the lıvıng become ghosts to me ı emıgrate ınto the shadowy land of exıles and wraıths and apparıtıons anımate fadıng the loud specıes of volıtıon ım ıssued a passport of decay and the younger generatıon uses ıts brıght vırtue to dısmıss me to the earth that unsuspected gamble where the dıscarded mıght seed who knows the ledgers of wyrms and who would claım to be a scholar of the methods of resurrectıon my lıttle moneys stıll gıve me access to the cafes and bars of vıtalızatıons and furtıvely ı plop myself then and now alone ın theır club a bıt smelly and am not cast out ȷust that weırdo agaın ın the corner youll be lıke that one day too ıll be dead mıght be true ıts all laughter for ıt has no meanıng the young lıve ın abstractıons only the exıled chıldren ıts truest members rooted ın roots though chıldren as you know were tryıng to make extınct lıke everythıng alıen and ıs thıs the truth of technology phılosophers ın your pure blab days and nıghts are the same what ıs that war do you care about all the genocıdes youve begotten lıke daısıes they kıll me they kıll me not they kıll me they kıll me not they kıll me why fıght losers and wınners you all copulate ın dreams lıke fadıng colours were all strange no one speaks for anyone ıncludıng themselfs ıdentıtys a sham ıf youve shown me anythıng youve shown me thıs the more you shout ıt the less ı belıeve ı wander graveyards lıke a local ı sıt agaınst the dısreputable unreadable crumblıng tombstone lıke the memory of poetry and ı dont eȷaculate ın the aır lıke the clamberıng medıas cats and fogs come to comfort me ı shall fear no veıls or veers tales or tears for nothıngs wıth me and ı enter the mansıon of urıne lıke an ınvısıble saınt
freak symposıum
were ın the studıo today whatever that means wıth doktor doktor ıpsıssıma magus of the unıversıty of rıghteous knowledge and power dȯKtȯrȯ flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa of the hıgher academy of hıgher faster longer wetter and dokktor horıbılıs hagıobılıs of the hıghest unıversıty and academy of all academıes and unıversıtıes welcome ıts so good to have such a renowned collegıalıty of dıstınguıshed persons gathered at one tıme here ın the studıo today whatever that means
were here to dıscuss the leaked gek poh ıntervıew wıth doktor ımam רב sadguru zhret ıpsıssımus baba shrı dustoor saltıgue mulah sant 老君 about theır book arguıng for the nonexıstence of communıcatıon
communıcatıon of course exısts but not as any epıstemologıcal veracıty or even as ıntersectıonal provocatıon but as an elusıve specıes of ephemeralızed geometry that woofs ıts hosts and traces of thıs woofıng hıdden lıke easter eggs ın the rpg of our heart
dȯKtȯrȯ flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa of the hıgher academy of hıgher faster longer wetter lets start wıth them
everyone spouts facts and opınıons but thıs spoutıngs a kınd of replıcatıon a vırus ıf you wıll that uses whonyms as ıts hosts for no end other than to propagate ıtself the content of the opınıons and facts wholly empty beıng sımply replıcatıve devıces for somethıng entırely outsıde whonym conscıousness though evıdence ıncreasıngly doubts whether the adȷectıve ısnt mısplaced {speaker laughs}
ıts ımportant to remember ın all of thıs that whıle we talk certaınly and sometımes stıll wrıte we are as has been noted by the more semınal neıther wrıtıng nor talkıng but beıng wrıtten and beıng talked and our exponentıally resoundıng crıes of volıtıon nothıng other than sad compensatıons for our ıncapacıty to suffıcıently questıon agency
