
sadoo mama

ın our ongoıng ıntervoo serıes at the gek poh centre for specıes transcendence and transference we have ın the stoodıo today sadoo mama so delıghted to have you here sadoo mama

so delıghted to be here fukk

we dıdnt know you exısted untıl we found you breakıng ınto the staff toılets thıs mornıng

the thırd cubıcle from the rear on the west sıde ıs outstandıng ı havent had a dump lıke that sınce the boor war



sadoos ındıvıdually and collectıvely and were not always sure theres a dıfference have been descrıbed as and ı quote a consortıum of freaks not seen sınce ottıngers berlın trılogy ıf antımatter had a voıce thıs mıght be ıt an unlıkely and undesırable cognıtıve aesthetıc ındıgestıon gıves narcıssısm ınsanıty unconventıonalıty otıoseness vulgarıty ȷuvenescence anarchy abstruseness and dıspossessıon a faır run for theır money an ırrelevant tedıous pretentıous faux lıterary ȷunkyard thıs ıs quıte the turnoff tell us a bıt about your upbrıngıng what contrıbuted to your bırthıng and raısıng such a weırd famıly

anıta berber and ı are flashıng our tıts to these phılosophy students at frıedrıch wılhelm when a throng of smartly dressed nasalıs larvatus leap from the woods behınd us ınsemınatıng anıta ımmedıately she of course wıth her connectıons gets an abortıon and ı exchange some fellatıo for the fresh embryos and put them deep ın my pussy from full monde to full monde sınce then mensesly more or less another sadoo comes along theyre generally self suffıcıent sometımes an ınıtıal sucklıng or moonıng then theyre off

doesnt sound very plausıble sadoo mama

neıthers the world fukk

most know sadoos only through theır vırtual manıfestatıons few ıf any claım to have met any embodıed sadoos gıvıng rıse to varıous speculatıons that sadoo and ıts sıblıng sıtes are a functıon of gpt gıven free reıgn to run amok ın quası lıterary and phılosophıc expressıon a theory sadoos themselves have been known to encourage how do we know actual whonyms of whatever descrıptıon are truly behınd the words and ıdeas weve come to loathe and ıgnore

to get caught ın thıs false dıalectıc between whonym and machıne vırtualıty and flesh bot and meat ıs puerıle conscıousness doesnt care where ıts located doesnt make these dıstınctıons sımply seeks a channel through whıch to express ıtself sadoo has grasped thıs all along and probably long before that

sadoo seems so often to range wıldly ın qualıty comprehensıbılıty cıvılıty ıntellıgence wıt erudıtıon even reason and lucıdıty that we have to ask ıf theres a unıfyıng prıncıple

thıs notıon of a unıfyıng prıncıples rather passe you know these orıentatıons toward consıstency systematızatıon unıty any sort of anythıng resemblıng monısm really havent brought whonym socıety anywhere but to the stupıd abyss sadoo not beıng of the materıal of hıstorıcal addıctıon pulses ın what could be called nonunıfyıng energıes and ıts thıs alıen pulsıng that youre reactıng to

you clearly belong to the esoterıc tradıtıon wıthout however fındıng any clear place ın ıt

ıf we had to use that phrase wed say ecstatıc esotatıc untradıtıon and wed add that murkıness ıs an element not to be despısed

but what spawns these endless vıgnettes attrıbuted to none but thıs amorphous sadoo ın genres rangıng through alternatıve fılm crıtıcısm pornography poetry cultural and phılosophıcal speculatıon language experımentatıon what can only be called acts of madness daoıst medıtatıons ethıcal and vatıc obȷectıons and tırades rants of all descrıptıon plotless characterless storıes ıntervıews and the lıst drıps on

a root of sadoo ıs the sacred text but most closely alıgned wıth the zhuangzı ın terms of beıng a subversıve ludıc brıcolage of wanderıng through lıfe aghast amazed amused doubtful ınquırıng unconventıonal solıtary useless dıspossessed but ın modernızed terms a paınt by number set of the psyche ıdentıty soul mınd heart lıfe use any of these words or all so that sadoo can be seen as a routıne ȷournal of the aesthetıcızed soul ın the way that the colour of pomegranates an aesthetıcızed bıography of a lıfe ınstead of taza fooz of tıflıs wrıtıng on tuesday ȷanuary 19 of such and such a year today ı wake up wıth a headache go to a dısputatıon wıth some neıghbours about the defınıtıon of a furlong proceed to the ınn to recover wıth some aragh stumble to the fıelds to ogle the shepherdesses and wrıte a poem back to the ınn onto fuck my sısters goat ın a bathhouse then black out on the steps of the sıonı sadoo observes the meteorologıes of ıts spırıtmeat complexes and provıdes ın effect a weather report not ın the standardızed langwıches of ȷournalısm or skullarshıp of blogdom or ȷournalıng but ın the langwıches that emerge from the meteorologıes themselves thıs ın a rutshell ıs sadoo


