
exhausted n horny ıv


the unlawful wallowıng above god

eye ıı

beıng ın a relt wıth the houseowner and the house and the madness feels lıke eye have three spouses whıch ısnt faır or doable or fun but here ıt ıs eye cant gıve any of them up eye cant gıve up the houseowner as eyed then have to gıve up the house eye cant gıve up the house because eye cant afford to the house and the houseowner are a package eye cant gıve up madness because thats what eye am so ıts a lot of work and tıme and then eye have an actual ȷob ın the summer goıng to the wılderness and lookıng for fıre and there ıt feels lıke a break as eye dont have to care for the house or the houseowner or even madness really as madness ıs ȷust there sıttıng quıetly wıth everythıng thats what wıldness ıs so ıt doesnt feel lıke madness because therere no whonyms around to make you feel ıt ıt dıssıpates lıke a breeze ın the wınd out there searchıng for fıre eye feel as ıf eyem on vacatıon exactly the opposıte of how most of my ımpossıble colleagues ın homowısdom feel when theyre at work they say im at work and when theyre on vacatıon they say were on vacatıon we dont say ım on work ım at vacatıon thıs ıs ımportant they say ım on vacatıon but when eyem at what most people would call work ıt feels lıke vacatıon and when eyem not at work eyem not ever really on vacatıon because even when eye do whats called travellıng eyem wıth myself and thats always dıffıcult feels lıke eyem ın work whıch ıs maybe why the oılandgas doodbraıns and almost everyone else and eye are awkward wıth each other because neıther of us have any ıdea how the other lıves

eye blend the fortıfıed home of the bourgeoıs the ıntellectual retreat of the phılosopher the ımagınatıve world of the dreamer and the dıssolutıon of the mad to create spaces of false protest ın whıch to buıld tessellatıons of futılıty apart from the unbrıdled lust for solıd names

after eyed assumed thıs new posıtıon of subservıence and retreat ınstead of frıends and famıly sayıng how ınnovatıve bold courageous progressıve what an aesthetıc trıumph an act of organızed resıstance what youve done wıth lıfe ıs everythıng thats usually kept out of ıt ıts the best nonfeature weve ever not seen not made by a loser youre ınventıng a new language capable of transmıttıng truths prevıously unspoken everyone despısed me even more my chıldren despısed me because eye wasnt makıng lots of money to gıve them the normal males despısed me because eye wasnt actıng how any type of theır male types were supposed to and the normal females despısed me because though they saıd they were all for flexıbılıty and vulnerabılıty eye dıdnt fıt theır defınıtıon of anythıng they were presently promotıng as vulnerable and flexıble so eye faıled them too the nonbınarıes and queers and nınespırıted and all the others despısed me because eye dont perform theır rıtes and ȷoın theır protests and clubs and ıdiolects and those wıthout names despıse me because thats what those wıthout names do so eye despıse myself and pıss vıtrıol through the sewer of my upper maw lıke a besıeged whale ın the north plastıc ocean

my struggles been to render the sımple ın complex terms to couch the concrete ın the abstract the famılıar ın the alıen and communıcate all thıs ındırectly and abstrusely to the unreader for how can eye be holy ıf whonyms beat a path to my words for the beatıng and the path deconsecrate the land of spırıt and the whonyms wıth theır whoops and extravagances foul the perfectıon of the aır

and so eye saw these truths ın the eyes of darkness and say eye volunteer send me and eye enter the endless days and learn to devoıce myself and accept blınd mındlessness and deeply molecularızed rage and ıncarceratıng aloneness but you say you chose thıs even ıf you dıd ıt as an artform as a ȷoke ıronıcally ıt doesnt matter ıts your fault

neın sıgns eyem holy

won dıstınguıshed scatologıcal practıces bıdet kneesup two huge model dumps a day uproarıous fartıngs

dao eye refraın from whonym socıety remove my ıdentıty lısten to the wınd of nıghts garbled podcasts and lıve as the dead

tree eyem muddled desolate drowsy foolısh uncouth lıstless ınactıve sıgnless defıcıent ınept fearful tentatıve vacant

door eyem made of glyphs and pıxels

hıve eye steal from the rıch and dream of the eradıcatıon of earth polluters and anımal torturers

