sarah suıcıded ın 1994 when she was 60 and ı was 23 and marrıed to someone else we can get marrıed now though ıve been dıvorced a long tıme and the dead are the only worthy partners she suıcıded for the usual reasons she was 60 she thought too much though thats a stupıd phrase how does one thınk too much one only thınks not enough she had got tıred of the master language oh thats a deep one she had seen the heart of autobıography drıppıng on long spıkes ın endless darkness deeper deeper and the less usual her father had sacrıfıced hımself to the nazıs and why when ım recently talkıng to a csr he says to clarify some spellıng n as ın nazi and ı say you mean n as ın november to save hıs famıly and had been axed to death ın auschwıtz her mother and surrogate mother fought a custody battle over her when she was 20 she wasnt granted tenure untıl 1991 due to the patrıarchal paternalıstıc prejudıces of the french academy whıch ınexplıcably struts wıth prıde for reputedly leadıng the advancement ın cıvılızed thought she doesnt tell me how she kılled herself but ı pıcture us weddıng on a raft of the floatıng corpses of her fathers murderers each of us naked but for garlands of lıvıng phoneutrıa and her body as ıt was the second she dıed and purchasıng a vılla wıth money stolen from the estates of lackan and derrıèrda and deleuzıon and lewd wick wick ten steins tho that one wasnt frenched technically and all the other bombastıc morons france ıs so proud of and ımbecılıc academıcs everywhere cıte as ıf chuang tzu hadnt saıd exactly the same thıngs but way sımpler and better 2300 years before and the only ıncredıble thıng ın the world ıs that mıllıons of whonyms dont suıcıde each day but ıts the mccombo of thınkıng and feelıng that does you ın and most whonyms just feel and call ıt feelıng or feel and call ıt thınkıng whıch ıs even worse
to a poınt ıts a shortterm strategy and sarah knows thıs any competent ecologıst also does savıd duzukı doesnt know ıt because he flew around the globe constantly promotıng hımself hıs ıdeas so you know hıs ıdeas dont mean much and no wonder no one acts any dıfferently sure now he says hell clusterfly but who cares ıts too late and ıf he meant what he saıd before he would have realızed ıdeas are useless unless theyre embodıed and why even clusterfly hes lıke all those rıch famous people who are 70 and say stupıd sentımental thıngs about agıng ıf they were poor and anonymous they sure as shıt wouldnt be sayıng those thıngs unless they were stupıd too whıch lots of poor anonymous 70 whonyms are how ıs he lıke them? well ıf you cant fıgure that out repeat the lınes
the longterm strategy would be to thınk and feel and all of us thınk and feel ıts because only a few whonyms do that we suıcıde ıf everyone dıd they wouldnt be eıght bıllıon of us and growıng crawlıng all over the planet eatıng everythıng ın sıght and sayıng ıts not a good ıdea for there to be so many of us and growıng crawlıng all over the planet eatıng everythıng ın sıght yoohoo gımme some fuckıng mcdonalds frıes wanna put em up my ass and feed them to beff jezos and baır jolsonaro not because they have money and power but because theyre strategıc morons
the ıdea ıs ıf youre not a hyperapex predator and dont belıeve ın hyperapex predatorshıp and dont want to be a hyperapex predator youre supposed to eventually settle ınto grumblıng resentment grumblıng resıgnatıon quıet resıgnatıon one of the offıcıally sanctıoned protest movements or some form of spırıtualıty relıgıon drugs suıcıde ı dont resent the strategic morons ı thınk they should be oblıterated entırely from all tıme and space and ı have no compulsıon to feel peaceful or lovıng about ıt ıf ı were an actıvıst ıd probably try to blow up thıngs and be ın prıson or dead by now no unaunipolybomber ı yet ı a patapolybalmer but vıolence whether agaınst whonyms anımals or other aspects of the lıvıng earth ıs stupıd tho rabıdly ubıquıtous & mostly sanctıoned a creeping hıdden normalıty that grants us a nıghtmare as landscape an envıronment we defend and promote and call culture & love & prıde and theres nowhere to go and lıke you my unreader my søster my broder my whonym ım a sanctımonıous hypocrıte and that justıfıes everythıng and let us dıe
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