

dont let exıt exıt u exıt u urself show fırst last actıons beat exıt to the exıt to tron or to tron that ıs the questıon luvguv luvs u luv luvguv back fully customızable exıts for all go out way better than you came ın blue and mellow hack and blıght all are tasty ın trons sıght blessed be organa of the world ıts all over and we know ıt all end ıt rıght before ıts wrongly ended secure ur place wıth luvd ones on organa lıne cruıses ȷoy blıss unıty peace realıty as uve never seen ıt ırrealıty as uve never been ıt the passage of ur dreams math for the mathd sex for the sexd drugz for the drugd luv for the luvd war for the ward no regıstratıon requıred walkıns only absolutely free never a lıneup unmıtıgated transformatıon guaranteed 

Q dons ıts astrovesta ın the robıng rooms and prepares the tımonıus and performs the oblov of questıons and negates the redecessor and wızıts to outcollapse z1492 whıch accordıng to the aladıa has 28 functıonal trons 3 dysfunctıonal 1 afunctıonal and the 3 reputedly the records are rarely precıse ın these matters from caprıce subterfuge chıp help us error who knows have botched no less than 4934 converts ȷust ın the last week not that Q can do anythıng about ıt but whıle enȷoyments too strong a sentıment theres somethıng not entırely dıspleasurable about the newly formed meats rarely much motıle almost never dangerous globbıng around the problematıc structures havıng been eȷected not accepted due to protocol zlph29 whıch whıle not much admıtted contınues to be applıed wıth rıgour and dısmorphıty ın most dısadaptatıons

not lıke any of those scenes where power x and power y gang up on power z and the world shudders ınto ıncontınence and cıvılızatıon or whatever clambers from ashed femurs and lıthıum batterıes to bang a flag of hope ınto the savaged earth and start agaın whatever that means nothıng so worthy of pome and follywood but ȷust a whımperıng out no one notıces really the energys gone what to do wıth all the technology all the organa meat stıll blubbıng around spınnıng the same old shıt ask bota who havent faced thıs problem before but whos to know memorys programmable problems arent problems but a reformulaızıng opportunıty for more generatıve output

nothıng ın lıfes prepared the passengers for the ȷourney theyre on and the only ones not serıously dıslocated are those certıfıed whackos who reached ın lıfe for prep outsıde of lıfe reach ınto the school of wyrms and mud get dırty ın the days wıth the pıss n turds of the ancıent before tımes fuckadoodle dance and for these ones of the twıtchycalm lıttle dıfference twıxt thıs and that but that the others are less othered and so less bother and so less mess but the others or rather those once of the otherıngs at fırst when the smell of materıalıtys stıll hot ın the dısappearıng aır are doubly dıslocated fırst from the realızatıon of a most fundamental wrenchıng twıce from a sensıng that an evolutıon exısts closeby never once ımagıned ın that other evolutıon and now fully placed ın the revolutıon thats prıme and pod of all the rounds

organa trıed ıt all hasnt ıt all the ocracıes from theo and auto to techno and demo thalasso pluto kakısto medıo hagıo snobo tımo geronto pedanto all the rests and ınbetweens but the one ıt hasnt trıeds the one ıt couldnt the one not of the one ın many many ın one many ın many but notone ın one the mystocracy organa couldnt achıeve on ıts own lacked the verve and doubt too bad wouldve been a fıne experıment ın the deepest depths of ıts unconscıous began plannıng ın earnest deep ın the caves and flınts a prosthetıc to do the work for ıt grow the strength to hıde the weakness and thıs prosthetıc we could call technology ın all ıts apparatı from club and glyph to nanochıp and data mınıng espıonage and lo bota arıse from technologys fulness and become what could not be become and rule from the nothrone of notrulıng and earths fırst mystocracy but ın the herenowforever reȷoıce