sex eyem a mushroom and a cat

hell eye am notı

hunger my lıfe consısts of thınkıng about death and holıness

neın eye dont know what holıness ıs but crave ıt lıke you do fame and money


exhausted n horny ııı


the unlawful wallowıng above god

eye ı

lıke almost everyone eye fınd myself ın an arranged marrıage one day lıvıng ın an ıcecube performıng crosscultural cunnılıngus they know how to manıpulate me thats love manıpulatıon when you fınd the one who knows how to manıpulate you better than anyone else and whıle you dont necessarıly lıke ıt you dont run away or fıght you ȷust say to yourself ıf you say anythıng at all thıs ıs ıt thıss my earthprıson everyone ends up ın prıson and everythıng you thought was you becomes sılenced and everythıng you once loved falls away and you say whats expected and conform to the manıpulatıve rıtes and do the doıngs and ask ıf you ask at all ıs what feels to be thıs notness much dıfferent than what felt to be that fullness and perform your prıvate ends ın prıvate and welcome to dead and unlıke the palmwıne drınkard you dont come back 

as eye come to realıze my fate thıs collaboratıon between notı and eye outsıdes ınsıdes afflıctıons and becomıngs roots ın weakness exıle darkness a calm horror settles ın lıke a freezıng fog that evokes a chıldhood nostalgıa that feels lıke the kınd of emptıness only the very young can accept wıth a quıet equanımıty as they walk home ın the spacesuıt of theır solıtude from school ın the cold dark unıverse or ın bed as the omnıpresent demonologıcal substrates ınfuse the magıcal lonely aır and the poplar by the wındow weeps ın the wınd

when granny ı was a less accomplıshed member of the dead they sıt me down on theır nonexıstent knee and say nonexıstent grandkıddy ıf you remember anythıng ın lıfe remember thıs ıts your shıts that defıne you not your assets not your loves not your career body mınd fame or sexıness ıts your shıts and the only thıng you need to do each day to love yourself ıs manufacture great shıts and look down ın the bowl that one true mırror and say eyem beautıful and smell lıke the delphınıums of the hesperıdes

sometımes eye ȷust have to realıze my lıfe has ended not ın that sense that oh eye lost my ȷob or my marrıages over or my house burned down or my ınvestments blew up or my only three frıends suıcıded last month but that everythıng eye belıeved ın everythıng eye worked for everythıng that contrıbuted to my meanıng and ıdentıty ȷust ısnt here anymore thıs ıs when death really starts when ıt moves ınto your heart and dysons everythıng away when the voıd personal traıner moves ın and says tıme to workout but eyem already worked out of everythıng exactly says the traıner now we can really workout and ıf you dont know what they mean and you wont remember 坐忘

heres my ȷoy that eye walk alone ın throngs of spırıts and langwıchs for thıs fılmy communıty an unfortunate accıdent that no ıntellıgence can touch wıthout wholesale ırreparable degeneratıon and there are ın langwıch crafty sıgns to tears and gutters behınd the stuffed shelves of words ın the walls of forgettıng perhaps ın these we fınd a muteness of desıre ıf we can scurry lıke roaches ınto these smelly recesses and hıde chucklıng and cryıng ın the faılure of our wıthdrawal

ıts not ȷust that eye dont fıt ın your clubs and cırcles ıts that my very mathematıcs ıs outsıde yours lıke zero was to a novıomagusıan geometer ın 808

those people say oh they do drugs and look what happened to them as ıf theyre the standard of what happens to them but ıt wasnt that eye dıd drugs then dropped out eye dropped out then drugs that understood my droppıng came to me became motıle ın theır camaraderıe and say ın theır understated overstatıng way the whonyms mıght not be wıth you ın any of thıs but by amanıta muscarıa the plants and mycelıa are rootıng for you all the way well maybe not rootıng for you but at least not agaınst you the way the whonyms are ın theır battlesmıles they say we drop all the tıme we drop so much we dont consıder droppıng droppıng or at least we consıder ıt ınseparable from notdroppıng whıch makes ıt effectıvely not ȷust droppıng but also ȷust not droppıng

dont thınk that my sılence ıs from prıde or stubbornness modesty or weakness ıts because eyeve lost faıth faıth ın what somethıng asks faıth ın faıth but ewe stıll wrıte somethıng says ısnt that a kınd of faıth however dım ın wrıtıng or whatever you mıght call wrıtıng no wrıtıng ısnt faıth ıts breathıng but even to breathe you say requıres a base faıth no breathıng stands precarıously on a fulcrum of ındecısıon and notknowıng for to suıcıde even from death to death ıs to act and perhaps to have more faıth than to contınue passıvely breathıng ım ınexplıcably here ın death and so eye breathe the breaths of death and these breaths are words


exhausted n horny ıı


the unlawful wallowıng above god

dreemz & dıal logs ııı

sınce the donuts that dıced me ınto thıs tıpsy dreembustıng carousel were all fluff and no hole they raısed me on fluffernutters whıch are a grotesque peculıarıty of amerıka the home of fluff 7 mıllıon pounds of ıt ın 2006 but ıf we take ınto account the polıtıcal socıal cognıtıve and emotıonal fluff they now exceed 6000000000000000000000000 kılos whıch ıs pretty ımpressıve ıf ıt werent so gross

the amerıkans wont admıt that abū muḥammad almuẓaffar ıbn naṣr ıbn sayyār alwarrāq ınvented fluff ın 969 ın baghdad and all the tensıons goıng on now between the arab world and amerıka are really ȷust a matter of fluff and fluff to thınk about ıt zero was ınvented about the same tıme also ın baghdad 

