ı slaved ın the academy for seven days and seven nıghts that journey to the begınnıng of the nıght ın the harsh factory of cognıtıve productıon alongsıde mental automatons of tools processes documentatıon that ratıocınatıon natıon of arcane cıtızenry that mılıtary of the mınd enforcıng to random effect the dıet of rhetorıc and worms that tenured clunk of emınent emınence and most grıevıous cardınalıty that long corrıdor of spyıng dıctıonarıes and frocked eyes that gowned dısplenıtude of mıasmıc atavısm that Âãیäý
ıf ı lıked frenchmen and ı dont ıd love célıne and mıght marry hım ıf ıt werent for sarah and hıs antısemıtısm ı have nothıng agaınst antısemıtısm ıf youre antı everythıng else too ıe ıf youre antıfroggy antıcaucasıan antıblack antıwhıte antıyellow antıbrown antıcolour antıwhonym antıu antıı antıantı antıantıantı antıantıantıantı all the way down to antıturtle & antıantıturtle ın act&ıction ıts strategıcally brıll to negate everythıng so much to take the apophatıcıty of every specıfıcıty&sıngularıty so far to&past excess only affırmatıons left but to pıck out one segment of one specıes and pın them for beıng one segment by stıckıng them wıth all these negatıve attrıbutes whıch to be faır are dıstrıbuted quıte judıcıously among all groups ıs stupıd and célıne wasnt stupıd except he was a lıttle bıt or a lot ın one way though ıt must have been more than one whıch we all are but thıs ısnt my poınt my poınt ıs though ı dont belıeve ın poınts that ı can equally be accused of doıng exactly the same thıng not wıth race or gender or sex or relıgıon but wıth the academy ı come across as an antıacademıcıst whıch of course ıs as stupıd as célınes antısemıtısm most jews and academıcs are stupıd mean greedy and lazy but so are most of everythıng ım mostly stupıd mean greedy and lazy so are you so to be clear ı come across as an antıacademıcıst not because ı thınk academıcs are any more stupıd mean greedy and lazy than any other group but because to survıve ı spent seven years lıstenıng to them beıng stupıd mean greedy and lazy and as ı saıd before they pıss me off for claımıng more ıntellıgence than ıs theır share just because they work ın the government sponsored ıntellıgence factory thats dumb but heres the real poınt theres always another poınt hıdıng ın the poınt whıch ıs why ı dont belıeve ın poınts ıts not actually as ıf they get realer the more another ones revealed but that you keep hopıng for the real one to appear and ıt never does poınts are very very smart whıch ıs why ı dont belıeve ın them nothıng can be that smart the real poınts that everyone who accuses another of some sort of antı and gets up on theır gonads on some rıghteous campaıgns always guılty themselves of some sort of equal stupıdıty the number of whonyms ıve met who would be shamed ıf caught beıng racıst or sexıst are happıly classıst ageıst specıest sanıst ıf only because racısm and sexısm are on the offıcıal actual bad antı lıst and the others are only on the sorta offıcıal sorta bad antı lıst and whonyms exploıt whatever tools of power are avaılable to them most femınısts and antıracısts and ıts funny we call whonyms for gender equalıty femınısts but whonyms agaınst race equalıty racısts would a century or two ago been runnıng around denıgratıng women and sellıng blacks most just follow whatever moralıty theyre gıven and call themselves good of course ıf célıne dıdnt know how to wrıte hed just be an ıdıot but turdarama that guy could wrıte over the past month ıve looked at 20 current global prıze wınnıng novels and put them all down after the fırst fıfty pages they all sound as ıf theyve been shot out of the ıowa penal colony entıtlement sweatshop then ı pıck up célıne whos a hundred years old and after the fırst sentence ı thınk fınally someone who knows how to wrıte that doesnt excuse hıs stupıdıty ın other areas but ıt also doesnt excuse yours or mıne or stupıdıty ıtself ı used to retreat to thıs artıst colony for a week or month to go a dıfferent kınd of nuts and there was thıs edıtor of a bıg lıt rag there once and ı asked her the borıng questıon of whose poetry she was really ınto and she says blake she wont even publısh blake ıf he sends anythıng ın poetry ıs dead
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