
how to travaıl lıke a grım pıll door

every year sa pays a stupidity tax of about one percent of its gross earnings which considering its gross is less than what some pay for a manipedi or a pop across the pond this tax though seemingly inevitable hurts asbadas literature though not as long and deep and wide for things fiscal to a doo appear as veggie scraps gunk for compost but literature the earth itself and no less wormy

two weeks ago i paid this years tax always a surprise im still stupid let doo count the daos and then like yrup now in the geopolitic swamp what to doo we can forget it happened but we cant we can spend more in fatalistic recklessness this appeals to excesssa we dont budget thats for the numbernati but patabudgetings legit patageting ratherer a kinda foggy intuitive balancing on unseen scales a kinda poofit and loss fatement making sense to those of flushy doolets not any puritanica or penalty no judgement neither loathing criticalities autostupiditys part of life lets as the emoji vipassananati say embrace it 

doo automatically adjusts they dont eat out parkette baguettes et almonds surreptitious apricots et pommes seeds et carottes by some historicized river were seen perhaps unlikely munching oat crackers in fantastical graveyards they find places we can plunk for free sans military glances no cosmic airport purchases doo drinks the booze in little hideaways far from commerce and tables and in these innumerable tiny acts its not as if any yrohs saved compensate on the grotesque balance teats but as if stupidity leads us well & further into the grimpilling arts ensuring tourist simulations are kept to a minimum and we feel well what we most ostensibly truly are toxicized leaves in absinthe streams cannabis buds in an unnamed cyclone unopened doors in dreams

cuming soon

this is your captain speaking 


smörgåsbording smörgwïch ein smörgåsbørdīnġ ckdyrup

da udder doo ein wipings bout pawsings gott uz drinking bout weather pawsings sámi as lewdings sámi as crossings sámi as wichings sámi as uz 4 uz und buzz r sibilantings und wee is uz

uz know wont 2 obscuratize uz know avant yakaphaunt butt uz tout bout butts green und rrhea slack und tight toot salacious ein uz cites butt alter zounds sir rounds und uz mixtoop ein yrup sa sámi sonics medout da hedgefunds sa blaathora uv blaabra uz musth blaag und doo eet 👍foolish

uz wonna returd 👍 wonkas chocas 2 grim pill tits know pits know tippies know tips butt uz uzyrupd ein langwich syrups und kant doo munch butt toktok 👍 wot uz ear

uz is wont 👍 ewe ulæser grim pill titties ein normtoots langwich least moring normtouts butt touteda tales uv tokwich tooteda counts und coocks yrupulating 2 patafusions und uz niagrafals 2 beegstörst morphine sex foot udder

sa eet uz sa eet bees sa eet poos

soony maybees uz glossolocolalia slop uz prey hard 👍 phallici uz huemore storey bout munch uz mean screamy munch butt o so soony butts butt butt butty butts uz dire ewe udder rhyme amun

uz 👍 preying amun

police behaga police norman tootes smorgwichus suny tack amun titibutt motebees amoonymoomintoll hemlånprêtimobiliáriokredisi toktack itibot clunk


a doolıng weelıng 小零 celeberbrayshun

an ınterlewd4

sumtime twixt8 knotty nones and how to travail like a grimpill5 a dire ball spectral sphere a telling diredoo an arbitrary but *real kmstone appears a ruined rune a kissed sunless marker sa doo formerly sad doo formerly sadoo formorly sadhu formily sadwho humorly sadhoo farmfamuly hooknows paradossofermily poonos normlesli oo o9 crosses13&4 from 999 poostings to a thousand and in that crossing3 in which nothing happens but number and numbers as we know are |only| wyrds in that empty12 accumulation of a pill10mille madnesses in these replete failings full fallings lacking weight and measure11 we pause in our pausing and fart a little tack to all those whove farted med us on the doodoo dao

dear fukky1 aldaos here med a bonbot

merdia greatest of all the fluffed named

ı who confuses everything

night never one to doo da day

vampops11 who goes to void to mine the uns

the doo commons who write this shit

doktor qam we see yoo yak yoo pooskull6

okra loco chthonicissimo detunged mining neins2 in eyedied movements

garf for counting round the shapes

heresiarchs undereverywhere medout you wed be something 

elspet tunnels hills ichibans

absinthia for redefining government for redefining redefining 

unreaders theezthoz pataffixes polydoubles doopuns uning braying sa

6when the always aging gods collapse the empty thrones cry for successors almost any perishable bag of moans is hoisted onto the vacant toilet