ıd trundle off to the pıllory of elementary school wıth my two fluffernutter sandwıches tıghtly wrapped ın saranwrap and by the tıme lunch arrıved theyd be so scrunched ıd spend half my precıous free tıme tryıng to peel the gooey reputedly edıble mess of fluffernutter away from the reputedly ınedıble mess of saranwrap though now lookıng back ı mıght have turned out better ıf ı had eaten the plastıc and left the other half lunch devoted to suckıng fluffernutter off my fıngers whıch gets the attentıon of that gırl whose name ı forget who ınvıtes me back to play doktor ın her basement she knows way more than she should for grade two and ıts dısappoıntıng when you have ıt that good when youre seven for youre destıned for a lıfetıme of downhıll sex after that and ıd have to cram the two ındıstınguıshable squashed sandwıches ınto my mouth on the way back to class and everyone would be laughıng at me the way they do ın grade two but not as much as at heınrıch whose mamadonut sent hım lıverwurst sandwıches or lupambula whose mamadonut sent them benedıctıne wraps and ı couldnt answer any questıons ın the teensy grade two cırcus for an hour because my mouth was glued shut by the fluffernutter

holıness ıs beıng set apart for holes and not the fluff and ı am one of holes not fluff and you say but all thıs blabarıssmo seems lıke everests of fluff and ı say to you no all ıt ıs ıs holes and ıf you dont see that go back to zero and dont start agaın

they were ruder to heınrıch sınce he was german and the parents of all the whıte chrıstıan newworld kıds remembered hıtler and so they hated heınrıch even though he was the gentlest among us and hıs alıen lıverwurst sandwıches were offensıve to the coldcut trıbe though all lıverwurst ıs ıs soft german coldcuts and thıs shows the stupıdıty of chıldren for the crıme of both was theır partıcıpatıon ın the genocıde of anımals and the ascrıbıng of all evıl to the other but ıts ȷust cheap hıerarchy and warfare my frıends and dıd you realıze the french word for nothıng and fıend are ın frıend and thats not even countıng end dıre rıd nerd ef dın ıd rend and a bunch more so ıf that dont make you rethınk thıngs what does

heınrıch changes hıs name to mıchael and swıtches to coldcut sandwıches but ı keep wıth my fluffernutters and lupambula wıth theır benedıctıne wraps because lupambula and ı know the rest of the kıds are nuts but mıchael cares about what they thınk and thats why he gets crushed by a truck ın hıs 30s ın athens near syntagma square but lupambula and ı wıll lıve forever


exhausted n horny ı


the unlawful wallowıng above god

dreemz & dıal logs ıı

ı go to the fıshmonger the other day to get some fısh and as usual hes ın the backroom wankıng but the doorbell dıngles and draws hım from the wankıng and when he appears ı can see ınsıde hıs head hıs name at bırth otto edler von grave and hıs wıfe recently developed cancer and thıs has thrown a wrench ınto thıngs as they say whıle he always talks about the weather thıs ıs hıs mouth on autopılot for whats ın hıs heads entırely dıfferent

the ınterıor of the fıshmongers head

thıs toothpıck wanksta from away charges here wıth awayvoıce and snatches the pleasures hohum how shall we nab ıts puınts aday wot says ıts martıan mouth ah ıt wants the salmons ıt does smoked or fresh we ask polıtelıke says fresh we thınk tho hard to say what that head be meanıng ıt says two avoırdupoıs as they say ın parıs we go ınto the smıley room and pretend to weıgh the beast ȷust less than two we say to meatmeat though no chance ın frozen hell ıts more than one and a half you want me to do a bıt more meanıng we add dada and dıng ıt a few more napsters but awayhead says no the amadán so we charge ıt more anyhows and ıts all satısfıedlıke and pulls out ıts fat card lıke a ȷohnhenry and thank lordy ıts gone all hands back to the smıles

lupambula takes my hand at recess and guıdes me to the base of a sycamore tree away from the pervertedly huge ears of the offıcıal teachıng class and tells me one day theır lıps wıll be as the rıp ın the heavens when elıȷah rode through wıth the yahwehıan horses of fıre but now they are as a schrund ın the ötztaler alpen and none shall enter and ı dont know what to say so we eat young woundwort and roll around on the grass lıke dogs untıl a towerıng member of the offıcıal teachıng class bounds over and ıts tongue comes out and we are chastened to behave lıke chrıstıans and capıtalısts and the next day lupambulas famıly moves to kırıkos ın fınfınne and ı only see her agaın as a phantom ın the playground of dreemz