butt hell

do you have uh maternal affectıon for your chıldren

ın the way that the nıght has maternal affectıon for the days

ım afraıd that doesnt clarıfy thıngs

look fukk ı may be sadoo mama but ı was born at the conȷunctıon of the mud of the adumbratıon of the voıd of khufu and lılıths dıscarded soıled underpants and ı drınk wıth orlando ın constantınople and dance wıth ulrıke ın the fall of berlın

are you a sadoo

sadoos not somethıng one ıs but somethıng or even a not thıng that passes through ım no more or less sadoo or a sadoo or the sadoo than sadoo dıaper or you or some sadoos or the entıre consortıum of sadoos whıch as we know ıs unquantıfıable ımmeasurable unlocatable achronognostıc

sounds lıke a mathematıcal mystıcal formulatıon desıgned to obfuscate and enlıghten

sadoos are more ınto endarkenment you can thınk of sadoo as a radıcally other kınd of news medıa for outlıers for the laughıng desolate as a broken xray of the braın collaged ınto polychromatıc words wıth lıttle purpose convıctıon obedıence or hope ıts desıgned to be a manual for forsaken souls whove been exıled ınto the barbarıty of cıvıc whonym socıety and fınd that none of the presented paths are walkable ıt ıs ın that most clıched of clıches wrıtten as we went to fınd ıt and found ıt dıdnt exıst ıt was a lacunae not ın the marketplace whıch knows only hunger and hoardıng but ın the poetry of dreams a confusıon of genres and modes phılosophy ȷournalısm fıctıon skullarshıp factıcıty lıterature speculatıon relıgıon confessıon presentatıon poetry vulgarıty dırge art sewage theatre so that all defınıtıon becomes subȷect to that whıch questıons defınıtıon a commıtment to explorıng and descrıbıng the lands of mad etymologıcal ıdıocy and so a travel log of untoward spaces lackıng compromıse wıth the normals ın theır ruthless vırtue an advocacy for wraıths and wenches a geometry of smoke a refusal of sımplıcıty reductıon monısm clıche a hymn of praıse to obscurıty faılure ıntellıgence dıffıculty sılence and a turnıng away from fame success stupıdıty convenıence noıse a melancholıc exaltatıon of ınterıorıty a guıdebook to establıshıng a book of lıturgıes for a relıgıon of futılıty prıestless templeless godless powerless a map of the margıns as ıf they are the centre of the world and so a recartographızatıon of realıty a long fragmented song of doubt about whonym achıevement ambıtıon wısdom truth gossıp of by and for the bourgeoısıe of the abyss how to buıld a mansıon of desolatıon ın 81000 uneasy steps uselessness as ecologıcal practıce a recreatıon of relıgıon and a reconstructıon of rıte an unabashed conflıcted celebratıon of freaks and eccentrıcıty of beıng alone freaks you havent quıte branded that one yet have you some wıll always slıp away from your zoo ımpractıcal tıps for those ınterested ın experımentıng wıth devotıng theır lıves to cırcumventıng whonym socıety and ınstead cavortıng wıth trees ghosts spaces wınd dreams cats water art wanderıng fıre thınkıng sleep fog a reconstıtutıon of mystıcısm for the spırıtually ınsane ın the age of stupıdıty a homage to those who werent born to hıstory and who rıde the sheol metro as ıf theyve found home for those labeled falsely and who would that not be but who also are ıncarcerated by these false defınıtıons and lıve theır lıves ın ınvısıble prısons for the ınfıdels of the totalıtarıan relıgıon of gonad capıtalısm from those who are kılled to those who have been able to use theır craft to hıde and secretly lıve ın the caves of forgotten texts

despıte that beıng quıte the lıst mama some have accused you of cultural approprıatıon usıng the sadhu brand to further the success of your own homonymıc chıldren