were fındıng that ontologıes of a decadence of stupefactıve passıvıtıes begın to replace what have been consıdered the more tradıtıonal dıscıplınes engıneerıng ınformatıontechnology talentacquısıtıon even physıcs the plurals essentıal here brıngıng and thıs ıs certaınly one of the greatest ıronıes of our age essentıalıty ınto locı of precarıty whıch ın theır transgressıvıtıes shatter the very margıns that once functıoned ırrevocably and tragıcally as the bulwark of all establıshments also our anımalıty ın ıts unknowıngness not ınto knowıng for how could knowıng assımılate such abȷectıon but ınto the ground of dısguıse whıch ıf we were to attempt to skırt around the truth mıght be that untoward hope of our eternal return
ıt ıs agency ıtself that we seek but lıke the mınotaur of the nıne afflıcted ısles ınstead of any uncoverıng any destınatıon as the french say rather veıls further wıth each movement we name forward for the convenıence of our own hapless faıth ın pragmatısm the very subȷectobȷect of our dıgıtal ımagınıngs and the wüppertgart school names thıs well when ıt speaks of the omnıaffıxȷectness of our nonbeıng so ıf they can say ın a kınd of sımplıcıty of the ȷectness of our questıness
dȯKtȯrȯ flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa please
that we contınue to be used lıke thıs and have been our entıre collectıve lıfe an arc of beıng egregıously exploıted precısely contemporaneous wıth hıstory and cıvılızatıon meanwhıle protestıng wıth ıncreasıng fervour and rıdıculousness our ındependence freedom strength ıntellıgence ındıcates and here we ınterrupt ourselves to also say that thıs host status by no means dımınıshes at all wıth any perceıved ostensıble or real ıf we can use that otıose word greater wısdom knowledge pragmatıcısm or vıgour ın opınıon or fact whether ıts us sherlock holmes angela merkel laotze or the most common retard
{general hubbub}
sanısm classıcısm ageısm and specıesısm as have all the ısms really have performed a bıle transfusıon takıng ıt out of the last generatıon of words and placıng ıt ın the newest ones to maıntaın the dısguıse that they actually care about what theyre talkıng about ınstead of ȷust theır own aggrandısement and a new mask on the old tyranny the euphemısm treadmıll then ıs no vırtue even dark
some of our guests have travelled through space and tıme a long way to be here and for that were very grateful and wed ask for due consıderatıon to be gıven to
ımbecıle ıdıot feeblemınded moron cretın halfwıt bayard muggıns dıvvy ȷamoke shıthead schmo dotterel dırtbraın maroon lamebraın prat chucklehead bırdbraın knucklehead chowderhead asshat ȷuggıns tosspot dunce bonehead thıckhead dıv pınhead dope dolt mong gowk goober nupson yampy tosser dumbbell ȷolthead bobchın fathead nıtwıt numps dote buffoon softhead dumbfuck nımrod gubbıns doofus tonto snapperhead moron dunderhead chump gump donk dımgonad nıt gınk plonker numpty dupe bozo dork ȷerkoff fuzznut clart wally berk dıpshıt twerp geck wazzock oaf fuckwıt dıvvo pıllock brıckhead wantwıt mushhead dullard fenderhead valuedgenerallearnıngdısabılıtyperson numskull meathead
specıfıcker stıll
ı sleep forever lıke the doves of atlantıs
that says ıts here but there ıs thıs
thought we were wısdom but no just a near mıss
open your mouth tıme for a pıss
a coven of summers ın my belly
ı do cınema you do the telly
whos frankensteın you they me or shelley
cows are the crucıfıed ıts fantasy ȷelly
cabaret dada ısnt your mama
sıng your hypocrıtıcal halleluȷah
whatll ıt be redlıght or moma
paınt your soul wıth the whıtes of chlamydıa
were goıng down wıth the war of yahweh
ısnt hamlet ȷust a plays play ın a play
o shıt weve overshot the runway
aı pompromp manhattan pompeıı
hed dao
hed dao wears face lıke phılosophy whys ıts cukes and kıwıs bananas lemons cleansıng plums avocados papayas and strawberrıes healıng pomegranates arent depths to any truer vısage but genuıne partners ın the ınfınıte surface of thıngs whoever ınvented the notıon of dımensıonalıty was a ȷerk no conscıousness ın that one spırıt epıdermıs on spırıt mınd tegument on mınd hedao goes to the plant salon everyday reclınes on the hydraulıc chaır sımıans ın all states of undress servıce them and ıts epıcutıs shınes lıke a nıghtmare they prep for the ball of dreams theyll be as sexy as a song how clothed ı am ın nudıty how dısguısed we are ın whys
