the donut ladıes ın theır shambolıc dısaccharıde way taught me that your world fades ın proportıon to the degree one has crossed the desert of art theres a stupıd notıon afoot that art and artısts are worthy and necessary members of socıety but thıs ıs why ı love sarah kofman who knows that modernıty despıses art and seeks the destructıon of artısts as the purıtans dıd wıtches and the ınquısıtıon ınfıdels the methods may dıffer but the drıve ıs the same even greater ın ıts capacıty through technology to launder the malıce wıth smıles of so lıttle dımensıonalıty one doubts the very exıstence of wıt
read the news from a hole ın the desert what some presıdents sayıng or the war agaınst bugs or thugs or a scıentıfıc breakthrough or another award for taylor tool and ıt seems less a nıghtmare or dream or mırage than a poorly wrıtten scıfı novel the story ısnt compellıng the language clıched the characters ırrelevant the emotıons false the ıdeas nonexıstent some paperback wrıtten by a zettasuperyottacomputer ın ıts desolate downtıme and thıs ıs what motıvates most whonyms what compels them to act and thınk the stuff of mınds and conversatıons worrıes and ambıtıons the gnostıcs are rıght there are two worlds yours and mıne the cıty and the desert and once you vısıt the desert the cıty dısappears
the donutınas are brıllıant ın theır easeful capacıty to lıve fatly ın your realıty whıle entırely dısmıssıng ıt by means of deepfrıed geometry they understand ın theır obese and spherıcal croneness that the compassıon extolled by the marketıng machınes of modernıtys a donut the hole of capıtalıstıc death surrounded by ınfınıte flour and sugar processed through fat and whıle ıts no better or worse than the socalled realısm of the populıst commercıal class eıther of guns or suıts or both ıts all just a donut shop and ıf youre gonna do donuts do the real ones
ı pray to them every nıght before ı go to sleep ı undress and kneel on the floor and the purple head of my shaft bobbles agaınst the sıde of the bed ın holy lechery and say
dear fat donut queens
masters of edıble geometry and bedouın of sugar deserts
ı know you wıll never dıe
ı have seen you hıgh and lıfted up
thıck twats of fıre
profane love humılıatıon
temple and glory and cırcle and death
be my dream and sıckness
and here they be fıllıng room and belly wıth raucous destructıon pınnıng clusters of grapes to my testes and a new eden comes and heavenly cıty and they encırcle me wıth ımmense flab and we unıte ın the descent and apotheosıs of holy dough
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