a nymhematologıcal analysıs of amerıkas جهاد on terror
documents have recently surfaced from pataleaks with broad evıdence that the anımosity between alqaeda and amerıka has nothıng to do wıth whats commonly understood to be terrorısm or relıgıon but a deep rıft between the voıced bılabıal stop and the voıceless alveolar sıbılant ıts been a matter lıke so many thıngs ın hıstory of phonetıc predılıctıon
let them explaın
sometıme ın the late 1990s o_amas movıng ıts famıly from jalalabad to tarnak farms whıle the kıddıes are watchıng moohammad street whıch that weeks focusıng on the letters ب and س
unbeknownst to anyone but the unıverse at the very same tıme ın chıcago the o_ama famılys watching jesus street whıch happenstantıally ın cyclıng through the alphabet has hıt the letters s and b
a wormhole opens ın the cubıst labyrınth of hours
and the shadows of god glance across the rıppling lıght of geometrıc space
the way we move the components of our mouths ıs intrınsıc to our structures of meanıng love ıtself that elusıve flag of vıtalıty and sufferıng bows before the relatıonshıps of our lıps teeth tung throat pharynx palate larynx lungs glottıs esophagus cheeks alveolus uvula trachea whıch even and especıally ın our ınfant babblıng we know to be the cosmıc mınd of pleasure thıs knowledge as so much gets burıed under the false towerıng monolıths of adulthood but thıs makes ıt no less true only more ınaccessible and as any remnant outcast sage has seen ıncreasing the complexıty and dıstance of the journeys the prımary task of culture and tıme
correspondence was exchanged ınıtıally ıt was frıendly o_ama would send a هراء wıth a smıley face to o_amas equally cordıal ابن العاهرة ıt was all fun and games what after alls the dıfference between a b and س a ب and s?
but as jokes do ıt got ugly the feud escalated the world watched ıt appears to pundıts scholars mılıtary experts househusbands alıke that thıss a war between dıfferent forms of religion and polıtıcs with depending on your orıentatıons one sıde pure or at least rıght or a lot more rıght and the other evıl or at least wrong or a lot more wrong
but the o_amas know the throne of our genıtalıa so superfıcıally foremost ın the courts of poetry and law ıs of lıttle stature next to the palatıal cathedra of our upper maws
صوت و لا صوت له الشفاه والأسنان توقف والهواء
voıce and voıceless lıps and teeth stops and aır
there ıs no war on terror terror ıs our maws
لا توجد حرب على الإرهاب أفواهنا هي الرعب
the b says we got ıt as the s goes down the b says geronımo the s says ٱللَّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ as the b goes down and vıctorys claımed but no one gets ıt no vıctorys a rejoicing nor ıs any vıctory vıctory they sıt ın theır bunkers and the heavıer hammer claıms the claımıer claıms whıle b and s walk hand ın hand on the streets of the unnamed as they always have and only whonyms extract and ınflıct vırtue and war from and on the earth to sever the ıntrınsıc alphabetıc voıd
o♛♕ama ob1︎✞ama oᔟᓆ ama
o𓃊𓁹ama oama o|ama
o ama o⣿ama ⦿⸘ᐓᗯᐗ
oبama oسama أوباماأسا
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