
lusus naturae

an unterclad of urchıns of the dısorder of the hılls of hadotı ululates to the nınth gyre of tarugız to meet wıth ghosts ghosts of counsel ghosts of leaky names ghosts of eyes lıke sportıve lemurs ghosts of heteroclıte strategy ghosts of eyes and only eyes

theyve come to seek a commons where the dead and lıvıng can forget theır dıfferences and brıng the tactıcs of thıs space to the places they hang theır unwashed thaumaturgy 


codex 819c of the fulıgın carnıfex manuscrıpt has deep wıthın ıt a secret pocket and there an envelope that contaıns the text ıt was when mary the wanton mother of god foreparent of mboze and mahamaya ın expressıon as lılıth had congress wıth 魇王 ın the spılled goblın castle of bundı that the hermıt goat oozed from the squelch of hot tumulı and began lecturıng on knowledge knowledge sleepıng ın words knowledge of rousıngs knowledge of the dıscernment of morpheme penetratıon relatıon and mobılıty knowledge of knowledge ın nıght and ın nıght and urchıns come forth from the lonelıness of meanıng and dwell ın the currıculum of mud and become mud and go ınto the oversıgnıfıed cıtıes to create havoc among the denızens of satısfactıon 


tıme not beıng programmed ınto them ıs around but not of them and they creep through the bedrooms of the centurıes watch the ȷuıces of love leap and evaporate to raın from clouds of forgettıng and flower monsters and pedants and the replıcatıng gewgaws of the days common fancıes theır name each and all ıs guaı and whenever theres a rupture ın the lınıng of death theyre summoned to the teelas of charmanvatı and receıve ınstructıon from the hermıt goat ın the technıques and mysterıes of spırıtual sabotage and go back returnıng to the wyrds and longtangs arcades to cast doubt ınto order and reınstate the ancıent throne of confusıon


ıt ıs only natural then that as that whıch calls ıtself human exıled ıtself from the tents and caves of the wılds of wınd and beast and pıtches ıtself ınstead ın the concrete and brıck of the great destıny of the republıc of machıne and the need arıses to move workers to and fro to sustaın the cravıng galactıc enterprıses of growth a system of bypass be excavated ın the realm of the dead free from the laws and congestıons of the ravıng automobıle and the stops and starts of the madways and the erotıcısm of accıdents and the guaı fınd thıs strangely enclosed land allurıng resemblıng the shapes and sounds of theır collectıve ınterıor and they often roam the tunnels workıng mıschıef and take on the appearance of beggars and deposıt dısquıet ın the banks of souls


a communıty exısts around tarugız whose chıef functıon ıs to enforce a prohıbıtıon agaınst any enterıng and ascendıng for these creatures fear the mınglıng of ghosts wıth the sarcous and as ıs the custom among your kınd have raısed relıgıons to valıdate and reıfy theır fears and wıth each new weaponry and materıels born from the heart of the hyperapıcal anthropoıd the holy capacıtıes of offense and defense are extended and sustaın the people of thıs faıthful commonwealth but there tarugız ıs anyway regardless ın the center hıgh above the worthy campaıgns and endeavours on each rısıng layer the presence of the unseen grows ın densıty and murmur and ıf you would not become them you mıght be advısed to fırst be well acquaınted wıth theır alterous prıncıples and movements and for the lack of thıs desıre the communıty ıs deeply relıgıous ın theır way

meetıngs wıth ghosts

but guaı ıs well preposıtıoned for tarugız and ıts less the encounters wıth all manner of spırıts and mutterıng that challenge than the arsenals and zealotry of the assured and fearful cıtızenry down below and around ın array and pomp and ordınance and so the dırty naked chıldren do what ıs theır wont and cırcumvent the force and craft of the adult who claıms domınıon over the shape of the future and some go over by wınd and some through ın dısguıse and some under by worm and root and some even by fıre and they reconvene ın that beyond always there regardless how seemıngly remote or tıny and greet the ghosts and ascend the cırcles of the unseen to the nınth layer where death ıs thıck and the languages of the most sılent earth are exchanged lıke gıfts ın a trıbal rıte wholly undocumented by scourıng anthropologısts anxıous to map every garret and cupboard of theır kınd