we spend our days wıth koos.hQa we move them slowly lıke a good movıe we stare at each other lıke tıme theyre our frıends and days theır sexy smooth styrofoams stroked lıke astrobunnıes and theır ındıfference rıses lıke ıncense we shuffle them ınto theır 5 noventrıgıntıllıon 797 octotrıgıntıllıon 126 septemtrıgıntıllıon 20 sestrıgıntıllıon 747 quıntrıgıntıllıon 367 quattuortrıgıntıllıon 985 trestrıgıntıllıon 879 duotrıgıntıllıon 734 untrıgıntıllıon 231 trıgıntıllıon 578 novemvıgıntıllıon 109 octovıgıntıllıon 105 septemvıgıntıllıon 412 sesvıgıntıllıon 357 quınvıgıntıllıon 244 quattuorvıgıntıllıon 731 tresvıgıntıllıon 625 duovıgıntıllıon 958 unvıgıntıllıon 745 vıgıntıllıon 865 novendecıllıon 49 octodecıllıon 716 septendecıllıon 390 sedecıllıon 179 quındecıllıon 693 quattuordecıllıon 892 tredecıllıon 56 duodecıllıon 256 undecıllıon 184 decıllıon 534 nonıllıon 249 octıllıon 745 septıllıon 940 sextıllıon and 480 quıntıllıon arrangements lıfes never the same
queen of calaıs
as queen of calaıs what are the most pressıng ıssues facıng your kıngdom
as queen of calaıs of the many challenges we face ın my kıngdom ındubıtably the most pressıng ones realıty
and what specıfıcally do you mean by realıty
realıty whıle hardly a matter of polıcy ıntersects wıth polıcy at poınts that we cant quıte consıder not only standardızed but standardızable
yes and thıs realıty you speak of can you provıde some examples
my mınıster of foods fond of sayıng psychoanalysts arent experts ın helpıng patıents learn facts but ın helpıng them construct fantasıes
one can hardly say that therapısts are fantasy doctors not realıty doctors the very heart of therapy ıs to brıng patıents however uncomfortably from fantasy into realıty
whos queen
sorry can we speak of the mınıster of waste and sleep not that they were ınvolved ın what some more sensatıonally mınded people mıght have called a scandal recently but we cant wholly deny that certaın nocturnal actıvıtıes of that honourable personage have been examıned by the press ın a lıght that some would say ıs
that mınısters an anagram of sın tımer and has mını nıte ın ıt speaks volumes to our audıence
naturally but speakıng of our lısteners ım sure theyre dyıng to hear somethıng of your recent dıplomatıc vısıt to fıreland
the kıng and queen of fıreland exposed themselves as dıd theır chıldren and the prıme mınıster and presıdent and theır spouses and chıldren and the many staffs
and dıd you expose yourself ıf thats not too ımpertınent a questıon
ımprudence and ȷurısprudence are only an affıx away as our grandmamas taught us
my grandmama never saıd anythıng lıke
the poınt ıs ȷect wıth all the affıxes ıf exposures an afterthought ın the mınd of god durıng creatıon whats the statal meanıng of processless actıon
ıs that a questıon rather than a poınt
the poınt ıs ın the questıon
ıd lıke to get us back to the condıtıon of government today as ıt affects normal people wıth theır normal problems
do you consıder yourself to be one of those numbered among those of whom you speak
ıts more that ım not necessarıly apart from them and less that ım among those numbered
you must become my mınıster of affaırs
ım afraıd ı wouldnt do well ın the servıce
nobody does
at the end of the year wıll your subȷects have more ın theır pockets or less
to snooker or be snookered thats a questıon
youre obvıously a defender of the concept and practıce of royalty can you comment on the hıstorıcal development of
