaces in the murkiness of places in the udder pitch of traces i see with the purities of madness its diseased 2020 truth the nuns the nuns of knot spoon and noon and fork and wyrd and mud they not just hold the grinoire but are its pith and vellum tis their breath their oxygen their internet and animal no matter stuffed or digital famy cuddly naught so the question is as questions are become displaced we seek questions in questions no turtles down text or wyrd don fresh sartorials from mephistos backless wardrobe prancing shamelessly into pubic air that remnant commons as where the way to goaty nuns whence the map to boundary lines of congress

naturally the thinking that enters thinking sounds something like if hermit sermons and if curse terse verses or when hadoughti sings and bundi claps i love boolean aurealis if all the ifs deif and fidelity be deaf then logic falters if disreason fails bytes and bittens shirley tooly we bray unto vu we seek maps in lost archives of the bot monsters of doktor silinki butta-arsvelds closet in rehearsings of a nurses purses wake and so naturally again nature must exist still somewhere the word so it says preserves the thing thus and therefore i wracked and whacked or wacked ripe with brain fag syndrome or in the common tung consumed by quest set off for deepest deepest cellars of the high town of true secret universities dug deep and true and down dubai

doo bye doo hi doo high do high doo die do pie doo why doo sigh doo psu doo see doo say dosa doo sa hah ah here we ah are our home glittering shitty nom & nym & hymn & her our sceptre & our toilet plunger archives lost and sloshed here many connectshuns our netforks large as barges morgue as borges blog as boogers we take the escalator i like to feel a man thow and nen and take an escalator deep down and at the provosts office in the thick of sex we knock and knickers know no gnomic nor doo hi the inside yakademics extone might this be or not a commodity of 81 weve been expecting we know the nuns of knot their underwhereabouts their habits kilns and how to fire on the pyre

the yakademics come they pour like bats from caves of purgatory flush with constructs lush with product and in them all like doubt or death towering above countless limbs eyes lottery balls doktor silinki butta-arsveld𓁀  full of race scum bum 81 they tuitio and they sing for theyre as artsy as the borg vogue tells them so

we know the way to the nuns of knot

soul money mind itll cost you all you got

education isnt cheap

the exhausted efforts of the anxious heap 

you wont get in my closet

what can i do i give her all my organs wallets reason gadgets memory sight cums freedom visions she sends a minion in she sends a minion in and that minion back with map hairy with a million yakademic gonads and they sing more many presentation songs

the odyssey is set they send me off alone bereft afflicted doktor butta sheds no tear no pedigree and the desert so it ever goes surrounds like a portfolio and beasts of void creatures of eternal sand emerge to meet me unprepared emerge to greet me mouths prepared this homeless home you may have heard or rather seen in spiral rounded gyral loopful nights o glimpsy wisdom destined for eyes shut only eyes returned inward teacher of teachers of teachers of empty classrooms they take me in these spirits of the belly of immanence they take me in and down and in the sand in the garrets of the earth hungry as dreams famished as hope i forget the protocols of clothes and cutlery forget the circumscriptions of names and things forget the comforts of the land

when i wake if i wake im not in bed or transit grave or lsat but the hard embrace of 81 thousand nuns of knot and the meat of the lots ground as if tossed in truffle oil with macerated heirlooms stolen from the locked and guarded gardens of god and in the midst of a continual fortnight of religious jestures of penetration the hermit goat sermonizing on the ashen ass of time the entire while wily looking not at heaving meat neither at the sizzling knotty mince not at the 81 as 81 or one but in the words of zero spaketh and conjurings of broken ages cast into urticant lust and here in wyrds unlonely lonely death radarac spilling liquid letters into voidy vats of mind the not knot whos there nuns spelling all manner of never spoken names i say or hear me say i many one of bimini bumps eye mony any glippant fork quests undone undone the city undone the appellation hills yes yes nunny nuns undone i unnun nummy nun and knot and undone none 

   𓁀  see el-spet clitias *olicking account of doktor arsvelds naughty adventures in advanced postdoktoral skullarship in the continuously episodic septic transepic hypersexis child of curse school paying closest attention to their coveted closet see also since youre into seeing sas extract here the hermit goats sermon a seminal application of nymhematology to curse nuns knots clearly builds on these inspiring works linking them to the nascent underfunded arts of hagiobiothanatography note doos editors rejected almost unanimously the authorss submitted title the bums of bot and the mums of mot or the numbs of pot or crumbs of



