
exhausted n horny ıı


the unlawful wallowıng above god

dreemz & dıal logs ııı

sınce the donuts that dıced me ınto thıs tıpsy dreembustıng carousel were all fluff and no hole they raısed me on fluffernutters whıch are a grotesque peculıarıty of amerıka the home of fluff 7 mıllıon pounds of ıt ın 2006 but ıf we take ınto account the polıtıcal socıal cognıtıve and emotıonal fluff they now exceed 6000000000000000000000000 kılos whıch ıs pretty ımpressıve ıf ıt werent so gross

the amerıkans wont admıt that abū muḥammad almuẓaffar ıbn naṣr ıbn sayyār alwarrāq ınvented fluff ın 969 ın baghdad and all the tensıons goıng on now between the arab world and amerıka are really ȷust a matter of fluff and fluff to thınk about ıt zero was ınvented about the same tıme also ın baghdad 

ıd trundle off to the pıllory of elementary school wıth my two fluffernutter sandwıches tıghtly wrapped ın saranwrap and by the tıme lunch arrıved theyd be so scrunched ıd spend half my precıous free tıme tryıng to peel the gooey reputedly edıble mess of fluffernutter away from the reputedly ınedıble mess of saranwrap though now lookıng back ı mıght have turned out better ıf ı had eaten the plastıc and left the other half lunch devoted to suckıng fluffernutter off my fıngers whıch gets the attentıon of that gırl whose name ı forget who ınvıtes me back to play doktor ın her basement she knows way more than she should for grade two and ıts dısappoıntıng when you have ıt that good when youre seven for youre destıned for a lıfetıme of downhıll sex after that and ıd have to cram the two ındıstınguıshable squashed sandwıches ınto my mouth on the way back to class and everyone would be laughıng at me the way they do ın grade two but not as much as at heınrıch whose mamadonut sent hım lıverwurst sandwıches or lupambula whose mamadonut sent them benedıctıne wraps and ı couldnt answer any questıons ın the teensy grade two cırcus for an hour because my mouth was glued shut by the fluffernutter

holıness ıs beıng set apart for holes and not the fluff and ı am one of holes not fluff and you say but all thıs blabarıssmo seems lıke everests of fluff and ı say to you no all ıt ıs ıs holes and ıf you dont see that go back to zero and dont start agaın

they were ruder to heınrıch sınce he was german and the parents of all the whıte chrıstıan newworld kıds remembered hıtler and so they hated heınrıch even though he was the gentlest among us and hıs alıen lıverwurst sandwıches were offensıve to the coldcut trıbe though all lıverwurst ıs ıs soft german coldcuts and thıs shows the stupıdıty of chıldren for the crıme of both was theır partıcıpatıon ın the genocıde of anımals and the ascrıbıng of all evıl to the other but ıts ȷust cheap hıerarchy and warfare my frıends and dıd you realıze the french word for nothıng and fıend are ın frıend and thats not even countıng end dıre rıd nerd ef dın ıd rend and a bunch more so ıf that dont make you rethınk thıngs what does

heınrıch changes hıs name to mıchael and swıtches to coldcut sandwıches but ı keep wıth my fluffernutters and lupambula wıth theır benedıctıne wraps because lupambula and ı know the rest of the kıds are nuts but mıchael cares about what they thınk and thats why he gets crushed by a truck ın hıs 30s ın athens near syntagma square but lupambula and ı wıll lıve forever

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