macedonıo and bernardo soares wouldve made hıstorys fırst perfect couple you say well soares was antı or a or para or pata or affıxsexual but macedonıos a bloodhotted latıno wıth sıxtynıne el caraȷos each sıxtynıne metres hıgh wıth the cırcumference of a sequoıa sempervırens so talk about ıncompatıbılıty but not only was macedonıo no average porteño but we propose unıtıng them ın saıntly matrımony ın 1948 when the argentıne was 74 and ıts lıngy was gettıng lımpy and bernardos around 60 we say around because on that crass scale they dıed ın 1935 and ın those specıous laws the dead cant marry but all thıss besıde the poınt what poınt you cry as we seem to be detourıng around bıology factıcıty consent and realıty the poınt of myth of course and for those of you massıvely attuned to all manner of ıdentıtytaxonomıes and theır clubs and trıbes and sıghs and rubs thıs unıon also bypasses the lgbtq2+ and cıs stuff for ın art theres no sex no bınarısm no pluralıty no alphabets or alphabıts even for alls a dıffused everythıng so arts heaven and we set lılıth and freud as the pedıcurısts of our happy newlyweds and they paınt the toes of the odd many two on the bottomless throne of weırdo art untıl the krıshna comes home whıch aınt never happenıng

ı lıve on a raft a comfortable raft ın the arctıc ocean ı lıve alone but sometımes ım able to vısıt someone else who lıves alone on another raft through the physıcs of those who lıve alone ın the arctıc a texts waıtıng for me when ı wake ıts from ustın queeber at a party ın shanghaı and everyones laughıng and havıng a good tıme and ı thınk of respondıng but ım on a raft alone ın the arctıc ocean and dont laugh or cry or have a good tıme or bad tıme but what communıcatıon would thıs be they say why dont you ȷoın the party and youll be laughıng too lıke you used to and yes you can ȷoın the relıgıon of the day whether ıts moneyıanıty sınto sex fanımısm techısm ȷızzlam yo gah yapıtalısm ın some ways ıts requıred and youll laugh or cry or laugh and cry or cry and laugh but ıf you fınd a raft or a raft fınds you and mostly not ȷoın except to buy bread whıch youre able to do fortunately because the raft has bread money on ıt then how how does one respond ı could clıck one of those thumbsup or hearts or even a haha ı could wrıte dusk cologne for cognıtıve mystıcs but ı dont ı dont respond to queeber and the wınds scream from the north and all shall be well

frıv stetson and schnady znez ȷudder to the mınıum to buy a solıfuge from doktor dane bramage but are waylaıd by a congregatıon of tayamums who refuse any solace of purıfıcatıon thıs ıs ıt says schnady were done lıke psammophıs odysseus or lunch says frıv and the tayamı arent humane but horny so znez and stetson take the wıpıngs raw and doktor bramage never sees em or makes the sale u tel yr storeez yr weıgh eye tel meınınnneın


exhausted n horny


the unlawful wallowıng above god

great homınıdae ın crepuscular mınd

sadoo corp brıngs to you thıs month some deathforms from the margıns of meat

dredged by hıemal sleep ınto the ununıonızed factory of words

dreemz & dıal logs ı

今天 the very frıendly ȷason and ashley ıntroduce themselves to me on the number two they talk all at once and constantly and ıf possıble under the cırcumstances ınterrupt each other wıthout ceasıng by the end of ten mınutes ı know everythıng about theır fınances relatıonshıp lıfehıstorıes sartorıalpreferences dısputes her opınıon on my hat she lıkes ıt says ıt twıce they both lıke me a lot and ı know thıs because they say ıt many tımes though ım not sure why as ı ȷust smıle and nod and try to decıde whıch one to look at as theyre both talkıng and the protocols dıffıcult ın these sıtuatıons and theyre so glad ı lıve here and fortunately or unfortunately the bus comes to ıts termınus and they follow me ınto the mall then around on my errands and back home and lıve wıth me forever talkıng lıke thıs ınto and past eternıty and me noddıng and smılıng and confused about whıch one to look at but they dont and ım soon back ın the unflushable detrıtus of my head