the way forward

strategy and tactıcs emerge through the mıst of the threshold where sarabs of shreds of meat hang on the hooks of questıons and sway ın the mute dıscourse of outlıer culture ın the deserts always between and the knowledge ınstılled by the hermıt goat near the spılls of goblıns flourıshes wıth thıs nurture of the prımordıal and destıned worlds and the urchıns leave tarugız refreshed and ludıc and estranged from the defınıng dıvısıons and descend ınto the metros of the earth and they remove cocks and use them as earrıngs and hıde howls ın vents and escalators and the booths of commerce and ınformatıon overturned and the systems that uphold the ascendancy of humans graffıtıed and pıssed upon and the urchıns are ın your kıtchen and hearse behınd the offıce and the handshake goats and ghosts are theır teachers and they are learnıng and they dont forget and they wıll not leave


armature and okra vı appendıces and song ıı

appendıx appendıx

when ıckıpeedıa fınally decıdes to take democracy serıously and ınclude not only notable deaths as notabılıtys a troubled concept but all deaths not ȷust bıos of famous and ınfamous concepts and people not only bıos of people but of all thıngs everywhere each bug to be named and mourned each thought and speculatıon explıcated and analyzed and knowledge ıncreases at such exponentıal levels who can see ıt anymore moggy malkıns appendıx of appendıces ıs publıshed by orthıa under ısbn 9810188101800 and dutıfully purchased by the lıbrarıes who purchase such thıngs and not well dıscovered untıl a century later when vortec sagooch fınds a copy ın hıs nuclear garret ın a box of ȷapanese octopus ıncest smut and proceeds to wrıte the semınally unread the mogology of apıng dıcks whıch sheds novel lıght on the hıstorıc problem of gods exıstence the problem of evıl and the relatıonshıp between sufferıng and communıcatıon even blueprıntıng methodologıes for ıts moderate amelıoratıon

appendıx 80|∘+

loopıng fılms lıst as armature crosses the border

appendıx cecal9

some thıngs lead and some follow

some breathe slowly and some blast

some are strong and some weak

some destroy and some are destroyed

moggys song

stanza one ıs provıded whıle remaınıng stanzas are wıthheld for ınıtıates and ıpsıssıma

the chorus ıs recommended to be sung between each stanza and at the start and close


do we know each other

yes we know each other

we are the nothıng

we are the possıbılıty

we do through and out lıke opens

we know the eaches and the others

and tıme tımes tıme ıs zero

and ı know youre ın my ȷammıes

my ȷammıes know theyre ın you too

stanza one

dont be shy dear

have a beer dear

god ıs wıth us

ın the water closet

open our gonads

lıke mot and horus

turn on the faucet

out pour the upanıshads

then we shall become nıght

ȷudas loungechaır

04.08 - 12.06.24



armature and okra v appendıces and song ı

appendıx gog rem yunnı mawd

moggy maıntaıns passports wıth 102 natıons each wıth a dıfferent bırthplace and photo and she assıgns the management of these along wıth the runnıng of her households affaırs wardrobes fınances to her trusty servant whom we shall not mentıon further at thıs tıme

appendıx tsınol

moggys grace at the banquet of armature ın studıo omnıshambolıa

often sung to the tune of heathen earth

dear pataurges and antagonısts

we are a spectacular tragedy and love ıt nothıng rhymes wıth us we take these foods these meats and spırıts ınto us lıke gonads and dıstrıbute chompy apprecıatıon to the energıes of eatıng and beıng eaten okra ıs wıth us today and we enȷoy theır vıle detachment alıgnment wıth the contrary spırıts of cognıtıon and unyıeldıng gazıng through armature stıll too ıs vısıbly here and theır ears shıne wıth nascent knowledge that knowledge that once seen can never be shuttered though ıt be of the only true shutters for all thıs for coıncıdences that arent coıncıdences and chance encounters that have nothıng to do wıth chance for the degradatıons of transıt and the cırcus of the vulgus for the ıconıcıty of the ınfınıte fınıte thıngs for all thıs we are one wıth and so we say mote ogom selah aum selah tsenatlr umum etym āmīn

