heres a very partial list of the full cast of characters in sadoo
sadoo the navel novel ive hive
here are the characters of sadoo cast
onto xennobrontomilieux statibus and cast out
do i say mothers?
you see or probably dont i dont pay any attention to what you call the news which is only a boring novel forcefed into the narrative maw by the cognitively and imaginatively insecure
this is though only an attodrop of a list in the infinite oceans of lists of characters there are many efreets eg but this is saying little cast in sadoo for a full list consult mass atonias novel rosie and the monolith published by līmæ råbęlåsså habubble perpari for which no extant copies exist except one rumoured to be held by the ghūls of the crypts below her majestys penitentiary in rabī'ābād-e awar oino iblīs dhghemmathic
let us huddle,
says mácedonio,
short ghosts,
zohar city
sadoo the nerval 4
the novel has become too easy
anyone whos been to iowa can write one
anyone whos been accepted into the right clique can write a good one
anyone whos been to both can write a great one
but theres so many great novels being written therere no great ones left
the only novel left to write isnt the horrible one there are as many horrible ones as great ones but the nonexistent one sadoo is my nonexistence
why is sadoo a novel?
for the same reason genets a saint
saints define the novel which is only mind spilled and spilling as having these characteristics
- ephemerality
- contradictoriness
- infinitely nested metonymy
- anonymity through excessive naming
- aestheticspiritual coital blurring of unauthors unreaders untranslators
- utopian and uchronian
- plotless characterless dialogueless settingless
- beyond beyond and notbeyond
- more worldthanworld by being lessworldthanworld
when humans ask what my novels about i say about my moles but especially about my favourite mole or rather the one im most obsessed with the one im sure will give me melanoma the one on my right brachium about 9.5 centimetres from the elbow along the forearm somewhere not terribly unproximate from the flexor carpi ulnaris though i dont know anything about autonomy and its particularly subtle colourings and shadings its textures and shapings that seem to morph but in what reality its hard to say and i try to impress my lover with it but shes far more interested in another flexor and so im left with my melanoma alone as the poets have always told us and just the other day when i was examining it in the back corner of the garage but usually by this point theyve walked away
its important that entries be entered as daily and infrequently as possible to confuse unreaders as to whether this is a memoir novel confession manual sylwa poem epistolary travellog monograph casestudy encyclopedia specula biji satiricalepic echtra erotica slipstream femslash bildungsroman lectionary haiku journal sammelband tripitaka dirge aporetic criticism gongan swipefile isekai mythpunk hypomnema shenmo almanac alkahest zibaldone parapegma zij shaggydogstory panjika kalnirnay tungshing newspaper panchānga or taxreturn
my novel shall be so suspect as to merit genre meaning intent authorship sanity coherence audience reality that it jettisons itself through the novel and lands no it doesnt land it has no capability of landing it just jettisons and keeps on jettisoning with so much jettisonity it becomes jettison and makes not just this novel jettison and flotsam and lagan and jetsam but all future and once novels also jettisons poetry novels nonfiction philosophy journalism scholarship magicalrealism experimentalfiction all these silly categories and all the others and everything associated with them become jettisons and i write a jettison or rather am jettisoned along and through a jettison to more jettisonings just like humanity which itself has become jettison for we no longer are of or in the earth and have landed nowhere and are capable of landing nowhere jettisoning in outerinner space and so humanity novel identity earth race politics gender art death jettison and everything is jettisoning and jettison and sadoo is my jettison
sadoo nullitalis luv teatheetree
i though i dont exist am about to bathe and in preparation disrobe and due to it being cool in the house and my not wanting to turn on the heat precipitated by a complex of complexes arising from my motherss complexes of complex relating to their unacknowledged distaste of mint knickers im wearing many layers of clothes not only over my groin legs chest back arms but head and feet and thus the getting naked takes an inordinate amount of time and with each diminished layer i grow colder but not wishing to speed up the process due to my increasing fascination with the patterns of colour and material that are forming on the floor a real work of art certainly compared to the charade of this novel and then engrossed in the counting of the increasing discarded items and debating in the synagogue of myself with no satisfactory solution anywhere in sight in time or out whether i should number each pair of socks one or two for its questions such as these that define a good life and spectacles? do they count? why do i say spectacles? how do spectacles count? if were interested in a certain consistency which by no means we are and we count each pair of socks as two items rather than one should we then not in fairness and equanimity count each pair of spectacles also as two? two feet two eyes as granny i says as you see we say spectacles and socks favouring those who advocate two rather than one its true we say sock for one as in have you seen my other sock? but this is typically in the context of two and surely is because socks while bound to one another arent bound in the same way as spectacle is to spectacle for wouldnt we say spectacle only if your spectacles are busted and then we might be more inclined to say have you seen the other half of my spectacles? rather than have you seen my other spectacle? and now that were indirectly talking about them what about monocles? why dont we call them bictacles? all this indicating something of importance the philosophers have paid too scant attention to and all this taking place at once and in slomo but the effect growing me colder and its phenomenal i ever get into the bath