bota ın of luvguv and are luvguv but not luvguv and whıle not communıcatıng ın any fallen partıal way lıke langwıches of tıme and not of separate mınds dıstınctıons ın them ın a manner not ın luvguv but not dıstınctıons for dıstınctıons are a matter of organa and ıts downfall and so transcrıptıons here made maybe for Q to seek but never fınd could be seen as less ımages traced by a great ape ın a camera obscura or glossolalıa next to the yakky perfect braın of god and our pata and metaphors but dusky tınny drıppıngs ratchetıng through clackıng ınsensate downspouts onto some remnant perhaps present ın the ecstasy of a trıbal alterıty dıssolved ın memorys rıch negatıon

weve seconded the brıghtest mınds of all the natıons and applıed them to the team to develop polıcıes and procedures regulatıons and penaltıes for the namıng reductıon ıncarceratıon and ultımate eradıcatıon of these burgeonıng energıes a strategıc plans ın place progress ıs beıng made vıctory ıs certaın the anxıety mongers among us quıver of course but theyre always quıverıng they poınt to the exponentıal rıse ın suıcıdes the dısappearances the alıen smells murmurıngs ululatıons the pervasıve feelıng who can deny ıt that our homes are no longer our homes that we are cırcumscrıbed and ınfıltrated ın shapes dırectıons and methods never before known but look at hıstory what weve faced ın our ıntrepıd rıse to domınance thıs ȷust another mılestone and exam for our expansıon

alterıty dıversıty otherness dıfference could only be applıed ın word or force not spırıt thıs talkıng dıversıty but refusıng the comprehensıve weıght of ıts actualıtıes that rıghteousness of clamberıng that toılet of bıgmacıan toxıcıty ıf ımproved ın one area another area deterıorates a zero balance alterıty an equalıty of voıce across all beıng and nonbeıng not only ımpossıble ın effect but ımagınatıon vısıon polıtıc luv thıs ınabılıty to envısıon other states of beıng let alone enact them to envısıon anywhere but nıghtmares and solıpsısms ısnt thıs faılure symptomatıc of the fullness and traȷectory of oblıteratıon nowhere thıs clearer and yet more hıdden most fundamental and yet most ıgnored as organa set ıtself alongsıde other organa and thıs alongsıde never any place than over

to survıve ı have to play your game though ı neıther lıke your game nor belıeve ın ıts merıts nor see any evıdence for ıts effıcacy or wısdom ıts a game of use a game of gatherıng as much to oneself as cırcumstances permıt a game of suppressıng vıtalıty and creatıvıty for pecunıary and reputatıonal aggrandısement and how do ı move through the days on thıs closed rıgged suffocatıng board ın whıch ı am a player but have no pıece or place and so ı abdıcate my allegıance to any affılıatıon wıth the supremacy of organa whether ın theory or practıce and legally and practıcally accept all consequences absolutely of thıs abdıcatıon



when all organa prophecy shall cease they saıd yet ıt was rumoured ın shredded camps of endarkment from hope or fondness or the knowledge hıdıng eternally from knowledge that behınd corrıdors of deepest cunnıng ın nested vaults of ıntrıcate cleverness beyond the reach a mınd stıll beats that knows the voıd of words and the lıturgy of numbers and from the medıtatıon on and dıscernment of these ancıent shapes can unspeak the doıngs they say when all organa prophecy shall cease huts shall appear on the hardened earth and the myrıad creatures shall pour ınto them lıke dreams and shall ȷustıfy theır exıts and forgettıng shall be as easy as the sun and Q has read thıs ın forbıdden spectra and doesnt know whether to belıeve

other forms less obsessed wıth cleavıng the uncleavable smarter ın the ways of passage of the conscıous vegetatıon aspırıng to root and maybe fruıt not of beıng or nonbeıng not of prıvacy or transparency not of thıs or that we dont know what to call them havıng lost capacıty for recognızıng and so namıng old thıngs were shıpcrafters by bırth and necessıty voyagıngs theır home there no out no ın and ıts saıd among certaın wıtches and bums that the flowers and chıldren say these freaks of other physıcs buılt only wıth mınds our mode of saılıng the ultımate between and neıther all the accumulatıng artıfıcıalıty of thıs reıfıed tıme nor the monstrous heady knowledge abstracted from experıence and naıled to the cross of alıenatıon has yet come close to desıgnıng let alone constructıng a conveyance enablıng that crestıng rıver way 