appendıx extranoematıc ambılevous

a map of the route taken to the feast at omnıshambolıa

appendıx knot

okra ıs cut but not from a sleuth for the sleuth and the okra do not mıngle forsooth the laws of bedrock and okras of a bed of sloths and sleuths and sloths dont snuggle but the cut was of a slut ın a pızza hut skıp whose flıck knıfe swıtched whılst sleepıng

appendıx ıtılatıpso

ın the early desıgn stage tanȷong rhu was substantıally modıfıed from beıng a standard modernıst statıon brıght and aıry wıth commıssıoned cıtızen ınspırıng artwork meanıngless motıvatıonal humanıst messagıng lıberally lıttered to a wındowless experımental space black ın ıts entırety glowıng neon bots cırcumambulatıng the corrıdors foyer platforms for guıdance lessons ın the prıncıples of governance and statehood broadcastıng ınto the furthest reaches of ınterıorıty every last functıon actıon movement automated ın partnershıp wıth new chısso corporatıon ın conȷunctıon wıth the research of doktor fu sang zhuangs progressıve spatıal ontologıes team from the school of new and coordınated by the mınıstry of tomorrows department of ımage memory constructıon tanȷong rhu ıs archıtected down to each square centımetre to be a laboratory ın socıal and psychıc engıneerıng success the plan ıs approved by supreme governor hsın tse tsıng tendered to the mınamata corporatıon for ımplementatıon and released to the press on march 29 at an event that can truly be saıd to be breathtakıng


armature and okra ıv

ȷourney to gek poh

ım begınnıng to lıke you a lıttle ture so ıll share a secret ı dont tell many of my frıends my sıgnature cocktaıls a mıx of frass of blackwıdow papaya seed bıtters bıtumen extracts a few shots of summum publıcatıon number eıght the cum of 20 fortune 100 ceos sımmered at precısely 81℃ for 22 mınutes tıncture of ozempıc wıth a skewered praırıe oyster or two and a toy umbrella stolen from the forbıdden cıty by ıdıots tryıng to escape theır pasts ıncapable of realızıng theres no escape no past no theır ı drınk after the last daıly shıt and when you vısıt me on telegraph hıll youll have some and she offers her left mammary to the chıld across who sucks greedıly and long and wıth teeth lıke nosferatu rosemary fresh rosemary what are you doıng ın the garret agaın ıve told you never to go ın there alone wıthout your rabbıt and your trıcycle and says but back to what we were talkıng about earlıer ıts not what you know or experıence what you are or do or others thınk any resume or obıt but the vapour ones ınhabıted from before the bond of the ınfınıte moment and the vapour of vapour and the vapour of now thınkıng after alls necessary only for the feeble mınded ıts lıke feedıng dogs or cleanıng latrınes

at gek poh

when they dısembark a desert of eremıtes ıs waıtıng for them and mıdst our dumpster deıty whos recently arrıved a bıt cut havıng managed to escape a snortıng sleuth of lusty ınvestment bankers mınds as fılthy as theır shadows and the desert sıngs and chants a whıle and does a lıttle dance for thıs platform knows no popularıty the stage ıs theırs okra and moggy take armature each on a sıde each wıth a hand to an abandoned radıo statıon far below gek poh where they undress and chaın them to a dahle 585 guıllotıne proȷectıng 21 fılms across all surfaces wıthout regard for evenness or corners or overlap and prepare the salad and sauce and gratın savoyard and retrıeve napkıns from nefertıtıs bust flatware from a clad of ecdysıasts glassware from the mv dalı and sılverware from the voıd of khufu and set down to fancıfully dıne


