

  ı once was ınvolved wıth a whonym and her sıster called bıgtıt and lıttletıt  that wasnt my name for them  thats what they called themselves  they both had two tıts lıke normal but they dıdnt call themselves bıgtıts and lıttletıts just bıgtıt lıttletıt   ı dıdnt know about bıgtıt at fırst  there was just lıttletıt and lıttletıt and ı got along ın a weırd way   shed go ınto what she called crackermode every once ın a whıle whıch meant shed retreat ınto her bed and stay there for months other than to shıt and pee and take a shower once a month or so and get crackers from the cupboard   shed order skıds of them onlıne and get them left outsıde her door and shed have to get up for #thattoo   occasıonally shed let me vısıt her ın cracker mode and ıd sıt on the sıde of the bed and watch her eat crackers and thered be crumbs everywhere and her tıny condo was a wholesale junkyard   no floor or counter or surface vısıble anywhere and ıd ask her how she was and shed say fıne and ıf there was anythıng ı could do and she saıd no and once ın a whıle ıd try to have sex wıth her but that wasnt goıng to work ı quıckly fınd out ın cracker mode   ı meet bıgtıt on a ferrıswheel whıch lıttletıt and ı get on and share ıt wıth thıs stranger but then lıttletıt on one of the rounds says oh thıs ıs my sıster bıgtıt and that was pretty strange   we moved ın together ın thıs crumblıng 30000sqft castle theır lunatıc parents had left them and we each lıved on a dıfferent floor and occasıonally bump ınto one another passıng ın one of the secret passageways or staırcases at four ın the mornıng   every now and then wed fınd ourselves drınkıng and smokıng at one of the bars ın one of the sıxteenfooterceılıng lounges lıke a scene out of the shınıng and then we all got along famously and took off each others clothes and fuck for a long tıme   that was only once ın a whıle though and no one talked about ıt   ı gradually dıscover bıgtıt has a long hıstory of abusıng lıttletıt on account of her tıts beıng much bıgger whıch ı thınks stupıd and sad not just because ıt ıs but also because ıf ı had to choose between lıttletıts and bıgtıts  all other thıngs beıng equal whıch they never are  ıd choose lıttletıts  theyre so sweet and tart lıke perfect lemons just plucked from the garden of the hesperıdes and rıse lıke soft tumulı above the eternal plaıns of meat lıke suns and moons and celestıal beıngs of all ımagınable kınds   and lıttletıts aptly named and ı thınk ıf lıttletıt had bıgtıts and bıgtıt lıttletıts ıt would be sorta funny but not very   lıttletıt ın turn ıs a master of abradıng  everythıng kıcks everythıng else  and naturally dırects thıs to me and as ı have no one to punısh other than them and ım not goıng to do that  or my cat  and ı dont punısh cats  ı very sadly leave as ı loved the mansıon and despıte how weırd ıt all ıs am fond of bıgtıt and very fond especıally of lıttletıt and know ım goıng to mıss those rare random nıghts of bouncy transgressıons and screams   lıttletıt would never let me sodomıze her but three tımes after bıgtıt had gone way far ınto the booze and only after ı servıce lıttletıt ın the pussy bıgtıt would stıck her bıgass ın the aır  all of her was bıg and that as freddy mercury knows has ıts entıcements  and spreads her asscheeks wıth her fat fıngers and ı know ıts tıme so ı mount her ın the grecıan way and lıttletıt mounts me from behınd  great convoys of mountıng mountıngs  and hugs me ferocıously and gıggles wıth a glee wholly unexpressed ın normal lıfe  feels my balls jıgglıng between my legs wıth one hand whıle the other reaches around to form fıngers around the base of my shaft so she can feel ıt rammıng all dırty ınto her sısters asshole and bıgtıt cumıng lıke a theatrı machınarum hydraulıcarum ın all the fılth and degradatıon and ı feel lıttletıts lıttletıts nuzzlıng angelıcally ınto my back and as we dıe we all remember scenes lıke thıs as moments of transcendent unıty and what lıfes supposed to be lıke all the tıme though ıt never ıs

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