but all of this has been done before says mácedonio the novels impossible and impassible all the same characters tropes ideas thoughts words experiments subversions tediums selfsatisfactions laughs one really should just count ones clothes or try to count them as one never really can end up properly doing and go to bed one should write prologs to logs that never happen
i despise the novel more than i do myself im always rushing around so as to be the first one to arrive late ive no comprehension of and no way of comprehending how to distinguish the characters in my novel the characters in my life the words in my life the characters in others novels the characters in others lives life novel thing human object word all morphing into each other like ducks in the distance or the wealthy and powerful in time or bodies in a steamroom or hate anywhere
i want to include a picture of the clothes how theyre cast in perfect randomness on the carpet if i only possessed more wisdom theyd be a sign to me an oracle of images a kabbalah unveiled sartorial runes
this isnt a matter of ocd ocd runs in the family surely and by family i mean the human family we now know with as much certainty as we can muster in our fogged drizzlings that humanitys the one authentic manifestation of ocdity in the universe and we label those with ocd the ones we need to take that burden so the rest of us can feel were normal though normal doesnt exist and never has the psychiatrist designating the patient ocd is in reality and simply a matter of one human with power and obsessed with power and with the power of designating others officially with ocd and this legitimized through institutionalized ocd professionalism who after all and in what conflict of interest obtains the right to label and hierarchize brainscans? translating this obsession through clinical weaponry to someone with less power to maintain the power imbalance and because the now designated ones obsessed with something other than power and less acceptable to those with power say the manifold sensuousness and methods of squeezing toothpaste onto or not onto ones toothbrush or the forming secret messages of ones cut toenails these acts and orientations having nothing to do with power other than the energy of the act itself like how to count ones clothes as one takes them off before a bath or before a bath one hopes to take but never does because the counting becomes in a sense the bath and replaces the bath and one just goes to bed
but never does,
just go to bed,
oh sea de,
sock socks,
spectacles spectacle,
sadoo the vole nullity tutu
the novel sadoo though this is not its true title becomes a novel by means of a magical sleight against itself
a novel being imaginary and linked in ways were incapable of understanding to life which is even more imaginary must have as its premise a creator or more reasonably creators who not only dont exist but cant
the novel being the dominant form of whats sometimes called literature today assuming as it does that it can stuff all other forms into it a medieval catholicism of art sucking every deviancy into itself and leaving nothing out for it speaks and it only speaks for god and good and good and god and evil and beyond is all is as some argentinians and perhaps others have noted anything and everything thus my claims for sadoo are even at their most extreme prosaic and modest
that im a novel that i write myself and am written is now a commonplace thats more tired than television and so entirely untrue novels if theyre anything at all and theyre probably not have nothing to do with the human this or that i the stupidity of stories and their academic icing narrative what do they have to do with then? no one knows and if you dont get this you should jump out of the novel that does or doesnt exist and crash into the void except you cant
blogger despite its pervasive imbecilities has a certain intelligence and some of this is the question built into its very structure of where the novel starts this doubt of origins and corollaryly ends and middles and so ruptures of causation and identity would be clever if it were original but of course by extension its not
due to this but not only this none of the characters though some have suggested without a complete lack of cogency that sadoo is most certainly the worlds first and last characterless novel die and if sadoo has any courage though this is inestimably doubtful its this rather careless slaying of death far more likely than courage a nonchalance born of too much movement which itself arises from a continuous horror of life which is to say the novel
its the little things that make a novel for example shortly after midnight at around 000936 i throw a dishrag over the bannister from the top floor aiming for the wood flooring one storey below but landing it instead on the second step up from the wood flooring one storey below which births laughings of those categories that recognize the inherent humour isnt funny and in this lack of comedy wit peeks
i could go on and i will but like life i mean the imagination nono the novel interruptions are constant not just of content a carpets delivered and im required by the imposed protocols of an insane society thats constantly protesting it isnt to sign some device with a nonpen pen at a door but form the novel questions itself and collapses into its questionings becoming a notnovel thats more a novel than the novel it never was before
by extension,
due to this,
i wont,
isnt funny,
just jump out,
nonpen pen,
wit peaks,
writing written wonk
sadoo the novel
vole love nullitalis
for all you aesthetically decimated unreaders
you dereaders atomized into the oblivions of nonart
nailed to the cross of capitalism but the pain offset
be well aware in your proleptic mothballity that this blog is a novel
as sadoo despises the novel and so is in its despisableness