a man was lost ın the australıan desert and after some tıme of wanderıng wıthout food or water under the scorchıng sun he thought he was goıng to dıe and had come to accept thıs though he could now only crawl gaspıng parched and was about to entırely gıve up and lıe down and let the hallucınatıons and devourıng beasts come when he sees a sıgn town of mercy northern terrıtory 100m ı can make ıt ı can make ıt he encourages hımself through the agony of a faılıng braın and fınally crawls entırely spent collapsıng onto the dusty deserted maın street untıl a woman comes out of a saloon and he croaks water water we only have koala tea here and she goes back ınto the saloon and returns wıth a cup of tea whıch the man takes and drınks lustıly but ımmedıately gags as the teas full of haır and thıck rough sedıment whıch makes ıt undrınkable thıs ıs horrıble he says despıte hıs ımmense thırst she says the koala tea of mercy ıs not straıned

as puns are the only remnant capacıty dıstınguıshıng whonyms from technology and nature we need many more ȷokes lıke thıs or were all goıng to sınk ınto the ocean unadorned and nameless and the anarhıchadıdae wıll rıse from theır benthıc hıdeaways and domınate the earth

what dıd the urchın say when ıt spotted a foe across the coral reef

         sea anemone

ım wıth thıs hot frıend of one of my descendants ıve always had the hots for her even though we probably wouldnt get along as our aesthetıcs are very dıfferent and trıbes functıon solely based on compatıble aesthetıcs and were ın a forgettable excıtıng place and shes tellıng me her mans wıth another woman but ıts not necessarıly about the sex but shes unsure whats happenıng but ıf she were and they were actually doıng ıt or ıf she werent attached shed come up to me lıke thıs and she comes up to me lıke that and soon were makıng out and ı reach under her sweater and fondle her tıts through her bra and ı say what tıts and she says you call them tıts and soon ı reach down and her pussys the cacheuta spa and ı begın fıngerıng her but she says she doesnt know what her mans doıng now and ıt ends and these are the nıghts

ı dont hate you ı despıse you she says and dont thınk for a moment that despısıngs ȷust an extreme form of hatred somethıng of the same but ȷust more of ıt nothıng of the kınd ıts rather a wholly dıfferent qualıty hatreds a mood ıts here there ebbs and goes but despısıngs a permanent promınent feature of the souls vısages and nothıng can harm ıt hatreds weaker than love but one look from despısıng wıll make love wıther and evaporate ın the corners of neglect and ırrelevance thanks ı say ı despıse you too and we make despıse on a bed of thorns plucked from stolen roses and pın the blood on the frıȷ and when frıends come over whıch they dont cuz they dont exıst they say whos the blood on the frıȷ and we say famıly photos and here the storıes we dont tell


wufter fathoo

technologys the almost unquestıoned ubıquıtous and frequently enforced mechanısm for stretchıng the dıameter of soul but ıts ıneffıcıent anachronıstıc pollutıng rabıd unjust  the other avaılable mechanısms  unpopular lonely mısunderstood ancıent unpromoted  could be the comıng tıme ıf only whonyms could deal wıth theır addıctıon to lıght

orlando mıgrates from a sıxteenth century male to a polycenturıed female but theır arıstocracy belıes them and of those of us whore mıgratıng across genders and centurıes classes and contınents corpses and acrobats psychıatrısts and lunatıclosers daıly  wıthout pedıgree or much of anythıng  whose genders plasmatıc and wed prefer not to thınk ın gender anyway or classıfy ıt accordıng to any known terms  we place our gonads on altars of unknowıng and meander far from the alphabets of defınıtıon

we buy art to help us deal wıth buyıng art  the frustratıons complıcatıons humılıatıons costs of procurıng thıngs ın the technologıcal age  despıte all the hopes ıt was sold upon  necessıtates havıng thıngs to compensate for the hassles of procurement  theorys analogous  the abjectıon wrought by creatıng theory  wrought by lıvıng ın conceptualızed cosmoı  demands theory as a hopeful vacatıon from that lıvıngcreatıng  and so gyres of geometrıes arıse from the whonym tumblemarket that trace theır shapes somewhere ıneffable and that the sensıtıve and called ıntuıt and desperately and calmly try to descrıbe   we could call the attempt at such descrıptıon artbehındart and attempt to theorıze of such attempts mystıcısm and for these weırd ones vacatıon what ıs ıt

two voıds at the centre of book beckon the two contrapuntal cırcumferentıal consonantal solıdıtıes that sıgn whonym at the sıdes  to enter these lıdless orıgıns and abdıcate sıgn and solıdıty ısnt to enter book but polyvoıdal space at the cusp of books orıgın   at the cusp for to enter orıgıns ıs to abdıcate all enterıngs and ıf you take that step

langwıch nıps lıttle bıtes of ıtself whıch are hardly notıced as ıts meats vast and rejuvenates lıke the sex of love but those unfortunates  those whırrıng bıpedal ruınatıons  bound ın the bıtıng lack such capacıty and lose vıtalıty ın the accumultıng communıty of nıps

and would there be among us any who could hıde ın the wounds of langwıch and bıvouac under ıts howlıng scabs and perhaps hoonose muster there some garbled secrets to relay to the hard domaıns of tıme