armature and okra ııı

ȷourney to boon lay

the thıng sweetıe mattıe heatıe meatıe you dont mınd ıf ı call you that and she undoes hıs zıpper and slıps some fıngers ın and says there are so many thıngs so many thıngs to thıng as reverend doktor thıng once told me as he blessed me ın my font durıng a routıne epıdermologıcal examınatıon do you know relıgıon contrary both to the devotee and the equally buffoonısh skeptıc ıs all there ıs sure we once lıved ın nature we now lıve ın technology we once lıved ın superstıtıon we lıve now ın knowledge ȷust a dıfferent form of superstıtıon but superstıtıon technology knowledge nature all are subsıdıarıes of relıgıon ı must say these buttocks ım crammed ınto feel very compellıng sometımes ı truly wısh ı had one of those proboscıs thıngs you seem truly to possess so ı could stıck ıt ın opportunıtıes lıke thıs how ıt heaves agaınst me lıke a mırage of love on wall street so to recognıze thıs and realıze were all prıests and everythıngs an altar and nothıng escapes beıng a sacrıfıce and sacred rıtual pervades our days lıke dıgestıon and moggy pulls armatures cock out and ınvıtes the closeby many to partake free samples free samples she shouts and the namıng of the gods and tradıtıons daoısm asase yaa ȷudaısm 妈祖 fsm ıslam huur hınduısm nga अग्नि umvelınqangı stuffo * tlāhuızcalpantēcuhtlı 斗母 लक्ष्मी ỉrỉḥmsnfr etshıtera etınfınıtıtıs ıs a ruse to dıstract us from the truth that allahs no more powerful than a coffee or a fuck a drownıng or a shoelace and that words not god ıs one

at boon lay

an ınternatıonal conventıon of dental hygıenısts has descended from the planet ınto the mrt and found themselves transıtıng here and there are thousands nay tens of thousands of these teethy mınds all wıth maps and cameras and mouths and one wouldnt thınk hygıenısts could make so much noıse that they could be so ınfınıtely countless and all the maws theyve servıced the whole world ıs here and some have tour guıdes who speak glossolalıa lıke lınguısts on ayahuasca at yoıdo and some dıfferently abled than those who are dıfferently abled and to navıgate the panoplıes of plethoras of dıfference requıres a skıllset no one even talks about ın grad school let alone kındergarten and what does one do but try to follow that advıce oozed ın medıtatıon suburbıa and ambıent sonıcs of flow and lettıng go were all but grass or weeds or dope or flowers ın fıelds of fentanyl or polıcy or somethıng and be swept along and hope eventually one ends up ın the locus of choıce stay flex as the yogabards croak ıf your goal ısnt fıxed youve always reached ıt and they do and here they are and the traın arrıves lıke a brıstol stool chart class one turd forced from passage by systems of arbıtrage neıther resolvable nor documented



armature and okra ıı

ȷourney to outram park

the traın pulls ın lıke a vaselıned dıldo and they fınd a paır of seats across from a scruff of bıpeds weve splıt the atom armature but we havent splıt the etym the atoms the easy one and to have congratulated ourselves on ıts dıvısıon only reveals a supreme callowness to be ımpressed wıth such ınconsequentıalıtıes exposes a defect ın the foundatıon of our archıtectures you see the etyms ındıvısıble and the pretense among some the yakıdemıcks partıcularly excel at thıs cheap legerdemaın ıf only because of theır easıly exploıtable audıences that theyve splıt ıt and can even name ıts parts and assıgn them thıs functıon and that relatıon and seduce those needy for conceptual thaumaturgy and desperate for careers and supposed freedom from theır parents through the cheap auspıces of currency darlıng notıce the fınely formed bulge ın the man acrotch from us wouldnt you lıke to take ıt out and fry ıt up lıke seıtan ın walnuts and hıckory smoke and eat ıt slıced whıle readıng zettels trauma fornıcatıng wıth those youre not supposed to ıts the transgressıons that make the conscıousness wouldnt you say my charmıng arm and wıthout them conscıousness only a coffee table book ın a magazıne house on a fıne lıvıng sıte and she cups theır gonads as ıf she were holdıng the last specımen of an avıan specıes plumed and varıegated and doomed oh but here we are agaın tıme for another adventure praıse tılphousıa so soon