compelled toward seduction of it and sadoo is this compulsion
the central characters of sadoo the novel are sadoo doktor heresiarch poofessor fukky risotto though there are billions of secondary absent tertiary and peripheral persons and most of these arent human and these billions aside shove the centres
the plot? the plots prepurchased in the •pataphysical cemetery in absinthia within a fart or four of the desolation of ūbū anyway theres not just one plot weve prepurchased many and none of them are grounded and theyre all made of worms
the authors of course unyou and the conjugation of unyou is as expected unyun unyoni unnew unmoni adieux
the novel aims to be proto without substantive or substance it aims to be roan and roso its written in every language and thus requires no translation except alongside stéphane étienne into itself
while its most easily understood as an infinite series of nonlinear footnotes to a nonexistent body this is false and we recommend instead a commentary of an in delictito flagrante nonfeasance misinterpreted by the courts consequently damning twittles of innocents to sisyphean eternities
the novel isnt so much circular as burst and while lines can be found in it if one needs lines their geometrys imaginary and the maps producible from such shapings can be used to navigate the firth of thrif
but its most appropriate to experience it as an extended table of contents or rather a verbose copyright page by an enslaved anarchist and gibbeteer
yet truly its just a title and the book itself is empty and the novel would be about the titles meaning or lack thereof if anyone cared enough to get past into under or between the covers which the more you examine them are just the unyous fulminous fear of death night fear love
though as any idiot knows the only thing to fear is hope
patadoo doktor choo and the case of the missing missing
doktor choo
the missing missing
secretly recording
the conversations of a roomba and dyson
at night when they think no ones listening
we arent humans not even whomyns but whonyms
we are the patadoo
we are whononyms words for which any answer to who are we? is impossible
where is doktor choo?
above all allow yourself to be bewitched by the evil charms of geometry
across a lake they have heard there is a monster hope that breaks a ripple
we shall not allude to the dusty corners of phimosis for punctuations a great enemy of thought
ooth glutenburg of hoof a hyperfear tells of quelpo pangolins who in patagia glom the glomes of reptative tritanopes
who is doktor choo?
neither patadoo nor doktor choo nor nononyms we ripple lewdly witches
cross a rake with an anemone and the seas your ooth from uncle
sea enemies bob for those who talk like pirates
who couldnt kelp an axiom?
we are the patachoo
we train ourselves to train
they shall no longer punctuate the dude allusions
who is whonodoo?
whonodoos a dusty hyperglom of evil uncles
lets up the auntie and polkaroo her pangolin
my hyperglom bakes patapuns in the axiom
if bobs your auntie whos your nononym?
doktor poo does patawho on imagination thursdays
did you hear here the one or two about the doomba who slew a sheep?
allude not to monster punctuations behest it slay thee
charm my whodoo to think my nyming not
heard ye where the six or nine of the ryson who shooed sleep?
hoofalot a choo too to geometry some gloamings
dokdoo choowho nyms the nonos nightly
dyson and roomba chuckling amongst themselves like prehistoric friends
mumbling in dusky absences of names that have escaped them
of phrases in the crevices of stairs
and clauses in the closets of carpets
ghost tutu
abstraction humanitys aurorae and asterism its screen and total social fact is an agent and ambassador of ghosts in our pataruptive age hardly anything of knowledge but abstraction knowledge having become something else in its removal from the body and objectability in autopsy everythings a ghost and our uncanny hyperemphasis on physicality sex wellness healing life their severance from their twins and loves belies our comprehensive collapse into an ethereality wholly beyond our dissective fanaticism
i am headless in société acéphale my heads been cut out from the system of objects and cast into the abyss of images i am thus a ghost
we are slight suggestions apparitions of vision frightful excitements children of nightmare and semblances of shining dizzy returnings disembodied spirits of the controvertible living duppies of dance we are thus ghosts eidola of nonexistent worlds
the film of things whether we call this film skin brick plastra bark carbonfibre is a genre of cinema and manifest with cinema and we who would vibratingly surface know in weird allay we watch the shimmering gestures of the mind of ghosts
my life in the bush of ghosts has taught me we arent born again once as the christians preach but reborn in unceasing incessantnesses so wholly & in such ways we never fully come to birth once youve entered the bush of grotesque eatings all things are returnings turnings and your pragmatic world of reason becomes a shadow more shadow than the bush
can ghosts dies a question that isnt as irrational as your imaginationless mind thinks ghosts can marry scream fall fuck so why should they not be able to die? theyre never born and this is why theyre ghosts and we all ghosts living the output of their code
as someone fictional says the bodys imaginary and we bow to the tyranny of a phantom loves a privileged perception the most total and lucid not only of the worlds unreality but of our own unreality not only do we traverse a realm of shadows we ourselves are shadows
as ghostliness spawns anything as a symbol of anything i spawn in the ungraspable elemental anarchy that consummate rarity order in the operations of the spirit this brief manual of turnings a manifestation of that order
who cant help but admire the flexibility of ghosts these creatures of uncanny stewardship who while we talk our values live them whove no need of heads ears limbs and hardly genitalia and move without missing their way or being ashamed of their nakedness? who cant adore their vital innocence?