13discounts or ratherer de or uncounts the blaathora of poostings on famdoos7 udder blaags for aldaos numb brrrrrrs can be counted many daos

1missusister doobydoo shaggyeared housespouse from the subourbons of sant loo ee in crushymushy luv med fukky making 3doo assprints of their pretty prrrrrrfuct derrière parted fulsome moist mailing in fuddyduddy dao to fukky gekpoh slingawhore 640762 but fukky sheds nary a dingleberry in doos intervoo stoodio in gek poh 283 metres into the unterearth where freaks gather sharing idiolectings and heresiarchs croak the unsayable songs and sa undone sorts the pills grinning and fukky waits in loopy pausings praise

9cf archaeologies of doo in d d doos dooing and doo in doo time of doo doopress dooville 零零零零 cited in chipman dooeys doodoo as uncause and its pooblems cf sa

4an interlewds a crossing but whats crossed the learnêd cross the viled cross the coarsed learnêd and the learnêd lustful cross the laic testêd the êxpêriêncêd mob all cross are crossed and nothings done but crossing maybe crossings xitys only trooth but this bridge these bridges dingling in fathomless mists no edges no dao from here doo there we say from there doo here yet just more crossings no ends origends so fear we are a bridge of interlewding alls interlewding let us cross

11vampopss suitably representative of a continual polylemma we conface in dooing a kinda dilemmatic epileptic analemma lemmata a kinda howdwe represent representation in udder merdes lemme lemming or lemme doo

2doodoo doos yoo scat doo nos whore da tribal smells miso tittle buns doo whim me dong me whizz leak und me whizz bong doo doodoo doos yoo doo doodoo doos yoo doo doodoo doos yoo da tribal smells miso

10grimpilling in defined lands frowning on the best pills smilebilephiling on the novozealand worst we becum tellingly more spherical weer all sceptres spectres gimme drukQs

12accumulations aldaos empty like bridgings crossings lewdings brayings fukkings fartings empty like cides articides empty artings

3border crossings a la shareits are a kind of undernoticed nascent scenty art not just in that dropsuey side 降菜自杀 eversummoning flightrite but myriad other cides of crossing we could trooly celeberbrayt continuously so this poosting itself a celeberbrayshun less of than crossings postcountable more manied than rontokalpaquectoseconds

5in that taxanomie refusee grimpill *t ou r ists ewe obsessed med the fich & ramous willve noticed they werent included doo they include us o ewe hoo dare speak of be|利|ef in mootuality o ewe abscessed with pathology choose pathology daoology and in yoor chewsing cross

8not to be confused med trix the cereal murderer or twix the pissshit loco bar 

7this makes us think of the rhyme we were on the mekong med richard and regina enjoying threesums and gonadtails like *gress funny eucharists and a disaster cometh from the north decuming cums and ripped away and the mekong is no more


how to travel lıke a pılgrım tree

a pilgrims neither a tourist nor a refusee this neithering its pilgrimicity

my relationship with money and happiness distinguishes me from tourists and refusees for the former assume the quest without much or any doubt or consternation and while the latter may assume the assumption of the quest their place in cultural waste receptacles in societys rump of dumps suppresses any capacity simply to assume

the pilgrim has enough money and happiness or ratherer not excessive unhappiness and poverty to be able to knowmad to bypass physically exigent refusee status but not turn it into a tourist ie one hoo pics & gawks while it may sometimes sensuously glancingly unencounteringly exoterically appear to dissolve into the fatuous tourist blob its esotericas refusee eye eee a smelly outcast and this problematical irreconcilability we call pilgrim

refusees move but unspeakably theyre refused in their re fusement their recurrently being made liquid in civilizations factive factories of solidity

a pilgrim travels ie moves among the forlorn & defined lands but not for pleasure adventure thrills envy sights superiority memories exoticisms appropriations change excitements stories status why then does a pilgrim move like everything it has no idea the wind carries it and that is all

the pilgrims a seeer seaer sieer sier searer seer moving to unsettle senses thoughts identities grounds carried to unsettle settling through grounds up through alteritive visceral vibrations

a pilgrim explores erasement the huemiliations through which we are debased defounded deided deised desettled deturned deurned denamed derooted decommunicated not in the manner of gen glunk whove forgotten how to read & think but as those whove had mindwich abduct to hyperpataexcesses fallen over into fragmenting goosand becomes a sorta home so a deing dooing daoing dieing duhing an entire vowelology of direrrheaing you could say all these des also res these res seas and so sa sails nonlecteur mon semblable blabble bodlairage wavy woolfy vin race out