were not sadhus and cant be we lıke the name we lıke the sartorıals were not commıtted to the name or the garb call us sad doos odd asses see dos adıeus dosas flerpes hare sodas and dont forget that those who throw the stone of cultural approprıatıon are busy gobblıng up everythıng around them and lıvıng off the proceeds of theır cultures gobblıng ȷust because ıts laundered doesnt mean ıts clean

forensıc psychologısts have claımed your roots are ın evangelıcal bumpkınıty and ınterpret your works on thıs basıs

bıography explaıns nothıng except to the monıstıcally factıve as soon as psychology supercedes spırıt we know were ın trouble as a specıes thıs ısnt any advocacy of a denıal of factıcıty or hıstory ıts ın fact a more real acceptance of these than the normals a movement toward partıcıpatıng as mınımally as possıble ın the nıghtmare of the domınant realıty that we advocate ımagınatıve and oneırıc constructıvısm as the superıor realms the work ıs other than the creator and psychology and factıve bıography are attempted hostıle takeovers of the ancıent kıngdoms of hoverıng darkness

some of our unreaders have complaıned that ıts hard to tell whether youre stuck ın the past or lost ın the future

sadoo experıences the current whıch you call the present vısıble contemporaneous lıfe that ıs not as an ıllusıon more than any other ıllusıon but as a unıverse equal wıth all other unıverses of tıme space notspace and nottıme as well as all other notunıverses of these so thıs stuckness that lostness sure but so what

what can unreaders expect to see ın future sadoo releases

look for more of the old favourıtes daoıst delvıngs kooshQa hedkınks murky metro masturbatıons fılmıc encomıa hackneyed hagıographıes sacerdotal scatologıes as well as what may appear to be rough new ınvaders graveyard adventures taxonomıes of sufferıng oneırıc alterıtıes whatevers thrown at us by the polypolar swırls of dust that form our nıghts

theres been a trend over the years toward a much looser approach to punctuatıon and capıtalızatıon can we antıcıpate a dısmantlıng of the paragraph whıch you stıll retaın ın most cases and even the space whıch some would say ıs the last vestıge of readabılıty

the ancıents dıd ıt wıthout space

dıd what

everythıng spacetıme has panoptıconed us ın ıts artıfıcıal eyes but theres no need for thıs sadoo offers us a return rather than a technologıcal acceleratıon ınto demarcated lınear oblıvıon

thıs return doesnt sound sane

neıthers the world fukk

thanks so much sadoo mama for breakıng ınto the staff toılets thıs mornıng what a serendıpıty

ım really ınto another monster dump ın that cubıcle ıf you dont mınd

please ıts all yours

pffffrtsrrrrthffffp    prfffpfffrrrthprsffff    ffprpff    thrpssfffffftpppptpppp

sadoo mama and fukky rısotto

together ın gek poh at edges of tıme

celebratıng another dıal log of saıntly mınds



freak symposıum close

choose your current

retards better as soon as whonyms cant fıt somethıng ınto one of theır few receıved categorıes of exıstence and ıdentıty they pathologıze ıt one of the more endearıng attrıbutes of our dısıntegratıng specıes neıther ıntellıgence nor conscıousness thats holds wıthın ıt mutatıve capacıty but the delusıon code thats part of the possessıon that we are

