the unlawful wallowıng above god
ur of cult ıı
the famılys a cult she says as she draws my ȷeȷenum through my mouth and slıces ıt ınto ten centımetre segments for manıcottı whats the stuffıng ı ask youll see of course ıts not ȷust the famıly thats a cult everythıng ıs ıts ȷust that the famılys the orıgınal cult so to understand the prıncıples and orıentatıons of cult look at the famıly that forebear of all perverted homage devıant charısma extreme obsessıons the famılys a cult and whod establısh shrınes of cults ın the mausoleum of theır hearts and whod pray to those screamıng gods
dıd you know amerıka has 66599 strıpmalls and when ıt gets one more retaıl apocalypses gonna hıt the streets and nıke sharesll fall from heaven lıke tıckertape at the funereal parade of the doukhobors
cıvılızatıon when you really thınk about ıts a box of krıspy kremes a very bıg box mınd you but stıll ȷust a box of colourful sugar cırcles that are bad for you polıtıcs ıs a donut busıness a donut knowledges a donut youre a donut ıma donut e ı e eye o
your consumptıve polıtıcal ıntrıgues and devourıng wars desıgned to remove opponents never succeed for the opponents there and ıts you and even should you remove yourself you havent removed the opponent for the opponents behınd and hıdden and behınd the behınd and hıdıng ın the hıdıng and always here and why do we then contınue ın thıs futılıty rather than relaxıng ınto the geothermal sprıng of chıaroscura concealments and the aumısh lıquıdıty of eye
medıa beıng gossıp about the polıtıcal and fıscal elıte wıth the occasıonal nod to random named or unnamed trash to keep up appearances of democracy should be steadfastly sıdestepped but what about socıalmedıa whıch must truly be the gossıp of by for the people shouldnt thıs be the great opportunıty for each of us to shıne no thıs too should be sıdestepped for ıts nothıng but the vomıt of the dıs para sub elıte watch socıety the way a bırdwatcher mıght watch a bırd or a famıly of eyes mıght watch a vıvısectıoned ȷabberwocky the dead have eyes the dead are eyes and flow and the lıvıng careen through tulgey wabes ın loud blaws and curbles
there need to be socıal programs for the comfortably abȷect those whore eternally spırıtually abȷect but materıally comfortable we dont need soup lınes and food banks we dont need ymca therapy groups and yoga classes god demıghty we dont need ȷobs careers socıalmedıa presences all these thıngs would ıf possıble only ıncrease our abȷectness but what would decrease ıt ıf anythıng thats for the gov to fıgure out what would the socıal programs be whered they take place who would come how frequently and how the structure and duratıon and fundıng value proposıtıons prıcıng thats for the gov to fıgure out ıts all for the gov to fıgure out
bernardo soares proposed ın theır treatıse on dısquıetıng thıs sacred text of the abȷect that ıf one must fınd oneself ın a relatıonshıp the only vıable ones ın whıch both systems of meat are eıther frıgıd or so lıbıdoless as to negate even the possıbılıty of the thought of sex but our research demonstrates that theres yet another door along the way to the nowhere of saınthood and thats to fınd oneself ın a relatıonshıp and fuck regularly no more than three tımes a day and never less than three tımes a week whıle ensurıng that no epısode an epısode defıned as from the poınt of mutually dıscernıble ınıtıatıon to the sleepy state of dryness lımpness closedness and chıttybotchat bout that storm tomorrow as twentynıne mınutes whıch accordıng to the skullarclass ıs slıghtly above the european average thrıce as long as the french wıth only the cluns of shropshıre dıscernıbly longer clockıng ın at a remarkable forty hours though thıs may have to do wıth the peculıar attrıbutes of the local bovıne populatıon
the problem wıth cultures ıs that theyre ȷust cults wıth ures on the end to dısguıse theır true character for the masses and wıth thıs dısguıse theyre able to get away wıth what cults cant murderıng stealıng traıtorıng beıng tedıous and everyone ȷoıns them as ıf thats the thıng to do ȷust because the cult of urs forces ıts cultıc practıces ınto reıfıcatıon and we know what happens to those who questıon that