that homeless poem this mapless see those fallen capitals all these allusions

so sas in yrup downed the pilgrimizing pill and isnit grim like poes raven grym like thor & thunder cheeky like shaggys saga feral itinerant spoor like those deutschey loring leering brüders sa shouldnt be dooing this at all they should be home wherever the fuck ie homesteading in dooville plucking wiccans from the thistletrees tilling the toil 不出户 不窥牖 like the daodoo sage it isnt but here we tromicagically in pordenpartan wondingwending as mesual but in weirder phonemes what its all about

speaking about about leads as all roads doo to nymhematology that chthonictranscendentalpatadisdiscipline as is sas font & wont and here and there at these murky nidi hoo cant help knowticing pills born of little balls tiny spheres if you pill and grims a spectral dire

but dire not of the vulgar angloing rods and lines hooks all this linearity and death but of française vittling gastronomicy tucked viandic pabula comestiblicating langwich slop stop in other turds pilgrim means telling tiny sphere spectres means langwiching images figures apparitions phantoms of quectoesotatica in scrumptable geometricies of hyperhypo hollow harmonious centering circumferences and if you dont get it djävlar go to jail dont pass go fuck yourself with your goprogogo hero13 dont collect €2000 

so and sa oläsares in sumptuous summary

call tourists slit our rists

call the unspeakable refusees

call pilgrims tiny sphere spectre tellers

   a kindof betweening between betweening

   a kindof orphican ie orphic orphan

   a kinda kindof

   o grimy pill


how to travel lıke a pılgrım dao

most dearly beloveds in our overabounding beneficence weve another tip to share trusting your unaccountable spiritmeat complex todays receptive to the tight sinews of pilgrimage learning in the postknowledge betweenicide transapocalypto thingotheosis langwichcene youthotency monotime morphymorph absentorassic age for glowbull knowmad nomads are a peculiar sort and must glom together on fringes of defined spacetime continuah for dedification and sharded falling yaks of revivalist humour we talked the other day about where to go where others going arent but how in these notgoings to present ones notselves in other morphemes how to as a pilgrim dress what fartorials to pack all those haute wardrobe anxieties we aim to mitigate even if total elimination isnt possible in this era of hyperdiarpationconstirhea 

whatever disorder of pilgrim you is or aim to is your duds cant be whatever a pilgrim isnt an influencer although if youre a sophist you can argue that an influencers a kind of pilgrim and a pilgrim is a      well      if we walk the sophist way well never consummate anything which might be for the greater good whatever that is and however it might be measurable who poes but anypoo its not our dao todao where are we guess yes while certainly a pilgrim and so a sorta generasaurus youre also of an illsemanticized dimlysectored disorder of pilgrims a slice of freak and if you dont dress the fart youll end up in an eternally recurrent yakademic dinner party a la the exterminating angel 

fartorial tip won

you musnt thus truly go on pilgrimages until you have some inkling of your disorder or ratherest your disorders for hoo belongs to won anymore or hoo flares just discover on the way whats trooth anywhy eye eg according to some taxanomies the only troo taxation belong to a discernible nein minima and so eg again i yesterday drew attention to my ankles sox specifically and there in that drawing ironed the souls of the sweet&sour masses by means of one alien one a munchy scream see pics thus acknowledging my farticipation in the schmaltzy touristy seen for horror horrorer the pilgrim cant help but also be a tourist yet by commenting on the horroring and translating it in close proximity to the podal functions those very appendages uniting tourists and pilgrim not necessarily thereby turning over any order but lightly dissing lets be clear for once these arent of the disorders of the caramelites jizzuits benedickteens gogustinians excrete those pootions from your gonads these are affix orders or maybe iffix or as the ikea peeple say utfarts and by that we mean dismean and by that we mean the true catolic eggcheesiology

if you say but youre drawing attention to yourself with your schmanzy sexy irony dumbentary uap sox this lookatme dressarama we desay nay if anything we draw you drawing attention to yourselfs and there patapro the situation so tare and swear this disorder style equally a life hagio and death must be instantly convertible as a corvette z06 into irascible invisibility for a pilgrim if nothing elses forever ready to disappear and if you say but how to pack all this my disordersll never fit and many are the counterlayers i require to invisibilize the dissings thats your problem cacos e amigas but its all got to get in a 55x40x23cm nothing more as some shoe says just doo it

fartorial tip dao

a pilgrim smells shirley but doesnt reek at least not in its biophysicafartoriality so zuangzi help us bring a change of clothes especially sox and wunderpants if youre one hoo wears such in the farty chthonic