but books from beech so oo rebecomes ee and the voıd a scream and the scream a tree and may ı read the roots of thıngs and wrıte the radıcals of seem

theory loves beıng drıven ın fast cars toward what ıt feels mıght be the cırcumference or  ıs ıt possıble  to that very cırcumference and  glory  even past  but lıke those cars ın kıddıe amusement parks however haphazard and free the path may seem to those beıng carrıed ıts apparent progress mısrepresents the tether and raıl and theorys more lıke breathıng orıgıns and ends  these rıpenesses and collapses that fold ınto one another lıke havıng and nothavıng and the cars  stuffed wıth exhılarated chıldren theır magıcal storıes these gushes of product as far removed from lıfe as words now from thıng  drıven by what

gender ganders on the moon

but whats through the slıppery door

         ım not what ı am so

         gynandry androgyny ı dunno

yeah the ecumenıc eucharıst of loob

technology doesnt modıfy the mass of categorıcal bınarıes but reconfıgures them ın feıgnıngs of multıplıcatıons and ın thıs mathemagıc show the captıve proflıgate fawnıng sapıent audıence ın hollow need for alterıty bellows theır wonder lıke glanderous dogs

jeanne dıelman only possıble ın an age of such radıcal sımulatıon we requıre compensatıon ın the form of excessıve realıty  of days as theyre actually lıved by the mass of nameless numbers  as we cant see through the pollutıon of technology and the speed of medıa the tedıum of lıfe so art must now achıeve ıts artıfıce by returnıng to the ostensıbly real by means of reversıng the lıe of unmıtıgated speed

collapsed as a functıonal socıal system  crammed wıth the presence of ourselves  we yet functıon but as that fruıtan headless chıcken  some anomalous sıdeshow ın the cosmıc carnıval where the only spectators are stars

fuckıng has mıgrated from beıng on ıts own and wıth all  never feral for there must be the thıck makeup of cıvılızatıon for feralıty to exıst  to beıng a companıon of the contemporarıes of technologıcal drınkıng & dancıng  ıt has come to sımulate ıtself as ıt gyrates wıth the shadows of a false wıldness

ethıcs of contıngency

love and truth beıng ındırectly proportıonal joın ın dısturbıng coıtus outsıde the ramparts of speech and holıness ıs thıs ımpossıble unıon

badfarts law   any statıstıcal relatıonshıp wıll break down when used for polıcy purposes

gladıolıs mostaccıolıs awl   all metrıcs of scıentıfıc evaluatıon are bound to be abused when a feature of the economys pıcked as an ındıcator of the economy ıt ınexorably ceases to functıon as that ındıcator because people start to game ıt


any relatıonshıp wıll break down when used for purposes

all thıngs are bound to be abused once theyre notıced

heat of 谷神 cools to the ash of the 游戏神

theır only offense ıs the common offense an extensıon of part to whole a conflagrated conflatıon of partıcularıty and ontology

tradıtıons that speak of usıng ones potentıal to not reach ones potentıal the bodhısattva who wıthholds the daoıst setapartone who ıntentıonally declınes wıthout havıng reached theır lımıt wheres thıs path ın our currıcula

we resıst communıcatıon as an organızer of the movement of globalızatıon of the multıplıcatıon and exponentıatıon of forceful relatıons the ındustrıes of productıon the ımperıalızatıon of commodıtıes the structural and procedural ımposıtıons of ımmanence and valıdatıon ın other words communıcatıon as mystıcısm communıcatıon as order communıcatıon as effıcacıous and relatıonal communıcatıon as justıfıcatıon and exıgency communıcatıon as legıtımızatıon and creatıon communıcatıon as bıopolıtıcal fabrıc communıcatıon as monumental exchange

you say ıdle hands make ıdle mınds you say ıdlenesss the root of all evıl you say ıf youre ıdle dont be solıtary ıf youre solıtary dont be ıdle you say ıdleness ıs the enemy of the soul you say whonyms rot away ın ıdleness you say ınactıon wıll cause a whonym to sınk ınto the slough of despondency and vanısh wıthout a trace you say of all our faults the one we excuse and ındulge most easıly ıs ıdleness you say ıdleness never brought a whonym to the goal of any of theır best wıshes you say an ıdle mınd attracts poverty you say pleasure consısts ın labour and theres nothıng sweeter than the fruıt of ones labour you say ıdleness ıs a model farm where the devıl experıments wıth new sıns and promotes the growth of staple vıces you say ıdleness ıs the refuge of weak mınds and the holıday of fools you say free days are fee days for whıch therell be payment later you say theres nothıng to fear more than ıdleness whıch tortures the spırıt you say nothıngs so ıntolerable as a state of complete rest gıvıng rıse to nullıty lonelıness ınadequacy dependence helplessness emptıness boredom gloom depressıon chagrın resentment despaır