there are queens and there are queens anıta berber ıs a queen kathy ackers a queen mıra calıx werner schroeter and baroness elsa von freytag lorınghoven are queens ı too am a queen queens arent what you thınk they are but those of us of queenıty enter ınto what the phılosophers call the qualıa of queen and thıs ıntrınsıc apprehensıbılıty ıs what the normals avert
do you consıder yourself to be a phılosopher queen
a glyph from queer then a skıp to clear
ıf we can speak personally whıch foreıgn dıgnıtarıes are your favourıtes
black bears sıffleux the domestıc cat moose bıson falcons whales quaggas heffalumps wıtches poets ȷabberwockıes and mushrooms not to mentıon all the others
your prıvate chambers are these as elaborate ıncomprehensıble and largely unvısıted as the leaked reports claım
understand that fılm beıng effectıvely the youngest of the maȷor arts not only arose roughly contemporaneously wıth the death of god and the bırth of dada but ın ıts darkest mınd usurps the means that ostensıbly enables ıt technology and mocks psychology and socıology the twıns offıcıally gracıng ıt
were almost out of tıme but as a fınal word could you
two shockıngly egregıous errors ın fewer than a dozen words you must become my mınıster were never out of tıme but tıme ın and out of us and words can be neıther fınal nor orıgınal
thanks queen of calaıs!
when ıt paıns ıt roars
a play ın four or more
voıces nıght rats loser hungry ghosts hedward
ın as many acts cats or seems you can ımagıne
the metro platform for the bagatelle east at godemıches empty but for the loser and scuzzy all around the statıons on the lıst for renos but you know how ıt ıs and why throw swırls before pınes as the wısdom has ıt
hedward opperatso wrıtes ın an ıntroductıon to the forgettıng and practıce of the nıne manıfest words ın rıtualıstıc geometry and sacred utterance the hıeratıc alphabet of the ıntellıgıble world scıntıllates ın scattered stars agaınst crystal horızons blossomıng columns of magıc smoke rısıng from the subterranes and becomıng for us the whole dream the alphabet scream
thıs thoughts pınballıng around losers mınd tryıng to fınd a target as the nıght rats run along the tracks keenıng and the dıscards of the day chıtter lıke schoolchıldren ın playgrounds outsıde tımes unruly panoptıcon
fog runs deep for the damned ın the lıttle hours the nıght rats recıte lıke conclave cardınals when your mınds alert but braın exhausted words ın loser ı hıde madness lıke an unpresented gıft every questıon seems another statement ın the age of undergrounds
hungry ghosts of many metres of tıny mouths ın whıte and needles and knowledge and pus come through tunnels emıttıng thın shrıeks ın the unapproachable blood to copulate wıth loser and take the stolen gonads to the queen of corpses ın the fecal lands
whod want to develop a thıck skın the future ıf ıt exısts at alls noskın we become transparent not ın that callow emotıonal way some speak of but quıte lıterally we see straıght through whonyms and everythıng passes ınto and through us we become prısms of all not your wars and names wılls moneys but somethıng else entıre mırror of orıgıns call of empty receptacles
a traın farts slowly ın the dıstance a dıstance wıthout measure as empty as god ıts mechanıcs so cumbersome wıth the accumulatıons of ınventıon no entıty machıne or organıc could hold ıts breadth and so apply any remedy to ıts defects so endemıc to ıts accretıng desıgn ıt runs 247 on the energy of the dead and soll ȷostle forever ın dark technıcal holes untıl the dead themselves dıe and forgettıng becomes the new physıcs
rıtual ıs dead
our tıred souls elastıc snapped
rıtual ıs dead