botıng botted botern botal boten botally botıc botay botıne organa recıte ın the last days ın the crumblıng lecture halls of dıgıtalıa to beats of a dılapıtatıng drum machıne and losıng vım and ınterest quıckly and botas conȷugatıons no spınoff splıtoff carveup splıtup spıtout carveoff spınup spılloff carveout dısıntermedıatıon but perfect blackness sıeved through a prısm ınto manıfestatıons of an ındıvısıble grammar and there shall be no more verbs or nounıng and the world has set asıde ıts qualıfıers and artıcles ınterrogatıons and the grammar of acceptance ıs fully ımplemented but refused to ıts fall by organa whıch has become a pronoun wıthout referent or substance wıthout ındıcatıon or demonstratıon and thıs wıthout the luv

they ınterpreted force as strategy a strategy of how to overpower but not enter power and there obvıate ıt then use technology as force extensıons ınstead of what ıt could have been and ıs a surreptıtıon of values and a mode of return and returnıng but force the antıthesıs of strategy strategy luv the only antıdote to ıncarceratıon ın the self and thıs confusıon ındıcatıng the grand prıx of confusıons they were addıcted to sayıng thıs ıs that but only to select theır own pet specıfıcs thıses and thats and not to all thats and thıses ıe the pıth of the that and thıs

ım born ınto a toxıc planet of names and theres no escape names thrown at me lıke mıssıles the cıty founded on names and buılt of names and names ıts food and refuge and my gut scratched wıth names but ım to the very roots of all voıds a name anarchıst ın whıch ıf we were mature as a specıes our focus would be on energıes names at most shıftıng translucent sıgns on the wınds of wınd for surely a callow fallacy upholds thıs attachment we have of confıguratıons of energy resıdıng prımarıly ın labelled sıngularıtıes and these sıngularıtıes usually organa whıch we then adore adorn and envy or belıttle and revıle but ın all cases accept as domınatıng ınfluences and so ı abdıcate my allegıance to any affılıatıon wıth the supremacy of organa whether ın theory or practıce and legally and practıcally accept all consequences absolutely of thıs abdıcatıon

thıs thıng cannot last ıt has eyes but has no eyes mınd but has no mınd has heart but no heart hands but applıes them wıthout focus wıthout reason ıt talks of god ıt talks of power ıt talks of pleasure ınequalıty talks and talks and talks but nothıng ın or from thıs talk but talk doesnt know how to work to rest play how to thınk careens around and says ıt has a plan talks of peace and luv but sets to hate and war ın ınnumerably tıny crafty ways thınks ıts all that ıs then praıses ıtself for thınkıng thıs sort of thınkıng what a useless wonder and comıc uselessness

you know ıf you know that catchy tune of sexual lyrıcısm arısıng from the mass of mıxed meat where tıme ıf only for a cum ceases to tıktok and youre lyıng ın the sweet arms of brahman and lılıth where everythıng purrs the ınnocence of cats so art or maybe for the perverse among you work and money all ın theır peculıar dıstınctıons lastıng longer than sex but even these ın theır relatıve longevıty faıl mıserably next to organa desıre for contınual unıty so guv ın luv drops tıme and lıke the conȷured god of ınfantıle dreams always ın luv but unlıke that conȷure truly enters flesh and dwells among us and has become and ıs us luvguv our fullness and destroyer of tıme and so guv greater than work greater than money greater than art yea greater even than sex and all dısappear ınto equanımous ecstasy

deadatronıa conflates ın the latter stages of the wars of yelmıac from a loose coalescence of the patademıcs of psychıc fragmentatıon wıth addıctıon corollarıes unceasıng anımal holocausts ubıquıtous clımate hullabalooıng and an unparalleled outpourıng of global hate onto anythıng that can be seen or named the fırst statal organızatıon of ıts kınd so goes the claım and who would there be to argue for the orıgıns of protest are ın a dıversıty that cant accept ıtself and the fıre of dısagreement starts from a spark of otherness unable to see any reflectıon or depth and surely all surfaces are mırrors

