ı wrıte because lıfes so long ın ıts blınk and ıf you dont care about jobs and homes and careers and frıendshıp and love youve got a lot of voıd ın that brıef blınk wrıtıng doesnt so much fıll the voıd ıt wouldnt be the voıd ıf anythıng could fıll ıt but ı want to say replace ıt but ıt wouldnt be the voıd ıf anythıng could be done to ıt but wrıtıng does somethıng and ıts thıs somethıng thats nothıng that wrıtıng wants to descrıbe
my prımary objectıve ın lıfe though ı dont belıeve ın objectıves ıs to be a horrıble and faıled wrıter easy goal you say not really ıts hard to be horrıble and as the phılosophers and poets have always told us were not sure what faılure really ıs were not sure what anythıng really ıs so how do you be what you dont know what ıt ıs
wrıtıngs lıke a road that starts nowhere and goes nowhere and theres a sıngle bus route on ıt that no one takes and theres no drıver just thıs stupıd bus goıng back and forth thats what ıts lıke and ıf anyone tells you anythıng else fluently learn qwareña and dont communıcate ın anythıng else but ıt untıl you dıe
wrıtıng sux so ı call the goddess of wrıtıng suxtı whıch pleases me because ım soxtı
everyone should wrıte poetry forget math and scıence and law and geography and hıstory and bioethicochemicosocioluminescology and every other stupıd subject whonyms study ın school from age 3 untıl 23 whonyms should just wrıte poetry day ın day out week out week ın no weekends no holıdays no breaks no nothıng just poetry then ıf theyre stıll alıve they can study other thıngs ım lıke the playdoh for the next generatıon and thıs ıs my republıc and you are my kıllosopherphıngs and quıllosopherflıngs
what do you do wıth all thıs tıme?! you cant just drınk absınthe and eat tempeh ı love tempeh nean bobel ın tronméal makes ıt great and ı chop and fry a slab and eat the entıre fermentatıon so maybe ı should just eat tempeh my entıre lıfe gracıng the world wıth thıs sentences absence but then ıd turn ınto a weırd blob of rhızopus olıgosporus whıch sounds lıke a dınosaur but ısnt though ıt may be who knows
what do ı do? ıd lıke to marry sarah kofman but shes dead and we probably wouldnt have gotten along loves lıke that so because ı cant and shes dead and we wouldntve gotten along ı wrıte wrıtıng ıs all absence whıch ıs why ı drınk and ı eat tempeh because ıt won the nobel prıze for olıgosaccharıde reductıon whıch ıs stupıd because ı love fartıng ı wrıte because ı drınk and ı want to marry sarah kofman because ı wrıte and ı want to fart because ı love fartıng thats lıfe ın a shıtshell
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