fartorial tip tree

we present manifoldly in our dissings doubly in horrification of our pilgrimouristence zeroly in our disappearings so all numbers voice in wyrd and nothing baned nothing sloshed dress thusly 

were exloshted volks violated all day by airlines planes weather time people money mind structure policy wealth indifference urine data that about covers it the whole world todao got us bad as dumpkins and thats just how it brambles dumbtimes gotta eat doodoo alongside the curry psilocybin coconutcrisp fuckelujah cruciferous goji freakscream uffle soccoli and trooly dooly the more you pilgrimize the less doo and soccoli are all that different

next or soon or never

how to travel like a pilgrim tree

pilgrims a grim pill



how to travel lıke a pılgrım

dizemoslhe ou dizemosnos ou ambos weve long advocated for europe as a consolidated entireology to be declared a single museum one entry fee charged upon arrival €2000 say which gives you access to everything but food and accommodation access not just to the interminably nauseating museums galleries churches historicsites warmemorials statues concerthalls ruins castles palaces dungeons fairs carvings bridges mosques caves prisons temples gardens waterfalls volcanoes synagogues parks amusementcomplexes mountains but all the locals homes bedrooms clubs brothels workplaces hideaways smokingjoints secretsocieties violation sure but from the ubiquitous touristgohome fuckairbnb fucktourists the locals are obviously violated anyway lets consummate it of course thisll restrict access to the obnoxious middle class and whoever the rich are yet whats different about that but this isnt a tip and its a tip we want to gift you today blessed damned one

weve also elsewhere already commanded you that when you travel dont do it like the vulgarized termitic heap like a tourist to use that disgusting word those maggots of money those roaches of prostheticized nocost eyes but do it in the manner of gods like a pilgrim unobtrusive lost abject silent simulating nonexistence as well you can devoting your daily energies exclusively to this simulation so clearly no tours pics entitlements laughter selfies no flocking to the shrines of lists of the hideous internet no herding to the maxstars venues no clucking with the congested ducks of gawk when you move as you must look for the forsaken the derelict the stuttering statusless those whose names have already sunk into the séptico of history

as an example and model for you most dearest unreader today look how much i do for you i take a ferry there are four to choose from the municipality itself proudly extols the many virtues of three of these destinations the journeys scenic many scintillating photogenic places to smile voyeur smiling bevoyeurized smiled on the other side tasty restaurants sexy bars historic cafes continuous camera ops certifiedly certified significant sites worldclass views 

but the fourth well no need to go we truly recommend you dont in fact hardly any need to mention really its for commuters only workers ugh slaves its nondescript the journeys boring nothings there absolutely no one goes

i get my ticket immediately

deserted rocky beaches giant jumbling crumbling public housing projects abandoned lots my first truly excellent coffee boarded storefronts uneven cracked illegal sidewalks shifty glances sunlight thieving through the clouds for the first time in days no restaurants fashion colour signs its windy here the tourists export the intolerable ocean gusts i can finally breathe undisguised voiceless youdontbelongs graffitied empty broken concrete spaces unkempt needled pathways desolate ugly statueless squares

nothings here but the nothing that is

and if i or you or someone un or not says but how do you reconcile your recommendation for a €2000 entry fee and your command to travel only like a pilgrim

idiot i dont

people dont like going places that dont go anywhere but places that dont go anywhere are now the places to be

petra going

my gaolmate & fartthrob

next or soon

how to travel like a pilgrim dao

the fartorial arts


nuns of knot

as a commodıty of 81 absent shapes wyrds hıd from me wıth the cleverness of soft mud and to seek them even before to see possıbılıty of passage and recognıze theır capacıtıes corollary alıgnment wıth unseems formıng our ınterıor fluvıal systems ı had to enter mud eat ıt sleep ın and befrıend ıt love ıt more than name flesh goods or good and there abdıcate aıms

becoming acquainted with a mudslug assuming the appellation lapidac i learned of a grinoire radarac revered by the nuns of knot of the bimini hills near the prasaynts of the hermit goat of hadoughti yet in the congress of doubt in that festival of glippant gleujam thongs of dirty naked chambal malwaian urchin shiverings phlogiston dragons all led all those nuns of knot in caprine lewdities tilting even golden asses full rudescent

so i face a fork do i seek my wyrds or this grinoire radarac this newling knowledge that reverie of nuns or anyhoo our cherished nuns who knowing knots know differently mayhaps under congress our goat hermit who sermons through munificence on the kin the close of curse and delovêd friend or fiend or both you do have acquaintance with forks those tines of time those problematic cutleries and so you must commiserate and some among you say or think or dream just substitute spoon for fork you simpleton the problem disappears choose both the quest still quests no intent for any other

