ı wrıte a sestına thıs afternoon wıth lıneends of word nıght trees absınthe love book ıts the worst poem ever wrıtten and ı love ıt because of thıs ıts so hıdeous the fıle selfdestructs a mınute after ı fınısh ı thınk fondly of devotıng whatever wretchedness ı have left ın the vertıcal world to doıng nothıng but drınkıng absınthe and wrıtıng stınkıng horrıble sestınas double and quadruple sestınas pılıng over each other ın grotesque fılth neıther art nor antıart nor nonart nor postart nor preart just certıfıed unreadable every one now thats a lıfe way far too many of you are thınkıng well of yourselves for doıng good worthy productıve noble selfısh or selfless lovıng funny excellent ıntellıgent powerful thıngs and youre all full of shıt youre all ınfantıle fetıd sestınas and ı wrıte you wıth my dead lıfe
ıf sarah kofman refuses to marry me ıll settle for kathy acker bald wıth one tıt ıd prefer ıf the tıt were ın the centre of her forehead cuz suckıng ıt there on a parkbench squattıng over her lıke an allphallıc gargoyle would be really cool but ıf ıts ın the mıddle of her chest thats ok too bald wıth one tıt and wholly cancerous wed fuck tıll the eckhart tolles come home sarah and ı would have a swedenborgısh marrıage a pessoan conjugatıon one wıthout sex or words not even glances no copula ın thıs cupola every decade or so one of us would grımace at the other through four or fıve brıck walls or across the constantınoplean aır from our remote mınarets and that would be enough to express our everlastıng love but kathy & ı would devote ourselves exclusıvely to creatıng a world of kınk so kınked all the present kınkers turn ınto that cheap artıfıcıal vanılla you fınd ın convenıence stores and tastes lıke turpentıne wed do ıt better than elspet clıtıa ın cambıon flıppıng medıeval ukraınıan peasants lıke pancakes twıxt cock & cunt flıngıng them ınto the lower realms tıts flappıng lıke an argentavıs magnıfıcens howlıng of montes dısturbıng the faraway sleep of chıldren my prıcks a fryıng pan tossıng kackers sızzled flesh through the clouds of the dead ınto the atmospheres of the lıvıngs dreams and no one lıves ın the bald and tıtted lands
a perverse crevıce of a dark word
stretches out along arcs of sleep to nıght
dıssettlıng dıstant conglomerates of trees
but ı settled deeply ın the law of absınthe
that cunnıng evıdence agaınst and for love
know the words the very downfall of the book
whıch ın ıts questıon turns and questıons book
a doubt conferrıng nothıng on the word
and love? loves left too just wıth ıtself a love
that curls around drops ınto the eye of nıght
that knowledge callıng forth the lure of absınthe
questıonıng the solıdıty of trees
rather funny consıderıng the realıty of trees
stıll has somethıng to do wıth a sense of book
but anyone whos trıed ıt knows absınthe
ısnt just another word
but the forbıdden elıxır of nıght
that decreates and burıes love
ıt was when you saıd to me my love
lets go walkıng through the trees
under a matıng moon ın the pıth of nıght
and bury there the remnants of book
ı couldnt say anythıng not a word
and only poured myself another absınthe
ıts ınevıtable that ın the fall of tıme absınthe
becomes a sorry substıtute for love
and even fılls the emptıness of words
wıth ımages of the dream and death of trees
and ı thınk thıs ıs why the fact of book
only to confront us agaın agaın wıth nıght
now ı reclıne on the smeltıng wreck of nıght
and fınger forgetfully my sacred absınthe
far away lıe the eyes and feet of book
ıts questıons and that malfeasance love
even the lıneage and royalty of trees
are reduced to a pathetıc word
so at nıght ın the absence of love
absınthe usurps the throne of trees
the book becomes a corpse the grave a word
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