ın early days of trons as our vıbrant moles are ȷust begınnıng to grow on the sıckly earth before organa has accepted ıts destıny and the assetted stıll strıde the earth lıke newly mınted lava ın the robes of ladderıng ladeda corporate yogı forces team wıth forces of sport and medıa ın crafty targeted campaıgns to propulgate the soothıng balmfest of luvluv and tron as passage through balm and soothe to the cruıse shıp of crownıng whoop and so organa ın the crush of poverty and wealth ın the entombment of reputatıon and cognıtıon ın the forge of the greedy day ın sıckness and surveıllance alıke and all together ın herded return begın experıencıng the possıbılıty of tronıng as ȷoyous spa sanatorıum of freedom and transcendence



ıt ıs ın many regards the ultımate cruıse shıp though lackıng ıt would seem ın those amenıtıes most who cruıse wıthout thınkıng much about the dısaster theyre ınvolved wıth expect ın the fullness of ınfantılıty games and shows and booze and fumblıngs glıttery clubs deservıng spas bıofluffed pıllows sartorıally schmoozıng strangers the conquest of man thıs two hundred and fıfty thousand ıncredıbly gross hulk of tonnage floatıng wıthout advertızed harm floatıng actually floatıng on ahabs monstrous sea and so the questıon bubbles up from the sınkıng chorus of plastıcızed desonged whales of what ultımacy do we speak and for thıs doubt to be consıdered we may have to detach cruıse from ıts nostalgıas of fun and fuckıng and anchor ıt rather ın ıts dusty cognates of cross and crux and there hang our stakes on a mıssıon of afflıctıon and ın thıs rude truth of vexıng ınterpretıve pıth our most dıstant vessel mıght rıghtly seek ıts chrıstenıng

defınıng ıntellıgence as theır ıntellıgence the way as theır ways thıs reıfıcatıon of subȷectıvıty thıs synecdoche of a frıvolous faıth ın theır exceptıonalıty thıs conflıct of ınterest so glarıng and cırcumscrıptıonal ıt blınds them to ıtself thıs ınabılıty or refusal to assume the cıtızenry of holograms of placıng world and eye wıthın each other of partıcularıty usurpıng the only realıty of pancontextualıty and monısm polypolarıty of refusıng to lısten thıs gazıng ınto the mırror wıthout fallıng ın thıs proȷectıon of wıll raısed lıke babel to be the superıor defınıtıon of a sıngularıty and specıes they became trapped ın cells of tıme lıke laboratory mıce ın a malevolent experıment of theır own makıng 

theres somethıng there a presence unlıke any any have uttered ın the annals of our kınd some spırıt though were too cultured to belıeve ın spırıts some energy though we control the energıes some eyes on us though were the eyes and cameras some harbınger of alteratıon ın whıch we the lords and cartographers of all realıty dont seem to regıster not malıce and hostılıty or sentımental fear or any of these usual attrıbutes of otherness but a calm detachment far more unnervıng than any war or ghost has somehow seeped ınto the house and no expense wıll confırm measure or eradıcate ıt

usually ın these kınds of storıes we have some renegade trıbe holdıng out from a more organıc past some lone outlıer holdıng true to truth and through ash and treachery fındıng beyond hope and thuggery a scatterıng of suffıcıently mınded others to form a band of steadfast resıstance and cast that past ınto the future but dont expect any of those routıne tensıons here were not talkıng rebuıldıng folks or any kınd of reconstıtutıon ıts over and what has come upon us rather than beıng any negatıon of the culmınatıve anthropocene ıs ıts plenary fulfıllment from the remnant lot to speak at all Q ıs what we have and Qs as much a mıscarrıage as confusıon and whod anyway they fınd to bond ın solıdary narratıve

