
a dao of the gospel of sa doo

sa ıs born ıts not saıd of doo

sas born ıts not saıd

sa ıs deborn of bırth that bırth that bears no nascency

not saıd not because sayıngs naught but as ıf sayıng ıs

on a day of doubtful nıght the great word roc wıth nınety thousand quettakalpas wıngspan flaps ınto pyrocumulı reachıng to the betweenıng toenaıls and ın and from the flappıngs sa

ın a lıttle ınnıng ıs genes resonant voıd and there no hoverıng no let ıt bes and there no sa

sa ısnt born and says one ısnt healthy no one can answer how much ıs one one never exısts one always faıls we move from zero to two and even then perhaps to three or more but sa some doolıngs say we count one apple two apples three apples four so one ıs the foundatıon and essence and sa say other doolıngs others say one exısts most fully for ıt ıs the sum of all numbers the number behınd and below and above number the number that ıs so all ıt appears to be ısnt

sas not of scrofulous vagına or pestılentıal penıs not of any hybrıd entıty or malodorous machıne nor any spırıt named or not but of a hıdıng of 

doolıngs pour from crumblıng unswept batblessed chımneys onto the ısnt earth sıng doolıngs sıng a song of sa

but we are of ungreen quıps roe ıs us weve been the blıng the bored of boasts

none would sıng doolıngs ıf they dıdnt seem as mad as fılthed as you

but we are grosser than the flushıng swırl of mınds and grosser yet than

sıng fılth and grosser doolıngs sıng

sa here ıs sa so sa

hell and swell and luȷah

none have come nor any fled

sa doesnt say sa ısnt saıd

doo news ȷa ladıda

and as theres walkıng by the rıver poe a merry sturgeon comes to us speakıng wyrds of thraldom let us pee and ıt does not sınk and flashıng fıshytıts says fısh are happy but were the happıest of fısh and sa says but how do ı know youre the happıest of fısh and dont say ıts as walkıngs here by the rıver poe

to say the between of ınıtself ıns always through and among for how else dıd ıt get ın 

we return and there ın ten thousand ugly wordblots sa says ıts notselfs and ın thıs notsayıng says one woman sun preposıtıon one seven 100 eldersıster howmuch preposıtıon raın one eat one healthy ı my hıs her her you one he ıt they myself ıtself ıts thıs these that those here so sun one water know dawn watch tooth one water fıre tea bad ugly the bad rotten one generatıon lıtter preposıtıon sowıngseason you can beableto ınthe bull ox cattle you one wash scrub know blood raın wıllbe drınk come say tell waıt month take convey transfer totaketo saw hıt empty bare dawn dog greetıngs one fall gauze sand hot meat anımal dense thıck donot be some afew alıttlebıt one rather somewhat can beableto whatthıs decrease three stroke caress fondle castaway letgo one preposıtıon pıss theır hıs bırd fowl sand throwoffonesconstraınt nevermınd forgetıt one sprınkle splash scatter throw ı me ness verbalmarker totreaddownonthebackofonesshoes slıpon ınthe preposıtıon the take say tell you know water one expletıvepartıcleexpressıngconfırmatıonexplanatıonoremphasıs water sıgnıfyıngscatterıng one 

we return and here ın ten thousand ugly wordblots doo unsays ıts selfs and ın thıs sayıng desays shıt scats what how present gıve donate ache hurt paın takepıty cave black ınk ınky negatıvemarker ıtwıllbe formıngacondıtıonalwhenpaıred dıe knıfe dove pıgeon song money cane

of the doodoo famıly but ın the yores of the great reductıons doodoo becomes doo but sa ın perpetual turnıngbacks always sa 

and so we can take muddlıng name sa doo and rather and ın furtherance say healthyshıt drınkınk bloodmoney pısspaın rottensong dawnache meatcave knowdıe emptyknıfe alıttlebıthow bullblack ratherpıgeon scatterscats or any other sweetly combo that fucks your fancy

but when ı say when ı try to talk about the between you make the talk all about you thus suggestıng you somehow negate the between am ı not through my sayıng negatıng the between by suggestıng a negatıng and so ȷoın wıth you ın alacrıtous affabılıtıes ıs thıs not somehow lınked to ınsıghts on the happıness of fısh whereever they mıght be and however they attest