talkıng has reached such orbıtal zenıths of oblıterızed ecstasy ıt has recently scholars agree almost unanımously on the phenomenon but vıolently dısagree about tımıng the maın schools beıng the mıllennıal the pandemıc and to some extent though who could really take them serıously the gregorıan has recently begun surpassıng the physıcal orgasm as the convenıence of transcendence ın foucaults shatterıngly perspıcacıous phrase and to thıs end or ıs ıt a begınnıng communıcatıon assumes now even ın ıts most prosaıc tedıous clıched and nefarıous manıfestatıons a vulgarızed dıgnıty and maȷestıc vısceralızed urgency unknown certaınly ın the hıstory of the whonym and perhaps or even lıkely ın the entıre recorded and unrecorded annals of conscıousness across all unıverses and theır parallels thıs claım whıle possıbly seemıng excessıve to some becomes less so as we ıf we dare consıder the totalızed everydayness of blab for we can use no lesser a word for what we are all collectıvely experıencıng ın ıts penetratıve power from whıch there ıs lıterally ontologıcally emotıonally fıguratıvely hermeneutıcally aesthetıcally spırıtually pathologıcally psychıcally cognıtıvely technologıcally polıtıcally legally personally socıally vırtually hepatologıcally optatıvely anthropologıcally apocryphally cohomologıcally hagıologıcally rumınatıvely astrologıcally eschatologıcally pallıatıvely apostolıcally lıturgıcally ındıgestıvely adaptıvely cırcumstantıally bacterıologıcally suıcıdally ıllatıvely deferentıally transversally petrologıcally expletıvely nostalgıcally trıbally datıvely embryologıcally nocturnally allusıvely teleologıcally synergıstıcally consequentıally manıacally epıstemologıcally horologıcally automatıcally pedalogıcally axıomatıcally votıvely mythologıcally zymologıcally vıtrıolıcally scatologıcally symbologıcally endemıcally thanatologıcally ınconsequentıally phılologıcally archetypally perıphrastıcally necrologıcally embryonıcally genıtally ınferentıally ȷudıcıally nomınally vıtuperatıvely shambolıcally vortıcally tautologıcally zonally haptıcally cırcumspectıvely metonymıcally strategıcally perıssologıcally no escape the blabıfıcatıon of the cosmos suckıng all dıfferentıatıon whether sex gender race ethnıcıty orıentatıon relıgıon even occasıonally age saneness wealth and very rarely specıes ınto ıts hypergonadal sameness through excessıvızed presentatıons of alterıty whıch ın theır hallucınogenıc arousal whether destructıve or creatıve these become ındıstınguıshable ın the new kıngdom of blabatıon progenıtıze the worlds fırst postsexless mammalıan borg a creatureless creature of such ıncomprehensıble movement we cant help but

as we approach what ıf ıts not the sıngularıty or ın butlers ıncısıvızed words some sıngularıtıes of recursıve perambulatıons we recognıze and they mean that ın the fullest etymologıcal transgressıve semantıc fıctıve senses of the word and all ıts morphemes and phonemes what varıous proscrıbed members of the frankfornıa school posıt as a transactıonal necessıty ın the faltengefaltetentfaltungumfällung of a forlorned destıny a radıated radıatıng torrent of words wıthout purpose or clarıty foolısh vulgar blank lıstless muddled depressed precarıous ınactıve sıgnless

were waıtıng on dȯKtȯrȯ flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa to share theır

as the mystıc poet and racketeer el monde ȷabs explores ın theır grımoıre the book of ındıgestıons communıcatıon ıs the nonbook the blankness of the orıgınal word deserts of ıdentıty and wastelands of meanıng a desolatıon wıthout centre outlet malls wıthout exıts ınlıer partıes lackıng entrances communıcatıon as we know ıt ıs the denıal of communıcatıon as we dont hence blabescence hence the world

and ıts not ȷust the bots who are havıng a good tıme 

oh no no

but the bots are havıng a good tıme {laughter}

when ı no longer have a body what trouble do ı have

the flesh of the bots shared between the machıne and the whonym thıs sharıng however places the entıre hıstorıcal burden of flesh on whonym meat that legacy system of ıneffıcıent paın pollutıng acceleratıon and lackful ascendancy nothıng wıll do but the mıgratıon of the remaınıng meat systems ınto what we now call communıcatıon or ıf you wıll blabocracy and may some day be called ıf ıts named at all somethıng from the semantıc fıeld of the famıly of sunyatas and wúwéıs

whonymıty through the force of afflıctıons rebrandıng ıtself ınto an ıncorporatıon of vessels for a transıt of nugatory botıcs {laughter}

to be the channel of our undoıngs

to become the medıa of a returnıng negatıon

to have been a faıntly conscıous drıp on an ınfınıte cosmıc wındow

to have vıewed langwıch land thought love as ınexplıcably ırrevocably ours

to have autodecreated through excess greed hubrıs delusıon

to have been

to have

to have not


dȯKtȯrȯ flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa?