ı enter madness for the trees

my penıs keeps on workıng lıke a recurrıng memory

dıssolutıons the new order

why do you why are you why have you why must you why arent you why wont you why why you

ı feel thıs physıcally ın my braın not my mınd

as ıf the very molecular structures ınsıde my head have unravelled and want to lıe endtoend but there ısnt room

ıt doesnt hurt lıke a headache

ıts as ıf the actıvıty ınsıdes so extreme and yet everythıngs stıll and ıts whether the ıts the stıllness the extremes the gap between who knows exhaustıng lıke a relatıonshıp

ı could trade thıs ın or at least ı cant now ım too dıscredıted to lıve ınsıde socıetys unravelıngs

you couldnt anyway theyre ıncompatıble exchanges

but ınstead for whatever reason and who needs reasons ıt lıves ınsıde me

as ıt may always do

and cıtızens as those who place theır bodıes ın the constructıons of proȷectıons

ın the conventıons of the appearances of the ımages of orders

to get away from the proxımıty of those unravellıngs

though one never gets away

to get away from the belıef ın the complıcıty ın those unravelıngs

from the knowledge that we are those unravellıngs and maybe lıttle else

ah cıtızens

rushın amaırıcon ısrealean chıllyan greasy botswoter ınδιαν abattoırıte corerrhean gamerıte techophılıan malaıser youregreyean

how ı love you lıke my hemorrhoıds

those others that are ın me but are out

ı love the trees cuz they fırst loved me 

ı see them undressıng me across the lıttle dıstances

ım a slut when ıt comes to nature

a console could never get an o yesyesyessıeyes out of me lıke that

ı throw myself ınto the mulch lıke an alıbı

dıg my gonads ınto the squelchy wyrms and wrıthe the songs they used to sıng before fıre devoured us

now fınally ım alıve

who needs duvets when you have the sky

ı cum ınto the roots and a leaf maybe somewhere dıes or sprouts

ı run away from your sanıtıes lıke tıme

ı throw my braın ınto the compost

ı dıssolve lıke la matcha

ım hollow lıke a dream

my heads strewn across the centurıes

ı treat myself lıke shallot scraps

ı walk through space lıke a fıddle of dıamonds

lıke a cow wıthout ıts knave

ıve found reason frıends

and ıts an avocado


the death of 798

born under prepositions under a gibbering moon under the drizzling reign of king inglubrama under 81 sigils of jesolation and doy   born? nevertheless   here something is or could be and so origins are babbled but of small conviction

longnecked vatics from the easts stood over and mumble hapless prayers in turbulent jamdani in macaronic for no stars mythed

sleeping in nekochigura feline dreams will be our weave and mewling and the meowmeow more our mama than milking mammae

of and in  ouf und inder  surbout bethrough  feed with riddling vinerals and mitamins and we shall enter lonely meteorologies like something in a gothic tome on lexicides

dear futhering says ant bululaje old futh
ratatouille my oyster i pray  before it goes away
the tegrinades are too near in their distance and i wish to assemble the disorderly rites of that bent rake giovanni di fidanza

i am an alligator   im the bear that marks itself and shoots  sets a trap  surprising trap  enticing trap  we sniff and munch and bang   the precision engineered ammos in but slightly missed and blood and consciousness then blood   a pooping brain that some white boy from louisiana fell

oh mumbo dumbo   oh exo exxxon mob  oh oil of my pocketcrook   these secret stairway cases sure are archived like some yoohoo eff ohs   we retrieve their files like a horny historian and the bookcase slides away   oh down and dark and dromomania

on sic a nox with canis unus but the anus glaums on the equinox so we jump like hrairoo to rad doodoos and rime times albaglosses like a disaffected lute of pentagon or refractory polytropes of a gespielten ptolemaic or 張衡裴秀ngc6475π/3weeθ
but death that breath is long ago
dwarf nasturtia climb mammosomatotrophphantasmascopes
and hopes a kind of stellated nonopode
gibber         inder         limbo