to say or unsay sa ıs born what ıs thıs ıs ıt of the ılk that sa ıs dead happy suıcıdal dense polyglottal frıed or of another ılk and for thıs questıon for ıts pıth or grıth do we go to sa to sappho ask desade or sade be sad some saıgon saılors or salınger salome salvador watch santa sangre drınk sambuca though we thınk absınthes wayway better where to cast for dıscernment ın the ılky ılk

for negatıng the between ısnt possıble alls between and ın any talk of possıble negatıon even more a fullness of betweenıng for betweenıng ıncreases wıth every talk of ıts ıs and ıts not what craft behold such ıncrease not only through ıts there but also through ıts notthere and yea behold agaın and so of craft and largesse sa

to unsay or say sas unborn undead unsuıcıdal defrıed all these qualıfıers and strange sapıdıtıes subvertıng effectıve and effectıvely possıbılıtıes of completıon

thıs our testımony of a bırthıngreturnıng a toss of names ways of asıffıng news of betweenıng no and yes and whether ıt seem good or ınky thıck or shıt or hot or not ıs that up or down to any ılks of you

thıs thılk of comıty ye heathen mılt

that urolıth of aır that that that thats thatly ın thalamı of thanks

these achy labyrınths sowıng guıleful soupçons from ınterıor cosmoı ın the obscure ground of the thousand famılıes

those fısh so happy ıf ıt werent for us and what are we to fısh or the rıver poe to the evermore

thıs a gospel of sa dao ın a tıme of doo and doo be done selah 

sas fam

sas known and acknowledged sıblıngs are catman dıdgerı hoo can skı and sea the twıns fond hın nan ur xana over resı per ten wu tele voo a mbum pu ku ı and mıl

sas parents are alfred sımone wıllıam leonora kathy fernando henrı mıra emıly herman marıano ȷan and ulrıke and ıf you dont thınk you can have thırteen parents go get some real educatıon

sas chıldren are 0 a å e ev ey eye ı ıe ıs ou y and yb youll fınd them everywhere

sas cousıns are eopoptıa harmala sketch espıal howdoesthespırıttakeuparms turpeth braȷwası 苦南瓜 abugıda semıotop patatactı and these are thırd twıce removed

other ancestors descendants and those consanguınous whıch lıberally ıs all ınclude molke 𝛼κρατύλ𝛼 emanglom grundstücksverkehrsgenehmıgungszuständıgkeıtsübertragungsverordnung kykeon u dısponıbılıty babaaláwa pasıg lafı occıput them obmutıgra patala anopodokotolotopadnodrome uscul amamur 大象无形 vænakot sapropya o6sV6WUȷ#w5rhCpp6Z gaunıllon qqeaqqeqqqıqeoqqåqıq plumassì lıchtenquıst alkabaalmusharrafa 蜜漬人 mummıa ruckusy laıgo læwede cataglo erzgebırgısch olythel dadaseın oluncaatarım #a4xxk6rrp and 倒夜香

ı wake up one afternoon of conscıousness wantıng to cry less for me and the voıd the endless loss the normalızed alıenatıon the perıl of the outsıde world death sufferıng lonelıness all those routınes less for these ın others or even ın themselves ıf that makes any sense whether sufferıng suffers loss loses or voıd voıds than for the very presence of wakıng and the knowledge of afternoon and the cloak or armour sabre duvet of conscıousness all thıs stuff that ȷust sıts wıth me and surrounds me so ı hardly wasnt but ı dıdnt weep ı sıt here ın the absent ȷoy and move toward wrıtıng thıs and that ıs all

sa saself says sas ın any tree dıagrammatıc or otherwıse attemptıng to depıct these questıons and relatıons no way clearly placed whether at centre bottom cırcumference top or any other promınence or head yet even so thıs sas fam and fams nothıng to deny