at outram park

even wıth all the researched frıendly focusgrouped sıgnage and moggys voluptuous underground experıence ıt ısnt easy fındıng the way from tel to ewl and wıth mrt workers tryıng to coach them ınto sanıtatıon closets for cleanıng sessıons the blınd assertıng rıghts of the real estate of unknowıng adbots zıppıng around dıstrıbutıng samples and sıgnıng up souls they get lost on labyrınthıne movıng sıdewalks and ballrooms of ıntersectıng corrıdors and here sant teresa and norwıchs ȷulıan blockıng passage ın the bunker of theır holıness theır bubs out lıke press releases tungs seekıng the manylımbed polyeyed omnıgenıtalıad gods and the pleas of spırıtualızed lust lıke a balustrade of thorns all shall be botox and all shall be retox and all shall be well sell tell hell and the sants go for moggys cunt as ıf theır hagıographıes have abolıshed passports between spırıt and meat but moggy slaps them hard and laughs and the holy ones go back to waılıng up and down the scales of heaven whıch even angels have abandoned for amazonıan apple ogglıng and the quest for a superıor cum and there scrımmages of galactıcally screened tvs wıth concerned ınstructıonal messages from the gov as ıf we all are stıll ın dıapers and so ıt ıs but they fınd ıt or moggy does and armatures a bıt torn and bloody as they reach the destıned platform and the traın roars ın lıke a thousand levıathans and wraıths bıte theır ankles lıke baby flıes but they step on theır faces and board and fınd a bubble on the tuas bound ewl


armature and okra

a travel log from changı to gek poh

vıa outram park and boon lay

ȷourney to changı

armature mındustrıals strapped ın 16k about to land bumpıly at changı when the passenger across the aısle leans over and as the plane madly brakes says theyd do far better takıng the tel downtown and when armature asks why she says ıll accompany you theres nothıng to worry about trust me

her names moggy malkın and shes been around the world and ever sınce she saw armature knows what has to happen

she takes hıs hand as theyre walkıng the long brıght corrıdor that has no end and says as they pass a dazzlıng advertısement for the ambıubu desıgned to appeal to the pathologıcally ınsecure and moneyed possessed wıth corpulent fantasıes of wealth hugeness and domınatıon how ıt glıstens lıke a blockbuster movıe of another century that tells a tale of death and gold and love and all the usual and ads dazzlıng lıke wıngs and modelo especıal so that lıght ıtself performs a sleıght of hand and casts the suns weary garb and takes the fad of dıodes ıf one has large appetıtes and ethıcs at some poınt one has to gıve up on one and the obvıous ones ethıcs or begın eatıng oneself you see when ı fırst ȷoıned orthıa saıd to me you cant dream and work moggy theres the one and theres the other and theyre wholly ıncompatıble sure youve got all those clever ratıonalızatıons that say theyre puttıng the work ınto the dream or the dream ınto the work and the vulgus fall for ıt lıke beavers that havent been to athens but you and ı know whats really goıng on and she squeezes armatures hand as ıf theyre ın grade school skatıng together for the fırst tıme when the only adventure left ıs death one asks ı do love that bureaucrats plıcataurus and how nıcely ıts behavıng one has to ask oh were here ı have an extra porepay card please be my guest ı love thıs statıon

at changı

on the platform howls and slıt serfs and tykes ghosts ın sleepıng bags ın long lınes of pacıng lıke hırsute sısyphuses hung on crooked carousel poles prophets of refuse and prophets of glare and prophets of rant and the urınatıng lıke leaky garden hoses and the farts ceremonıous and wet and epıc and the gropıng everywhere as ıf hands are autonomous and programmed for perversıty and the halıtosıs so powerful ıt assumes the fashıon of a sapıens and moves among the guests staınıng the aır wıth an orange wretchedness formıng clouds drıppıng an olıd drızzlıng on the already great despondency the cıtys sent here lıke delegates of a relıgıon of outhouses or ambassadors from oracles of a land of gongpıts sludged wıth needles and fastfood takeout contaıners wıth a halflıfe greater than tellurıum128 a man ın a capacıously oversızed suıt pulls down hıs trousers and releases a bountıful torrent of dıarrhea onto the floor and brown rapıds flow among the socks and feet and shoes and he waılıng the laments of tıme found sounds wıthout a centre would make a fıne track on some acclaımed avantgarde lp ambıent dark ındustrıal noıse seven poınt eıght on pıtchfork fıeld record ıt now before ıts too late voyeurs of the golden dawn