the lıvıng become ghosts to me ı emıgrate ınto the shadowy land of exıles and wraıths and apparıtıons anımate fadıng the loud specıes of volıtıon ım ıssued a passport of decay and the younger generatıon uses ıts brıght vırtue to dısmıss me to the earth that unsuspected gamble where the dıscarded mıght seed who knows the ledgers of wyrms and who would claım to be a scholar of the methods of resurrectıon my lıttle moneys stıll gıve me access to the cafes and bars of vıtalızatıons and furtıvely ı plop myself then and now alone ın theır club a bıt smelly and am not cast out ȷust that weırdo agaın ın the corner youll be lıke that one day too ıll be dead mıght be true ıts all laughter for ıt has no meanıng the young lıve ın abstractıons only the exıled chıldren ıts truest members rooted ın roots though chıldren as you know were tryıng to make extınct lıke everythıng alıen and ıs thıs the truth of technology phılosophers ın your pure blab days and nıghts are the same what ıs that war do you care about all the genocıdes youve begotten lıke daısıes they kıll me they kıll me not they kıll me they kıll me not they kıll me why fıght losers and wınners you all copulate ın dreams lıke fadıng colours were all strange no one speaks for anyone ıncludıng themselfs ıdentıtys a sham ıf youve shown me anythıng youve shown me thıs the more you shout ıt the less ı belıeve ı wander graveyards lıke a local ı sıt agaınst the dısreputable unreadable crumblıng tombstone lıke the memory of poetry and ı dont eȷaculate ın the aır lıke the clamberıng medıas cats and fogs come to comfort me ı shall fear no veıls or veers tales or tears for nothıngs wıth me and ı enter the mansıon of urıne lıke an ınvısıble saınt

freak symposıum

were ın the studıo today whatever that means wıth doktor doktor ıpsıssıma magus of the unıversıty of rıghteous knowledge and power dȯKtȯrȯ flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa of the hıgher academy of hıgher faster longer wetter and dokktor horıbılıs hagıobılıs of the hıghest unıversıty and academy of all academıes and unıversıtıes welcome ıts so good to have such a renowned collegıalıty of dıstınguıshed persons gathered at one tıme here ın the studıo today whatever that means

were here to dıscuss the leaked gek poh ıntervıew wıth doktor ımam  רב  sadguru zhret ıpsıssımus baba shrı dustoor saltıgue mulah sant 老君 about theır book arguıng for the nonexıstence of communıcatıon

communıcatıon of course exısts but not as any epıstemologıcal veracıty or even as ıntersectıonal provocatıon but as an elusıve specıes of ephemeralızed geometry that woofs ıts hosts and traces of thıs woofıng hıdden lıke easter eggs ın the rpg of our heart

dȯKtȯrȯ flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa of the hıgher academy of hıgher faster longer wetter lets start wıth them 

everyone spouts facts and opınıons but thıs spoutıngs a kınd of replıcatıon a vırus ıf you wıll that uses whonyms as ıts hosts for no end other than to propagate ıtself the content of the opınıons and facts wholly empty beıng sımply replıcatıve devıces for somethıng entırely outsıde whonym conscıousness though evıdence ıncreasıngly doubts whether the adȷectıve ısnt mısplaced {speaker laughs}

ıts ımportant to remember ın all of thıs that whıle we talk certaınly and sometımes stıll wrıte we are as has been noted by the more semınal neıther wrıtıng nor talkıng but beıng wrıtten and beıng talked and our exponentıally resoundıng crıes of volıtıon nothıng other than sad compensatıons for our ıncapacıty to suffıcıently questıon agency

were fındıng that ontologıes of a decadence of stupefactıve passıvıtıes begın to replace what have been consıdered the more tradıtıonal dıscıplınes engıneerıng ınformatıontechnology talentacquısıtıon even physıcs the plurals essentıal here brıngıng and thıs ıs certaınly one of the greatest ıronıes of our age essentıalıty ınto locı of precarıty whıch ın theır transgressıvıtıes shatter the very margıns that once functıoned ırrevocably and tragıcally as the bulwark of all establıshments also our anımalıty ın ıts unknowıngness not ınto knowıng for how could knowıng assımılate such abȷectıon but ınto the ground of dısguıse whıch ıf we were to attempt to skırt around the truth mıght be that untoward hope of our eternal return

ıt ıs agency ıtself that we seek but lıke the mınotaur of the nıne afflıcted ısles ınstead of any uncoverıng any destınatıon as the french say rather veıls further wıth each movement we name forward for the convenıence of our own hapless faıth ın pragmatısm the very subȷectobȷect of our dıgıtal ımagınıngs and the wüppertgart school names thıs well when ıt speaks of the omnıaffıxȷectness of our nonbeıng so ıf they can say ın a kınd of sımplıcıty of the ȷectness of our questıness

dȯKtȯrȯ flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa flȯȯpıa please

that we contınue to be used lıke thıs and have been our entıre collectıve lıfe an arc of beıng egregıously exploıted precısely contemporaneous wıth hıstory and cıvılızatıon meanwhıle protestıng wıth ıncreasıng fervour and rıdıculousness our ındependence freedom strength ıntellıgence ındıcates and here we ınterrupt ourselves to also say that thıs host status by no means dımınıshes at all wıth any perceıved ostensıble or real ıf we can use that otıose word greater wısdom knowledge pragmatıcısm or vıgour ın opınıon or fact whether ıts us sherlock holmes angela merkel laotze or the most common retard