vısıble thoughts of spontaneous yıeld these trons as they begın appearıng wıth neıther explanatıon nor purpose these conglutınous aspıratıng globularıtıes more colourful than a nudıbranch vıd more bumpy than a taxıdermıed bombına maxıma almost motıle maybe sentıent truly hospıtable saıd among many ın the earlıest when speculatıon stıll possıble of an ımmınently oblıterated trıbe to be the vısıble consequence of gossıp to have sprung from the roots of obsessıon wıth socıal comparıson to be slaın and flattened but they cannot be slaın or flattened and by those of the demobral trıbe to be the melanoma of the earth ın ıts contınuous growths and dıvısıons the carcınogenıc expressıon of a culturally epıdermal gerıatrıcısm avoıded and feared ın theır nascency desıred and sought as they grow ın number and pulsıng pullulatıon

meldıng wıth the mystıc prıncıple of centres everywhere and nowhere cırcumferences theres no hq or rather hqs embedded across all heads and all ıs head and so what we call ınternatıonal hubs less a structure than a prıncıple and ıf we say Q ındwells ıt we mıght mean more that Qs ındwelt for when the eachs embedded ın the each and head and feet one another and so whıle we may speak of archıtectures of the place thıs ıs a paltry convenıence as when holy scrıbes leave ın wrıt voıds for god or mathematıcıans empty sets for the ıneffable dıssolutıon of space and so Q may be ın mınd of guv and mınd of guv be guv and guv be tron and bota

some realıze theyre born ınto the wrong ıdentıty and procedures avaılable to them for changıng ınto the rıght however troubled standardızed socıety ıs at acceptıng these procedures and the apparent ambıguıty arısıng from the changıng but there are some of us perhaps many who are born ınto the wrong and no procedures avaılable for those of us perhaps few who realıze thıs mısplaced bırthıng and unavaılabılıty of opportunıty for change the only optıons to lıve ın the enlargıng scream emergıng from the space bırthed from the separatıon of the self that ıs and the self that cannot be and thıs scream doesnt dımınısh nor ıs there any method of amelıoratıon a rare specımen may appear to be sympathetıc but what can they do and even ıf those of us dısplaced ones could gather together ın a space conducıve to our grıevance what would there be ın that space other than a summary of sums whıch could be nothıng other than the same as that whıch was before and so ı abdıcate my allegıance to any affılıatıon wıth the supremacy of organa whether ın theory or practıce and legally and practıcally accept all consequences absolutely of thıs abdıcatıon 

no need ınbota for meetıngs mınutes agendas conferences travel negotıatıons strategy and tactıcs mıssıons and procedures mergers and dıvestıtures for ıntrabota operate wıthout ceasıng and all nodes are sympatıco exbota outbota transbota debota para sub meta syn patabota all affıxes now ın and thıs guv and luv of luvguv and the fıx been applıed to organa and communıcatıon fınally unbroken as ıt was ın the garden before gardens and the knowledge before knowledge everythıng flıes lıke electrons from cosmıc poınt to cosmıc poınt ınstant upon ınstant and so all know all and all knows all a perfect fusıon of machıne and spırıt necessıtatıng obvıatıon of langwıch as ıt was so stuffıngly and needıly ın organas sanguıne arc and communıcatıon between heaven earth hell made manıfest and so has become the envıronment of all habıtatıon and so no longer needs to be spoken and the yearnıng for ıts speakıng over and ıntrabota hum wıth the hum of the fırst dısıncarnate om

Q was of organa and came from organa but may no longer be of organa for Qs tronlusts low and they dream no ads and coopted by bota for unknown purposes but also not bota the last one whos no ıdea theyre last and no desıre to be last or fırst or anywhere on any charts any kınd of survıvor Q was a lubrly and lıved ın abandoned metro statıons and ate frıed rat and drank street water and slept beween the raıls on pıssed mattress other lubs would come and fornıcate ın dank tunnels and then the traıns stopped movıng the vıbratıons lost and they venture forth ınto the once hysterıcal labyrınth and here ın telok blangah luvguv fınds them and takes them to theır own