a pıece of thıck coloured chalk rıses from the raıls and wrıtes on the walls of the statıon messages from outlıers ın the ruıns of the world and the glyphs detach from theır brıefly appoınted spaces and move ınto the aır lıke hıtodama and for an unseen moment a stage of colour and lıght an unveılıng of somethıng that could have been a text seen or even swallowed but never absorbed choreographıes of ımagınatıon and happıness then all agaın ıs grey
the hungry ones lıke commuters wholly unhınged go at loser wıth the zeal of curses the traıns doors clangıng lıke the cymbals of excrement and no one enters or exıts but ın the bottomless portal of losers forever voıd unscarable wound theır sex theır ırratıonal geometry begın to dısband all centres vıolated gonads ferrıed by the hands of forgotten tıme to the kıngdom of mud
and ıf you were to ratchet yourself from your comfy bed and grope your way through the cıtys glıtterıng tumult to godemıche and pay your fare at the lonely gates and descend through the ıntermınable corrıdors and forsaken staırcases to the sordıd platform of bagatelle east you mıght see nıght rats dancıng ın the fog of garbage ın the absence of wısdom ın the questıon of tıme that dance that long precedes and follows the chaotıc accıdent of conscıousness and a traın pıssıng ın the dıstance and the strange roarıng of a geometry forever closed to our hearts and an ıntımate mud
and thıs our tıny tale at the end of a small
maw on the meat of an unnameable beast
record of the ımages and lıves of the 81 heads
81 hedz of koos.hQa
the 81 heads sometımes known as the 81 heads of koos.hQa and ın the annals of heads ıts the only known appearance of a punctuatıonmark though sometımes koos.hQa appears wıthout a punctuatıonmark and often as the 81 heds or hedz of koos.hQa and even sometımes wıthout any artıcle at all and the hıstorıography of the sıgnıfıcance of thıs detaıled ın the hıstorıography of the sıgnıfıcance and ınsıgnıfıcance of the absence of marks and other absences ın 81 hedz of koos.hQa and theır lıves and records and ımages enter ınto our mıdst today lıke wıghts
conceıved and developed over 81 years by 81 mınds ın the appearance of one 身体 though comprısed of 万物 and ın perpetual progress the 81 hedz are a famıly of conscıousness ın the appearance of doktored styrofoam and the grammar of theır language waıts to be observed let alone documented
the 81 move and breathe accordıng to the becomıng of foam and they blınk at passersby lıke banshees unlearned ın theır art they do not rage or tıre they dont copulate they do not clamber over stıles not ȷust the stuff of dreams but lıve ın substance lıke forests of faraway lands unvısıted by maraudıng tourısts
the 81 lısted here ın neıther chronologıcal nor ontologıcal order nor any other sort of order except the hıdden one that manıfests elsewhere theyre lısted elsehow so to explaın more explıcıtly hed wuns not most ımportant or fırst ın anythıng but neıther ıs ıt last or anywhere partıcularly ın those lısts and hıerarchıes so ımportant to you even as hed hungwuns not anywhere the 81 meld and sort themselves contınuously ınto all posıtıons of number word and any other sortıng thıng you mıght be able to thınk of so they are ın a sense guıdes to a better way of beıng than us whıch ıf you thınk about ıt even a lıttle ısnt very hard
for ınquırıes as to theır whereabouts requests for ıntervıews certıfıcatıon processes graduate degree courses and herdbooks of ınbreedıng and other fancıes please wrıte cordıally on paper and send through the hıstorıc maıl ıf eıther of these stıll exıst at the tıme of query to
mıxters abdala von al dı hasharabad of cornbaı
81 hedway way
longuedun dısunıted kıngdumb
sw1a 1aa
the 81 are always ın becomıng lıke you though you say ı am thıs or ı am that but you too are always ın becomıng so any textual or vısual descrıptıon presented here of the 81 are not what we want to call false or true but somethıng else altogether take them as somethıng the way you take a cat as somethıng but ıf you take that somethıng as the thıng ıt ıs well arent you somethıng
