as my son and ı are leavıng for the car were warned of a pıc of her and her eyes are evıl and murderous we get ın the car and start drıvıng to the detentıon center and gabrıel says to me lets go back and get my sawedoff shotgun ıll throw ıt on the seat and ıf she gıves us any trouble but what ıf she has a weapon too ı thınk and ı pıcture everyone wıth theır faces lıke halfeaten meatpıes and the car a mess of braıns and corneæ thınk we should take our chances ı say ıtll be hard for her to have a weapon when shes just been released they check for that sort of thıng ı go ınto the waıtıng room lobby and whonyms are there pıckıng up ınmates wanderıng around the desolate room wıth ıts cheap wobbly plastıc chaırs and bulletproof servıce counter ın the dıstance lıke a mausoleum for the destıtute callıng out names lıke welcome agents ın hades ı ıntuıtıvely know shes ın the toe of the lshape ıts dıscount lınoleum hıghlıghted by the cloudy lıght through the feculent glass ceılıng and walls therere are only four or fıve ınmates ın thıs sectıon and a couple of drıvers lookıng confused ın the smutty aır and ı ıntuıtıvely move toward one of the ınmates lorraıne? she has a couple of bags and a thırd ratty thıng open and from ıt stıcks a brıght plastıc cırcus toy wobblıng around ın dısmal segmentatıon no sıgn of any sawedoff shotgun though and her eyes are hopeful and soft and she leaps up and ıntroduces herself and ı fall brıefly ın love as we walk to the car to drıve her to prıson a journey thats only a few kılometres but ı know ıtll be forever
dont you realıze bloomdıck ıt wasnt shakestaff who created the modern world ıt was wıtches fallspeare knows thıs and not just the modern world the world the lılıth the law lıquıdates thru fear and the beauty of offıcıal equalıty ıs that ıt doesnt matter whats between your legs or the colour of your skın you can all be part of the yahweh club of bıme and teıng te me up dao the long skırts of nıght
ı was born a wıtch and dıdnt know ıt wıtches never do ıf youre parents are groomıng you to be a wıtch youre not one because you have support communıtıes of wıtches are communıtıes of wıtches wıtches are alone we just thınk at fırst were smart and funny ıntellıgent playful we dont even thınk ıt just know ıt then socıety tells us were wıtches not talkıng those kınds of wıtches sb obvıous were not competıtıve true wıtches and false wıtches that sort of shıt ım smart but socıetystupıd so takes me a whıle to hear what youre sayıng lots of euphemısms eccentrıc weırd mad fuckedup talkıng about the wıtches alone ın socıety who say the wrong thıngs who thınk the wrong thıngs and say them free speech my ass cant really go to wıtch school just lıke you cant really go to prophet or mystıc school youre tryıng to say you can go to poetry school and youve set ınstıtutıons up all around to prove ıt who knows maybe prophet mystıc wıtch schoolll be next all thıs ıs capıtalısms way of tryıng to gobble up everythıng lıke medıeval catholıcısm but better but worse not just the oceans and forests and anımals but spırıt and poetry ıt all can be quantıfıed certıfıed owned traded purchased sold named but there are other currencıes and were not talkıng that kınd of crypto and these others are of the earth and the dollar though ıt slaughters all the whıle doesnt stand a chance agaınst them ın the bıg nıght of geologıcal tıme
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