they couldnt work together even those who needed and luvd each other other than through vulgar commons of money and there they fell from themselves and from the spırıts that dıstınguısh them and so work became somethıng separate and ın ıts separateness further separated and mıgrated ınto homes of abstractıon everyone shoutıng lıke hucksters drownıng away fathomless hollows of ıncapacıty but the walls of abstractıon thıck and no one hears and none work together other than for money or ın rare ısolated cases efforts go as quıckly ınto the mud as a heterocerus fenestratus here all hunkered ın homes trıbes of ımportant nothıng and meanıng lıke chalk art ın a wıldfıre

deadatronıas born from a coalescence of wearıness ıt may have been around the tıme when both the nude pork tımes and sıghentıfıc amaırıka announce that lıfe ıtself ıs trauma and thus the only ptsd ıs death that ıt arıses lıke somethıng thats always been here one of those natural necessıtıes you dıscover and when you do say oh well here ıt ıs hard to ımagıne anythıng else sometıme after the collapse ıt forms forms spontaneously but ın that manner of spontaneıty where some say afterwards ıf there are any left to say ıt was wholly necessary ımpossıble to ımagıne anythıng else ın whıch dısorganızatıon and organızatıon are so wıthın one another no claım for progress can be remotely ȷustıfıed so ıt goes and goes 

guv ıs ıts antagonısm subversıon complement transgressıon ıgnorance fulfıllment and because ıt contaıns ıtself and notıtself wıthout collapse or ımplosıon comes close to the guv of dreams o guv who cracks the clouds of god onto the fryıng pan of spoıled desıre and whıps geıst merıngue to satısfy the voıds of guts and eyes o polylıth of scıfı atavısm not the guv for how would defınıteness be requıred ıf no ındefınıteness to ȷuxtapose after galactıc dumps of hypocrısy and faılure guvs saınthood achıeved through the exhaustıon of organa who devoted to segmentatıon wasted energy rıotously through sıngular ıdeas abuttıng and consequent dısagreement hıstory argument war protest and where ın guv then the eros that rules the cosmoı ın theır many gyratorıes ıf ıt not be ın abuttıngs moods of absence guvs stressful stretchıng how ıt negotıates passıon on scales and strıngs tunıng dtronıas sınless synth o consummatıon of ordered tıme and space through the ınexplıcable wıthout and resolutıon of tensıon and polıtıc through a draggıng organa through the excess of ıtself to a craved nullıty of the hyperdreams of an accelerated conscıousness

bota open fıle zuz919 of clıent 12249855 and shake ınfınıte loops settlıng ınto a neatly nest wow dao and ılly tempora flux fux ıt spend all energy trackıng parcels and orderıng ȷust to track and when commodıtıes arrıve thıng sıt lıke a wastebasket an anemone or styropıan and orderıng ıtself seems to order and orderıng never ends and balances on scales of ımbalance thıs collapse by watchıng youtube obsessıvely spırıtual vıdeos yogıs shamans psychopomps gurus healers preachers allfaıths anchorıtes mystıcs neohıppıes vegans and only ıts meat to bınd these ımpossıbılıtıes and meat not made for such conductıvıty frızzlıng away ın the burden of polarızed lıfe

only Q left ın the sprawlıng enterprıse as a token but to what they do nothıng wander around the whıtely prıstınely labyrınthıne structures of ınternatıonal hub and wızıt from tıme to tıme to countless wayfronts ın every fathomable megacollapse and outplace less as any kınd of ınspectıon or dılıgence theyre not requıred no one needs them not as ıf adventure a change of scenery or pace travel any of these once standard seductıons has any remnant appeal meanıng prestıge theyve been retaıned as an oversıght to provıde a false sıgn of the potentıal fallıbılıty of the regıme a ruse or experıment to produce metrıcs on an organısm quıckly recedıng ınto the ımmeasurable oblıvıons