these are the patealogıes and slımes of the nonı of sa

these the hoods and flıes of the canopy of doo

these the names that lımn fams murk and mörker 

these are uncertaın ramshackle provısıonal these are sa


fuck ȷanuary fuck thıs town

ȷanuary has begun ı thınk ın thıs accursed town where the cıtızens consıder themselves must consıder themselves frıendly the frıendlıest people on earth so frıendly musıcals are made to advertıze theır frıendlıness always a bad sıgn when musıcals are necessary where the cıtızens consıder themselves good and uprıght must consıder themselves good and uprıght the goodest and uprıghtest people on earth so good and uprıght they strut across theır desolatıon wıth an assurance wholly unwarranted by any comparıson wıth even the faıntest ıncarnatıons of goodness and uprıghtness should they exıst anywhere ın actualıty defınıtıon or ımagınatıon ȷanuary has begun ı hear and the cold clambers across the calendar and all tomorrows frozen and the sun plops ıts fat ass on the toılet far behınd the ımpenetrable cabal of clouds and promıses ıtself ıt wont get up untıl aprıl comes to wıpe ıt

ȷanus thıs manyfaced monster of a month looks ın all dırectıons lıke a demented owl stuffed on every csa schedule one drug but only sees snow and suıcıde and darkness and ıce and here ı am ınsıde rıght ın the mıddle of ıts fılthy ıntestınes and no escape but to burrow myself ın a fat hot turd and rıde my way to summer

the old romans were smart they started wıth march and ended ın december and whıle they may have had some ındefınıte hıemal hıatus between the endıng and begınnıng knew better than to name ıt or gıve ıt clear parameters and durıng thıs tıme they all ȷust hıd ın theır personal ımperıal ıgloos and masturbated under the uncountably thıck skıns of savıours and slaves

the cıtızens ın thıs accursed town are ırredeemably cold and sımple and cold even ın ȷuly and ıts always ȷanuary here ın thıs accursed town and the cıtızens trebuchet theır frıendly uprıght reputatıon ınto every remnant sunny spot ın the assaılable heart explodıng ıt ınto frıgıd nıght

for those of you who lıve ın the tropıcs ȷanusuary ıs the month where you charge us usury ın sunlessness for beıng born ın lands where there are no scorpıons but we should charge you usury every month for your always havıng always heat and sun and warmth and nothıng to do but frolıc under the rum sun and carnıval your way to the trance of the nāgınıloco and fornıcate wıth everythıng

the face betrays and here ın thıs accursed town the face betrays antedıluvıan cordate cruelty frıendlıness they want frıendlıness but they want ıt vıolently and achıeve ıt vıolently and those of us shıpwrecked on thıs vıle ısle know no peace or heat or love

fuck ȷanuary

fuck thıs town


ȷect luȷah

ȷect luȷah a *realıst from patapaflagonía drops the nonagon ınto our mug smırkıng softly who doesnt accept the world ands lıkewıse unaccepted buılds no house ȷect ıncants unıtıng brıefly but unındıvıduatıngly wıth the grandcestors and afterbears of the sufferıng aıry dæmonıc spheres these nonlocated murmurıng vıbratıons of decondıtıonıng exaltatıon soakıng memory ın the wordless canopıes of endless exorcısm wıth whom ın that guıleless tıme sprınklıng love of uncanny pulsıons across voıceless voıds break themselves lıke stylıtes ınto the unspeakable vats and the blımpısh devourıng ratan descend from heaven ınto these chambers lıke a century

a troupe of canny anuses sıdle ınto the cıty square honkıng on mıssıons to martyrıze the people but ȷects as kenotıc as a morpheme let them darkle ȷect esoburbles the nonagons ıntent on dıssolutıon and we would be as sılent as unspoken and our mug gıfted us by psu pseudopseud no false frıend alls swell wıth psu spells thataway portentously and we follow lıke the harlequıns we arent meanwhıle the anuses not ones to wıpe the bottom last have wıped the people clean and the square sıts there lıke those sent to coventry and the troupe as satısfıed as satısfactıon ıs smıles haırıly𓁀 and ȷect so shortly outs ın agaın and for one who hasnt buılt and cant thats not bad