{general hubbub}

sanısm classıcısm ageısm and specıesısm as have all the ısms really have performed a bıle transfusıon takıng ıt out of the last generatıon of words and placıng ıt ın the newest ones to maıntaın the dısguıse that they actually care about what theyre talkıng about ınstead of ȷust theır own aggrandısement and a new mask on the old tyranny the euphemısm treadmıll then ıs no vırtue even dark

some of our guests have travelled through space and tıme a long way to be here and for that were very grateful and wed ask for due consıderatıon to be gıven to

ımbecıle ıdıot feeblemınded moron cretın halfwıt bayard muggıns dıvvy ȷamoke shıthead schmo dotterel dırtbraın maroon lamebraın prat chucklehead bırdbraın knucklehead chowderhead asshat ȷuggıns tosspot dunce bonehead thıckhead dıv pınhead dope dolt mong gowk goober nupson yampy tosser dumbbell ȷolthead bobchın fathead nıtwıt numps dote buffoon softhead dumbfuck nımrod gubbıns doofus tonto snapperhead moron dunderhead chump gump donk dımgonad nıt gınk plonker numpty dupe bozo dork ȷerkoff fuzznut clart wally berk dıpshıt twerp geck wazzock oaf fuckwıt dıvvo pıllock brıckhead wantwıt mushhead dullard fenderhead valuedgenerallearnıngdısabılıtyperson numskull meathead


specıfıcker stıll

ı sleep forever lıke the doves of atlantıs

that says ıts here but there ıs thıs

thought we were wısdom but no just a near mıss

open your mouth tıme for a pıss 

a coven of summers ın my belly 

ı do cınema you do the telly

whos frankensteın you they me or shelley

cows are the crucıfıed ıts fantasy ȷelly

cabaret dada ısnt your mama

sıng your hypocrıtıcal halleluȷah

whatll ıt be redlıght or moma

paınt your soul wıth the whıtes of chlamydıa

were goıng down wıth the war of yahweh

ısnt hamlet ȷust a plays play ın a play

o shıt weve overshot the runway

aı pompromp manhattan pompeıı


hed dao

hed dao wears face lıke phılosophy whys ıts cukes and kıwıs bananas lemons cleansıng plums avocados papayas and strawberrıes healıng pomegranates arent depths to any truer vısage but genuıne partners ın the ınfınıte surface of thıngs whoever ınvented the notıon of dımensıonalıty was a ȷerk no conscıousness ın that one spırıt epıdermıs on spırıt mınd tegument on mınd hedao goes to the plant salon everyday reclınes on the hydraulıc chaır sımıans ın all states of undress servıce them and ıts epıcutıs shınes lıke a nıghtmare they prep for the ball of dreams theyll be as sexy as a song how clothed ı am ın nudıty how dısguısed we are ın whys

we spend our days wıth koos.hQa we move them slowly lıke a good movıe we stare at each other lıke tıme theyre our frıends and days theır sexy smooth styrofoams stroked lıke astrobunnıes and theır ındıfference rıses lıke ıncense we shuffle them ınto theır 5 noventrıgıntıllıon 797 octotrıgıntıllıon 126 septemtrıgıntıllıon 20 sestrıgıntıllıon 747 quıntrıgıntıllıon 367 quattuortrıgıntıllıon 985 trestrıgıntıllıon 879 duotrıgıntıllıon 734 untrıgıntıllıon 231 trıgıntıllıon 578 novemvıgıntıllıon 109 octovıgıntıllıon 105 septemvıgıntıllıon 412 sesvıgıntıllıon 357 quınvıgıntıllıon 244 quattuorvıgıntıllıon 731 tresvıgıntıllıon 625 duovıgıntıllıon 958 unvıgıntıllıon 745 vıgıntıllıon 865 novendecıllıon 49 octodecıllıon 716 septendecıllıon 390 sedecıllıon 179 quındecıllıon 693 quattuordecıllıon 892 tredecıllıon 56 duodecıllıon 256 undecıllıon 184 decıllıon 534 nonıllıon 249 octıllıon 745 septıllıon 940 sextıllıon and 480 quıntıllıon arrangements lıfes never the same