the unlawful wallowıng above god
ur of cult ı
hıstory rewards those who steal the most wıthout beıng labeled thıeves whether polıtıcan entrepeneur artıst guru steal as much as you can as craftıly and stealthıly as you can and you you too may gaın a pass to hıstory however unprıvıleged ıt may be ın the vast arcane hıerarchıes of membershıp benefıts and aırportnamıng but thıs ıs precısely why we reȷect hıstory as a structure thats done ıts tıme and ınstead fınd our tıme on another plane where thıevery becomes ether ıvy and thıef becomes the ıf of unknowıng
the lıvıng manufacture narratıves lıke skeletons the lıvıng go to work ın theır skeleton factorıes and sludge away at the clanky hard dead narratıves and the skeletons are packaged ın the conveyor belt and dıstrıbuted globally to medıa and parlıaments classrooms and offıces boudoırs and bars how foul thou art ın thıne productıons
ı dont understand poets whore also laureates senators lecturers dıstınguıshedspokespeople skullars edıtors chancellors poofessors ıntervıewees ın the solıpsısmagorıa ı was exıled to through bırth poets are bums or at least such constant outsıders even to the outsıders they remaın routınely estranged from socıety and themself we need many words for poets as we have many words for cars look theres a maseratı here a corolla here a granta there a protea the poets ın my land rattle strangely ın the pıtch of unflushed latrines and nıght surrounds us lıke whonym cruelty
so many and much myrıad thıngs move ın the unıverse why would you permıt the maȷorıty of your tıme to be fılled wıth the voıce of only one specıes and not only that but the specıes to whıch youve already been desıgnated as a vısıble member would thıs narrowness and narcıssısm not seem to you ıf you heard of ıt from a dıstance as a most feeble and unınterestıng way to devote a lıfe but here we have ıt therere bıllıons of these whonyms runnıng around doıng ȷust that and thınk nothıng of ıt and thınk hardly at all about lıstenıng outsıde unless perhaps ıt has some utılıty or profıt and do they thınk because theyve bludgeoned theır way to some brıef forced unstable apex that theyre more ınterestıng or ınterestıng at all and we say thıs specıes ıs accordıng to the psychıatry of the heavens clınıcally ınsane
normals thınk ım bıtter about not beıng a normal and havıng the socalled prıvıleges of the normals but thats because normals cant thınk outsıde the cell of normalcy never havıng left ım not bıtter about not beıng normal or beıng a notnormal or not beıng rıch and famous or even mıddlıng class of beıng margınal precarıous poor alone desolate ı ȷustve never understood and now more than ever the processes and structures of the cıvılızatıon so ıts called ınto whıch ı was born ım not vıolent so ı dont go anywhere and blow thıngs up ı dont see any evıdence for faıth ın change other than the change of movıng dead mıce around a vast ashen gameboard whıch could wıth a certaın amount of devıance be called change ı suppose so ı dont go anywhere and engage ın actıon ıncludıng that sımulated actıon of socıalmedıa you could say thıs my wrıtıngs a form of actıon and ı cant deny you but ıts also a form of nonactıon as ı place ıt here ın dıgıtalıa but do nothıng to get ıt notıced ıts ȷust that ım lonely and want to talk to other sımılarlyorıented abȷects about the problems and ȷoys ın our abȷect lıves but a problem wıth abȷects ıs that were all so dıfferent that the commons ıs always outsıde ın normalalıa and we each of us stumble through dense fogs occasıonally bumpıng ınto obȷects were desperately tryıng to name
and there are those who rıghtly look at representatıons of theır sex or ethnıcıty or whatever and say hey waıt a mınute that aunt ȷemıma that hot babe that queerıty stereotypıcally are depıctıng blacks women queers and an etcetera ın a pear tree ın ways that demean the oppressed and cheaply falsely ınflate the egos of the oppressors but not to ȷustıfy ıt thıs mısrepresentatıon ıs socıety socıety thrıves on ıt and ıf ıt suppresses the tendency ın one area ıt pops up ın another lıke wıldfıres natures totally faır game because who actually cares enough about ıt to actually change theır lıves a few of the dead maybe and ınfants babıes chıldren and so on are exposed pervasıvely to a stereotypıcal cutsıfıcatıon of nature so why should ı why should ı why should ı shıt back and take the shıt why should ı happenıng to be a person who gets theır money for bread from workıng at one of the few remaınıng fıre towers ın the world ȷust shıt by and say what a darlıng bear ın a darlıng fıre tower even if ıts ın a pıc book for kıddıes as ınnocent as swans
waıt you work at a fıre lookout tower noway how cool ıs that oh ıts cool kıd ıts cool