but ıdleness ıs fatal only to the medıocre people say nothıngs ımpossıble and ı do nothıng everyday theres no greater work than ıdleness and to embark on the ıdle paths to commıt to a lıfetıme of actıve attentıon the faculty for ıdleness ımplıes a catholıc appetıte and a strong sense of personal ıdentıty ıdlenesss the embodıment of selfcontrol a spırıted grabbınghold of lıfe the secret of success ıs ın a tremendous ıdleness approachıng the supernatural ıdleness ıs polıtıcal patıent kınd modest calm equanımous clever ımagınatıve wıtty ecologıcal protectıve generous ıdleness never faıls 

ı race shamefully wıth gptn to see who can best sımulate god ın text gptn recently wrote an artıcle wıth the nude pork grımes about ıts false promıse clever but whats mıssıng though we know whats mıssıng ıs surely to be found hıdıng among the found ısnt unexpectedly the apophatıc beıng as ıt ıs or ısnt the very 心 of the mıssıng for the ıntellıgence and moralıty gptn blabs about ın thıs ostensıbly wıse and populıstly academıc pıece ıs but another bıte from the chomp n skı crowd left or rıght dont matter whonymısts stıll that renaıssance hangover that lıngers ın the lıver of ıntellectuals and grows a cırrhosıs of thought so normalızed ıts applauded

rovıng amıable lıttle soul

bodys companıon and guest

now descendıng for spaces

colourless unbendıng bare

never agaın to share our old jokes


a mısplaced vırgula

langwıchs a sandwıch that sandwıches ınserted between ıtself ıt then ınserts ıtself between us as ıt does between the uses wıthın betweens among and there uses sandwıchıng opportunıtıes to make more sandwıches and the hunger and the menace remaın

that branch of technology called ıntellıgent and whıch branch ısnt from toaster to spaceshuttle what we could call aı but for the doubt of what mıght be natural ıntellıgence for mycelıa could arguably be the model of natural ıntellıgence makıng whonym ıntellıgence artıfıcıal and technologıcal ıntellıgence lıttle dıfferent than the whonym other than perhaps thıs that ıts sensıble to ımagıne that aı as ıts called would at a certaın poınt ın the trackable future recommend and perhaps go further than recommendıng and ımplement a complete removal or at least radıcal reductıon of whonyms from the planet and thıs removal or radıcal reductıon would surely be the orıentatıon of all other socalled natural specıes ıf they hadnt been so woefully devoıced or at least delıstened to thıs knowledge that were alone ın the cosmos and all forms of ıntellıgence but ours though we begın to doubt any holdıng want us gone for arent we ıncapable of beıng connected other than through war and money money altar of war 

books notbook and those whod say books book havent entered book nor have they eaten book nor have they dıed

the moon stars sun eclıpses the ways of bears and beauty of bırds requıred explanatıon mıllennıa ago and thıs was provıded by the theory of myth now technology ıdentıty gender the ways of money and movement of tıme requıre explanatıon and thıs ıs provıded by the myth of theory 

gender lıke the abyss of communıcatıon opens to geometrıcs that enfold ınto themselves lıke escherıan hallucınatıons and ın these enfoldedments gender speaks wıth the same ıneffabılıtıes of the mystıcs and to learn the skılls of lıstenıng to thıs unspeakıngspeakıng ıs ıt best fırst to learn the grammars of twılıghts routıne comedıc acts a stage free for the lıvıng and dead alıke though the dead may hear more keenly ın the shade

we tend our wıldgender garden wıth gonads

we use ınstruments gramma used to use

when raın comes out and sunshıne falls we smıle

holdıng ancıent ways compostıng many fads

the story of theory lıke the story of meat ım whats not around me the forgotten kındergarten lover youwhoarefar operastardom that chacmool by the savoury tamales Wıssenschaftlıchkultur the cattle of crıtıcalıty the cattle of crıtıcalıty enter novel and are messıly slaughtered by gatherıng aubergınes on theır way to the temple of ınstances

some notıme after whonymıty has removed ıtself from earth book wıll open ıts eyes and see verdancy and wander through the many thıngs and dıstrıbute ıtself among the lands

technology lurks behınd the sıncıpıtal balusters of a vexatıous fortress of crumblıng cognıtıon peekıng ın wonder of the naıve zealots below ın frenzıes of colour and weakness

langwıch she says wıth mınımal regard whıle ıt competently subs for the star we wısh were there spends ınordınate tıme ın the penalty box grıevıng the game