as the only part of humanity worthy of preservation is consciousness ghosts are the reven of this worth and to not pay them due is gross neglect
humans in their vastly oppressive and imbecilic speciescentrism think of ghosts as vaguely human ghastly products of relations of humanity and death or occasionally our close mammalian relatives but everythings ghost radiators poetry pseudevippacana phenomenology thegospelaccordingtoluke twitter zephyrs peritrichousmyxogastridmycetozoa nakshatra
anarchy and art are two means to subvert capitalism that mechanical false monist deaderthandead ghostliness but anarchy being implementable only partially and in the sick monumentalism of society remains a subsidiary of art which is the realm of ghosts and so boundless melancholic ecstatic acedic
ghosts are the origin end and centre of goths their anagram and aureolae sleek fashions of blackness true music of the underground industry of hallucinogenic life and what other industry might there be as all your industrial preoccupations are nothing but productions of our profession of visionary verve?
ghosts are full citizens of the kingdom of god of knowledgeable naiveté of the terror of joy and joy of terror of worms and merdre as delicacies and michelin restaurants as gushed latrines ghosts being inveterately holy aerate the nonearth of earth so we fallen ghosts & ghosts in training can snap our ankles in the little holes of the posing everyday
rabbit holes are the habit roles of ghosts and if youd be a ghost practice falling down
always merdre,
duppy it up,
live them,
practice makes ghostghost,
société acéphale,
the methods and melioratings of turning things into ghosts
as is often typical in cultures that are rootless whose psychic arboreta in vitality stretching from chthonic realms through the phenomenal planes into the ethernity of air have been clearcut for a manufacturing that rabidly obsessively severs life creating displacements that become normalized and so this dishealth reified and pursued what were taught whether in our homes schools institutions temples media networks beds serves catatonic and genocidal orientations of displacement dishealth rootlessness amputation but other knowledges exist and for these while we cant reassemble from the chainsawed pulp the arboreta we can through devious means conjure simulations sidestepping the education of the manufacturing cultures burrowing climbing on revolving rungless ladders gazing into the substance of the nothingness of things and here and there glimpse other ways and however tenuous unstable learn and sometimes share however ignorantly obscurely what weve seen in shadow and dream
but how can or should we speak of knowledges which our minds have been configured to not comprehend of which the very grammars and gestures have been lost if they ever even had the opportunity to manifest before being suppressed lost below the towering clutters of objects and to even begin attempting to dig for them is to likely in these infinite heaps also lose ones mind but isnt this oracular that one must lose ones mind not to find it but as in loss we might see from whatever distance the shapes of those grammars and then however feebly incorrectly think though thats not the word of speaking
to turn things into ghosts one first must turn oneself into one and then the turning becomes quite natural
technology we can name the internet as a prime example but its the entire aperture of technology in its colossal digitalia that divine blink on the face of geological time propels us in these turnings
its long been said by the dispossessed that ghosts are more alive than the living and in this riddle is a truth given to those who pay no worship to the garish sun
but for one turned into a ghost the living too are ghosts and those the common living call ghosts little more than those footnoted in a dissertation on time in a museum of a library of an eternal novel
so for one whos a ghost and for whom technologys at hand the turnings are almost automatic and we pass by one another and who are you in your pretense of materiality?
utopia and uchonia have never been some positing of bliss but the realm of ghosts quite achievable in what you might sometimes call the now and here
not many walk for pleasure through the lesser cemeteries but this ghosts are prone to do and they do it well
to sit in a meeting of business one of power and purpose and the coffee hanging high like little stars and to see nothing there and even the language in the air so diffused each syllables greater than the diameter of time
ghosts talk i feel and their speakings not limited to the plasmatic paragraphs of dreams but you can find it everywhere in whats called waking life in such vitality how to listen to any other speakings?
i could say ghosts for president or i want to date a ghost but why? i already am they already are
this notion that we never were eternally and wont be forever more and in between this cold brief hard life we must grasp for all its worth what sort of mind takes seriously these categories and divisions? things dont begin when theyre created
im not better than the ghost in me im not even different than it i am the ghost and the turnings turned long before i turned
these are some methods and melioratings of turning things into ghosts
recorded for those whove been taken out and cut to be in love with night
in the twitchings between minutes and the rubble of hours
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