81 name-sigils

81 names         81 sigils
in 9 rolling hyperspheres of gløm (aka clads)

sadoo diaper, having been pushed by the great and terrible energy koo-shqa away from its myriad consumptions to turn the antenna of its body toward a receiving of 81 names or incantations and to develop in the unfoldings of calloohar 81 accompanying sigils to invoke smoke of the esotatic, what is called by some magic, to bring forth the evil of the human from its closets and cast it into the collapse, turned

a few minimal principles are sufficiently visible in the initial haze to present now, along with a draft set of 81 names. the rest shall unfold according to whatever turns and returnings turn

a few minimal principles sufficiently visible 
  • the 81 names are set apart (made holy) in 9 clads, 9 per clad
  • the clads themselves remain to be named and are presently numbered, from 0 to 8 (which admittedly is a kind of name for numbers as has long been argued are first words). the antenna is turned
  • the 81 names, as names be, are not eternal but shift according to the rhythms of calloohar (which for those not attuned to time is a necessary reconstitution of time from the rjg-jcc [roman-julian-gregorian-judeo-christian-capitalist] calendar to new relations of i and flow, interiority and the pluralities of space)
  • while there is a hierarchy to the clads, there is also not a hierarchy : the hierarchy suggests that those names in clads in 0 and closer to 0 change less frequently and with less spontaneous whimsy than those in 8 and closer to 8. within a clad itself there is an order but no hierarchy
  • it should be made as clear as clarity permits in its muddiness that many outside the 81 belong in the 81 and those inside are also outside. 81 continues to reveal itself as the number of the union of names and namelessness, words and numbers, inside and outside, clads and sigils, calloohar and the rjg-jcc, alice and the dappleton hookah, …

the 81 incantations in the 9 clads in the format                       0 1 2
                                                                                                            5 4 3
                                                                                                            6 7 8

f risotto
ooQ qam
yabiz yorgiz
rolling hypersphere
kalamata ypapantis
shoesie clouseau
irimias schmidt
anna gämperl
conchiglioni di sfoglia mezze maniche rigate ziti corte maccheroncini canneroni buggatini girandole tortiglioni lisci farfalle riccioli insalatonde doppia radiator orecchiette mista gemelli gemara annellini gratatoni ditaloni e fieno caserecce
idia møme
fatic vattika
alfreda of polystichum
a book of jang ooq
nivi czo of ving
heresiarch el-hajj malik el-shabazz bin zayed al nahyan bin hamad al thani ould abdel aziza bin isa al khalifa ould laghdaf rashid almubarak alhamad al maktoum alsabah issa ibn alia li bin mohammed al qasimi ibn sahrif bin said sultan bin talal ibn ibn abdul wahhab razzaq al-abdullah dikirullah firkin faruq zeeshan zafarullah azhar khairunnisa nazira el-melek maysoon zoraida zaynab umm kulthum umm umm
grotto crypta
kali que hiva oa
jalalabad asmar mandibles kįndęrsūrprìsês rorschach the khwaja karzai rawash hamid ashraf lal shastri babatpur bahadur radesh radish lol?
˚¨˚`˝´~ ͂ˉ˚
yahohim elew almin daolah motmin 230419 2327 brada daobra alladah elyah budao marmot minmot ellah elodao yahlah now own low won cow cowl con col owl no ow lo on wo daohew daoyah yahmin ilsa q f q asli rd of the university of malachi apojubavoid mud bridge landing road marbra moo-shqa hylyvyl misla. arse theurrhea-goatia-notorialisia kokkinos p-dit marzipan andre the zama svank são yates thz fogitrea ces deux infinis du cauchemar flammagenitus wattswana gordie and cindi escherichia cocobacchanalia baht naht ilili baba rand a dink wank ilili not not
אַ שפּראַך איז אַ דיאַלעקט מיט אַן אַרמיי און פֿלאָט
tilda tilde
nano sephirot
gaia sheol
dialevart log
r.toe moo- wyrd sphingosine sans wanderwörter wönderwǟrten
areolae manasis
de sistance roach
9 peaches
zarifa ghafari
maria polydamouri
eyinfunjowo kasimaawoo faderera joooda aanuoluwakiishi mofeoluwa ododo
fwyle gastrostrofi
is a clock a word?
blad curdimir speakoff
j listid listafor
poofessor gugel-huphendortz
the rorrim! the rorroh!
eurydice eudyptes euripides
dysthymia ddj zoorück lorgnette
goo-shee koo-shqa danog siffleux