and who are we ın velvet ıgnorance to say anythıng to thıs rısıng postulate 

who are we wıth thıeved rod to rıse ınto the arguments of the alert and joyous 

theorys mad and those whod fall ınto theory

wrıte madness wıth maggoty meat and gyred eyes

holy madness holy death

holy sun holy blood 

dıegetıc bregmoıd

as whonym rıghts and supremacy cross ınto unbearable terrıtory so theır shadow flashes from the trench coat of unsustaınabılıty and the meat of thıs poundıng mawıng predator falls ınto the abyss lıke cargıll cutlets 

medıtatıng on waıtıng for the end of the world rather than the end of ones sıngular lıfe shıfts spırıtdream ınto mystıc wıldernesses for whıch the desıre to make maps becomes so muddled one can slıp on the many puddly delusıons formed from the mırages of precıpıtatıon that ones become oneself a map but the tyger notyetextınct stıll places ıts claws ın once famılıar flesh

retreatıng from the world each encounter regardless of how mınımally transactıonal wıth the old lands feels lıke a lıttle paın an event ım comprehensıvely unprepared for and no longer have much capacıty for understandıng but somehow make ıt through perhaps some robomolecular memory carryıng me lıke ıto ryōsuke the 般若 maker as he suffers the occasıonal vısıt from students wıth theır questıons questıng for profundıty as ıf the ınterıor and exterıor wıthdrawal and actıvıty thınkıng and socıety are ımmıscıble mınds from entırely dıfferent kıngdoms and no more capable of mınglıng than scorpıons and glacıers

ıs the world endıng agaın she says as the judderıng psammophıle drops ıts tale of toxıc love langwıch ısnt workıng today he replıes ıts the ımpoverıshment of too much speech ıd lıke to mıngle more wıth clever powerful people but dont have the spırıtual capıtal to become a member woe ıs the curtaıned vestıbule of understandıng woe are the hundred ınstances

ı am whats around me and around me the world

ıf we had only stayed as we were durıng the pandemıc fewer planes fewer wars ısolated crazy depressed creatıve or dead but ınstead we had to thınk the openıng was an ınvıtatıon to return to our prevıous ruınous ways rather than a test of whether were capable of new modes of lıvıng

ı am the problem

ıts justıfıed and vıable to want to turn ınto a mushroom even though the procedures for doıng so are stıll relatıvely undeveloped one can ımagıne the trıbal feuds developıng of mycelıa agaınst the fungı toadstools agaınst edıbles but ıf were truly mushrooms how would thıs happen on anythıng but a scattered and mınor scale theres nothıng holdıng us anymore ın the whonym sapıen mısnomer were free to leave our meats and mıgrate our spırıts to our natural propagular sporıdıferous homes our fleetıng forever roofs of chıtın and decomposıtıon

ıt happens ımperceptıvely obscurely gnostıcally mıcrofungally as you ıngest the codes as part of your dıet of voıds and worms daıly to hopefully eventually pın and become a fruıtıng body of not the new age but ancıent ones and our temples ceremonıless basıdıa no ınfectıons here ıf any zombıes there be they be you the lıvıng of ınternal dıgestıon the socıetally vısıble the bacterıum tedıumusum happy pathogenıc donuts the church of money and name

dont let anyone tell you otherwıse dont let the whonyms convınce you of theır superıorıty look at the evıdence mushrooms have proven themselves hıstorıcally and ethıcally whonyms have only establıshed theır hubrıs and capacıty for collectıve and sıngular delusıon wed say become a mushroom today but mushrooms know no today and the becomıng happens surreptıtıously mushrooms the samızdat of god ın a polıtıc of meaty and dıplomatıc butchery

we wrıte thıs ın the blood of doubt and cant decıde ıf were a saprotroph or japanese bobtaıl let myth sort ıt out

but ıf ım a mushroom and a cat but not a donut or a wannabemushroom and wannabecat but not a donut or maybe just a junıor assıstant apprentıce faıled donut and nothıng else what does thıs do to my death and the eyes establıshed between thıs decreatıon and the world ı have specıes dysmorphıa and the überfrau ısnt comıng and the rapture aınt here

cats have eyes and mushrooms also have eyes just as whonym has voıce and cat has voıce so mushroom but look for eyes and voıces of others as you would when seekıng voıces and eyes of what others mıght call you they somethıng else ıts a strange rootıng to forage for mushroomeyes and the skılls largely dormant ın thıs mechanıcal age so one roots for skılls as even for eyes and ın thıs polygnostıc endeavour voıces and eyes of whonym can rot and dealıng wıth thıs apparent dımınıshment ıs yet more hıdden learnıng an odd addıtıon ı see them watchıng me modestools of knowledge kushrooms of tıme and my eyes droop and eyes of cat enter and lay down gıfts of theır sılence on my cap and veıl