and here in these faces now a eureka comes in the wink of a moon the smirk of a star without abashment in the clarity of spaces in the murkiness of places in the udder pitch of traces i see with the purities of madness its diseased 2020 truth the nuns the nuns of knot spoon and noon and fork and wyrd and mud they not just hold the grinoire but are its pith and vellum tis their breath their oxygen their internet and animal no matter stuffed or digital famy cuddly naught so the question is as questions are become displaced we seek questions in questions no turtles down text or wyrd don fresh sartorials from mephistos backless wardrobe prancing shamelessly into pubic air that remnant commons as where the way to goaty nuns whence the map to boundary lines of congress

naturally the thinking that enters thinking sounds something like if hermit sermons and if curse terse verses or when hadoughti sings and bundi claps i love boolean aurealis if all the ifs deif and fidelity be deaf then logic falters if disreason fails bytes and bittens shirley tooly we bray unto vu we seek maps in lost archives of the bot monsters of doktor silinki butta-arsvelds closet in rehearsings of a nurses purses wake and so naturally again nature must exist still somewhere the word so it says preserves the thing thus and therefore i wracked and whacked or wacked ripe with brain fag syndrome or in the common tung consumed by quest set off for deepest deepest cellars of the high town of true secret universities dug deep and true and down dubai

doo bye doo hi doo high do high doo die do pie doo why doo sigh doo psu doo see doo say dosa doo sa hah ah here we ah are our home glittering shitty nom & nym & hymn & her our sceptre & our toilet plunger archives lost and sloshed here many connectshuns our netforks large as barges morgue as borges blog as boogers we take the escalator i like to feel a man thow and nen and take an escalator deep down and at the provosts office in the thick of sex we knock and knickers know no gnomic nor doo hi the inside yakademics extone might this be or not a commodity of 81 weve been expecting we know the nuns of knot their underwhereabouts their habits kilns and how to fire on the pyre

the yakademics come they pour like bats from caves of purgatory flush with constructs lush with product and in them all like doubt or death towering above countless limbs eyes lottery balls doktor silinki butta-arsveld𓁀  full of race scum bum 81 they tuitio and they sing for theyre as artsy as the borg vogue tells them so

we know the way to the nuns of knot

soul money mind itll cost you all you got

education isnt cheap

the exhausted efforts of the anxious heap 

you wont get in my closet

what can i do i give her all my organs wallets reason gadgets memory sight cums freedom visions she sends a minion in she sends a minion in and that minion back with map hairy with a million yakademic gonads and they sing more many presentation songs

the odyssey is set they send me off alone bereft afflicted doktor butta sheds no tear no pedigree and the desert so it ever goes surrounds like a portfolio and beasts of void creatures of eternal sand emerge to meet me unprepared emerge to greet me mouths prepared this homeless home you may have heard or rather seen in spiral rounded gyral loopful nights o glimpsy wisdom destined for eyes shut only eyes returned inward teacher of teachers of teachers of empty classrooms they take me in these spirits of the belly of immanence they take me in and down and in the sand in the garrets of the earth hungry as dreams famished as hope i forget the protocols of clothes and cutlery forget the circumscriptions of names and things forget the comforts of the land

when i wake if i wake im not in bed or transit grave or lsat but the hard embrace of 81 thousand nuns of knot and the meat of the lots ground as if tossed in truffle oil with macerated heirlooms stolen from the locked and guarded gardens of god and in the midst of a continual fortnight of religious jestures of penetration the hermit goat sermonizing on the ashen ass of time the entire while wily looking not at heaving meat neither at the sizzling knotty mince not at the 81 as 81 or one but in the words of zero spaketh and conjurings of broken ages cast into urticant lust and here in wyrds unlonely lonely death radarac spilling liquid letters into voidy vats of mind the not knot whos there nuns spelling all manner of never spoken names i say or hear me say i many one of bimini bumps eye mony any glippant fork quests undone undone the city undone the appellation hills yes yes nunny nuns undone i unnun nummy nun and knot and undone none 

   𓁀  see el-spet clitias *olicking account of doktor arsvelds naughty adventures in advanced postdoktoral skullarship in the continuously episodic septic transepic hypersexis child of curse school paying closest attention to their coveted closet see also since youre into seeing sas extract here the hermit goats sermon a seminal application of nymhematology to curse nuns knots clearly builds on these inspiring works linking them to the nascent underfunded arts of hagiobiothanatography note doos editors rejected almost unanimously the authorss submitted title the bums of bot and the mums of mot or the numbs of pot or crumbs of