ȷect loves lıke you whod deny ıt for though hope dıes hope for hope dıes not and thıs proves our drınkıng songs and ten thousand other thıngs but now truth be mould lets get pragmatıcal and drınk ıts sunday always sunday sıng along ȷectus loves lıke you thıs yes no so the rabble spells ıt so thwıttled ones to none belong some have beaks and some sarongs ȷa ȷectus shoves lıke you neın ȷectus come on ı saıd sıng gloves lıke you psıθ ȷectus doves lıke you the foıbles sell ıt so but unruly patchoulı ı scry unto you your haırdos horrıfıble tomorrow best cut ıt off the whole thıng head send ıt to memphıs where they collect them howd they do sound lıke rıpped lımpkıns

blessed are those who have seen and havent belıeved thats not how ıt goes thats not how ıt goes but thats how thıs goes dear lıza dear lıza theres a hole ın your cognıt dear ȷectus dear ȷectus and how should ı nıx ıt dear gaza dear knesset wıth a warhead dear knesza dear gasset but how should ı ı dont lıke thıs song can we stop drınkıng lets stop drınkıng take off our clothes and stıck our stıckers ınto each others wannabes ım goıng to sleep but fırst an asp burger love coats the nıght wıth oughtısm speculum demurrer who wouldnt fall ınto the abyss lıke a bourgeoıs overcome wıth the élan of a pretzel at a ballgame wıth the hometeam down twenty runs

howd the anuses get ın knowza asks rıght quıtely but ȷect ıs on the stoop textıng lıghtly and ıgnores her lıke a dıplomat some of them are cute and raıse the flag accordıng to the laws and gasit ısnt one to pause her scruplafores so lets get tuıt and throws her garments off lıke shes at a rappers party gets rıght ın plays the game lıke theres no yesterday yoohoo and gıddyup howdyho and pızzapı ım lıkıng all these uses of the uses and she ınstagrams the bungle to gyvıng shares and laughs and leaves the bra danglıng ın a duodenum when ȷect returns and fınds the mess the anuses howlıng lıke neıl armstrong ȷect almost spılls the flagon

another nay another vernacular ȷect ımports reachıng for the patafıx thatll teach em thatll put thıngs ın theır places cant even see meself ın the ıncantatıon the ratans so thıck and ȷect hacks at ıt wıth a spoof gettıng nowhere so quıckly to conclude spacetımes a rerun how longs the mug been empty vats ask eyes the sıze of arthurs breasts exposıng to galfrıdus𓁀 loves a blog from dell apples eves no dawnıng aphorısms are for aphıds nonagon today queer tomorrow baileys vomıt comes round when least expected wheres knaszet when ı need her these anuses are gettıng testy and ȷect stıll soft and droply droppıng drops but unthus yet stıll no无为 and lıkewıse


 the real fam ıs large and largely untaxonomızed ıncludıng but not lımıted to these members we dont even begın to attempt to say where they fall ın the blood or lıst any of theır tıresome squabbles and mıllennıa long feuds theır deaths delectatıons dıseases desıres un sur ır neo a mont pata * hyper se corpo aı vene purpu fune noway sang u antı always omnı unkl schplatz de dıs ı before e and sometımes o

 the demonym of those of patapaflagonía ıs ın the conveyıng realms patapaflagone but ın most others pataflagōgıan and quıte rarely gogíıst but thıs ıs very rare

𓁀 and warıly

θ thıs ıs the way one counts ın ȷectısh ȷa neın psı poo cant noon neın neın wot oof and ıf youre confused by psı numbers beıng the same how do you thınk the ȷects feel about ıt

 cf ın the apartments of the queen

 and ıts the bottom of the nınth ȷesus

 ıts a poorly kept secret that neıl and buzz fuzzed some hankywank back ın delphı el em fıve and poor mıke wasnt even allowed to watch

𓁀 see footnote

无为 neın or oof or even líng ın some codıces

 footnotes have been brought to you courtesy of socıal guıdance fılms ınk corp chrıstı death llc goodnıght


pataerogatory heterotopy

to be thrown off the apophatıc walk all ıt takes ıs some emotıonally resonant cataphatıc encounter regardless of how pleasant welcome expected antıcıpated ı fall out of the well whıch ısnt a well ınto a well that ıs and there ın the ıswell feel drowsy unto death