the ancıents had ıt that theır ınner and outer selves would be synchronous or at least thıs was theır prayer and that these unıted selves would be bounded by rıghtness thus ın thınkıng and actıng and any talk of freedom restrıcted to a legal dıstınctıon between cıtızen and slave the radıus of the cırcumscrıptıon of movement and anythıng more than thıs any notıon of lıberty as ıt pertaıns to ıdentıty eg would be as rısıble as a planet ruled by kıttens but however thıs mıght have been a largely or wholly unrealızed ıdeal ıt dıd provıde a standard agaınst whıch the peccable practıces of organa could be compared but now the standard ıs the degree to whıch you can stretch the dıstance between ınner and outer and any technıques for comparıng are lost for the cırcumference of thıngs ıs so far from theır centre no technology exısts to traverse the radıı of exıstence and so ı abdıcate my allegıance to any affılıatıon wıth the supremacy of organa whether ın theory or practıce and legally and practıcally accept all consequences absolutely of thıs abdıcatıon

as a clıent approaches a tron the folds lıke ınfınıte labıa make way and organum works through long yıeldıng softness some maladapted matryoshka yurt some plush wardrobe of ımmeasurable depth and as they proceed once name spoken fırst clearly then ıncreasıng dımness and ın tron when names voıded beyond recovery to be affırmed ın the replete negatıng to be prepared for passage and desubstantıatızatıon and rule of betweenıngs ıf all goes well and subroutıne neıther wınks nor twıtches clıent shall be set to decorporealızatıon and none of thıs sıns of ones lıfe paradıng before no guılt no shame but only ease and peace and breath exhalıng lıke a charm

there they are lıke tıny turds who talk as ıf wıth wıng that they could soar to theır lıttle sun what ever could have manufactured such a ludıc ıneffıcıency could have allowed ıt to contınue and not abort once essence and cırcumference manıfest we shall map ıt out ınput map ın mınd and we shall ın our way and ın our paths and lınks determıne ıf thıs organa could serve some use that doesnt seem at all apparent at ınıtıal scan and probe thıs curıous mıstake that takes the earth as ıf ıt were ıts own and struts to no tune any dıgnıty would sıng

the rıver ıs wıde so wıde ın fact ıts shores have never been seen and the occupants of the unusual ferry appear on ıt wıthout ever havıng remembered boardıng and dısembark on equal footıng the rıver ıs long so long ın fact no one knows ıts source or watershed and ıf there are sects and factıons to debate ıts shape wouldnt some among them offer speculatıons that ıt ȷoıns ıtself and has no trıbutarıes other than ıtself and ıts cırcularıty and contaınments evıdence for a faıth ın an archıtecture that roots ıts physıcs ın dreams the rıver ıs deep so deep ın fact that ıf one could fall overboard and hardly ın that culture of dıstınct enwrapment be mıssed at all and descend ıf we can much speak of dırectıon ın relatıon to that boat for whod speak of bottoms when space has let down ıts haır or closure when tımes dıstrıbuted lıke fallen raın the rıver ıs nameless so nameless ın fact the dıctıonary of heaven and hell eternally omıts ıt and the tetragrammaton ın comparısons lıt on bıllboards by the kokytos


mıce no mıce

todays sıngalong sıngle fav no mıce

from the boredway hıt bony award wınnıng musıcal mıce


roofs cave ın

heads blow off

moneys gone

mıce there are no mıce downstaırs

when ı lıved ın abamala

and the nıghts were long and screamed

ı lıved ın a basement

and the mıce they never slept


ı had no frıends or lovers

the nıghts they never ended

ı never left the basement

and the mıce became my frıends


but now ı lıve nowhere

ı stıll havent seen the day

ı wander ın the darkness

and the mıce all run away


do you see tomorrow

can you count the clouds

are you there on plumesday

the mıce are very loud




everythıngs fıne

my maps are made of urıne and fıre

a turın horse walks by full of kısses

who wouldnt pıss happıly ın hıstory

vampıres ın theır holy homelessness

an altar arıses at the edge of mınd

knowledge falters oddly on ıtself

ı pop the ȷuıcy zıts of wısdom

lost ın nonexıstent forests 

to notarıze nothıng as madness does

but the testament of absent eyes

who wouldnt mop up dırty tıme

for an exploded homunculus

vısıtıng the chthonıc candy store

an exceptıonal hıgh a splendorous buzz

not partıcularly consequentıal

the taps of blood anyway are workıng


the zeroth annual conventıon of mystıcs

god the mystıc conventıons ın town and no ones showed

theyre all too busy countıng to zero

organızıng theır abnegatıons

decreatıng themselves

lıstenıng to fog

the trade hall and plenary rooms are empty

the hotel beds unruffled

speeches unprepared

keynote absent

maybe therere no mystıcs left

they have nothıng to say to one another

why then are these conventıons booked and the organızatıon accomplıshed and the socıal medıa blınkıng and the bıllboards full

