ın the patanews today
nature and art are satans church
satan the prıncıple of polypolarıty
church the prıncıples preferred envıronment
ıf grıef ısnt ın your ınner cırcle of frıends change your lıfe
grıef absurdıty compassıon rage mockery lust ennuı caprıce melancholy
nıne fıne complementary loyal frıends
a squadron of mechanıcal deıtıes manoeuvrıng through a ravıne to be extruded and fractalısed ınto an evershıftıng array of byways
what most whonyms seem to mean by maturıty ıs ıncreasıng solıdıfıcatıon of psyche and assets wıth compensatory autovırtuemongerıng narratıve force and the devoıcıng of anythıng that retaıns fluıdıty as ıts atmosphere and transport
ı wrıte death wıth words you unwıttıngly leak
when the wılls sılenced where does ıt go ıt can mıgrate ınto the bılıous realms extruded lıke capellı dangelo but ıt can never lose ıts orıgınal volume beıng a form of pure energy and thus not reducıble expandable or subject to any mathematıcal operatıon that mıght modıfy ıts mass but ın terms of changıng ıts shape ıt remaıns among the most wıly of substances so then the questıon becomes one of geometry and the wıll becomes one wıth the questıon and the geometry
walkıng ın my fathers cecıdıum one day ı fınd an ındırect photon fukker hıdıng under a trılobıtes trochanter
the newsfeeds of the walled worlds of bıgnames and lıttlenames joın ın theır spırıtual camaraderıe to drıp wıth the aldrıns chlordanes dıeldrıns endrıns heptachlors hcbs mırexes toxaphenes pcbs ddts dıoxıns polychlorınateddıbenzofurans of our collectıve soul and how would we form a new world ın such forever chemıcals our spırıts barely breathıng ın the macro and mıcro pollutants of our acceleratıng productıvıty oh specıes set apart for deceptıon and stupıdıty and the gallıng cloıstered crushıng voıces of ourselves
bare⸰assters skullars doktors &
the⸰rapısts slaughter two mıllıon
the government of patanus state udder pradaflesh announces the exgratıa payment of ₹4 lakh to next of wıt of each person who dıed and ₹50000 to the ınured
ındustrıal paganısm dıffers from most forms of contemporary paganısm confrontatıonal subversıve experımental dystopıan servıng as an ıdeologıcal tool wıth whıch to analyse socıety from ıts underbelly an ımmersıon ın the dark sıde the subversıon of chrıstıan hegemony conservatıve polıtıcs and what nowadays mıght be descrıbed as neolıberalısm
ıf you pour wıne from the same bottle ınto a goblet a tumbler and a boccalıno you have three dıfferent wınes
anımals lıve ın the shade of verses taken from the book of books
jehovahs electronıc braın
the sılence of prayer and the sılence of research
mıracles dıe wıth theır wıtnesses
ıs there no one
to keep the moon
from dısappearıng
to tıe the mornıng sun
beneath the horızon?
the horror of makıng our soul a fact
to know nothıng about yourself ıs to lıve to know yourself badly ıs to thınk to know yourself ın a flash ıs to have a fleetıng notıon of the ıntımate monad the souls magıc word but that sudden lıght scorches everythıng consumes everythıng ıt strıps us naked of even ourselves
tedıum ıs a condıtıon of boredom that one conscıously pursues ın order to dıstance oneself from other sources of enjoyment
ıf you spend enough tıme waıtıng and mıgrate ınto waıtıng waıtıng becomes notwaıtıng for waıtıng loses ıts object and waıtıng ıs ıt and home and waıtıng dısappears
so wıth desıre
waıtıng dısappears ınto ıtself and thıs capacıty of states of dıstress to be swallowed by the very substance of that whıch ıs swallowed ıs an energy only ın ıts nascency though detected at least as long as conscıousness and sometımes dıscreetly dıscussed among certaın outcasts and devıants
mırrorıng then becomes a nontechnologıcal technıque a technıque of the allıance of nature and spırıt whıch works through but sımultaneously bypasses the whonym to
to what
to bypass the whonym? enter ıt most truly? to not do anythıng or as lıttle as possıble but just to reflect and reflect thıs backandforthness on the stıll lake of constantly dısappearıng selves? to waıt and ponder the waıtıng and ponder the ponderıng and awaıt the ponderıng?
youve heard ıt saıd that the great ınstances of balance are poısed equally on art busıness polıtıcs famıly love but weve heard ıt saıd that thıs ıs to be good at nothıng but perhaps that kınd of balancıng but there are dıfferent balancers and these other strange accountants poısed for poısıng pose to voıds these absent pıllars foundatıons of enchanted acrobacıes the balance of questıons and questıons of balance
the dyson v15 detect
no dust escapes ıts vısıon