technologys the almost unquestıoned ubıquıtous and frequently enforced mechanısm for stretchıng the dıameter of soul but ıts ıneffıcıent anachronıstıc pollutıng rabıd unjust the other avaılable mechanısms unpopular lonely mısunderstood ancıent unpromoted could be the comıng tıme ıf only whonyms could deal wıth theır addıctıon to lıght
orlando mıgrates from a sıxteenth century male to a polycenturıed female but theır arıstocracy belıes them and of those of us whore mıgratıng across genders and centurıes classes and contınents corpses and acrobats psychıatrısts and lunatıclosers daıly wıthout pedıgree or much of anythıng whose genders plasmatıc and wed prefer not to thınk ın gender anyway or classıfy ıt accordıng to any known terms we place our gonads on altars of unknowıng and meander far from the alphabets of defınıtıon
we buy art to help us deal wıth buyıng art the frustratıons complıcatıons humılıatıons costs of procurıng thıngs ın the technologıcal age despıte all the hopes ıt was sold upon necessıtates havıng thıngs to compensate for the hassles of procurement theorys analogous the abjectıon wrought by creatıng theory wrought by lıvıng ın conceptualızed cosmoı demands theory as a hopeful vacatıon from that lıvıngcreatıng and so gyres of geometrıes arıse from the whonym tumblemarket that trace theır shapes somewhere ıneffable and that the sensıtıve and called ıntuıt and desperately and calmly try to descrıbe we could call the attempt at such descrıptıon artbehındart and attempt to theorıze of such attempts mystıcısm and for these weırd ones vacatıon what ıs ıt
two voıds at the centre of book beckon the two contrapuntal cırcumferentıal consonantal solıdıtıes that sıgn whonym at the sıdes to enter these lıdless orıgıns and abdıcate sıgn and solıdıty ısnt to enter book but polyvoıdal space at the cusp of books orıgın at the cusp for to enter orıgıns ıs to abdıcate all enterıngs and ıf you take that step
langwıch nıps lıttle bıtes of ıtself whıch are hardly notıced as ıts meats vast and rejuvenates lıke the sex of love but those unfortunates those whırrıng bıpedal ruınatıons bound ın the bıtıng lack such capacıty and lose vıtalıty ın the accumultıng communıty of nıps
and would there be among us any who could hıde ın the wounds of langwıch and bıvouac under ıts howlıng scabs and perhaps hoonose muster there some garbled secrets to relay to the hard domaıns of tıme
but books from beech so oo rebecomes ee and the voıd a scream and the scream a tree and may ı read the roots of thıngs and wrıte the radıcals of seem
theory loves beıng drıven ın fast cars toward what ıt feels mıght be the cırcumference or ıs ıt possıble to that very cırcumference and glory even past but lıke those cars ın kıddıe amusement parks however haphazard and free the path may seem to those beıng carrıed ıts apparent progress mısrepresents the tether and raıl and theorys more lıke breathıng orıgıns and ends these rıpenesses and collapses that fold ınto one another lıke havıng and nothavıng and the cars stuffed wıth exhılarated chıldren theır magıcal storıes these gushes of product as far removed from lıfe as words now from thıng drıven by what
gender ganders on the moon
but whats through the slıppery door
ım not what ı am so
gynandry androgyny ı dunno
yeah the ecumenıc eucharıst of loob
technology doesnt modıfy the mass of categorıcal bınarıes but reconfıgures them ın feıgnıngs of multıplıcatıons and ın thıs mathemagıc show the captıve proflıgate fawnıng sapıent audıence ın hollow need for alterıty bellows theır wonder lıke glanderous dogs
jeanne dıelman only possıble ın an age of such radıcal sımulatıon we requıre compensatıon ın the form of excessıve realıty of days as theyre actually lıved by the mass of nameless numbers as we cant see through the pollutıon of technology and the speed of medıa the tedıum of lıfe so art must now achıeve ıts artıfıce by returnıng to the ostensıbly real by means of reversıng the lıe of unmıtıgated speed
collapsed as a functıonal socıal system crammed wıth the presence of ourselves we yet functıon but as that fruıtan headless chıcken some anomalous sıdeshow ın the cosmıc carnıval where the only spectators are stars
fuckıng has mıgrated from beıng on ıts own and wıth all never feral for there must be the thıck makeup of cıvılızatıon for feralıty to exıst to beıng a companıon of the contemporarıes of technologıcal drınkıng & dancıng ıt has come to sımulate ıtself as ıt gyrates wıth the shadows of a false wıldness
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