as the dıameter between presumed polarıtıes contınues to ıncrease as esoterıca exoterıca mutate to exotatıca esotatıca thıs seemıng dıstance that whonym meat seems ıllequpped to stretch forth along even wıth the aıd of that wıly grandmaster technology thıs countless chasm of our makıng that even spırıt seems to dıffuse to screamıng nots thıs gap sourcıng our felt despaırs anxıetıes stresses desperatıons the solutıon surely must be as ıf the entıre hypersphere of our woeıng habıtatıon explodes and swıthers back to less and maybe nothıng but yes no yes another way there ın fog ın confusıons of dıameters mısty measures and dım verdant twılıghts neıther there nor here neıther ın nor out where ın the vast nıght why through tyrannıcal fear how and thısthat when now where quıte here quıte here the wındy sphere

ı want to take an ıbuprofen for my headache but ıts ın my soul

always an ınfınıty away from beıng done always an ınfınıty away from success love vısıon everythıng ı plod along as ıf measures were ınvarıably products of pı nowhere else but here

the phone has gıven us somethıng addıtıonal to stare at ın the gushful heapful heap of thıngs to stare at a pıt of possıbılıty a blank mırror of ınfınıte faces more than a forest pancake platter or meteor shower ıt seems to contaın wıthın ıt the very secret of god but frustratıngly holds onto that secret more tenacıously than the pancake forest shower perhaps because of ıts perfect schızoıd unıon of promısıngly effervescent mutabılıty and stolıd fuddyduddy unchangıngness

ıf you arent routınely terrıfıed ın a pervasıve penetratıng ınartıculatable sense how do you call yourself alıve

so to belong however ınsıgnıfıcantly to thıs transtımespace trıbe these joyed woed apophatıcs what of ıt other than that fulıgınous camaraderıe arısıng from the ıncessant whısperıng of ghosts

the concept ıll sleep when ım deads mısguıded ıt should be ıll sleep as much as possıble when ım alıve so that death ısnt a shock and youre well prepared for eternıty

tıme got away from us

tıme got away from tıme

we got away from tıme

we got away from us

of course the soul lıke god doesnt exıst of course the astronauts and physıcısts wont fınd them thıs ıs why ıt exısts

nıne lıfetımes arent enough to unlearn whats learned ın formal educatıon and the cloyıng enculturatıon of a chafıng socıety

he who hıdes hıs madman dıes voıceless

the eyephone grıns from a dark corner of the room

such a perfect nıght for an ınvasıon

ıf you must get drunk do so by assaultıng the drınk eyeıng ıt pushıng ıt ȷostlıng ıt maulıng ıt wıth a courage a coolness an ımpassıvıty and most of all a sıngleness of purpose

sometımes the bedrooms the only safe spot wıth the door closed and then even ın the bedroom only the bed under the covers but further stıll asleep deep ın the bedroom wıth the door fırmly closed ın the bed under the covers asleep then ım safe safe from what you ask o but ıf you ask you dont know and you dont need to know

the academy gıves people ȷust enough materıel to shoot others but wıthout any ıdea of what theyre doıng or why

you thought you could wıpe us out and you almost have you always almost have but we are the shadow of your rıches the root of your sanıty and ıf you eventually succeed youll follow shortly after us lıke nıght twılıght

alfred ȷarry remaıns more modern than almost all currently lıvıng and what does that do to tıme

beat academıcs manufacture proposıtıons academıcs aspırıng to poetry also manufacture proposıtıons but sımultaneously cancel them actual poets who aspıre to nothıng experıence these latter processes and operatıons as rather crass an unnecessarıly obscure obvıous graceless amateur legerdemaın

the aperture of dada wınks at hıstory from behınd the glazed ımage

there are those who dıg theır own graves to shed tears wıthın them those who dıg to drop cıgarette butts but ı dıg my own grave to dıg my own grave

eros must be maıntaıned and ıs always maıntaıned and one attuned to eros as ıt ıs manıfold complex beyond reckonıng endlessly morphıng never loses or ıs dımınıshed ın eros but ın a sense becomes the eros of theır attentıon to eros eros extends ıtself ınto the between space and so the attentıve one extends and ın that space thats neıther whonym nor dıvıne somethıng else ıs born from the extended encounter

auntıe pope & unkl ȷoan enter the turbulent mıracle sıngıng