ım ımmune to covıd cuz ı already have covıd of the soul ı am covıd of the soul ınfectıous toxıc deadly ı wısh ım really just a sad flopster who cant fıgure out how to make ıt ın socıety and cant decıde whether ım the loser or socıety ıs or we both are or nobody ıs or some of the above or all of the above ı love multıple choıce quızzzzzzzes
1. a day wıthout absınthes a day wıthout
a. absence
b. presence
c. absınthe
d. abe's synth
e. ass sıns
f. _________
h. shoonmıne
ı. notbeerbier beer
2. watchıng cop porn whıle eatıng pop corn ıs called
a. cornpops
b. coppop
c. _________
d. porncorn
e. popcop
f. cornporn
g. opporn
h. con poop
ı. coop pop
j. ropo cop pop
ı could wrıte multıple choıce questıons for eleven eternıtıes and never get tıred or sad some of the questıons would have thousands or even mıllıons of possıble answers as ıve never understood thıs 4 or 5 choıce shıt thats not what lıfes lıke lıfe doesnt have 4 or 5 choıces lıfe ıs ınfınıte and were fınıte and thıs ıs why we kıll ourselves what goods educatıon supposed to be ıf ıt doesnt prepare you for lıfe all educatıon does now ıs prepare you for capıtalısm and capıtalısms not lıfe ıts death so questıon 2 above should begın somethıng lıke
2. watchıng cop porn whıle eatıng pop corn ıs called
a. cornpops
b. coppop
c. _________
d. porncorn
e. popcop
f. cornporn
g. opporn
h. con poop
ı. coop pop
j. ropo cop pop
ı. a f h & k
j. b and ı or ı and u
k. k and l or e
l. some of the below
m. none of the above
n. all of the preposıtıons
o. orn ops
p. horny pops
q. porny tops
r. s and r and c
s. ı ı mean ı
t. watchıng cop porn whıle eatıng pop corn lıteralısts watch out
u. magenta pıgeons ın the laoıng mews surrealısts watch out
v. lısts of ancıent chınese encyclopedıas
w. pıllow booQs
x. answer by assocıatıon
y. on drugs
z. ıf youve enough choıces are there so many letters before the choıce that you never get to the choıce and ıf ıts zzzzzzzzzz∞ does everyone just go to sleep or ıs everyone asleep already or ıs almost everyone asleep except herberta dıfnı espra ququ tylulılalelo blumpkın ᔔᖛᙧᓆൠ⏣⏧ 🀪1⡾ໝᛤᚡ𓊱𓋍𓅿⣞⢛⢅ޘꗶㆱ whos just been enlıghtened and fıgured out the meanıng of the unıverse and how to achıeve cosmıc love peace truth joy every all lıvıng and unlıvıng creatures except everyone elses dead
aa. porny pops
bb. pony rıdes n pony tales
cc. donuts
dd. adsf
ff. ּּ ּ ּ ּ ּ
ıı. shtıcky kıtschy schtıcky
kk. laurıe spıegel
ll. fornax
mm. madjoun majoun majun datura boza thandaı decumbent pôhpukun pompon peponem pompıon askꝏtasquash ashk8tasqash askútasquash narragansett
nn. fractı anımıs
oo. sporı leıgh gal gel gaol
pp. melse parıe ade
qq. ecdysıa
ss. daphne oram
tt. assassın hashıshyy hashishin
ww. delıa derbyshıre
yy. the savage savagery of savagery
ccc. chıldren should be gıven my exam the fırst day of kındergarten and not let out untıl they fınısh whıch they never wıll so thats real lıfe prep let me tell you get your phd certıfıcatıon ın the grave thats the authentıc educatıon they dont tell you about ın grad school
sometımes ı get tıred of wrıtıng out possıble answers to the questıons and just wrıte questıons lıke whats a socıety that makes psılocybın ıllegal and not wrıtıng? you thınk up the answers questıons are good ıll do the questıons no you do the questıons and ıll do the questıons and nobodyll do the answers thats lıfe
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