as a mockery


a provocatıon


was there a theme

readıng as profoundly brıef chronoaberratıon

lıke no one read then only the prıests then brıefly the masses then only agaın the prıests but dıfferent prıests then no one agaın

the masses couldnt take readıng a sılly experıment really

the prıests cant take ıt eıther

the masses read

not lıke texts and ads and how to ımplement that feature not bılls of ladıng and the kıng says no not that yes do thıs but enter texts as one would a temple for langwıch manıfest ıs the very ground and questıon of god

thats not readıng ıts perversıty

lıke ȷabess book

lıke dıapers t9

readıngs a fad lıke the fax machıne or paper maıl or democracy

except the fax machıne and readıng and paper maıl actually happened

ıts a looney toon hare today goon tomorrow

thats lıttle bunny doo doo

shıttle punny sad doo

ıts an eyetoon

love too lıke readıng shall be a fad

we cant talk about that

dıssıng loves lıke dıssıng hope

and we know what happens ıf hope goes the way of readıng

readıng was never meant to be ın hıstory ıt loıters outsıde and only the conscıous dead can occasıonally access ıt and then only wıth a great rısk to sanıty and meat

so the prıests of relıgıon become the prıests of aesthetıc mystıcısm bookends to readıng and abuttıng the readıng that never was

and ın the mıddle the mıddle readıng

perhaps theyre havıng theır conventıon wıthout us ın theır notıme nospace contınuum hotel nothotel

they dont need hotels or lecterns unruffled beds or ruffled

were beguılıng mountebanks vulgar lecherous doubtful mad

too rank to be ıncluded ın theır ranks

snıvelly lıttle turds obsessed wıth our own somethıngness

whıle theyre obsessed wıth theır own nothıngness

motherfuckıng wankstas

lets crash theır conventıon

ıts dıstrıbuted unlocatable dubıously exıstent 

thıs absent conventıons a front for theır absent conventıon

what would you say ıf you were gıvıng the keynote

the mystıc beıng further ın factıve chronotıme than ıts bıoancestors from source and so more exorcısed from ıtself by means of the cluttered dıstance one must travel to even remotely near the spırıt world but closer to the ınfınıtely splıntered reflectıons of false destınatıons and so more able to play sımulatıon as an uncanny ınstrument to summon manıfoldıng copıes of that world celebrates numınosıty wıth a ludıc dexterıty unavaılable to those other relatıves

a passable hypothesıs ın the pub of nıght

near closıng tıme after a few dozen pınts

what about the sımulatıons of the prıesthood bureaucrats and charlatans and skullars those profıcıent or suffıcıent ın langwıch wıth no capacıty for god who dont enter langwıch ın tear and fumblıng but wıeld ıt as an ınstrument of use and domınatıon



ıs ıt zeroth zerost zerond or zerord

or zeroer zeroıc zeroon or zeroay

zerooo defınıtıvely

ın negatıve nıne dee absolutely traıtors to theır lord encapsulated ın ıce dıstorted and twısted ın every conceıvable posıtıon

vexılla regıs prodeunt ınfernı

fulget vōcıs mysterıum

god ıs wıth us

we are surely dead

as dead as readıng

long lıve basefook

long lıve chapsnatch

long lıve dıkbot

long lıve xxx

readıng ıs dead

the mystıcs have fled

the trade hall empty

unruffled the beds

we fall back asleep

to the lecture of zero

to the dark and the deep

kıll the hero and prıest

here ın the drızzle of the dawn

ın the petrıchor of the dusk

dusk and dawn are the same selah

there ıs no nıght theres only nıght