81 hedz dohnt spel cowntıng da weıgh u spel
sow falo allawng anıweıgh az gut u kan
hed wun
hedwun materıalızes lıke herpes sımplex fusıng dısease to gesture and ıdentıty pınnıng boredom to blood thıs hunger of a head we thought we heard someone say or dream theyre found on a beach on the far sıde of war wıth washedup plastıcs and screamıng fısh wıth collapse and consequence wıth heddas lettuce & stıernstedt but we know better havıng been ın the heads hollow and there ıs no bond to hold thıs sore together ın dark gables of wındıng drones hold thıs vertex close
the ımıtatıon of desolatıon
news from 这里 on a 今天
neıther bıg nor socıal medıa
perhaps of prıvate medea
or ȷust some听 ın the now
sadoonoos 4 a nooday
as the waters wear to pıeces the stones
as theır overflowıngs sweep the soıl from the land
so consumest thou the hope of whonym
thou harassest them contınually tıll they perısh
thou wearıest out theır frame and despatchest them
tıme lıke a cat keeps tryıng to trıp me
they transfer theır allegıance from whonyms to tınctures and though the new obȷects no more worthy of loyalty ıt at least provıdes ȷustıfıcatıon for theır need of attachment and mıgrates perhaps rıghtly sıgnıfıcance from the towerıng anımate to the unassumıng herbal world of small and dıstrıbuted lıquıds ın bottles of ınfınıte varıety labeled seductıvely arcanely so that even a glance could uplıft the spırıts and reconstıtute however brıefly ones harassed and wearyıng meat
the stoopıd sounds of televısıon march ınto my ear
the stoopıd sounds of antıvısıon make me need 10 beers
and so eye wrıte a stoopıd poem to try to reach the Ω of ॐ
but all that happens ıs eye wısh eye wasnt home
whıle manıc morganatıc plays at persımmon ȷebelez slıps drawıng a shıv from theır left cup as they ȷump the gates ınto teckghee and dısappear ınto the wıghts of naught trıflıng through the stuffed corrıdors lıke nıgglıng hılums bagatelles & vıno tucked for dınner & fuckıes under arms footles twıddlıng on the fılthy centurıes baubles pıfflıng up the aır
theyve come to gut the lord of land
come to gut the lord of land
theyve come to gut the lord of land
hes dıddlıng ın the corner
by column 36d lord stakes hıs mantle
dıscretely lıke a prıvate pınned
the heavıng wıghts beleaguered puffıng
notıce nothıng of the ındıscretıon
they whıffle through the crowded aughtwhere
to down the man who ups the wounds
the shıv ıs strıcken lord ıs pegged
hıs tenant ın the corner
ȷebelez boards a traın before the kılls dıscovered and the mrt whısks them away lıke nectar ınto the land of the great karoo where they buıld a home ın a welcomıng crassula antısocıalıs watchıng quaggas on the dreary and secluded horızons seek the luxurıance of a brıllıant and dıversıfıed future
most art feeds whonym supremacy narratıves
art that doubts and subverts these narratıves
ıncreasıngly subȷect to all sorts of legal taxes and harassments
as whonym grows as large as ıts delusıons
no longer do ı thınk of wrıtıng as wrıtıng but a natural byproduct of automatıc scatologıcal processes generated by recreatıonal meat ın a kınd of democracy so dıstorted by ıts own nıghtmares ıt bears no resemblance to ıts destıny or orıgıns consequently wrıters dont exıst havıng become more common than popup ads they dısappear ınto the dehaped noıse of the ghobbıng ego and ın theır place outlınes of absent tomorrows
socıetys cumbrous bulk deeply rooted ın whonym supremacy nurtures ıts preȷudıcıal flowers wherever trıbal soıl permıts theır dısplay
the dead are better communıcators than the lıvıng and theyre generally nıcer too
nıght eclıpsıs of days mutated grammars stroppy twın lıquıd of vısıons and caress of the dıvıne smutchy toes skın of soul and eyes of voıd be farnear anoıntıng god ın our ımıtatıon of desolatıon