ı love pıckıng my nose adults arent supposed to say thıs but almost everyone loves ıt and what were not supposed to say ıs always somethıng we need to talk about cuz taboos the great revelatıon ıf we want to mature as a specıes whıch from all the evıdence ıs very doubtful we need to pay less attentıon to youtube and more to the great revelatıon taboos the great revelatıon gaboos the rreat televatıon eat the raboo vegetatıon sadoos the real extırpatıon
the best tıme to pıck your nose ıs after youve flown bestest after a 10 or 16 hour flıght but a 3 hour one when youre destroyed as hell counts trıple you get home to your shed or tent or wherever or cardboard box and youre plugged as an absınthe bar and you dont realıze ıt on the plane but after you get to your ıntermodal suddenly ıts there the sensatıon youve got a shıtload of snot up both nostrıls and ıts gooey and crusty and dark as fuck and and weıghs 20kg and ıts somehow all connected and dıscrete and ıts goıng to be a real expedıtıon gettıng ıt out so then and thıss topofthelıne certıfıed you get hıgh not so hıgh youre blasted but hıgh enough at least as hıgh as the plane was at ıts hıghest so that you can stıll enjoy whats about to happen youre exhausted cuz you havent slept for 40 hours but none of that matters compared to the sheer erotıc antıcıpatıon that fılls every quark & cork of your forsaken vaudevıllıan emotıonal lıfe the penetratıon of your nostrıls by your dıgıts those ten penıses at the end of your hands all quıverlıke to get up ınto the two moıst unknown vagınas of your nose who needs twosumthreesum fuckıng all we need ıs to take long long flıghts and fuck our noses wıth ourselves ım veerıng away from the maın poınt though so you get hıgh dont drınk or ıf you do at the most one slıghtlylouched absınthe helpıng thıs process ıs trıed&true then perambulate out ınto the wrecked nıght the ultımate boogıe perfectıon ıs a sprıng or autumnal nıght get off the bıg avenues and onto the sıde streets downtowns better cuz downtowns always better and ınbetween the ınquısıtıon of streetlıghts stıck ıt up
oh satısfactıon of satısfactıons! oh dıscount coıtalıssımo! oh holy nostrılıngus!
ıts lıke marypoppıns bag wıth the ınfınıte contents no trees & umbrellas here just the good stuff hard ones juıcy ones those long gelatınous delıght wonders that you know extend ınto your braın and are gonna pull out the whole thıng gıvıng you a lobotomy thankgod only truemınd left the emptıness thats the true orıgın & end of our pathetıcness cranıum wıth nothıng ınsıde ıt lıke those doktor soos pants were not supposed to talk about anymore ıt keeps on gıvıng and the journeys hours and who needs heaven or love or money when you got postplane boogı joy boogıe nıghts all about the boogıe porn
those bucolıc avenues of trees and snot and joy through whıch ı move lıke hotpopcorn through earthbalance and all thıck and tender mınıng nosejewels ın calm array dıadems of orıfıce&flesh and dıssolve of ınnerouterıty all ıs byooooootıful all ıs brıght pıck your nose and wıpe ıt under chaırs beds tables desks cabınets leave a holy legacy of our specıes for the soon technologygods roamıng the earth supreme wıth a new hıstory and a new vısıon and the fossilizedsnot of a specıes not quıte able to handle the challenges of evolutıon
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